Colin Kaepernick, obviously, deserves credit for his courage and leadership! “Black Lives Matter!”

I’ve pointed out numerous times here – where I spend MOST of my time and energy trying to expose individual 1’s incompetence and CORRUPTION – that the ONE thing he’s REALLY good at is manipulating the media. He’s been doing it since he walked down the stairs of his New York (former) home calling Mexicans “murderers and rapists” up until, well, right now. Yesterday, he was at a Ford plant in Michigan stirring up more controversy about whether he’s going to wear a mask or not and LYING about accomplishments which he didn’t achieve. But, sure as “shootin” our so-called “liberal media” is following along as a puppy follows his master.

I remember, back in 2016, how individual 1 dominated the air time coming from MSNBC, the so-called “liberal” alternative to Fox “news” (AKA individual 1 TV), and how MSNBC either wittingly or unwittingly worked as one of individual 1’s “useful idiots.” I still remember Chris Matthews, essentially – or that’s how it seemed to me at the time, trying to normalize individual 1 and his campaign. (Fortunately, Matthews can’t do this again) At the time individual 1 was trailing badly and I thought MSNBC was attempting to make the election more competitive in order for them to make more MONEY. There was rarely much more than a passing mention of Hillary Clinton and there seemed to be a conscious effort by MSNBC to create a false equivalency between the two candidates.

Well, individual 1, I’m sure, was very happy for the untold MILLIONS in free campaign advertising and he’s continuing to dominate MSNBC’s airwaves to this date. (Of course, I’m sure MSNBC was very happy with the ad revenue they received) Rarely, do we hear from Joe Biden (which may be a good thing due to his propensity to stick both feet in his mouth) but, more importantly, during this pandemic – while the economy is stuck in “neutral” we RARELY, if ever, hear about what our Congress is attempting to do to prevent “we the people” from falling into another economic “great depression.” In fact, it appears to me the democrats are trying as hard as they can to help individual 1 save this economy – but, their work is “flying under the radar.” For example, the ONLY time I’ve heard any real reference to the so-called “HEROES Act” has been about two or three interviews Nancy Pelosi has given on various MSNBC shows.

Not once have I heard anyone who would be an expert explaining the details of what is in this bill so that people could understand to what degree they should be supporting or opposing what the democrats are proposing. The republicans, of course, are reflexively opposing the bill, but if enough of “we the people” understand it’s a “good thing” the support generated could have an effect on whether the bill ends up getting passed. From the few interviews I’ve seen with Speaker Pelosi this bill, for the most part, should be considered essential – even by individual 1 who wants to run on a strong economy. It appears to me the HEROES Act would go a long way to protect our economy from the “ravages” of this virus.

I’ve been pointing out the disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street for some time now and, from what I can tell, the HEROES Act is aimed directly at “Main Street” which SHOULD be something republicans, at this point in time, would be wanting to support. I started this a few days ago and I’m convinced republicans SHOULD agree to the HEROES Act – it appears there is, at least, some negotiating going on and even republicans KNOW they won’t be looking that great as states are forced to start furloughing police officers, firemen, garbage workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, and a whole lot more of “essential workers.” Republicans want to destroy the Postal Service and they certainly don’t want “vote by mail.” We’ll see if democrats have the guts to stand up against them and FORCE these really important pieces into the legislation.

Today, according to John’s Hopkins the U.S.A went over 100,000 deaths from Covid-19. According to the “” we went over that terrible “milestone” yesterday. Regardless, there’s going to be thousands more people dying from this pandemic and based on what i saw from people who went to various places where there seemed to be water – in large crowds with people close together and refusing to wear masks – if the scientists know what they’re talking about there should be some increased “numbers” of Covid-19 cases in the next two weeks. The report I saw at a lake in Missouri indicated the people crammed together came from many different states and then dispersed once the holiday weekend was over all across the country.

For people like this who clearly are not concerned about the virus they are the ones who have the possibility of being the “super spreaders.” They very well could infect many other people with no idea they’re doing so. We’re looking at the reality there really does seem to be “two America’s.” The cult members are fed up with the idea of “sheltering in place,” “social distancing,” and even “wearing masks.” Some of them are angry enough to participate in the demonstrations at various state capitals, some showing their manhood by carrying automatic weapons, and in the demonstration in Michigan’s Capitol building I saw protesters SPITTING in the faces of the Capitol policemen who created a barrier so the protesters were unable to break into the Capitol’s Rotunda.

I look back on that protest – and, others including the one which happened in the Capital of my state, Washington – and, so far, I haven’t seen one African American among the protesters (although, that does not suggest there weren’t any) – most if not all of the protesters were white. After, yesterday, watching ANOTHER Black American MURDERED by a white policeman I couldn’t help wondering what the reaction of the authorities would have been had those protesters carrying those AK-47’s (or whatever they were) with ammunition belts around their torsos and SPITTING in the faces of the white Capitol police officers were Black?

What will happen if a group of African Americans grab their weapons and protest like these “militia” groups at Minnesota’s Capitol building? I’m pretty sure you know where I’m going with this. I’ll just say, I wouldn’t expect the police officers to just stand there getting someone’s spit in their faces and doing NOTHING. So, now, in the middle of this pandemic, “we the people” have yet another person dying because of being Black which SHOULD get everyone’s attention, but, of course, there’s this pandemic which has had NO organized federal response and there WON’T be one, PLUS it’s the beginning of the HURRICANE season with predictions of an ACTIVE hurricane season.

I’ve written about the DAMAGE individual 1 is causing to this nation on numerous occasions and have suggested MUCH of the DAMAGE is “behind the scenes.” I still remember Steve Bannon suggesting their goal was to “deconstruct the administrative state” – which, essentially, means to destroy our government from within. Well, we’re seeing more and more evidence they’ve been doing a good job of this while MOST of us (including me) are “chasing our tails” in regard to the “scandal a day” administration of our IMPEACHED so-called president. More and more of the DAMAGE is going to be evident as we struggle as a nation to get through the rest of this year – individual 1 will be our IMPEACHED so-called president until next January 20 thanks to the republicans who had the chance to end this nightmare courtesy of the democrats IMPEACHING individual 1. Only ONE had the guts to do the right thing and now we’re all paying for it.

I’ve suggested there is no provision in the constitution which would prevent a second IMPEACHMENT, but, of course, that aint gonna happen at this point, so people need to prepare to VOTE – and, in some instance that is going to require some extra energy because republicans are attempting to prevent as many likely democratic voters from voting as they can. “We the people” need to respond to this CORRUPT, immoral, disgusting IMPEACHED so-called president with an OVERWHELMING turnout at the polls so his whining about a “rigged” election will fall on deaf ears. He’s already setting his cult up for his likely defeat – and, he’ll blame it on illegal aliens voting by the MILLIONS. Count on it!

Individual 1 is working hard to continue his manipulation of “we the people” with his obscene use of social media, but apparently it’s backfiring, at least to some extent because he’s threatening an “executive order” giving himself power I DON’T believe he has – just like cutting aid to the WHO, I believe, must be done in concert with Congress, so his dictatorial instincts are working in high gear. Apparently, he’s angry with Twitter and he thinks social media isn’t being fair to “conservatives.” I’m guessing what is happening (I don’t do social media) is “we the people” are starting to wise up to the REAL “fake news” – which is a hallmark of Russian cyberwarfare and, subsequently, individual 1’s campaign apparatus – and, people very well may be responding to posts with factual rebuttals! (I’ve been lamenting for years the republicans use of the “Big Lie Theory” of the Third Reich to spew their misinformation and, maybe, “the secret’s out))

Clearly, the TV networks – well, I mostly watch MSNBC – are infatuated with individual 1. Lately, on MSNBC, our IMPEACHED so-called president is the subject of a lot of derision, but he still seems to be attempting to force himself onto the main segments of their programming with one scandal worthy action after another – causing him to get airtime and the rest of us to get numb to stuff that at any other time in my lifetime would be disqualifying. He’s got a cult which doesn’t seem to care as long as he continues with all the judges – apparently, that is enough to make these four years worth it to them. I’ll just add the last 9 months of his term could be the most consequential 9 months of any administration in this country’s history. I hope I’m wrong, but, stay tuned……………

Final Thought: I suggested this a couple years ago and, obviously, NO one who matters heard me or cared (or both); my suggestion was take the airtime away. Leave the cameras and report on anything he says which is important – like, for example, people SHOULD know he suggested drinking or injecting Lysol or Clorox as a way to fight the virus – when an IMPEACHED so-called president has gone off the “deep end” “we the people” should be aware.

When this all started I predicted, correctly, that the only way individual 1 would be removed from office would be when republicans realized he was going to cause them to lose their jobs as well. I think that day is fast approaching if it’s not already here. Of course it’s early, but when I look at the polls at Five Thirty Eight (They average ALL the polling) there are more and more republican Senators who are looking vulnerable. This would include Lindsay Graham and, even, Moscow Mitch. They’re in a real “pickle” because if they’re not totally subservient to individual 1 the “tweets” are going to flow and things will get even uglier. This next five months should be very interesting – historical times!

As usual of late: I didn’t post this the other day and since then the Minneapolis police have MURDERED another Black man – George Floyd – this time in broad daylight with multiple video cameras “witnessing” the act. It was deplorable just like all the other MURDERS of unarmed Black Americans by police or white racists (ie Ahmaud Arbery ) which led Colin Kaepernick to, essentially, give up his career as a NFL quarterback in protest to these continued outrages. The FACT Kaepernick is no longer “working” in the NFL was the reason I gave up fantasy football and stopped watching the NFL on TV. Individual 1 referred to the athlete’s protesting the FACT African Americans are being killed for being Black as “Sons of Bitches” and suggested they should be “fired.” Well, obviously, Kaepernick has been “fired” despite having the ABILITY to take an NFL team to the Super Bowl. Kaepernick, obviously, deserves credit for his courage and leadership.

I’m white and all I can say is I support Black Americans in their fight for equality and equal justice in the country. This needs to be of paramount importance to the incoming administration of Joe Biden. This country needs healing and that is where it should start. The MURDER of Mr. Floyd was, hopefully, the “straw that broke the camel’s back.” The man had his hands cuffed behind his back (likely for committing no crime – he was unarmed, of course) and they threw him on his stomach and one of the officers pressed his knee onto Mr. Floyd’s neck until, well, he was DEAD. I can’t even believe I’m writing this AGAIN!

I just mentioned the importance of Joe Biden’s administration addressing the issue of inequality as of “paramount importance.” So, I will add one more thing to that thought. It is also of “paramount importance” that if Biden was actually considering Amy Klobuchar as a VP candidate (which I hope is NOT true) that he would end that consideration as of RIGHT NOW! At this point I believe that’s the ONLY way he can lose. (Although, he me try to find other ways as well)

Covid-19 is continuing to “rage” – and, will likely be picking up steam as “we the people” open our economy too soon – and, way too many people continue to act as if it’s just another “flu.” We’re potentially looking at a depression. Individual 1 continues to believe he’s a dictator – he’s pulling the U.S. out of the WHO (World Health Organization) ??? (can he really do that without Congress?) and he’s creating an even worse situation with China (maybe as a way to blame them for his ineptitude in the pandemic) and now we’re looking right in the face of an active hurricane season and a disastrous wild fire season. Is there really anyone who’s confident in America’s leadership (outside of the cult, of course)? Stay tuned……………..

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