How do you spell republican? Here’s how: PROJECTION! Any accusation they make means they’re doing it!

I’ve written ad nauseum how those who call themselves republicans live in the “world” of projection and it’s never been more clear than some of the recent “stuff” coming from the mouths of members of individual 1’s CULT as they fight against Covid-19 vaccines, school boards, public health officials, and, of course, “liberals.” In the past couple of days I’ve heard several of the supporters of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president referring to anyone who disagrees with them as “fascists.” I’ve confronted this IGNORANCE on several occasions, so here we go again.

One of the whack jobs actually complained about the “corporate/government” cabal in his accusation and that he and those around him were suffering from a fascist government. OK, to a certain extent, the “Mussolini” form of fascism actually is a corporate/government – I’ll call it a “cabal” – here’s the rub: And, this has been one of my complaints since the days of Bush/Cheney – this corporate/government “cabal” is the result of our republicans in Congress enabling America’s largest corporations because of the MONEY being funneled into their campaign coffers. Of course, when you PROJECT everything – you would accuse what you’re all about to those you oppose.

Here’s the other “rub:” The FASCISM most of us think of when we think of fascism is that which was the work of the Third Reich back in the days of Adolf Hitler. I’ve pointed out many times here – for years – the parallels between the tendencies of individual 1 and the history of how the Third Reich turned Germany into the world’s pariah back in the 1930’s. Our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president even uses derogatory references to Germans in describing those in his own family, apparently as a way to hide his motives. He continues to push one LIE after another to his “base” and they suck it up with the help of outlets like Fox “news” – and Tucker Carlson who, if Keith Olberman was still on TV, would be the “WORST person in the WORLD” on a regular basis – Carlson’s latest endeavor, apparently, is a “documentary” calling “1/6” a “false flag.” These people won’t be happy until our constitutional republic has been torn COMPLETELY apart.

It’s not possible for me to believe the bulk of those “leaders” now in the republican party actually believe the so-called “Big Lie” or that “1/6” was a “false flag.” For heaven’s sake, they were there on January 6th, 2021 when ALL of them were herded out of the House and Senate chambers as the INSURRECTIONISTS who were hell bent on stopping the certification of Joe Biden’s election and “hanging Mike Pense.” They know the truth. But, now virtually ALL of them are either participating in the “Big Lie” or cowering in the corner unwilling to say anything which might cause individual 1 to endorse a “primary opponent.” Of course, this all goes right back to the republican dependence on PROJECTION.

When they claim “The election was stolen,” that means their intention is to STEAL the next election (and the one after that, and………….OK, you get it). When they claim there was election “fraud” that’s because they’re the ones committing the ELECTION FRAUD. When Marko Rubio calls Bidens agenda “Build Back Socialism” because it spends a couple TRILLION (aimed at “we the people”) that’s to take the attention off the $2 TRILLION tax cut he and every other republican voted for in 2017 which was, well, SOCIALISM for the top 1% – if you buy his argument. Of course, no republican will bring any of that up and their constituents are, well, – OK, lots of them – “stupid.” They fall for this stuff without a second thought.

The truth is there are a multitude of “outlets” willing to accommodate individual 1’s “base” by participating the LYING – for MONEY! For me, the most obvious disgusting purveyor of misinformation (LYING) is Fox because I don’t do “Social Media.” (Unless, this is “Social Media”) However, the so-called “Facebook papers” are shining a pretty bright light on Facebook’s – and, by extension Mark Zuckerberg’s – willingness to foment LIES in order to “energize” people who don’t think for themselves, therefore bringing in MASSIVE amounts of advertising dollars. Naturally, there’s a large group of “others” but for the time being the light is going to be shining on Facebook – who’s tried to “sweep” all this “stuff” “under the rug.” Again, for MONEY!

Facebook is getting OUTED more and more these days as the driving force behind America’s turn toward the political cesspool that features individual 1 and his sycophants (and CULT members). Now, we have more political leaders talking about breaking up Facebook and, “sure as shootin,” here come the phony commercials about “American innovation.” I’ve seen an add several times making FALSE claims about all the great things “technology” is doing for America suggesting it’s the driving force behind our economy. Yes, “technology” plays a part, but what drives our economy are WORKERS and when workers don’t have decent jobs the economy suffers.

During the pandemic the top BILLIONAIRES in America got even MORE filthy rich – including the likes of Jeff Bezos and WORSE Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. The reports coming out show Facebook KNEW their “algorithms” were exacerbating MISINFORMATION – ginning up people via their “dark sides” – sides of people vulnerable to FEAR MONGERING – and they KNOWINGLY letting this garbage go viral on their platform! Worst yet, according to newly released documents, they actually ENCOURAGED it! So, after the third time I heard the “technology is great” propaganda add on TV I checked who paid for it. You guessed it – “The American Edge Project” paid for it and “The American Edge Project” was founded by – you guessed it again, FACEBOOK!

I long ago figured out the beginning of Facebook correlates to the divisions among Americans which have grown worse and worse since they started their platform seemingly welcoming MISINFORMATION if it makes them more MONEY. And, Oh by the way, Facebook is busy with other advertising trying to convince “we the people” – or whoever – that they welcome federal “regulation.” I suppose, as I try to process what I’ve seen, they’re pushing for “anything” but “breaking” them up. If you’ve read anything about Teddy Roosevelt and the “Trust Busters” back at the turn of the 20th Century, you can see “we the people” seem to be reliving that era – only, the TRUSTS today are much more sophisticated and have UNLIMITED funds which they can use to BUY off politicians. And, it’s working!

And, I’m not just talking about republicans when I point out corporate interests BUYING off politicians. We’ve seen an obvious example of democrats being BOUGHT by corporate interests as Joe Biden has been attempting to get his “Build Back Better” agenda through Congress. It has gone without saying the republicans would OBSTRUCT Biden’s agenda at every turn (Moscow Mitch promised this from the start), but the recalcitrance of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema tell you this corruption runs both ways. Manchin might as well be part of the Fossil Fuel industry and the amount of money they’ve funneled to him is, well, staggering.

Ms. Sinema, for example put the Kybosh to the part of the bill where Medicare could “negotiate” prescription drug prices and WORST put the “nea” to the idea of reversing SOME of the individual 1 tax cuts. Manchin, who “hails” from one of the poorest states in the union (which desperately needs this bill) put the Kybosh to seniors getting dental and vision coverage (full disclosure: I became a “senior” many years ago) and, in addition, to those who thought there might be free community college which very well could lead to empowering MILLIONS of Americans who want to improve their “lot” in life. The part that has bothered me the most is seeing BOTH of these democrats fraternizing with republicans who, I believe, very well could be using them to do what McConnell is unable to do with his never ending filibusters.

Personally, I believe both Manchin and Sinema are relishing the spotlight as EVERYONE else in the democratic party is on board with much more than what these two democrats may or may not ultimately agree to. I believe, no matter how this turns out, both Manchin and Sinema will be considered almost turncoats to what got the democrats elected in 2020. It won’t affect Manchin because he’s my age (74) isn’t up for re-election until 2024 (when he’ll be 78 – so what if he loses) and he’s a “democrat” in a ruby “red” state. On the other hand, I believe Ms. Sinema must have a lucrative job lined up which she may or may not wait for 2024 to take. She’s a HUGE disappointment to those who supported her candidacy just a couple years ago.

Sadly, and I say this because it’s the media’s position, that if Manchin and/or Sinema manage to scuttle Biden’s agenda – and, they’re getting down to the “wire” where if they can’t get it done SOON they may not get it done – they could be plunging a “knife” into the democratic party. Now, my position would be that democrats need to be even more committed to making “we the people” understand it’s important to vote in even MORE democrats so one or two can’t put a “monkey wrench” into the entire process. We’ll better understand the motives of both Manchin and Sinema shortly, but they stand to be putting themselves into the wrong section of the American History books if they contribute to a resurrection of individual 1.

To me, the largest obstacle to democrats (and disaffected republicans and independents) would be the so-called “liberal media” and their “unique” way of looking at things. For example, I’ve been following the Governor’s elections in (mostly) Virginia and New Jersey and many are claiming the Virginia election will be a “barometer” on the Biden presidency. While I don’t have a problem with that characterization, here’s where I have the problem. First, I’ve heard several media reports that democrats in Virginia are disaffected by “the failure of democrats to ‘get anything done.'” Talk about your “what have you done for me lately.”

Does the “media” forget that in the first couple of months of Biden’s administration democrats passed the most targeted – toward America’s middle class – legislation in my lifetime. In individual 1’s FOUR years republicans passed two significant pieces of legislation. The most obvious was the tax SCAM of 2017 which funneled about $2 TRILLION taxpayer dollars to America’s “top 1%” and American corporations which were already sitting on a TRILLION of “cash” – therefore using the tax SCAM to buy back shares. The other significant piece of legislation was the “CARES Act” which democrats FORCED republicans to accept some “liberal” positions due to the severity of the Covid crisis.

Now, of course, as I pointed out above, democrats are attempting to pass an incredible combination of an “infrastructure bill” and the “we the people” bill (my characterization – the “Build Back Better” bill) – both at the “mercy” of Senators Manchin and Sinema. I believe the bill passed in March was the best thing I’d seen in my lifetime so why is the “media” allowing the mantra of “democrats can’t get anything done” to be pushed by right wing pundits? Yes, it will be disappointing if Manchin and/or Sinema “torpedo” Biden’s “Build Back Better” bill (and, if they do, I hope “progressives” block the so-called “bipartisan” infrastructure bill) but, if they do, the solution isn’t to BLAME democrats for “not getting anything done” – but it would be to elect MORE democrats! (And, keep in mind, for my lifetime I’ve been an independent – I now vote AGAINST republicans, at least for the foreseeable future – which, at my age, could be “forever”)

Let me just point out one of the hypocrisies (one of MANY) in the republican “positions.” We all know many republicans oppose ABORTION. (Many times I’ve said, at some point in time, I’ll make a post on that subject) OK, so here’s how I look at that. Personally, if the issue had arisen in my lifetime I would say I’m opposed to abortion. The ONLY way I would support it would be to save the life of the mother, or in the case of rape, incest, etc. The first time I was going to be a father my wife was given a medication which caused a miscarriage. I rushed her to the hospital and they performed what amounted to an abortion – the fetus was already dead. That happened without a second thought.

So, here’s my thoughts about the issue if it happens to YOU! If you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one. (Although, I believe in the case of the miscarriage, virtually everyone would do what we did) I find it odd stuffy OLD men who say they believe in getting government out of our lives want to control the lives of America’s women. And, of course, the MEN involved in many unwanted pregnancies face no consequences. What’s up with that?

And, as usual, there’s more. Put yourself in the place of a woman who believes she’s in no position to have a child (maybe ANOTHER child). Well, republicans are saying if you choose to terminate that pregnancy (do republicans believe in free will?) we also don’t believe in providing ANY support for you once that child has been born. Take for example the “Build Back Better” bill put forth by President Biden (even that which hasn’t been pared back by Manchin and Sinema) – there are several portions of that legislation aimed DIRECTLY at children who are growing up in poverty. The universal Pre-K, the support for Child Care, the help with health insurance, etc. etc. are issues which are designed for those women who CHOOSE to bring a pregnancy to term.

Ideally, the numbers of unwanted pregnancies could somehow by lowered, maybe by providing more responsibility to MEN, but, in the mean time, the attempt by democrats to reduce the childhood poverty rate in America, to me, is welcome news. It’s NO surprise, I’m sure, that NOT a single republican will vote for these programs designed to help those children whose mothers chose to carry their pregnancy to term when their financial means are insufficient. As I said above, they call THIS socialism, while the tax SCAMS never get characterized as SOCIALISM – even though it’s government giveaways to the “rich.” The contrast couldn’t be more clear! (Wouldn’t you like to know how many republicans have had abortions? Just saying) Stay tuned………

Final Thought: If the Supreme Court upholds the recent Texas law aimed at overturning Roe v Wade by a scheme to allow the enforcement of the law to be done by “citizen” “vigilante’s” who can sue anyone involved in an abortion which takes place after six weeks of pregnancy (when many women still don’t understand they’re pregnant) – well, then all bets are off. If that scheme works, I’m going to write to my state legislature and suggest they pass a similar bill where if anyone is proven to purchase or own a “long gun” with automatic capability they can be sued by ANYONE who finds out with a bounty of $25,000. (we might as well, kick up the penalty a bit)

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