Picture This: Putin Standing Before the Hague and individual 1 INDICTED for the Conspiracy to Overturn the 2020 Election!

As Putin has ordered his troops into Ukraine I’m left to wonder, as I listen to his “rationale” for ordering this invasion, is Vladimir Putin influencing individual 1 or vice versa? It appears to me they are both pathological LIARS and they both are lacking a soul. The worst part, for me, is the large number of members of the so-called “GOP” who have aligned themselves with Putin and in opposition of President Biden. I was born shortly after WW II and, to me, this is traitorous behavior on the part of people like our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president, Mike Pompeo, Senator Ron Johnson, Tucker Carlson, and others who appear to be siding with Putin and Russia in this undeniably TRECHEROUS action on the part of Russian’s DICTATOR.

And, to me, this is totally different from American fiascos in Viet Nam and Iraq. Which, to be clear, were indefensible. in fact, it was the Bush/Cheney LIE pulling American troops and BOMBS into Iraq which brought my frustration with America’s government to start putting those frustrations into writing in this “blog.” I urged GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, and others to face charges as WAR CRIMINALS. Sadly, in my mind, the major failure of President Obama’s years in the Oval Office was the blocking of investigations into the authorization of TORTURE, among other crimes, of the Bush/Cheney regime. We’re seeing in real time the distraction to our politics of investigating a former president as individual 1 is being targeted in multiple investigations during President Biden’s first year plus in office. That all being said, I find Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine to be MUCH more serious.

This “deplorable” invasion is too reminiscent of Poland in 1939 and, make no mistake, this invasion of Ukraine by Russia could very well, ultimately, end up with Russian troops in Poland. Putin, in justifying his actions, had the audacity to refer to the Ukrainian government as “Nazi.” OMG, does that remind you of anything? (Hint, hint, the right wing wack jobs in America accusing American “liberals” – like me – as being “Fascists”) The absurdity of what Putin is doing will likely fall on MILLIONS of “uneducated voters” in America who are too easily manipulated by Fox “news,” or any of the other right wing media outlets as if they have “deaf ears.” Putin is NOW undeniably a WAR CRIMINAL.

“We the people” are about to discover the true evil nature of people in America like Carlson, Steve Bannon, and many other white nationalists across our land – many of whom no longer hide their affinity for Hitler and the Nazi’s of WW II. I’ve pointed out many times here the sobering parallels between individual 1’s rise to power in America and the Third Reich in Nazi Germany back in the early 1930’s. If you think I’m nuts just look to the four years of individual 1’s reign on America. For starters, there was the march on Charlottesville with all the “very fine people” who were carrying Tiki Torches, wearing Nazi armbands, carrying confederate flags embossed with swastikas and chanting “Jews will not replace us” along with other repulsive phrases. These are the people who call American “liberals” “fascists.”

I’ve written several times here with the actual definition of “fascists” and the idea “liberals” in America are the “fascists” would be laughable if all of this wasn’t so serious. I’ve pointed out, also, Mr. Putin is a prime example of a “fascist,” based on the ACTUAL definition of the term. President Biden has predicted Putin’s actions step by step and he’s (Biden) been proved correct on each occasion. The reality is the people of Ukraine are our friends and Putin is our enemy. (The Russian people, by and large, are also our friends – my guess is most of them oppose what Putin is doing) I’ve been praying for the people of Ukraine repeatedly and I hope America’s government will find ways to continue helping those who are resisting.

Putin is going to be pushing up near NATO countries’ borders and we have to hope nothing happens which pushes this absurd conflict over one of the borders of a country protected by Article Five of the NATO alliance. President Biden has made clear the alliance will defend every “INCH” of the territory of our NATO friends. Vladimir Putin is acting like a madman and will be personally responsible for EVERY death resulting from this unprovoked escapade into Ukraine.

I have to wonder if Putin actually believes them putting a “puppet regime” in place in Kyiv will have lasting power? Does Putin actually believe the Ukrainian people will simply “stand” for this? I’ve seen videos of Ukraine grandmothers working to learn how to use an automatic weapon – similar to an AR-15 and claiming she will fight to the death. The economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the European allies plus several non-NATO nations is going to cripple Russia’s economy. Virtually every country in the world, save for China and Pakistan, are lining up against Putin’s MURDERING of what is likely to end up being THOUSANDS of Ukrainians along with an untold number of Russian troops. I have to believe Ukraine’s army of over 250,000 troops is planning to put up a ferocious FIGHT against the Russians – despite the Russian’s clear advantage in POWER.

As I’m writing all this I can’t help but think of individual 1 and all of his sycophants who’ve given the Russians lots of propaganda “meat” for their media outlets and, to me, are in the category of TRAITORS. Of course, I’ve been suggesting our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president will end up right next to Benedict Arnold in the History books for several years now. And, of course, it remains to be seen if Merrick Garland chooses to hold individual 1, along with his close co-conspirators accountable for the attempted coup d’etat of January 6th, 2021. Can you picture a scenario where Putin is standing before the CRIMINAL court at the Hague regarding accountability for all the DEATH which will be evidenced by the “blood on his hands” re: Ukraine and, somewhat simultaneously, individual 1 facing indictment in America for his part in the SEDITIOUS conspiracy leading to the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION! At least we can hope!

And, of course, in America, as I’ve said many times regarding republicans, “there’s always more.” I keep wondering why Merrick Garland, for example, and the Justice Department hasn’t moved to INDICT Mark Meadows who was CRIMINALLY referred to the department for his CONTEMPT of Congress (months ago) by refusing to honor a subpoena from the 1/6 Committee. If these subpoenas are not “official” – where it shouldn’t be an option whether or not you show up – well, then, Congress is essentially “toothless.” However, I believe Mr. Meadows is potentially into the CONSPIRACY far deeper than originally thought and, just maybe, he’s facing much more serious CHARGES which are still to come. AG Garland is a central figure in all of this, whether he likes it or not.

There’s also the media personalities like Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon (who HAS been indicted for his refusal to appear before the 1/6 Committee) along with members of the GOP like Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson, Paul Gosar, Rand Paul, Andy Biggs, Mike Pompeo, etc. etc. who have made comments suggesting they support Putin’s “Russia first” policy as opposed to Biden pulling the NATO alliance to the strongest position it’s been in for years. Kind of miraculous after individual 1’s attempt to undermine the alliance for essentially the entire four years he was in office. Some republicans have suggested Biden should follow Putin’s “deplorable” actions in Ukraine at our Southern border! I’m not kidding! They suggest this would make Biden “strong.” Yikes!!! To me, this all just proves Putin doesn’t have a monopoly on derangement syndrome!

Really, just try to imagine what would be happening right now if individual 1 was still in the Oval Office. OMG, just writing that as a possibility makes the hair on my back stand on end. Here’s what SHOULD be happening right now, Americans SHOULD be taking a practical look at what has transpired over the previous 13 months with Joe Biden as our president and give thanks. Inflation will level out and the increased wages of those at the bottom tier of our economy will be lasting. Gas prices have gone up and down many times in my lifetime. We’ve experienced the highest increase in our GDP in Biden’s first year compared to any other year in recent memory (since the early 1980’s). I’ve said here, originally, he wasn’t my choice for the nomination, but, as usual – in times of critical circumstances – the American people get it right and the exact right person comes along.

No president is perfect and, to me, it’s refreshing to have one who doesn’t claim he’s never wrong – he actually owns mistakes. However, he’s not making many mistakes. Even the withdrawal of the 2500 troops who remained in Afghanistan when he took office went as I would have guessed. Based on the AGREEMENT between the Taliban and our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president – which, by the way, essentially “flew under the radar” – President Biden had two choices. He could have “surged” American troops – which, anyone who’s listened to him over the previous 10-15 years KNEW was a non starter OR get the troops out at a date determined. It was always going to be messy.

If you were around when America left Viet Nam with their tails between their legs you understood you can’t leave a “war” (which NEVER should have happened in the first place) you’ve LOST without it being messy. Getting the locals who’ve helped the Americans over the time frame of the war out of the country is a sure recipe for CHAOS! I’m NEVER surprised by our “liberal media” but, I have to admit, virtually all of them got sucked in to blaming Biden for the chaos. And, to his credit, he didn’t run from the issue – he faced it head on and didn’t waver. I gained a bit more respect for Biden as I watched him stand his ground in the face of massive criticism. At some point, the majority of Americans are going to realize we are VERY fortunate Joe Biden is our president at this perilous time in world history. (Can you imagine where we’d be right now had he “surged” the troops in Afghanistan)

I say SHAME on the right wing Americans who are siding with Vladimir Putin as he makes this blunderous (I might have made up that word) and “adventurist” move into Ukraine. This is nothing less than MASS murder being ordered by Russia’s president. (many dying will be his own troops) And, for individual 1, Josh Hawley, Steve Bannon, Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, Mike Pompeo, and other republicans suggesting Putin’s behavior would be appropriate at our Southern border is idiocy. Let’s hope the American voters remove a bunch of these wack jobs come November from their posts of public trust where their oaths to the constitution appear to mean NOTHING. As I’ve been saying – please pray for the people of Ukraine. And pray that more and more Americans would come to understand the importance of American unity in the face of these BRAZEN military WAR CRIMES ordered by the murderous DICTATOR (including MURDERING his own people) Vladimir Putin. Stay tuned………..

Final Thought: I mentioned Viet Nam above in reference to America’s exit from Afghanistan and I couldn’t help thinking about individual 1 – who likes to suggest he’s “strong” – and his FIVE deferments from the DRAFT back in the 1960’s by LYING (surprise, surprise) about his “bone spurs.” Apparently, his daddy had enough money to buy off a doctor who was lacking in moral character. I, personally, actually joined the Marine PLC in 1967 only to get medically discharged (“honorable”) at my final physical prior to “boot camp” because of arthritic knees (at the age of 20 I was actually disappointed). Individual 1’s “deplorable” behavior began at an early age – including his disrespect for our military. Only the GOP would find this a positive trait in a Commander in Chief. To me, this, as much as anything, explains their (republicans’) DISGUSTING behavior as the Ukrainians are fighting to preserve their democratic ELECTED government along with their FREEDOM! (And, their lives!) Pray for the Ukrainian people!

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