Putin is a madman! Why are Some Right Wing American Politicians supporting him? (hint: “he’s no “genius,” he’s a full throated thug!)

OMG, So much going through my head right now. First, I’ve been pointing out for YEARS that Vladimir Putin’s goal, politically, is to recreate the “Soviet Union.” My guess is there’s a good portion of the young people in America who don’t really understand what “Soviet Union” means. As I’m writing this Putin is on the verge of starting a WAR in Ukraine, and, of course, as you would expect from individual 1’s mentor, he will LIE about what is happening – with no concern with people who call out his LIES.

Putin has been “grooming” Americans for the past 9 or 10 years for his “first move” into Ukraine. (OK, it’s his third move) Keep in mind, there’s undoubtedly more “targets” and it’s very possible NATO troops will be put to the test in Poland, Romania, or other former “satellites” as Putin acts like the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. All while this is happening you can count on Russia’s “Active measures” campaign which “gave” “we the people” four years of individual 1 and exacerbated every “wedge issue” in America they could via Facebook and other “social media” outlets. Not only did they (The Russians) move individual 1 into the mainstream of American politics (along with a plethora of white nationalists believing individual 1 to be their “fuhrer”) but, when you listen to some of the right wing “talkers” in America along with a few members of Congress and others in the republican party, it feels like there’s a lot of TRAITORS with alarming access to the mainstream media.

Just the other day I listened to Josh Hawley of Missouri sounding like someone who would actually support this Russian VIOLATION of Ukraine’s SOVEREIGNTY. I believe he said something along the lines of why should we care about Ukraine – we should be worried about China. Well, to that I would say, it bothers me not if you worry about China, a conceivably legitimate worry, but ignore Putin at yours and everyone else’s PERIL. But, of course, as usual, with republicans there’s always more. Today I read where Mike Pompeo was quoted as saying
“Putin is a very talented statesman, He was a KGB agent, for goodness sakes. He knows how to use power. We should respect that.”

Here’s my take on Pompeo – he SHOULD have been indicted for his corrupt actions as Secretary of State – saved only by individual 1 firing the IG who was investigating his misbehavior and self-dealing. Always more you say? Well, I’m sure you can guess what came out of the mouth of our TWICE IMPEACHED two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president who openly asked the Russians to “find the missing 30,000 emails” – which, of course, they immediately attempted to do. Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and all the rest of the propagandists in our right wing media sphere didn’t consider this “collusion” – and, of course, individual 1 “won” the 2016 election with the help of the same Vladimir Putin he affirmed as he “threw under the bus” on worldwide TV our own intelligence service.

Individual 1 referred to Putin’s actions this week as “genius.” This should be no surprise considering the other pro Russian things he did while in office such as attempting to force Russia back into the “Group of Seven” – of which they were expelled after annexing Crimea in 2014, he even echoed Russian propaganda about Crimea while in office, and right after firing James Comey (thinking that would end the Russia investigation) he gave away code word protected secrets to the Russian Ambassador and the Russian Foreign Minister in the Oval Office as he was bragging about the firing of Comey. The people in the orbit of Pompeo and individual 1 are being proven to be TRAITORS – like the 11 “Oathkeepers” facing seditious conspiracy charges for January 6th, 2021 – likely, soon to “wedge” further into individual 1’s “orbit.”

There’s a bunch of others – if you want to watch them “slime” themselves just turn on Fox “news” and look for republican members of Congress to show up on Tucker Carlson’s nightly white nationalist extravaganza. These people are anti-democratic and overtly so – Carlson even took his show to Hungary and openly sucked up to Viktor Orban – just as he likely admires Putin. Yes, the same Putin who came across as deranged as he was giving his justification for violating the Sovereign boundaries of Ukraine to the Russian people yesterday. And, tonight, Carlson spewed off a list of his own grievances in an “did Putin do this?” rant, as a way to give his support to the Russian DICTATOR! Yikes!!! This is treachery, at a minimum – and the Murdoch’s let him get away with it because they “value” his white nationalist base of viewers.

I believe Joe Biden is going to make it as difficult for Putin as possible, and regrettably this is going to cause a lot of aftereffects for the Russian people. (And, “we the people” as well – which President Biden will be further attacked by the Carlson’s et al) From what I can tell, the Ukrainians are going to make it is as difficult as they can for the Russians. based on reports I’ve read, there’s going to be MANY members of the Russian military returning home in body bags. “We the people” SHOULD understand that very well – although, when the selective service “draft,” which was around when I was young, caused more members of our society to directly feel the pain of war (ie Viet Nam) and young people (largely) coming home in body bags – the “volunteer army” has allowed many Americans to feel the “pain” of war only via their TV sets or internet connections.

The FACT America has ventured into her fair share of ill-advised military invasions – Viet Nam and Iraq in particular, although Afghanistan was misguided and incompetently prosecuted, Viet Nam and Iraq were based on pure LIES to the American people as justifications – kind of similar to what we’re seeing from Putin. And, it’s true Joe Biden voted to give George W Bush the authority to go into Iraq, but I have to say, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is going to make these two American fiascos look like child’s play. I say that because I don’t believe for a second that Ukraine is the “end objective of Putin.” And, I have to say, this is one more reason for “we the people” to be thankful we voted Putin’s “puppet,” individual 1, out of office in 2020. (And, by a record number of votes! OVER 7 MILLION)

Biden promised “the mother of all sanctions” if Russia makes a full throated incursion into Ukraine. So far, the invasion is “just” in the Eastern region of the country although Putin (naturally) unilaterally declared the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk in the region called the Donbas as “independent entities.” The troops he moved in are being referred to as “peacekeeping forces.” That’s as legit as me saying I’m a fan of Tucker Carlson! So far, Biden has imposed severe sanctions, but the “mother” of them all are still in the quiver for when Putin pushes farther in, likely toward Kyiv. The U. S. is supplying Ukraine with weapons and ammunition and will continue to do so, they’ve supplied a $1 BILLION loan guarantee for Ukraine to use in purchasing more defensive military hardware in addition to what has already been provided. The rest is going to be up to the Ukrainians. Apparently, we’re going to wait until Putin gets to Poland or Lithuania or ???? before WW III begins.

I have to admit, I’m not even close to an “expert” on sanctions – but, what I heard were authorized seemed like a good first step – and based on the response of people involved in NATO countries Biden is, so far, getting good “reviews” for his actions. A couple key Russian banks have been sanctioned along with members of Putin’s “inner circle” and their families. Russia has been cut off from the world’s “sovereign wealth fund.” A “biggie” is the Germans refusing to certify the Nord Stream 2 pipeline – cutting off a key source of Russian natural gas to Western Europe (and funding to Russia) – a difficult action for the Germans to take – give them credit! Here’s a rundown of what sanctions the U.S. CAN impose on Putin if he pushes further into Ukraine (from ABC news):


U.S. officials suggested that the latest sanctions were only a hint of how far it could go in targeting Russian companies and individuals.

Tuesday’s actions included hitting civilian leaders in Russia’s leadership hierarchy and two Russian banks considered especially close to the Kremlin and Russia’s military, with more than $80 billion in combined assets. That includes freezing all of those banks’ assets under U.S. jurisdiction.

But U.S. officials emphasized Washington still could take more of Russia’s banks, including its biggest, offline with a push of a button.

Overall, the U.S. and its allies aim to impose sanctions that compel Putin to change his ways, while hoping to minimize the harshest impacts on ordinary Russians and any collateral economic damage on the U.S. and European allies.

Sanctions are imposed on individuals listed on a Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List through the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control.

Also known as SDNs, the list includes individuals and companies owned, controlled by or acting on behalf of a targeted country. Traditionally, their assets will be blocked and the U.S. is almost completely prohibited from dealing with SDNs. Individuals, groups, companies and even aircraft can be given this designation.

Additionally, sectoral sanctions are an option to damage the economy. Sectoral sanctions apply to specific Russian firms — such as energy, finance, technology and defense — to be included on the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List. Sectoral sanctions will limit some trade but will permit some transactions.

For historical context, Western sanctions issued when Russia invaded and annexed Crimea in 2014 included limits on trade, the blocking of assets under American jurisdiction and limits on access to the U.S. financial system. Those restrictions are maintained to this day on at least 735 individuals, entities and vessels, according to the Office of Foreign Assets Control.


For the U.S. and its European allies, cutting Russia out of the SWIFT financial system, which shuffles money from bank to bank around the globe, would be one of the toughest financial steps they could take, damaging Russia’s economy immediately and in the long term. The move could cut Russia off from most international financial transactions, including international profits from oil and gas production, which in all accounts for more than 40% of the country’s revenue.

Allies on both sides of the Atlantic also considered the SWIFT option in 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and backed separatist forces in eastern Ukraine. Russia declared then that kicking it out of SWIFT would be equivalent to a declaration of war. The allies — criticized ever after for responding too weakly to Russia’s 2014 aggression — shelved the idea.

Russia since then has tried to develop its own financial transfer system, with limited success.

The U.S. has succeeded before in persuading the SWIFT system to kick out a country — Iran, over its nuclear program. But kicking Russia out of SWIFT would also hurt other economies, including those of the U.S. and key ally Germany.


The United States holds one of the most powerful financial weapons to wield against Putin — blocking Russia from access to the U.S. dollar. Dollars still dominate in financial transactions around the world, with trillions of dollars in play daily.

Transactions in U.S. dollars ultimately are cleared through the Federal Reserve or through U.S. financial institutions. Crucially for Putin, that means foreign banks have to be able to access the U.S. financial system to settle dollar transactions.

The ability to block that access gives the United States the ability to inflict financial pain well beyond its borders. Previously, the U.S. has suspended financial institutions from dollar clearing for allegedly violating sanctions against Iran, Sudan and other countries.

Unlike the SWIFT option and the other financial measures, it’s one the U.S. could do on its own. Many Russians and Russian companies would be stymied in carrying out even the most routine transactions, like making payroll or buying things, because they would have no access to the U.S. banking system.


U.S. export controls could cut off Russia from the high tech that helps warplanes and passenger jets fly and makes smartphones smart, along with other software and advanced electronic gear that make the modern world run.

That could include adding Russia to the most restrictive group of countries for export control purposes, together with Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria, officials said.

That would mean that Russia’s ability to obtain integrated circuits, and products containing integrated circuits, would be severely restricted because of the global dominance of U.S. software, technology and equipment. The impact could extend to aircraft avionics, machine tools, smartphones, game consoles, tablets and televisions.

Such sanctions could also target critical Russian industry, including its defense and civil aviation sectors, which would hit Russia’s high-tech ambitions, whether in artificial intelligence or quantum computing.

Like some of the other penalties under consideration, U.S. export restrictions would risk motivating businesses to look for alternatives in other countries, including China.”

These all being implemented, it appears, would be the ACTUAL “mother of all sanctions.” I don’t believe Putin believes Biden will do it – and, I believe Biden hopes he doesn’t have to do it – but, I have no doubt this all is “on the table” and likely, based on the THREATS spelled out by Putin the other day in his deranged TV address to the Russian people justifying attacking their “brothers and sisters” in Ukraine. Could this be a precursor to WW III or could it be the beginning of the end of Vladimir Putin? Do the Russian people want to see their sons and daughters coming home in body bags from a WAR with Ukraine? The ONLY offense, apparently, committed by the Ukrainian people is a “thirst” for democracy. Will they FIGHT? Keep in mind, Ukraine has an army of 250,000 and MANY Ukrainian civilians are arming themselves for an Iraqi style resistance should Putin manage to put a “puppet” in control of their government. Stay tuned…..

Final Thought: If anyone ever had any second thoughts about my characterization of the republican party, all you had to do is listen to the Carlson’s, Pompeo’s, Hawley’s, etc. etc. (not to mention individual 1) and you could see their authoritarianism in all its “glory.” Carlson’s list of “grievances” – that is, all those things “Putin hasn’t done to America” – like, for one, “liberals” suggesting he be fired because of all his SEDITIOUS and racist commentary (with the backing of the Murdoch’s). Look, republicans have been demonizing “liberals” since back when Bush/Cheney LIED “we the people” into the Iraq WAR, but its surge to the “right” has pushed it “over the cliff.” When republicans’ commentary is being used on Russian TV to help with the brainwashing of the Russian people visa vie Ukraine, we KNOW our nation has devolved to an almost unimaginable place. Let’s hope “we the people” understand what I’ve been saying for years – and, that is to vote republicans into the History books, FINALLY!

Pray for the people of Ukraine!


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