I truly hope Eric Trump is correct when he says Covid-19 is going to disappear on November 4th! However, is he wacko!?

There’s a saying MOST people are familiar with: “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” Well, I listened to an interview Eric Trump gave on Fox “news” (ie individual 1 TV) the other night and I almost hurt my neck as I was shaking my head. Here’s what he said, Once we get to November 3rd (That’s election day) the democrats are going to turn off the Covid-19 crisis which they’ve concocted in order to win the election by blocking my father’s huge rallies (my paraphrasing). OMG! (Of course, he predicted his father would still win the election – so, you’d have to wonder why he’d say something as, well, ABSURD as that – but………. Of course his daddy called the virus “just another democrat hoax” so what should we expect??????????

These people are nuts. The world is watching all of this and it’s not making “we the people” look as if we’re very “bright.” Like, how could America elect a Carnival barker as it’s (IMPEACHED) so-called president? I am imaging Vladimir Putin is chuckling in his vodka as I’m typing this. Of course, Putin has been busy undermining Western democracies in more places than America – like Brexit, France, Germany, Hungary, and more. The Russian cyber warriors are busy – and they’re still picking things up in the U.S.A. Why wouldn’t they, there’s an incompetent boob in the White House who works to their benefit and they’ve succeeded in virtually neutering America’s Justice Department and Intelligence Community and they know there’ll be no repercussions.

If you’ve read many of my postings you know I’m anxious for the November election with the HOPE that individual 1 will get voted back to his role as pseudo mob boss in his fake real estate empire, which I’m guessing will be in danger due to the damage he’s done to his “brand” while in the “White House.” I can imagine the complaining and lashing out as he’s facing accountability for the (alleged) illegal behavior which permeated his organization prior to him “winning” the 2016 election. I won’t allow myself to imagine the DAMAGE to this nation if, somehow, he manages to “win” another four years. I don’t think America will recover from that, certainly, in my lifetime – I just fear for that because of my children, grand children, and the thousands of students I taught who, the oldest would still be in their upper 30’s and the youngest would be near voting age.

Speaking of students this weekend former President Obama gave the graduation speech, digitally of course, to the high school class of 2020 and, indirectly, he suggested “some adults are incompetent” (or words to that affect) – with many suggesting it was a reference to individual 1. Of course, individual 1’s response was that President Obama was an “incompetent president.” Boy, I keep referring to our IMPEACHED so-called president as being the champion of “projection” when I’m not comparing him to my sixth grade students from when I was still teaching – and, this was a prime example. (“Same to you but more of it”) As I think of individual 1 and his sycophants I’m reminded of the saying “They’re throwing ‘stuff’ against the wall to see if any of it sticks.” The BLAME game is foundational to individual 1’s administration, we’ll see what “sticks.”

In response to their incompetence in the beginning of this pandemic the BLAMING is reaching epic proportions. This weekend they were BLAMING the CDC for a failed test early on (they didn’t mention their refusal to use tests from other countries which were known to be effective and that the CDC is part of the Executive branch – that’s them), they were blaming African Americans for, apparently, living in low socio economic conditions – thereby having more “comorbidities” and being more susceptible to Covid-19 (This is where I believe individual 1 is planning to contest the number of Covid-19 deaths in the statistics – Yikes!), they were BLAMING former President Obama and, of course, by extension former Vice President Biden, they’ve been BLAMING the Chinese and the WHO (World Health Organization) and they’ll BLAME whoever is convenient to BLAME for the foreseeable future if they think it will be an effective DEFLECTION from the truth.

As an aside, while all this is going on they’re supposed to be actually running our government. Quite naturally, the incredible CORRUPTION there continues. Just the other day ANOTHER Inspector General was FIRED because of, well, doing his job. I believe this is the FOURTH Inspector General FIRED in the space of about a month “and change.” (5 weeks?) This Inspector General was overseeing the State Department and, according to reports I’ve read, he was “inspecting” Mike Pompeo – the Secretary of State. Individual 1 fired the Inspector General who oversaw the Intelligence Community because he blames him for the IMPEACHMENT (ie for doing his job honestly) and he fired the Inspector General who was over the HHS for reporting the shortage of PPE for our hospital workers. There are reports Mr. Pompeo requested the FIRING of the person investigating his behavior as Secretary of State because he couldn’t legally fire him himself – plus Obama appointed him. It should surprise no one that Pompeo is LYING about how this all came about. (My first thought when I read about what Pompeo was doing was “Iran/Contra” all over again?) Before individual 1, I don’t remember EVER hearing of an inspector general being fired – they are the result of Watergate and they’re supposed to be independent. These FIRINGS are brazen and shameless!

Just like everything else which has evolved into American politics since the emergence of individual 1 we’re seeing republicans cowering on the sidelines as if they have the problem of “lockjaw.” Republicans who would have been apoplectic had President Obama been FIRING any inspectors general who might be investigating his actions or those of his surrogates are saying, well, NOTHING. This is all going to be in the rear view mirror and, if nowhere else, the History books will remember what is transpiring while we’re all helplessly watching. As I interpret individual 1’s response to Covid-19 I believe the word which comes to mind is INCOMPETENCE – when I think about the rest of the government the word is CORRUPTION. And, yet his cult still apparently believes he’s “draining the swamp.” OMG!

Let’s get back to my original thought – responding to Eric Trump suggesting Covid-19 will end on November 4 because it’s simply been concocted by democrats as a way to defeat his father in the election by preventing him from having his rallies with “50,000 people.” My first thought was: “If this is a democrat “hoax” that they will end on November 4th why not simply just go ahead with the rallies? If the 50,000 people will show up, why not do it? Unless, mainly it’s NOT a “hoax.” I guess it’s nothing new to hear ABSURD and STUPID comments coming from the mouth of one of individual 1’s sons. I heard his other son was making STUPID remarks this weekend on Fox as well, accusing Biden of being a pedophile, I just didn’t have the energy to find out exactly what he said, but remember these people are experts at projection. Eric’s comments were enough for one weekend!

I have to say, I actually hope he’s correct about the virus going away on November 4th, but, in reality, as I just said, I have to wonder how STUPID can one person be? Did he make this up or is there actually a conspiracy of this sort roaming around somewhere on the internet? Maybe my problem is I believe it makes sense to listen to the scientists who, up until this point in time, have been correct. I do believe the “shelter in place” orders have caused MOST people to be cautious as America “opens up” so, hopefully, as the weather gets warmer the number of cases will go down. I REALLY miss baseball and would love to be able to go to a game once again. But……. from my standpoint, Eric Trump is wacko!

Oh yes, as the commentators on Fox continue to find ways to convince their (foolish) audience Covid-19 is a “hoax,” and they continue to allow people like Eric Trump to have a platform for his nonsense, it’s interesting to note the Fox commentators are “reporting” from their homes. If it’s not “real” why aren’t they working in the studio as normal? Just sayin……….. I’ll end by saying the Fox viewers are part of a “CULT” and the BRAINWASHING continues day by day. I’m great with dialogue with people with differing viewpoints it’s just more invigorating when the person I’m talking do is defending his/her position with actual factual information.

Sometimes I feel like I need to have all the books I’ve read put into a database I can draw on when I’m talking to someone who’s saying something I know to be inaccurate – but, I realize my own points are of no value without being defensible via facts as well. Clearly, I have strong opinions, but I am constantly reading books written by academically accepted authors who base their points of view with factual data in order to better educate myself. Yes, all of us have our biases, but if you read about a topic from multiple points of view, in my view, you can then form more pragmatic points of view. The over-driving motive from my perspective is my responsibility to do what I taught my students was their responsibility as an American citizen and that is to become an informed voter. And, I believe in respecting the vote of the people WITHOUT feeling the need to brandish a firearm to make myself look like some kind of inauthentic patriot!

Final thought: I continue to marvel at the difference between Wall Street and “Main Street” as this crisis with the virus continues. Today, the stock market took another big jump upward although the unemployment numbers are likely close to 25% and virtually every statistic representing economic activity seems to be disastrously dropping – I believe “retail sales” dropped almost 20% in April for example. Today, there was a report that a vaccine showed promise in stage 1 trials and that seemed to be enough, along with more comments coming from Jerome Powell of the Fed suggesting he’s got more stimulus (remember, he’s got around $7 TRILLION to “work” with) to push the market up, and today it responded by going up over 3%.

At the same time there are reports of more shenanigans in the financial sector about mortgage back securities being bundled together, something reminding people of the 2008 crisis. This time it’s coming from Commercial mortgages which are being bundled together and sold to investors in amounts, apparently, in the Billions of $’s. The suggestion was some of the mortgages were made based on questionable terms – maybe lenders failing to follow acceptable guidelines in the approval process for the loans – making these securities toxic. That, of course, would compound the issues affecting the economy beyond the virus.

And, of course, people aren’t spending money as usual at restaurants, going to the movies is happening in people’s living rooms, pro sports have been canceled and their re-opening is likely to be witnessed in living rooms as well, airplanes are very likely close to empty (I don’t know for sure because I hate flying), places which rely on tourism are likely facing an extended period of extremely reduced income, and I could go on – of course, most of the businesses I’ve referenced rely on WORKERS ultimately for their success and these WORKERS are “making it” economically due to the unemployment benefits which were in the CARES Act – benefits that republicans are determined to end.

My point, again, is I just am curious about the disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street. I believe it will become an “issue” once again in the not too distant future. Obviously, our IMPEACHED so-called president views the health of the economy to be based on Wall Street as opposed to Main Street. Personally, I would be cautious in buying stocks right now but with Powell continuing to prop up the market maybe I’m wrong. However, if I was in the market and I thought the vaccine mentioned today as being possibly effective I might buy that one – I just don’t see how the market, overall, can be strong in the face of a possible depression. (FYI – it’s another day and apparently the vaccine isn’t as popular today as yesterday so the market took a bit of a dive today. I’ll say it again: Wall Street = House built on sand!

Eventually, WORKERS are going to understand there’s plenty of money for large corporations but “not so much” for the rest of “us” – “us” meaning the small businesses who are struggling to get PPP money and some unwilling to do so because of all the “rules,” plus MILLIONS of workers. Sadly, it feels to me these small businesses are being set up to be “usurped” by the big businesses once this is all in the “rear view mirror.” To me, it’s almost as if all the “free market” politicians are being unmasked during this crisis. TRILLIONS of dollars to Wall Street and supporting a “plan” likely to result in EVEN less competition going forward. I know people who tell me they’re “conservatives” yet vote for people who create policies which create LESS competition. I always thought competition was the foundation of a “free market” system. Just sayin…………

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