Individual 1 and his sycophants are giving a new definition to the term “delusional.”

I can’t seem to get it out of my mind a conversation I had with a (Christian) friend of mine about individual 1 where I pointed out our IMPEACHED so-called president is a pathological LIAR and his response was, “well, everyone lies.” I could list a plethora of issues where I’ve tried to address the reality “we the people” are facing with people I know who support him and, in EVERY occasion, what comes back is DEFLECTION. When whoever it is I’m talking to says, “give me facts” and I, well, give them facts the result is the same, it’s DEFLECTION. In the world of individual 1 and his CULT the ONLY “facts” which matter are what Kellyanne Conway famously referred to as “alternative facts” back in the early days of individual 1’s regime. The most common “tie” in EVERY one of these conversations is the person I’m trying to dialogue with watches Fox “news” and dialogue seems impossible.

So, today as I was driving around to do errands I was listening to my XM car radio and, of course, on both MSNBC and CNN (which I’ve started to listen to) the topic was the LYING of individual 1 AND his lackeys with the hosts of the programs trying to rationalize what is going on. Ari Melber on MSNBC, for example, continues with the “trying to be fair” comment as he avoids just saying what is obvious – that our IMPEACHED so-called president is a LIAR and his supporters who defend him on air are a bunch of LIARS as well. I don’t know the names of the people on CNN but, essentially, I felt the same thing was happening with them as they discussed the attack on the Postal Service, attacks on Kamala Harris, and, by extension, attacks on “we the people.”

It’s like the LYING is so egregious they have to attempt to understand what the motivation for the LYING is instead of simply saying our (IMPEACHED so-called) president is a pathological LIAR. If they think that’s too much hyperbole they should read his niece’s book. But, that shouldn’t be necessary. For heaven’s sake, on CNN the discussion was on a question individual 1 was asked at his latest “Coronavirus task force” press briefing – which, of course, is simply a campaign event for him – another event the “news” outlets continue to allow themselves to get sucked in to covering – where, brace yourself, the suggestion was raised Kamala Harris is ineligible to run for VP because her parents were immigrants when she was born.

I’m not kidding! And, of course, the likelihood whoever asked that question was a “plant” by the “White House” is, to me, well, obvious. But, there it was, being discussed on a national “news” network. I suppose CNN gets a pass for bringing this up because it actually happened. And, of course, individual 1 gave his typical RACIST trope response, “I’ve heard that but I don’t know if it’s true,” which should have been BLASTED, in my view, by the commentators on CNN but that’s not how it came across to me. Keep in mind, this RACIST garbage is going to be NORMAL between now and the election and it SHOULD be called for what it is EVERY time it happens! OMG, “birtherism” all over again!

Today, individual 1 further demonstrated his willingness to CHEAT in order to get elected and, as I’ve been predicting, he’ll be “throwing the kitchen sink” at Biden/Harris in the process. It shouldn’t be up to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to call out this GARBAGE as RACIST tropes when it happens, but our so-called “liberal media” is so focused on what Mr. Melber said, “let me be fair,” that individual 1 will expertly use that unwillingness to “tell it like it is” to further manipulate the media. That’s what our IMPEACHED so-called president is good at – because, it requires his willingness to LIE and the timid response by our “liberal media” in order to succeed.

To me, if someone is BLATANTLY LYING, the “fair” response is to call it BLATANT LYING. Trying to understand the motivation as to why someone might choose to do so, to me, is irrelevant. It’s simply BLATANT LYING. Now, today, individual 1 actually said something which was TRUE and it was worth an extended discussion – maybe in court. He pointed out the reason he’s going to BLOCK the $25 BILLION the Postal Service board of governors (who he appointed, by the way) asked Congress for to solidify the Post Office’s solvency is because it would make it easier for the Post Office to count the mail in ballots in the November election. In addition he said he’s BLOCKING the 3+ BILLION dollars requested by the Congress to help the states facilitate “Voting from home” to prevent people from needing to risk their health to vote in person during this pandemic because, well, people voted in person during WW II.

Individual 1 and his republican sycophants want to prevent as many people as possible from voting. For some reason he believes the more Americans who vote the worst his chances for winning become. Does that mean only democrats would be voting by mail? Of course, we know that in places where the Secretary of State is a republican there are all kinds of voter suppression tactics in effect. Like in Georgia where there are many places for White people to cast their ballots but very few in areas which are predominantly frequented by persons of color. That tactic, of course, isn’t a new one. Republicans have been working to suppress the vote by people of color AND young people or people they think will vote for democrats for years. It appears America’s younger voters have had “enough” and are planning to send in ballots this year. But, will they do whatever it takes if individual 1 succeeds in making it difficult for them to cast their ballots?

So, apparently, the republicans are figuring by BLOCKING enough people from voting there’s a chance they can prevent this upcoming “blue wave.” Well, of course, only time will tell and I have to be totally transparent in saying I’m not certain they WON’T succeed. In 2016 individual 1 “won” Wisconsin by around 70,000 votes AND there were, according to several reports I’ve read, around 350,000 Wisconsin voters who were disenfranchised via Wisconsin’s voter suppression tactics. Do you really think that will stop this year? This is how republicans CHEATED before individual 1 took over – so, you can see why they like him! As I’ve said, it will take a massive turnout this year to get these people out of power.

I can tell you, if, somehow, individual 1 manages to STEAL this next election this nation is in serious trouble – maybe irreparable! The nations around the world who have been our traditional allies will have had enough. They’ve been watching individual 1’s administration in disbelief. One cowardly sycophant after another who doesn’t have the courage to do what he/she KNOWS is right. It was bad, but it didn’t seem so critically bad, until individual 1 actually had a REAL crisis to deal with. The coronavirus was an unwanted intrusion on his plans to base his re-election campaign on the reality he hadn’t destroyed the economy he inherited from Obama/Biden. Well, now the only thing keeping “we the people” from being right in the middle of the next depression is the “CARES Act” which was forced on republicans by democrats and included the $600 per week for unemployed workers that republicans hated.

Lindsay Graham and five other republicans considered blocking the “CARES Act” over what they considered an unconscionable giveaway to the “least of these” (America’s working poor) and finally they were forced to agree to the bill because the economy was tanking. Well, that was then and this is now. The “CARES Act” benefits expired on July 31st and, if a “compromise” can’t be reached because of this attack on the Postal Service it won’t take very long to get the full understanding of what that $600 each week was doing for our economy. When people lose the ability to spend that money it will affect the businesses and entities where it was spent along with the devastation it causes for those on unemployment. My personal belief is that the effects will become clear starting in September.

The good news: (From my standpoint) by publicly ADMITTING the reason he opposes funding the postal service because he wants to prevent people from voting from home in November individual 1 has created a situation where democrats MUST insist money is part of the HEROES Act.” I really hope (that for once) the democrats stick to their “guns.” I wrote back when they passed the “CARES Act” that democrats lost an opportunity to get that money because they, at the time, had leverage they don’t often have during this nightmare created by republicans and individual 1. Well, they again have leverage, because when republicans realize how bad the economy will look as we go into the election it won’t take long as their precious stock market starts going down to agree to the “HEROES Act” including money for the Postal Service.

“We the people” are depending on the democrats, between now and November, to FIGHT for the “right thing” – which would include saving the Postal Service and making Americans aware of individual 1’s attack on Social Security and Medicare. (More on that later) These actions by individual 1 make clear his belief the republican party will go along with whatever he desires. While these actions appear to be politically suicidal the republicans MUST have a lot of confidence in their ability to suppress the vote OR CHEAT in the counting of the ballots. Remember, there are still many states using electronic voting machines without a “paper trail” of the votes – and, from what I’ve read, these machines are easily hacked.

Back in the 2000 election people who tried to vote for Al Gore actually ended up voting for Bush OR the vote wasn’t counted because of other issues with the machines. Bush CHEATED to “win” and the result for “we the people” was the Iraq invasion. That SHOULD get the attention of every American. Despite polls showing Biden with a significant lead in Florida do you really think he’ll carry that state with Ron DeSantis as the governor? Do you think DeSantis won’t CHEAT in order for individual 1 to win? What’s the saying? “Come on Man!”

Final Thought: Of course, in individual 1’s attempt to undermine the Postal Service in order to prevent people from voting from home in the middle of this pandemic there are tangential consequences like there are in EVERY one of his unspeakable, selfish decisions. The postal service does much more than deliver ballots every four years in elections. For example, many of the people he counts on to vote for him are elderly white Americans who are on Social Security and Medicare and receive their prescriptions via the mail service. Obviously, creating a Postal Service which is less effective where mail is backing up in their distribution centers creates confusion and the possibility for extended delays in mail delivery. I periodically send small packages around the country and I’ve noticed recently the packages are taking from one to three days longer to get to their destination. Thankfully, so far, none have been “lost.”

Also, think of all the veterans who receive their prescription via the Postal Service. The group which developed “” (which I’ve donated to, by the way) said, the other day, there are 330,000 of their members who receive their prescriptions by mail. Is it possible even more “blood” will be in individual 1’s hands by the attempted destruction of this American treasure, the Postal Service – which is older than our country. The first postmaster general was Benjamin Franklin and I have to think he’s “rolling in his grave” watching the actions of individual 1’s lackey, Lewis DeJoy, who is in that post and is trying to ruin the service. This is “par for the course” for individual 1’s administration as he’s put people in charge of our traditional institutions with the agenda of destroying them.

And, keep in mind what our IMPEACHED so-called president is doing right now in going after our traditional institutions maybe the most scary to me, and old person, is his attack on Social Security and Medicare. He recently issued an executive order (yes, the stuff he and republicans complained about during Obama’s administration) to “defer” the payroll tax which funds Social Security and Medicare. Since he did that abomination he’s stated if he “wins” the election he’s going to eliminate the Payroll tax. I’m not sure he can do that without the complicity of Congress, but Americans SHOULD be well aware of his promise to do just that. I just am having a hard time believing “we the people” would vote for someone who “promises” to defund Social Security and Medicare during their campaign – even if it’s a “digital campaign.”

OMG: In the nature of why does individual 1 want to be like Barack Obama while he’s dismantling anything he can which was part of Obama’s legacy. Friends of individual 1 continue to argue he should get a Nobel Peace Prize – because, now, Israel and the UAE have agreed to some kind of accord. Maybe they should include turning America into a candidate for civil war would be included in that “peace” prize. These people are giving a new definition to the term “delusional.”

I have to add: Over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic I’ve claimed the death count is much higher than what is being publicly reported. First of all, there are republican governors who have been LYING about the statistics to prevent their constituents from understanding the full effects of the crisis and secondly, well, when the hospitals are full many don’t get there. In New York, back in March and April, there was evidence as many as 200 deaths per week were people dying from Covid-19 and being found dead in their homes. Well, now the same thing is happening in Texas and likely Arizona and Florida was well. So, just the other day when there was a report in the NY Times that an additional 40,000 deaths this year are likely the result of Covid-19. Personally, I believe the number is higher – but, maybe at some point in time, we’ll understand the actual truth.

Again, I ask for your forgiveness due to the grammatical foopahs! I’m just too lazy to re-read and edit. In reality, this is just my personal diary expressing my frustration with the government of the country I love. I have no idea how you found this place, but, again, sorry for my laziness!

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