Come on AG Garland, s@#t or get off the pot! INDICT Bannon or admit you’re too scared of individual 1’s base!

I’ve been pointing out since January 6th, 2021 the importance of holding individual 1 accountable for INCITING the INSURRECTION. Since that time I’ve watched Attorney General Merrick Garland come across as being AFRAID of the “base” of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president just as a majority of republican members of Congress. True to form, individual 1’s M.O. is to always be on the OFFENSIVE (and, trust me, he’s OFFENSIVE – but, I digress) and, with the help of people like Tucker Carlson he’s attempting to ensure if he’s INDICTED the “right” will become apoplectic claiming it’s all “political” – after all, according to Carlson’s latest endeavor January 6th was a “false flag.” That is, the “FBI had infiltrated the WHITE NATIONALIST groups which stormed the Capitol and had infiltrated their “command centers” actually orchestrating the SEIGE!” Now, if you actually believe that, well, you’re as STUPID as Carlson assumes you are. (And, of course, you’re not alone)

The farther away from January 6th, 2021 and the MORE A.G. Garland refuses to act, the worse it’s going to get for this nation. Not only am I thinking he’s going to let individual 1 off the “hook” for a NUMBER of CRIMES, it’s beginning to look as if he’s being very TIMID in dealing with Steve Bannon’s refusal to comply with a subpoena from the Select Committee investigating January 6th, 2021. It’s been a few weeks now since Bannon’s recalcitrance was sent to the Justice Department in the form of a CRIMINAL referral and, so far, well, “crickets.” What the hell is the Justice Department, and by extension, Garland waiting for? Do they really think they can simply let this go? I can virtually assure you, if Bannon is not INDICTED for refusing a Congressional subpoena, we’re all in trouble and A.G. Garland will be castigated for his cowardice. Now, of course, I’m hoping it will SOON happen – that is Bannon will be INDICTED, but, think about Matt Gaetz – it’s been “rumored” he’s going to be INDICTED for “child sex-trafficking” for MONTHS now – and, again, “crickets.”

We KNOW that if (and when) individual 1 gets INDICTED – there’s LOTS of possibilities, his “base” will react in some kind of MOB action. Here’s what I say, “Let’s get it over with. The SOONER the better.” This country cannot continue to function as a democratic republic if we CONTINUE to allow our “leaders” to break our laws with impunity. When I was much younger I had thought we PROVED that “when the president does it it must be legal” – in the words of Richard Nixon – to be COMPLETELY false – a REAL “false flag.” Nixon was saved from CRIMINAL prosecution by an ill-advised Pardon from Gerald Ford – which “smelled” at the time and continues to “smell” to this day. BUT, a plethora of his sycophants were indicted and CONVICTED of various FELONIES – and spent considerable time in PRISON!

But, as I often say here, with republicans, there’s always more and they’ve proved numerous times they’re undaunted by history. Ronald Reagan was let off the “hook” for the Iran/Contra fiasco as was George HW Bush. More recently, George W Bush/Dick Cheney/Don Rumsfeld et. al. were let off the HOOK for clearly authorizing WAR CRIMES by Barack Obama who famously stated “we’re going to look forward instead of back.” I’ve written about the FOLLY of that decision a PLETHORA of times on this site – all in the archives.

And, now we have the MOST corrupt president, likely, in our history (Andrew Johnson maybe gives him a “run for the money”) in individual 1 – who COLLUDED with the Russians (read Mueller’s report if you don’t believe that), OBSTRUCTED Justice during Mueller’s investigation numerous times, cheated to get “elected” in the first place (paying off two women to hide illicit AFFAIRS while his present wife was pregnant with his last – thankfully – son), got IMPEACHED twice (and, republicans will very likely rue the DAYS they chose NOT to convict him and remove him from America’s political scene), pocketed MILLIONS during his term in CLEAR violation of the emoluments clause in the Constitution, CONSPIRED to overthrow “the will of the people” after the 2020 election and, I could go on and on and on and, well, you get the point.

This is ALL bad – that is – the behavior of individual 1, but, I believe HISTORY will give Merrick Garland a very bad place – maybe not next to Benedict Arnold which is where individual 1 is going to land – along with MANY of his supporters and sycophants – but BAD none the less. Whether he likes the spot he’s in or not, the future of this nation may rest with him as much as with anyone else – including President Biden, the Congressional democrats, Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema (and, by the way, Manchin and Sinema are not looking that good right now – I’ll say more about that in a bit) As I said above, every day which passes where Mr. Garland leaves the impression he’s afraid to act makes all this become worse. (And, leads to MORE criminal conduct coming from republicans)

Individual 1, and by extension – if you haven’t noticed – his supporters, are a bunch of BULLIES. The way you respond to a BULLY is you “punch them back” right in the face. Well, I’m not suggesting actual violence, I’m suggesting our Justice Department ENFORCE laws which are already on the books. I’ve said this before, I believe – with public information – I (obviously, a non lawyer) could successfully argue a case AGAINST individual 1 and several of his sycophants of a CONSPIRACY to commit SEDITION – one of the most egregious of offenses to our system of laws. (And, by the way, OBSTRUCTION falls into that category as well) To me, it’s well past time for A.G. Garland to act – at the bare minimum, INDICT Steve Bannon and prosecute him to the fullest. Yes, he’s a willing “martyr” to the cause, but, well, so what? And, INDICT anyone else who refuses to cooperate with the investigation into January 6th, 2021.

While I’m still thinking about it, I said I’d add more to the Manchin and Sinema dilemma facing democrats. First of all, there is part of Manchin’s argument I absolutely agree with – and, that is before expanding benefits to Medicare democrats should make Medicare and Social Security SOLVENT well into the future. Obviously, there’s much I disagree with Manchin on and his blocking Clean Energy proposals doesn’t look good when you consider where his MONEY comes from – it really IS a bad “look.” But, to me, the “LOOK” for Sinema is even worse.

Her BLOCKING the government from “negotiating drug prices” for Medicare – arguably bringing a SAVINGS of $700 BILLION (over 10 years – all the “money” talked about in the BBB plan is over 10 years if you hadn’t noticed) while also blocking the reversal of portions of the 2017 tax scam which benefit the wealthiest Americans and corporations who used the money to buy back stock – well, to me, that’s “undemocratic.” Manchin and Sinema very well could be responsible for “torpedoing” Biden’s agenda which, I hope they understand, would put them in the same category as Moscow Mitch, but, again, I digress.

That all being said, the more I think about all of this the more I think about our Attorney General. Yes, he’s got a mammoth job in “fixing” the Justice Department from the damage caused by Jeff Sessions and William Barr, but, that can’t be done by shying from OBVIOUS issues of “White Collar Crime.” Individual 1 is now brainwashing his sycophants to believe “The real insurrection was November 3rd.” He has convinced about 30% of America that African Americans shouldn’t be ENCOURAGED to vote. He KNEW places where people were allowed to “vote by mail” was an issue for him because it was, in his mind, too easy for people to vote – he wanted them to have to stand in long lines during a pandemic in order to cast their vote.

And, keep in mind, the limitation of polling sites in places which are predominantly accessed by “people of color” is what leads to those long lines – in some cases people waiting as much as 7 HOURS in order to cast their ballot. In the predominantly WHITE precincts, it’s “in and out” in a matter of a few minutes. Coincidence? I think NOT! Which gets me back to Mr. Garland. If Congress isn’t going to FIGHT for the right for Americans to be able to vote no matter where they live or who they are, then it’s up to the Justice Department. They’re going to have to prove they can “walk and chew gum at the same time.” There’s a lot on the “plate” of the Department, but that’s just how it is. If Mr. Garland thinks it’s too much, my suggestion is he resign and allow President Biden to nominate someone who’s “up for the job.”

Here’s a suggestion for AG Garland, for starters: INDICT Steve Bannon and make it clear you’ll defend the right of Congress to INVESTIGATE and follow through on it’s OVERSIGHT obligation, FULL STOP! Republicans are OBSTRUCTING, they’re OBFUSCATING, and on and on, by the droves! Why? Because, for the past 40 years they’ve been progressively getting away with it. It’s been getting worse since Iran/Contra and it’s hit unbelievable levels since the reign of individual 1. Come on AG Garland, s@#t or get off the pot! INDICT Bannon or admit you’re too scared of individual 1’s base!

Final Thought: I’ve written almost endlessly about the tendency of republicans to practice PROJECTION! So, I’ve got to write about the latest “woke” (I think I learned what that means to day after talking about Aaron Rogers with a friend) accusation coming from someone I consider the “worst person of the world” (on days when it’s not Ted Cruz) – Josh Hawley. He’s making a NEW push for his plans on the “White House” by suggesting “The ‘left’ (my quotes) is attacking America by saying America is systemically oppressive and men are systemically responsible.” He goes on to say, “We’ve got to say spending your time not working, and we’ve got more and more men not working, spending you time on video games, spending your time on PORN while doing nothing is not good for you, your family, or this country.” This is the guy who, in the past, has accused women of causing “sex trafficking” by discovering birth control. Yikes!

This guy actually went to Stanford and, I think, Harvard Law School (OK, neither matters much – Scott Atlas was a professor at Stanford – he of the “herd mentality” under individual 1) yet he comes across as a complete NUT job! Here’s the PROJECTION question I have for him. Are you suggesting, Mr. Hawley, you are “productive” while you’re accessing PORN? You can almost “take it to the bank” when one of these republicans are accusing you of something they consider “bad” it’s because THEY’RE doing it – and, of course, pretending they’re NOT! It’s as certain as your clock striking NOON tomorrow, and the day after, and the……….. You get it! Stay tuned………………….

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