The only way to prevent similar behavior in the future is for individual 1 to face accountability for what he’s done.

I’m half joking when I tell my friends, “I can’t remember if I washed my hair when I get out of the shower.” (Person, woman, man, ????, TV” – you see, I know #4 will come to me later but not in time to “pass” the “test” and, I may have got “woman and man” in the wrong order – it was a guess) I point this out because when I get motivated to sit down to write about individual 1 and his brazen attack on the fundamental values of our country there are so many issues I could include in the “evidence” for my thoughts, but I can’t remember them all. They’re coming so fast it’s hard to remember one outrage in the face of two more, etc. And, our IMPEACHED so-called president is virtually saying, “what are you going to do about it” in regard to our authorities.

How can he get away with that? Well, in two words, the answer is simple, “William Barr.” Instead of preventing individual 1 from stepping over another “line” Barr is busy trying to find a way to undermine Biden’s bid to win the “White House” this November. And, he doesn’t have much time because the actual voting will begin in just a few weeks. I believe I will be able to send in my ballot in early October and you can BET I’m going to figure out how to make sure it makes it to where the votes are counted. I live in a district in a “liberal” state that is barely controlled by “conservatives.” I believe this district was the result of gerrymandering done after the 2010 Census which took areas of our state’s capital, Olympia, out of my district and replaced them with some communities which are staunchly “conservative.”

That being said, I don’t believe individual 1 has a snowball’s chance in HE double toothpick to win the state of Washington come November. If that happens, the CHEATING will have been very REAL! In Washington state I have confidence Barr’s “October Surprise” will backfire, but, as I said, my state is already a “lost cause” for individual 1. When you think about it, the FACT “we the people” are concerned our Attorney General is a partisan “HACK” for individual 1 pretty much says it all. I actually thought that would be impossible. In fact, it’s possible the West will be a big part of the “Blue Wave” some pundits are referring to. For example, is it even possible individual 1 could lose in a place like Montana?

Well, even the right wing members of Montana’s Congressional delegation weren’t all that happy when the NEW Postmaster General (a disgusting lackey for our IMPEACHED so-called president) started pulling the neighborhood mailboxes from the state – you know, those BLUE mailboxes you’ve been dropping mail into for, well, your entire lifetime – apparently part of the plan to force “we the people” to stand in long lines to vote – passing the virus individual 1 believes will “just go away” – to one another.

This “plan” worked well in Wisconsin (making people stand in long lines to vote) during their primary a couple months ago. The right wing judge republicans felt would “win” because people would stay at home LOST – and SADLY, well over 50 Wisconsinites got the virus because they chose to vote. To me, those people are the true patriots. I haven’t read about ONE Wisconsin voter with bone spurs who refused to do their duty and vote! Americans of all creeds MUST find a way to get their VOTE to the polls this November 3rd so we can REMOVE this IMPEACHED so-called president from office – and, by the way, as many of his republican sycophants in the Senate as possible. They had the opportunity to do the “right thing” back in February when they KNEW he’d committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” and they chose to look the other way. Well, how did that work out for “we the people?”

I’ll try to list, off the top of my (old) head – see memory issues above – some of the issues which I believe under ANY other president there would begat unity in getting rid of him/her. Of course, the “Russia Thing” is disqualifying under any other circumstances. William Barr succeeded in – in the words of Barack Obama recently about the Post Office – kneecapping the report with his initial “summary” followed by his press briefing before he allowed it to become public. That being said, I read it twice and the evidence of “Obstruction of Justice” is overwhelming – whereas the “Obstruction of Congress” in the IMPEACHMENT articles exposed the identical lack of respect for our system of laws. This behavior was disqualifying – or, it SHOULD have been!

I read a lot of books (and, have a bunch on my nightstand right now) and I’m in the middle of “Separated” by Jacob Soberoff. To me, this is a “must read” for every compassionate American. The policy of separating families at the border SHOULD be “un-American” if it’s not” but, this policy was ill-conceived, heartless, and has created too many situations where children will likely NEVER see their parent again – our border patrol creating orphans! Yikes!! It makes me sick to my stomach to write this and, no doubt, MANY children are STILL in these PRISON cells as I’m writing this and the disgusting policy is away from most people’s minds because, well, there’s SO MANY more scandals to wrap our minds around.

I graduated from High School in 1965 right about the time of the “Tonkin Gulf resolution” which was the LIE which pushed “we the people” “ass over teakettle” into the Viet Nam War – which we’d been part of since the days of Eisenhower, but LBJ pushed a half MILLION troops into a “war” which was impossible to “win” and which our military refused to admit that for several years as 50,000 Americans LOST their lives and countless others were messed up for the rest of their lives. And, the ones who came home faced anything but a heroes welcome and, sadly, the VA didn’t give them the help they needed – which is why Viet Nam is a sore spot to this day for me.

I joined the Marine PLC in 1967 where I was allowed to finish my Junior year of college and, then, I would report for boot camp back in Quantico Virginia. I never made it back to boot camp because a knee injury I incurred during football in 1962 resulted in doctors removing ALL of the cartilage from my left knee and the doctor who examined me looked at the x-rays and said, “son, if the Red Chinese were marching down Broadway in Portland (where the physical took place) we wouldn’t take you.” I actually argued that I could handle the hikes in boot camp he said would be too much. Later, I realized the “war” was a ruse and I became thankful for my “honorable discharge” although I still supported my classmates, many of whom DIED in Viet Nam – some for reasons which simply made me angry and, which I won’t go into here.

My point is individual 1, who dishonestly (would you expect anything less) got out of the service by getting his father to find a doctor who would say he had “bone spurs” so he could get a deferment. So, were you surprised when he did NOTHING, said NOTHING about the reality Vladimir Putin is PAYING bounties on American troops in Afghanistan. Should we be surprised after individual 1 threw our intelligence community “under the bus” in Helsinki while standing next to Putin. Honestly, I keep wondering, “who’s side is he really on?” If you’ve read the so-called “dossier” you, like me, are likely wondering what it is which keeps individual 1 so connected to Putin. The Senate Intelligence Committee just finished the last part of their investigation and, with total bipartisan agreement – like 14 of 15 members, voting for it and I can’t wait to read it. Apparently, the Senate report suggests individual 1 LIED to Robert Mueller!

It’s hard for me to forget – despite my worn out brain – individual 1 claiming there were “fine people on both sides” of the neo-Nazi march on Charlottesville a couple years ago. These thugs were wearing NAZI paraphernalia on their clothing, they were marching with Tiki Torches, and they were chanting “Jews will not replace us” over and over as they marched to the statue of a Confederate General who was responsible for the DEATH of THOUSANDS of American troops in the Civil War. Personally, I find it hard to say people like David Duke and his brethren are “very fine people” and you’d think an American president would be smart enough to keep his mouth shut in that situation. However, individual 1 sends a “dog whistle” to his “white nationalist” brethren every chance he gets. Picture if Barack Obama had done something like that with Black radicals! (OK, Qanon can make up an example where he did just that!)

Speaking of Covid-19, I haven’t said much, but his incompetence in dealing with a pandemic where President Obama gave him the “path” to stopping the virus before it engulfed our nation. But NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Individual 1 would NEVER do anything where Obama might get credit. He began is term in office by taking credit for the economy he “inherited” while, at the same time, making absurd accusations against Obama and those who were part of the Obama administration. All I can think of is “be careful what you wish for” because Biden has assured “we the people” he won’t interfere in any investigations of wrongdoing once we get our IMPEACHED so-called president out of office – even if he has to be dragged out of the “White House.”

I don’t think he could reasonably be IMPEACHED for incompetence in dealing with (actually choosing to be AWOL from) Covid-19. However, ordering troops into Lafayette Square in D.C. so he could have a photo op holding a Bible (upside down) which, my guess is it was someone else’s Bible and he’s NEVER read it is another matter entirely. Gassing peaceful protesters in order to do that, SHOULD be illegal if it’s not. And, having the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Secretary of Defense with him as he did this was a bad look. IMPEACHABLE? I don’t know, but picture republicans had Obama done the same thing!

Of course, that wasn’t good enough for individual 1. Then he chose to send unidentified troops to Portland, Oregon, just across the Columbia River from me, to shoot protesters in their faces with rubber bullets, which, trust me, do major damage – like fracturing your skull, to, again, GAS mostly peaceful protesters, and to assault peaceful protesters as if they were troops in Afghanistan. The “troops” (whoever they were) were driving around in rented unmarked vehicles and grabbing people off the streets with NO charges and taking them, blindfolded, to federal sights where they verbally assaulted them – NO Miranda rights, no charges, just KIDNAPPING pure and simple. Whether there will be consequences remains to be seen because it was almost impossible to identify the invading troops! This was simply ANOTHER photo op for our IMPEACHED so-called president and, would it be IMPEACHABLE? Yes, but, If “we the people” are going to IMPEACH individual 1 we’ll have to do it at the ballot box which he’s busy RIGGING as I’m writing this.

You can count on Vladimir Puting being involved again this year – although, I sent an email to Biden’s campaign suggesting he warn Putin if he wins the election the Russians are going to face serious consequences – and any OTHER country which chooses to get involved no MATTER who they are trying to help~ I don’t know about you but I’d like to feel as if our election was free from outside interference. To me, that message SHOULD be sent ASAP!

Camera, I think the fourth thing in the list is camera – “person, woman, man, camera, TV.” Obviously, I’ve got old person issues and I’m OK with that. I’m thankful for every day I get on this planet and, hopefully, I can do something positive before I’m headed “home.” And, yes, sometimes this doesn’t feel all that positive – but, it feels NECESSARY! Just in case someone “on the fence” happens by and actually takes the time to read one of my posts. I’m OK if that doesn’t happen because, as I’ve said many times, it feels good to get this stuff “out.”

It’s true I’m still in disbelief Americans would elect someone like individual 1 to the presidency (despite the FACT he really is our IMPEACHED so-called president). Sadly, I know I’ll be on the edge of my seat watching whether or not he’s forced to answer for some of his ILLEGAL behavior which, in some instances, occurred before he became (our IMPEACHED so-called) president. His behavior has been egregious and, in my view, the only way to prevent similar behavior in the future is for individual 1 to face accountability for what he’s done. Period, Full Stop!!!! Maybe a jail cell right next to Michael Cohen once the virus abates!

Final Thought: I KNOW individual 1 is going to PARDON himself as he walks out the door of the “White House.” This SHOULD not stop the investigations! He’s used this power as a tool to prevent authorities from discovering the TRUTH about the “Russia thing” and, likely other misbehavior we don’t even know about YET! It’s ALL going to come out – he and his henchmen should be a bit nervous as we approach the election. Yes, they might be able to STEAL the election, but, personally, I have more faith in the American people. Even in places where it seems unlikely. Just the other day he claimed if he “wins” he’s going to repeal the payroll tax – which is what funds Social Security and Medicare. I can’t believe democrats are NOT going to make that statement a MAJOR campaign issue. Repealing the Payroll tax – if he could pull it off – would be the END of Social Security and Medicare as we now know them.

Actually, the tax needs to be adjusted UP so people like Mitt Romney are paying the tax on MORE if not ALL of their earnings. It would be easy to “fix” Social Security and Medicare – we simply need a democratically controlled Senate in order to do so! And, if individual 1 gets stopped, as well he should, in his brazen ATTACK on these two great programs of which Medicare was initiated when I was a kid and LBJ was our president, as part of LBJ’s “war on poverty,” then we have to watch out for people like Romney. At least individual 1 is attacking Social Security and Medicare “in plain sight,” Romney’s going after the two programs stealthily with his so-called “Trust Act.” Here’s my advice to any working-class American – you can’t trust anyone who claims to be a republican!

Ronald Reagan predicted Medicare would destroy our nation. Well, of course, that didn’t happen but individual 1, for some strange reason, wants to destroy Medicare. Apparently, no one in his “world” depends on Medicare. Just yesterday I was told to go to “Urgent Care” by my doctor’s office and it was comforting to know most, if not all, of the expense would be paid. (I also have a supplement insurance policy which is not very expensive) This issue MUST be on voters’ minds when they cast their ballots in November! And, by the way, if democrats let them get away with this we really are in BIG trouble! Stay tuned………………..

I have to add: While the coronavirus continues to rage in this country with an IMPEACHED so-called president who has no interest in dealing with it – well over 50% of those seriously affected by the disease are people of color, after all – you can COUNT on him manipulating the “data” in order to make himself look better come November. Here’s my latest observation/prediction: As he’s said, the way to get the “number of cases” to go down is to restrict testing – which is exactly what I believe he’s attempting to do. Keep in mind, he’s got compatriots in places like Florida, Texas, Arizona, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Iowa, etc. – I’m sure you see my point, states run by republican governors. Not only do I believe they’re restricting testing MORE than it was a month ago, but I also believe several of them are LYING about the cause of death for many of their (former) citizens. As I’ve pointed out here before, the number of Americans dying from “pneumonia” since February has DOUBLED. Is there a spurious connection?

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