When will someone in the “mainstream media” point out Ginni Thomas was part of the CONSPIRACY to overthrow our government!

Shortly after Donald Trump took the oath of office for the office of President of the United States back in 2017 I wrote: “Trump will come to rue the day he chose to run for the office of president.” Well, I believe that day likely has come. For God’s sake, let’s get this out of the way: Trump is CORRUPT up to his eyeballs! It appears the authorities, who seem to work at a “snail’s pace,” are FINALLY closing in on our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. For anyone paying attention it’s no surprise the investigations seem to be virtually EVERYWHERE. There’s the investigation from the Fulton County DA regarding Trump’s (along with his sycophants) attempt to overturn the presidential election in Georgia, the pending civil suits – most prominently coming from New York’s AG which very well could put an END to the Trump Organization, the Manhattan DA (who seems timid in charging Trump with the FELONIES his former investigators said publicy were committed), The Southern District of New York’s US Attorney’s office and the IRS – both who received CRIMINAL referrals from New York’s AG’s office – and, of course the Justice Department’s investigations into the STOLEN Top Secret documents plus the January 6th INSURRECTION ivestigation.

Astonishingly, the republican party has degraded to the point where many are, apparently, threatening violence should Trump be indicted for ANY of the above CRIMINAL activity. For heaven’s sake, Trump has been “allegedly” violating the laws of this great land, in essence, his entire life. Members of the republican party – meaning, those who have been elected to Congress – have succumbed to the thirst for POWER they think comes with bowing to the knee of someone as disgusting at Trump. Plus, republicans all across this land continue spewing the nonsense that Trump is still the president. If you haven’t been watching close enough, Trump and his minions believe the votes from areas where there is a large number of African Americans voting shouldn’t count. Something, in their minds, is terribly wrong when these people are not only allowed to vote, but are encouraged to vote.

Naturally, republicans in state legislatures all across America have been busy passing laws which are intended to make it more difficult for “people or color,” young people, and elderly people in areas where there are many democrats more difficult to cast their ballots. This should give anyone with any knowledge of history a bit of a “red flag” as to what these people are up to. To me, it’s obvious – they want to make changes to our system which will allow the next coup d’etat to succeed. For me it’s hard to believe that states like Georgia and Arizona have passed laws which will allow their legislatures to send the “fraudulent set of electors” to the next Congress as the “real set of electors.” That is, if they don’t like the results of the election, they’ll simply change it. In Georgia (and, likely elsewhere) republican members of the legislature are already busy purging poll workers so that they can put in their own sycophants. Yikes!!!

Again, if you’re paying attention to the WORLD of politics, you know that, first, Tucker Carlson held his Fox “news” show in Hungary kissing up to Viktor Orban and, subsequently, the republicans invited Orban to speak at their CPAC get together. They also, invited the newly elected neo-FASCIST prime minister of Italy, Georgia Meloni to speak at one of their gatherings a while back. She has been publicly seen with America’s neo-fascist leader Steve Bannon who seems to pop up around any of the European right wing neo-fascist leaders like Orban, Meloni, France’s Marine le Pen, and, likely, others. There can be no doubt there is a neo-fascist movement all across Europe (including, sadly, Sweden) and, as I’ve pointed out many times on this site, Trump is the “linchpin” of all this, because if he can turn America into a fascist nation then the world will be facing what Hitler and Musolini failed to accomplish back in the 1930’s and during WW II.

I really hope Americans are paying attention to all of this. Most of us who are “baby boomers” had parents who participated in stopping Hitler and Musoline in WW II. My father, apparently, did hiis service in the Pacific in the fight against the Japanese. He NEVER talked to me about what he endured in his service. I can only imagine what it was, but he just didn’t want to talk about it – likely because of the memories it would stimulate. The bottom line is people like my father FOUGHT the Germans, Italians, and Japanese in WW II largely to prevent the spread of fascism to this nation (and Europe) – and, now, it’s back again (fascism, that is). I’ve written about this many times in the past year pointing out how the word “fascism” is used recklessly by republicans who seem to have no idea what fascism actually is. What Trump, Bannon, Putin, and others are pushing is a return to fascism in a way Hitler and Musolini failed back in the Second World War.

On that note, I’ve written numerous times about the critical nature of ALL the upcoming elections regarding keeping republicans from gaining control of the “White House” or Congress. If you haven’t noticed the POWER republicans have accomplished by STACKING the Supreme Court with right wing idealogues, well, you just have had your head in the sand. Trust me, the next Court session will include MORE decisions based on the political “whims” of the right wing politicians who put them in POWER. And, I have to add, sadly, the word POWER. That, of course should NEVER be the case with a Judge at any level, let alone on our nation’s highest court. But, the reality is this court MAJORITY will be there well beyond my lifetime. Voters MUST prevent the court’s majority from “growing” – which can only happen via a series of elections where “we the people” vote against republicans.

Today, for example, gave a great look into why it’s so important to vote AGAINST republicans. I’ve been writing for the past year (since her text messages to Mark Meadows became public) that Ginni Thomas, wife of Judge Clarence Thomas, seems to be a “shoo in” should the Justice Department charge Trump and his co-conspirators of SEDITIONS conspiracy, of being part of that conspiracy. I’ve defined a conspiracy AND SEDITION several times and, to me, there’s no doubt Ms. Thomas was part of the “plan” to overturn the 2020 election. Today, she testified to the January 6th Select Committee and claimed, once again, “the election was stolen.” When you look at some of her texts you get the feeling, “the light’s on, but nobody’s home.”

However, EVERYONE who were part of the planning, financing, and encouraging of the coup d’etat attempted by Trump qualify as co-conspirators. Will our Justice Department actually indict the wife of a sitting Supreme Court Justice? Well, Merrick Garland is facing decisions which will likely determine the future of our republic – as to whether or not people actually believe in America Justice is blind. Of course, most of us understand members of the African American communities have carried an undo burden regarding “justice” in America. Thankfully, African Americans all across America are aggressively standing up for their rights – which, of course, “triggers” the white nationalists who make up a significant share of the republican party. If “no one is above the law” then, I believe, Ginni Thomas will be part of a large group of right wing republicans who will be charged with CONSPIRACY to overthrow a free and fair election in America. Honestly, it doesn’t get much worse than that!

And, do you think she really doesn’t talk to her husband about her far out right wing agenda? Do you think he’s unaware of what his wife is up to? To me, believing that would be absurd. I’m reminded of a judge who resigned from the Court around the time I was first eligible to vote – Abe Fortas. I don’t remember all of the details, but I vaguely remember the Justice Department (Remember, Nixon was the president and John Mitchell the Attorney General) got Fortas to resign be threatening legal action against his wife. I point that out because I believe a fair settlement of Ms. Thomas’ likely CRIMINAL exposure would be for judge Thomas to resign giving Joe Biden the opportunity to replace him with a judge similar to Merrick Garland, who SHOULD have been confirmed during the Obama administration – which would leave the court presently at a 5-4 conservative majority – with the likely swing voter being Justice Roberts.

I’ve listed here many times, off the top of my head, people who appear to have been part of Trump’s conspiracy to overthrow the will of the people. Remember, if you are ANY part of the planning, even periferal, (and Ginni Thomas was integral in the scheme from all the texts which have been made public) you’re part of the CONSPIRACY. In fact, I have to wonder when will someone in the “mainstream media” point out Ginni Thomas was part of the CONSPIRACY to overthrow our government! And, of course, Trump was the kingpin of it all. To say I’m anxious to see if Merrick Garland has the wherewithall (guts) to prosecute ALL of those who participated (Remember, there are several members of Congress) would be an understatement! Stay tuned……………….

Final Thought: It was reported today that Edward Snowden was granted Russian citizenship today via a decree from none other than Putin, himself. My first thought was, “How will Snowden respond if he’s drafted into the military to fight in Ukraine? Stay tuned……………

Also: Everytime I see an ad on TV regarding the technology industry, urging people to call their Congress person telling them to “back off” the idea of breaking up the Tech monopolies, I do a little research to find out who’s paying for the ad and, in almost every instance, the answer is either Facebook or Mark Zuckerberg himself. The lastest ad was put out in the name of the “American Edge Project” and you have to dig a little deeper to discover this “project” was originally put together by Facebook. They do a good job of hiding that FACT on the website of the “American Edge Project” but, as usual, this is Zuckerberg attempting to line up support to keep his MONOPOLY in tact. Will Congress actually break Facebook/Meta up? We can only hope………………

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