When I heard individual 1 was disparaging Stacy Abrams my first thought was, “Does he ever look in a mirror?”

I’ve pondered the thought many times here, “how can individual 1’s supporters be so STUPID?” And, of course, I know that what many of them are supporting is their long standing belief the republican party is the party for “pro lifers.” (They think I’m stupid) So, they’re happy because individual 1 is simply funneling potential judges who are selected by the Federalist Society to Moscow Mitch, who in turn, is able to get them confirmed. Obviously, they want Roe v Wade overturned. It’s true the lasting legacy of individual 1 (for “conservatives”) will be the right wing judges he’s nominated who will tilt the courts to the “right” for, at least, a generation. I just have to wonder if it’s worth it to them due to what comes with their “marriage.” For me, as a Christian (obviously, not part of the “conservative Christian” movement), the worst part in all of this is how individual 1 is using the “evangelical Christians” in his desperate attempt to remain in POWER as the November election sits on the “horizon.” (To me, not a good “witness”)

Our IMPEACHED so-called president has more to worry about than simply losing an election as he could be facing multiple indictments once he’s no longer protected by that OLC “memo” written after Watergate suggesting a sitting president can NOT be indicted. That is what protected individual 1 from the Mueller investigation – despite William Barr’s shameful manipulation of the TRUTH of what was really in Mueller’s report – “cutting it off at the knees” with his “summary” where he suggested there was no OBSTRUCTION of Justice charges warranted from Mueller’s report – which was, essentially, the OPPOSITE of what was in the report. I was, for maybe the only time in my life, part of the “1%” as I actually read the entire Mueller report (TWICE) and, clearly, the ONLY reason Mueller didn’t seek an indictment of individual 1 was that memo. Barr expertly (from individual 1’s perspective) cut off any IMPEACHMENT resulting from the report – which (Impeachment) was the implied remedy for the OBSRUCTIVE behavior suggested by Mueller.

So, how is individual 1 trying to overcome the odds of him losing his re-election bid – which, according to every poll I’ve seen (and, there are many polls) paint a grim picture for November? Well, how does he approach EVERYTHING? He’s LYING, he’s lashing out at his perceived “enemies,” and, of course, he’s manipulating those in his “base” – as if he really cares about them. For example, and, to me, this one says it all – this past week he was all about churches being open for Memorial Day weekend – so that worshipers could “flock” to their church gatherings while this pandemic he’s so egregiously mismanaged is still raging. He tried to make it look as if this issue was “dear to his heart.” Naturally, you would assume that’s where he’d be on Sunday after his proclamation that all churches would be open, right? Nope, of course not, he was out playing golf instead of going to church. “What else is new?”

In fact, as he’s been pandering to Christians since it became apparent to him he needed their support to “win” the election (with three MILLION fewer votes than his opponent/enemy) I looked online for evidence of his church attendance. What do you think I found? Yep, NOTHING! He’s exposed many of the “mega Christians” for exactly what they stand for over these past three years. I’ve only read through the Bible twice (along with re-reading many of the books several times) and, honestly, I can’t find a good Biblical reason for supporting what individual 1 stands for. I mean his infidelity and his pathological LYING along with his demeaning of “the least of these” would seem to indicate a problem for a Christian. Think the “Ten Commandments” for starters. Just sayin……….

His base is a curious combination of the aforementioned “conservative/evangelical Christians” and the white nationalist movement in America – which includes those affiliated with the neo-Nazi movement, the KKK, and other right wing militia movements in America that seem to be tied together with their racist beliefs and their automatic weapons. To me, this is almost like deja vu all over again as I think back to reading books like “Bonhoeffer” by Eric Metaxas and other readings I’ve had over the years about the Germans of the 1930’s. I’ve written many times (with frustration toward our so-called “liberal media” for ignoring this) about how America’s “right wing” adopted the “Big Lie Theory” of the Nazi’s back in the days of Ronald Reagan. There are way too many parallels between Germany back then and individual 1’s administration right now.

I first noticed this (the organized LYING) when I happened to listen (for a while) to Rush Limbaugh back in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s when he had just started his misinformation assault on unsuspecting Americans. Of course, I chose NOT to be a “ditto head” – just the idea he calls his loyal listeners by that moniker pretty much suggests his audience isn’t made up of “free thinkers.” At the time I started to notice ALL the “conservative” pundits were LYING about the same things with the same key terms – over and over again. That they would adopt the propaganda strategy of the Nazi’s repulsed me. I’ve watched this evolve ever since and, it seemed to me, the election of Barack Obama caused those behind Limbaugh, who were on the fringes, to create a very sophisticated response – starting with the so-called “Tea Party.” But, they were still in the fringes – looking for a place to “land.” The GOP seemed to have “open arms.” When I heard individual 1 was giving the “medal of freedom” to Limbaugh I almost gagged!

The republican party has been steadfast over the years to be, essentially, the party in American politics which was dominated by white people, without overtly being the party of white people. There always seemed to be kind of a half-hearted effort to become more inclusive – that is, until Obama came along. And, while republican party leaders understood the election of Obama SHOULD have caused their rank and file to realize the need to be more inclusive – we are, after all, a nation of IMMIGRANTS – they seemed to “double down” as they welcomed those in the “Tea Party” into their midst. Of course, we’ve seen, since 2010, the “Tea Party” faction of the republican party pretty much drive out the “establishment” members of the party and now you have individual 1, who very well could be leading the “Grand Old Party” to the “graveyard.”

Without doubt, we’ve seen this before. George W Bush and Dick Cheney (from my perspective, mostly Cheney – but that’s a story for another day) took the republican party to the precipice after LYING America into the disastrous fiasco of Iraq, mismanaging the fiasco in Afghanistan, and leaving office with the country headed into the Great Recession, shedding 800 THOUSAND jobs per month and leaving Obama with an annual deficit of $1.5 TRILLION. This got a lot of people’s attention. I will say this about GW Bush, however – there was a lot I didn’t like about him, but I NEVER considered him a “white nationalist.” In fact, as I look back, I don’t believe I ever even considered him a racist – despite my feelings the republican party was dominated by whites protective of their “privilege.” Obviously, the issue facing African Americans in our country has permeated presidents of both parties for the entirety of this nation’s history. Yes, it’s gotten better at times, but this pandemic is exposing how far we have to go as a nation to deal with issues of inequality – whether in the Black community or elsewhere.

And, sadly, thinking about what Bush/Cheney left as they “snuck” out of town, it looks almost good at this point in time. As they left office it appeared the republican party would be on the “outs” for years to come – but, the “Tea Party” – along with the realization America’s racist past (Can you say “birther movement?”) was far from purged as certainly I had foolishly believed – revived the party turning it farther to the “right.” And, their brazen willingness to OBSTRUCT virtually everything President Obama attempted to accomplish was greeted as “business as usual” by our so-called “liberal media” and now, well, here we are. The “birther movement” not only empowered individual 1 but it exposed our media to being, essentially, numb to all the racist rhetoric which surfaced after Obama’s election, gaining only sporadic attention.

At the time Obama was elected I was aware of the Koch brothers I just didn’t know much about them, like how much wealth they possessed, and how much they were spending to turn America toward their John Birch Society viewpoint. From what I could tell they were the money behind the “Tea Party” and, for longer than I’ve been paying attention to them, they’ve been funding right wing, libertarian like republicans. I remember David Koch running for Vice President in 1980 as part of the Libertarian party ticket. Their platform pretty much says it all as far as where the Koch’s are coming from – if you’re interested here’s an article which lays out their priorities – and, remember, they’re the main funders of today’s republican party. (Of course, the Koch brothers are now the Koch “brother” as David Koch has died)

If you haven’t figured out what effect money has on politics just keep in mind the Libertarian ticket Koch was on back in 1980 got about 1% of the vote. Now, along with all the other right wing organizations which have come together to form today’s republican party with their funding, they’ve got around 40 – 45% support among “we the people.” To me, that in itself, is a sad state of affairs. But, it also suggests those, like myself, who are claiming this election coming up is the MOST important election in our lifetimes (I’ve been voting since the 1960’s), are not just “blowing smoke.” Yes, at the time, I did say the 2018 election was the most important election (up to that time) in my lifetime, and it was. Thankfully, Americans showed up in great numbers to repudiate what individual 1 stands for, not just what he’s been doing. Just try to imagine what would have happened had democrats not gained a check on individual 1!

Without the results of the 2018 election things would be extremely dire – far more so than they are – in America today. The 2018 election brought that desperately needed check to individual 1 – leading, of course, to his IMPEACHMENT – although, the republicans, for some reason, continue to cower from their leader as if they are collectively devoid of conscience – except, of course, Mitt Romney who had the courage to vote to convict in the IMPEACHMENT trial – a vote which will put him above all other republicans in the history books of this era, but I digress. (again) Yet, the 2020 election is the real “test” of the American people as to whether our constitutional republic is worth keeping. Obviously, if we believe it is, then individual 1 has got to go!

Not only should we be VOTING him out of office, but we SHOULD be targeting as many republican Senators as possible and democrats should continue attempting to turn as many seats in the House blue as they can. In other words, don’t back down anywhere. Challenge people like Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer to put their money to good use in an attempt to win elections all the way from the White House down to dog catcher. Send a message to the republican party that their surge to the “right” is going to push them into the history books. And, this is coming from someone (me) who’s been a lifelong independent voter and believes we need two vibrant parties in order to represent some kind of a coalition of ideas in our nation.

The combination of individual 1’s incompetence, the republican party’s willingness to accept it, and the novel coronavirus which has infected likely close to 5% of our population and resulted in the deaths of well over 100,000 Americans has exposed weaknesses in our nation which MUST be addressed and. likely will only be addressed if “we the people” do what I’m suggesting and vote individual 1 plus a LOT of republican Senators out of office – because, it seems almost as if they would do the opposite of what seems obvious to people like me that we MUST do!

So, what is it that seems so obvious to me? OMG, where to start? I’ll start with health care, because it affects EVERYONE. If Bernie Sanders’ push for “Medicare for all” hasn’t sunk in as imperative – or at least some comparable alternative – then you must have your head in the sand. Our government has come up with something in the order of $10 TRILLION to combat Covid-19 (the disease caused by the coronavirus) in the space of two to three months. Of course, MOST of that money has been provided to the Fed to prop up Wall Street, but as far as I’m concerned our people are more important than Wall Street. It seems as if EVERY republican administration creates HUGE amounts of national debt and, I can guarantee you, they’ll be blaming this debt on Joe Biden as early as next January if he wins the November election! Yikes!! But, my point is the idea we can’t afford “Medicare for all” should ring preposterous at this point when you look at the money which magically appeared to save Wall Street.

The increase in the debt during individual 1’s regime could be near incalculable, but I’m not one to say any more than I hope “Main Street” is propped up first and foremost. So, aside from health care, the next OBVIOUS issue which needs to (finally) be addressed is the issue of income inequality along with the issue of addressing the needs of people of color in this nation. Of course, there are many Americans who are “white” who fall into the category of “left behind” by our economy so this issue (income inequality) is a complex issue which MUST be addressed with the goal of eliminating poverty in our nation.

We have been slipping toward something resembling a third world nation for several years and, in my view, that started with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 when I, personally, started thinking America was becoming a “me” society as oppose to the “we” society in which I grew up. Shareholders started to become more important than workers – which has evolved to almost unimaginable levels to someone like me who grew up in the 50’s and 60’s. Unions have nearly been eliminated and companies finding ways to avoid providing “benefits” beyond wages to workers has become acceptable. Part time jobs are what is available to millions of low wage workers in America. The idea of monopolies – which were broken up since the days of Teddy Roosevelt have become acceptable – like Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple (off the top of my head) – all of this is creating a very dangerous risk to our fundamental society.

When I was young, business people and entrepreneurs were taxed at 90% of earnings over (what would be in today’s dollars) $1 MILLION per year. The idea was to encourage them to re-invest in their business or to donate to charity (with the deduction reducing their tax liability) with their EXCESS income. To frame my disdain for what is happening in today’s economy, I read the other day Jeff Bezos has “earned” $32 BILLION during this pandemic and Mark Zuckerberg “only” $25 BILLION (keep in mind, that’s in three months) while the country is likely headed to a depression. To me, this is obscene.

In fact, it appears to me, the only thing which will cause our economy to avoid a depression is the government BORROWING well over the $10 TRILLION I’ve already mentioned. Yet, these digital entrepreneurs are raking in the BILLIONS – I guess that just seems like something which is OBVIOUSLY wrong – with Americans lined up in food lines all across the country and unemployment approaching 20%! And, reports I’ve read suggest people like Bezos and Zuckerberg find ways to rake in this money without paying ANY taxes – certainly, at a time when “we the people” need corporate interests to be paying taxes to support our government in a real crisis. This all is reminding me of some of Elizabeth Warren’s proposals. VP????

OK, I do seem to get sidetracked – if I haven’t shared this here – I am most certainly ADD. I’m sure when I was in school in the 50’s and 60’s it was full blown ADHD, but they didn’t diagnose kids for that, as far as I know, back then. Anyway, another key area which has become even MORE obvious to me which needs to be addressed is it’s TIME for America to rebuild her infrastructure. And, we need to do it as if we’re aware it’s actually the 21st century and that should guide our thinking. If we can funnel almost $7 TRILLION to Jerome Powell in order to make the stock market look as if there’s “nothing wrong” while we’re headed toward a depression then we can come up with maybe something like $3 TRILLION to INVEST in America’s future by building a 21st century infrastructure.

Here’s some things I SHOULD have been aware of, but I have to admit I was not. There are many rural places in America which have no broadband – which I wouldn’t have given a second thought to until I’m realizing many critical issues today REQUIRE a broadband connection. I’m trying to picture in my mind are their hospitals in these areas operating without a broadband connection? Or, do they even have hospitals? I suppose it can be done via satellite, but, to me, that SHOULDN’T be necessary. Also, as I’m listening to issues regarding Native Americans and the Navajo reservation, there are many Native Americans living without electricity and running water. I hope I heard that one wrong, but if not, that should be part of the plan. Our government should function from the “bottom up” instead of from the “top down.” “Trickle down” economics has just been a sneaky way for businesses and wealthy elites to pilfer taxpayer dollars!

Obviously, our roads are falling farther and farther into disrepair and not much seems to be getting done to address that issue. I remember staying in Pittsburgh with my brother-in-law and telling him how bad the roads in Pittsburgh are, and then when I got home, I realized when I get to parts of the area around where I live that have needed road repairs I’m seeing the same thing – and, in the last couple of years it’s gotten worse. These types of investments, obviously, benefit almost everyone. They are INVESTMENTS in our future! I still remember when I was very young hearing adults talking about Eisenhower’s plan to build roads across America – The “Interstate Highway System” – a project which took over 30 years to complete.

We need to invest in our children – their schools and their schooling, right up through 4 years of college. It’ a national disgrace, from my vantage point, that students who want to go to college in our country and don’t have parents who are well off end up owing enough to pay for a home mortgage when they get out of school. And, then many are unable to find the type of employment they thought was “promised” when they began. I agree with Elizabeth Warren that all school debt should be forgiven and I agree with Bernie Sanders state universities should be tuition free. This all is INVESTING in our future – our young people. (Although, many older people would return to school if it was affordable!) Oh yes, there should be a plan in place to retrain workers who are displaced. (That is how I became a sixth grade school teacher)

Individual 1 (and his republican sycophants) are doing everything they can to destroy the Postal Service. If you read the Libertarian Party platform of the Koch brothers (which I linked to above) you saw that, even back as far as 1980 these right wing wackos were attempting to destroy the Postal Service – to me, a national treasure. The Postal service has been here since the beginning of this country. Talk about undermining our culture! These are the same people who want NO taxes, they want Medicare and Medicaid abolished along with, obviously, Social Security. The list goes on and on, but, in my view, “we the people” need to support a rebuilding of our infrastructure which accomplishes almost the opposite of what today’s republicans stand for and that includes shoring up the Postal Service.

In reality, most of what I’m suggesting here would be beneficial to the rank and file republicans who continue to support individual 1 and will likely continue supporting whoever the republicans put forward in 2024 and beyond. This is why “we the people” must remain diligent in our efforts to push forward a progressive 21st century agenda which works for ALL Americans. It’s also why Joe Biden’s choice for a running mate is so important – because, I don’t believe he’ll be a candidate in 2024. His purpose is to take out Trump from office via the 2020 election. His running mate, we know it’s going to be a woman, will likely be the “front runner” for the nomination come 2024. And, I’ll just say, if he chooses Amy Klobachar, he very well could lose in November. I agree with those who believe he should choose an African American woman as his running mate.

It appears individual 1 has decided to begin his attacks on Biden’s potential running mates already. I don’t do social media but, today, I read reports where our IMPEACHED so-called president attacked, among others, Stacy Abrams on Twitter. I didn’t see the “tweet” but, from what I read he disparaged Ms. Abrams for her weight. This just reminded me of how I’ve wondered why someone as disgusting as individual 1 could feel so enabled to attach derogatory memes on various people, especially women, when he’s an overweight disgusting human being himself. To me, the classic “Throwing stones from a glass house.” If he wasn’t causing so much DAMAGE to this country I believe I would pity him for his apparent mental illness. Does he ever look in a mirror? Are judges worth all of this?

Final Thought: I’ve been saying this for weeks now that as I watch the statistics closely regarding Covid-19 I’m more convinced than ever there are republican governors around the country continuing to LIE about the affects of this disease. It’s as if they would love to pretend this isn’t really happening, but the reality is it is and it’s NOT going away because governors have decided to LIE about what is happening in their states. I originally was suspecting South Dakota, Georgia, and Florida. Since then there have been “whistleblowers” from both Florida and Georgia to confirm my suspicions. Now the governors of Iowa and Nebraska are on my list and I’m sure there are others. The reality is the virus is still here and as people begin acting as if it isn’t we’re going to be seeing hospitals bulging at the seems again.

I’ve already heard reports that hospitals in Alabama are filling up as the stay at home restrictions are being softened. I’m guessing this is just one of many reports we’ll be hearing in the weeks to come. I “get” that, without a vaccine – which may NEVER be made – this virus is going to run its course through our country (and countries around the world). Additionally, we can’t expect people to stay in their homes indefinitely. It appears to me, the challenge is to protect our health care system from surges which overwhelm them and do the best we can to “test, trace, and treat” in an attempt to minimize the spread of the disease. The next few weeks should be interesting as we’ll see the results of many places where “social distancing” has been considered, well, I don’t think it was considered. Let’s hope hot weather gives us all a “break.” Stay tuned…………………

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