Does Trump Encouraging his followers to give him the “Seig Heil Salute” bother anyone?

I’ve said this so many times now it’s hardly worth repeating, except that it very CLEARLY is! The upcoming elections – and, I’m talking about well beyond this November’s mid-terms – will be critical to the future of this nation. Not only do “we the people” need to elect democratic majorities in both houses of Congress (plus the “White House”) but we need to elect LARGER majorities – especially in the Senate. I say this because this year’s election could hinge on the response to the “Dobbs” decision of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade – but, as the saying goes, “we aint seen nothin yet!”

This present court is RULED by ideologues who are not only way off to the right of the mainstream in America, they are YOUNG! They’re going to be there for years to come. Think about this Neil Gorsich occupies the seat which SHOULD be held by Merrick Garland (let’s hope that comes back to “bite” MAGA republicans), Brett Kananaugh was credibly accused of committing sexual assault and gave an embarrassing performance in his confirmation hearing, and Amy Coney Barrett had her nomination rushed through during the 2020 election just weeks after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg – all three of them could be credibly accused of LYING during the confirmation hearings regarding “stare decisis” and their respect for “prededent.” Add to that Clarence Thomas is married to a possible co-conspirator in the attemtped coup d’etat of January 6th, 2021. And, I have to also add, I believe Samuel Alito was just waiting for more right wingers so he could institute his personal agenda on “we the people.”

I say that because, especially if you’re one of the MILLIONS of Americans who don’t pay much attention to politics, ANY time “we the people” get weak-kneed and allow republicans to control the Congress in, say, the next GENERATION, the danger exists that this 6-3 right wing majority could get worse. My personal hope is that those investigating the January 6th coup attempt will follow through with the investigation into Ginni Thomas which clearly, with what is already public knowledge, is a connection to Trump’s attempt to overthrow the government. For heaven’s sake, in her recent testimony to the 1/6 Committee it was reported she re-iterated her belief “the election was stolen.” Do you really believe in the 24 months encompassing the lead up to the coup attempt to her testimony of a few days ago she didn’t talk to Clarence about this? The only way I could respond to that is “Come on man!”

Ms. Thomas has been quoted as calling her husband her “best friend” and she’s also been quoted as saying she shared her thoughts only with her “best friend.” Of course, she denies she EVER talks to her husband about her politics, but, if you believe that I’ve got a bridge…………… OK, you know the rest. Here’s who she was “hanging out with” right before the election and all of the texts we now know she sent to Mark Meadows – Connie Hair, the chief of staff of Louie Ghomert – yeah, the man many consider the STUPIDEST member of Congress and one who is plum full of conspiracy theories. (You know, like the one Ms Thomas actually believed about Joe Biden – and other democrats – being sent off the coast of Guantanimo and executed – YIKES!! Who believes that kind of nonsense? Well, Ginni Thomas for one! And, her husband?????

If Mr. Thomas was forced to resign from the court that would balance things out a bit and, then, the situation wouldn’t be quite as dire – but, when you see the commitment of republicans to flood the judiciary with idealogues and partisans – there can be no let up in the importance of refusing to vote these people into positions of POWER – as I said – for a GENERATION. (If you’ve been following the rulings of Aileen Cannon in Trump v the United States you’ve seen a good example of what “conservatives” view as a “judge”) The reality is there are enough gerrymandered districts in the U.S. that the House of Representatives will, likely, always be at risk. For example, in the 2022 mid-terms I can see the possibility the TOTAL vote count for democrats running for the House could exceed 10 MILLION more votes than republicans and democrats could still lose their majority.

However, as it’s the Senate which confirms members of the Court, it’s much more important for democrats to control the Senate than the House. And, I’m talking, again, for the next GENERATION – or until either the court is expanded or a couple of the right wing judges retire or are impeached. Impeached you ask, incredulously? Well, in reality, Judge Kavanaugh allegedly LIED during his confirmation hearing which would not only make him a candidate for IMPEACHMENT, but also could lead to a CRIMINAL charge – LYING before Congress. Will this ever be followed up?

Highly unlikely, but, there is a “wave” of young people coming onto the political scene in America – people fully invested in the ideals from which the present day republicans live in fear – like, for example, Health Care issues (including, WOMEN’S health issues) the CLIMATE CRISIS – how many Hurricanes, Wildfires, etc. need to cause BILLIONS upon BILLIONS in damage before it registers with “conservatives?” (Not to mention the loss of life and the THREAT to the Earth’s very future) – How many MASS shootings must happen before sensible gun reform takes shape? – and, I’m talking, for instance, of an assault weapons ban – How large does the national debt have to grow before we grow our economy from the bottom up and tax the WEALTHY in fair accordance to their WEALTH? (Instead of the other way around) How many Americans must live without fulfilling their God given potential before we make public education FREE through four years of State College? (Heck, in Denmark, they PAY people to go to college! That’s called INVESTING in your people! I could go on and on, but I think (hope) you get the idea.

“Conservatives” will be shouting “Communism” or “Socialism” via their propaganda megaphones like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” “Breitbart,” etc, etc. all the while attempting to convince whoever is susceptible to their “stuff” that they are not only “conservative,” but they also claim to be “Christian.” Well, to the “Christian” in them – as they are spewing this garbage propaganda, I would suggest a reading of Acts Chapter II in the New Testament. “44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,” Socialism? Communism? Pisha!

Republicans, in my view, long ago forfeited the right to expect “we the people” to believe a word they say. I’ve heard most all of my life that “all politicians lie.” Well, likely true – because I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone who could credibly suggest they’d never told a LIE. (I believe the fairy tales about George Washington and the “Cherry Tree” for example, are just that, fairy tales) However, I do believe it is true there are honorable men and women in this world – including some who end up in politics. It’s just that republicans have fallen so FAR “off the wagon” that LYING has become NECESSARY for their existence. To me, this is exactly why Donald Trump became the de facto leader of their party. While he was in office he was LYING at such a clip it was almost impossible to keep up with tallying all the “misstatements” – as they were called by the team at the Washington Post who kept track. By the time Trump left office the total was in excess of 35,000 LIES! As the saying goes, when Trump’s lips are moving, he’s LYING!

Once again, I have to add here, while I do believe Trump is a pathological LIAR, i find the republican party’s adherence to the LYING more calculating. I’ve long suggested republicans adopted the “Big Lie Theory” of the Nazi’s in WW II – concocted by none other than Hitler, himself, I believe in “Mein Kampf” – where stating a LIE over and over will lead to people eventually believing it’s true. I actually sometimes believed Trump actually got to the point where he would believe his own LIES as the words rolled off his tongue. This is why, for example, his lawyers refused to allow him to be questioned by the Mueller investigation because they believed, at a minimum, he would LIE to the investigators. They actually considered him a f@#king LIAR!

My point is the republicans don’t deserve for “we the people” to believe a word they say. It’s as if they fully believe “we the people” are STUPID! And, are they correct? I guess that remains to be seen. I would say it’s safe to say their “base” is showing all the signs of STUPIDITY because, for example, most of the MAGA republicans I know, when I suggest to them Trump is a LIAR, they say something like “no way.” He LIES directly to their FACES and they cheer. Many of these people were devotees of Rush Limbaugh and willingly called themselves “ditto heads.” To me, admitting their inability to think for themselves. And, when I force myself to listen to (as much as I can stomach of) Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson I just cringe that this kind of raw propaganda can survive in 21st century America.

And, trust me, I fully understand, Biblically speaking it says, “Judge not lest ye be judged,” and as I was listening to the sermon at the Church I attend today I was reminded, ONCE AGAIN – it’s difficult for me to be “all in” simply because there are so many Christians I can’t force myself to trust. For example, racism has become a “non-starter” for me (I was raised by an overtly racist father) and, to me, you can’t be a MAGA republican without “courting” racism, opposition to health care has become a “non-starter” for me, opposition to the Climate Crisis, opposition to assault weapons – essentially, you could sum it up as being a republican (with rare and welcomed exceptions) has become an issue for me. Every republican I know watches Fox “news” – which says it all! (Well, I do know a few who watch “Newsmax”)

Virtually EVERY MAGA republican causes me to simply turn away. Along with the issues I mentioned above, for example, listening to republicans complain an election – which was free and fair – was stolen makes me want to gag. And, on top of that, supporting suppressing the votes of African Americans – because you don’t believe they should have the right to vote (when their ancestors “immigrated” here well before NEARLY every MAGA republican – not that that should matter) repulses me. And, Oh, by the way, now republicans are going after the voting rights of young people and old people, like me, who might vote for democrats. I can’t help but “judge” that behavior – and, could NEVER approve it!

The bottom line, for me, is Donald Trump has been attempting to tear down our fundamental values and norms for the past 6 years – “deconstructing the administrative state” – as Steve Bannon – American’s ambassador of fascism – and, as I’ve been saying for YEARS – there is a war going on for the heart and soul of this nation. Trump “lanced the boil” and brought people like David Duke, Don Black, Marjorie Taylor Green, Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, Matt Gaetz, and sadly (I’m afraid) from my own district – soon to be embarrasment in D.C., Joe Kent into the “mainstream” of American politics. To me, our so-called “liberal media” isn’t sophisticated enough to call this for what it is. They’re still fooled by Fox “news” so-called “fair and balanced” LIE. Remember, no matter where it’s coming from, it’s still CORPORATE media.

To me, step one in the defense of our democratic republic will take place this coming November and MOST of the pundits and prognosticators are predicting exactly what I’m hoping here WON’T happen – that progressives FAIL to turn out in numbers large enough to STOP, at least for now, this right wing PLAGUE which has been spreading across America for the last few decades – in my mind, since the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. It’s almost as if, in America, things have to be at the critical stage – analogy: the forest has to be on fire – before it gets the attention of enough poeple to do something about it. Have we reached that point? We’ve got about 40 days left before we find out.

If you’ve noticed, one of the two links I have on this site goes to the “Daily Kos,” a progressive blog. Aside from the small dollar donations I make to various candidates (unleashing THOUSANDS of emails into my inbox) for the past couple of elections I’ve been writing letters to people identified by the “Kos” as potential voters encouraging them to participate. (I also give $5 per month to the “Kos”) These letters are sent in a non–partisan manner – simply encouraging them to particiapate in the election. (I’m sure the targeted voters are progressive leaning – but, I simply encourage them to vote)

I will send 20 letters in about three weeks and I encourage anyone else who is trying to find a way to help out in this election to log into the “Daily Kos.” This only takes an hour or two to write the letters (they help – plus they have other ways to volunteer) and the cost is just 20 “forever” stamps and 20 envelopes. Just a thought if you’re wondering how you can help. If enough people volunteer, who knows? Maybe we can STOP the MAGA republicans from doing to America what Hitler failed to do in WW II! (Think that’s hyperbole? Check out Trump’s recent “rally” in front of a bunch of QAnon freaks – where they were giving him the “Seig Heil Salute.” Trump is full on into the QAnon conspiracy nonsense now!)

Final Thought: A while back I wrote my thoughts about the issue of abortion. This was prior to the Supreme Court overturning Roe V Wade, although I knew that was their (republicans’) objective. I pointed out, in my earlier life (I’m now 75), the first pregnancy I was involved in ended in a miscarriage. My wife started to bleed vaginally as her body was attempting to reject the fetus which had died. I rushed her to the hospital and they did a procedure which, in essence, was an abortion. It never crossed my mind, at the time, it was an abortion because neither of us would have even considered “such a thing.” So, since the overturning of Roe and the subsequent draconian legislation popping up all across the country – including republicans proposing to make a NATIONAL “abortion” ban, I’ve given the topic even MORE thought and I’ve heard many similar instances which have led to critical threats to women’s health.

Now, in numerous states, we would have been PREVENTED from having the procedure which, thankfully, eventually allowed for two beautiful daughters to be born subsequent to that horrible day. There are states where my wife (at the time) would have been forced to carry the DEAD fetus until such time as she would have been at a critical stage regarding her LIFE. In fact, there are some states which don’t even include an exception to save the life of the MOTHER! To me, all of that is unthinkable. There are SO many ways these abortion bans are negatively impacting the health of WOMEN all across America – it’s, well, disgusting! I predicted, prior to the Court overturning Roe that combined with the January 6th Committee hearings and the Roe decision that might just be the impetus to swing the election in November against the trends being predicted by the prognosticators. There are, after all, a LOT of WOMEN in America – over 50% of the population by my “last count.” There’s not much I could agree with Liz Cheney prior to the 1/6 Committee, but I do agree that it appears to be time for WOMEN to assert themselves more into leadership positions in our national government. How could they do worse than men she’s around in today’s republican party?

OK, I have to add: I didn’t think I was going to believe this when Joe Biden ran for president. I actually like Biden and believe he came around at just the right time. While the political forces in America were knocking heads after Biden had done HIS first IMPERATIVE, which was defeating Trump – and the so-called “liberal media” was doing – I don’t know what – Biden was governing. The Covid Releif Bill, to me, was the best piece of legislation aimed at “the bottom up middle out” that I could remember since, well – dating back to the days of LBJ. He got us out of Afghanistan – and, don’t bore me with the “it was messy.” What the hell would you expect? One of Trump’s last actions as our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president was SURRENDERING to the Taliban. And, based on the agreement Trump made with the Taliban, it’s a miracle it wasn’t “messier.” Yes, there were people left behind, but that was simply going to happen – and, it was either “get out” or send in another 20,000 or so troops. A surge was a “non-starter!”

Biden’s biggest problem was the Senate “majority” was of the thinnest kind. And, with Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema (to me, Sinema worse than Manchin) it was impossible to pass anything which required even a “carve out” of the filibuster. Will all the voter suppression laws passed in various states make it impossible for democrats to win in places like Georgia, Texas, Arizona, or other “swing states?” Very possibly, unless progressives vote in record numbers come Nobember. But, the Biden Administration got more legislation passed in its first two years than, again, any administration I can remember – back to LBJ.

They got the infrastructure bill passed with republicans who voted against it taking credit all across this land (there were, of course, republicans who voted FOR it! – a miracle in itself). They got a “Chips bill” passed bringing the manufacturing of computer chips back to America, they got the so-called “inflation fighting” bill passed – or some such name as that – which contained a START in Climate Crisis legislation and they got a bill aimed at gun violence – much less than needed – but, a “start” passed, along with bills to address medical needs of veterans plus MORE. After all that, it appeared maybe Biden was actually going to address the serious nature of what’s at stake this NOVEMBER and agressively campaign! A very busy schedule. An ACTUAL president!

But, maybe the MOST important thing Biden accomplished – in the face of a tyrant in Moscow ILLEGALY invading her neighbor – and, of course, I’m talking about our 21st Century “Hitler,” Vladimir Putin sending war CRIMINALS into the sovereign nation of Ukraine – was unifying and mobilizing the NATO alliance to come to the aid of Ukraine and make it clear if Putin went “one inch” onto NATO soil he would face the full wrath of the entire European NATO alliance – the one Trump had come close to undermining. I believe the History books may call this Biden’s greatest achievement no matter how the rest of his term in office ends up. Remember, I’ve used the STUPID term in reference to many of my countrymen (I’m sure they might respond in kind) but, traditionally, in America, politics ends at the water’s edge (The Ocean if you’re, well ST…………). Of course, just another “norm” upended by MAGA repubublicans. in fact, there are many republicans who’ve sided with Putin in this ILLEGAL invasion. (Yep, I’m talking about you Tucker Carlson and, of course Putin’s greatest fan, Trump himself – Trump called Putin’s invasion “genius” – although, remember, he called himself a “genius.”) Many republican “officials” have expressed their “America First” frustration with Biden coming to the aid of Ukraine!

Not only is NATO stronger than anytime in my memory (maybe back to the fall of the Soviet Union) but, Putin’s adventurism has caused both Finland and Sweden to request to be included in the ALLIANCE. And, of course, Ukraine is trying to become part of the European Union and, when all is said and done I believe Ukraine will become part of NATO. Putin is now threatening to use nuclear weapons, but, I believe, even that is a really poor idea for Russia – and, I believe there are people in Russia who are more level headed than Putin who will put a stop to him before the rest of the world does it for them. A nuclear war is a devil’s bargain – and, if the Russian “nukes” are anything like their military – well, I don’t want to speculate because I hope it doesn’t come to that – but, stopping Putin in his tracks was imperative and it appears the Russian troops are presently on the “run.” The Ukrainians are incredibly courageous and, to me, much smarter than their Russian counterparts – but, the bottom line is Joe Biden has provided the leadership necessary to STOP Putin in his “tracks.”

Of course, the American people (and, again, to me, a large segment of our “liberal media”) are busy complaining about “inflation” and “high gas prices” – when “inflation” is a world wide issue – far worse in most places than America – and, compared to the rest of the world, our gas prices are NOT “high.” That’s a topic for another day, but Biden is attempting to stop WW III and, it appears, successfully (although, we won’t know for sure for a bit yet) and the American people SHOULD be giving him high marks for his world wide leadership. Will it happen? Probably not! But, my prediction is, the HISTORY books will give President Biden the high marks he deserves. (Fox “news” and the other right wing propagandists I’ve mentioned above continue to (using the “Big Lie Theory”) paint Joe Biden as an old (he is old – older than me) feelbly minded soul. (Of course, he’s much more physically active and mentally acute than Trump ever thought of being – go figure!) They make “fun” of the reality Biden is a stutterer! Surprise, surprise! Some of these republicans are rotten to the core!

That all being said, someone like Gavin Newsome is looking better all the time to me, as a national leader! I, also, believe it’s time for younger leadership – it just can’t come from the republican party – unless, for example, someone like Liz Cheney would emerge. While I fully disagree with her politics, there can be no doubt she’s got guts and she’s willing to put her principles and her oath to the constitution above her position in Congress! Well, you’re right, I’ve digressed!

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