I believe it’s time for IMPEACHMENT number two! Republicans deserve a second chance to do the right thing!

Individual 1 appears to be single minded and that is he’s focused on somehow “winning” the election come November and, as you look at things caving in all around him, you can see why he comes across as if he’s desperate. Yes, he’s got a pretty solid (white nationalist) base which I don’t believe is going to abandon him – it’s definitely like a cult – but, there are some glaring issues which are getting worse instead of better in regard to his re-election. First and foremost his plan was to run on “The greatest economy in the history of the country” – which, was just another LIE, but…… Now it appears he’s going to provide whoever “wins” the election with quite possibly the WORST economy in the history of the country.

I said when he was first elected he INHERITED the economy at the time, whatever you think of it, from President Obama and, like every president before him, it’s not his economy until after the first year – the president doesn’t come in and change everything on day one. So in individual 1’s first year ALL his BRAGGING should have been aimed at thanking Obama. The ONLY significant “accomplishment” individual 1 and the republican Congress (remember BOTH houses were controlled by republicans for his first two years) was another of the republican “tax cuts for the rich” – which, this time, didn’t fool anyone. The result of those first two years was an overwhelming democratic landslide in the 2018 election leading to individual 1’s IMPEACHMENT, but I digress. (Yes, there were many executive orders repealing environmental regulations – which actually helped the 2018 “Blue wave”)

I should have added above, the tax cut (I call it usually a “tax scam”) added a couple TRILLION $ to the national debt – which has raised a few eyebrows now, during the Covid-19 pandemic when the debt is going up for actually necessary reasons. And, right now, all eyes are on the pandemic because, well, it’s everywhere – and, in much of America it’s still getting worse. But, our IMPEACHED so-called president has his focus on the economy because he views that as his “road to victory” in November. I have to add that it’s still hard for me to understand how he can’t comprehend the real road to victory would be focusing on this virus and leading a federal response that got it under control – but, it appears, “that aint happenin.”

So, he’s still focused on “fixing” the economy which has shed almost 40,000 jobs and is soon to have GDP, likely, at depression era levels. Here’s the problem as I see it for our IMPEACHED so-called president; he inherited close to half a BILLION from his daddy and managed to squander most of it to the tune of something like a half dozen BANKRUPTCIES so his record of building up something he inherited is, well, pitiful. What he inherited from President Obama was an economy which was on an upward “swing” for the previous 7 years and it was gaining momentum. That SAME upward trajectory continued for individual 1’s first three years, but…….. I will concede the upswing was in jeopardy when we learned about the “incoming” virus, however, it didn’t have to be this bad. Bottom line: another bankruptcy for individual 1. #7?

Originally, individual 1 was envisioning a “V” shape recovery, meaning it would go back up as rapidly as it came down. When I heard him making that assertion, to me, that was simply further evidence he bases his view of the health of our economy via Wall Street and his “happy thoughts.” To me, the “disconnect” between Wall Street and Main Street has never been more evident than it is right now. Wall Street has actually gained ground recently as the news continues to get worse. I’m not sure that’s sustainable? I’ve heard talk that thousands of “small businesses” have already “thrown in the towel” and won’t be reopening once we get past this pandemic. Jerome Powell, it appears to me, has done a good job of stabilizing Wall Street but I’ve heard him warning that Main Street needs more “stimulus” money – and soon. I believe he’s trying to fend off another “great depression.” (And, I have to add, I hope he’s successful)

As usual I started this post a couple days ago, and in the interim the democrats in the House passed another $3 TRILLION relief package which includes money for state and local governments – keeping “first responders” to the pandemic paid and on the job (states are losing a LOT of revenue with things shut down) plus money for unemployed workers – “Main Street” in none other than Mr. Powell’s words, needs this stimulus, plus various other issues the democrats MUST go to the “wall” for are in the bill (which, naturally, republicans say is “dead on arrival”) – like saving the Post Office – no matter what! Additionally, there’s money in the bill for vote by mail and, combined with keeping the post office open these two issues are worth FIGHTING for – and, NOT giving in – basically to Moscow Mitch and individual 1. It simply takes a two thirds majority of Congress to over ride a VETO – so, democrats need to be working with republicans to get these two parts of the bill agreed to – while they have leverage! These two issues are fundamental to the future of this nation! OK, I’ve digressed again! And, Oh by the way, this bill is intended to stabilize our economy which works to the benefit of our IMPEACHED so-called president! You’d think he’d be for it.

Based on what I’ve read so far, we’ll have a good idea of how all the “opening up” of the economy is working out in two to four weeks. supposedly, that’s how long it takes from when you’re exposed to the virus until you’re feeling the symptoms of the virus – although, I listened to a person today who suggested it only took 3 days to feel the symptoms – this person was interviewed in the semi ICU at a hospital (I think) in New York. Every person who I listen to who seems to know what they’re talking about regarding Covid-19 say the key to re-opening the economy is expanded testing and contact tracing with isolation for those who are infected. The only part of that scenario which appeals to individual 1 is the re-opening of the economy. Yikes!

I’ve been writing about the DAMAGE being caused to this country and this country’s interests by individual 1 for over three years now and it’s getting worse – almost exponentially. I pointed out lately I just finished reading “Rising from Hatred” by Eli Saslow and I’ve come to the conclusion our IMPEACHED so-called president feels backed into a corner so he’s reaching out to all those “very fine people” who hang out at Stormfront.com and marched on Charlottesville carrying Tiki Torches, confederate and Nazi flags, wearing swastikas, and chanting “Jews will not replace us.” The way to get the attention of this group and keep their “loyalty” is simply to mention the name of our previous president, which he’s doing once again, and it’s not clear to me how far he’s willing to push this group, but as I’ve said previously, he’s the vehicle which “carried” them into the mainstream of politics and I don’t think it makes them happy to see him losing ground in the polls. Individual 1 accomplished what David Duke was unable to do.

And, Oh, by the way, the DAMAGE I’m referring to often here goes well beyond the incompetent response to Covid-19, which, I’m concerned people will totally forget about as we near the upcoming election. Lately, in his desperation coming from the bad polling data individual 1’s projection (he’s the champion of projection) has gone into overdrive as he’s constantly attempting to find ways to attack Joe Biden. While all of that is happening and that is the focus of our so-called “liberal media,” remember our IMPEACHED so-called president has filled the government with his cronies and one institution after another is being undermined.

The obvious one would be the Justice Department with William Barr turning it into a weapon of our IMPEACHED so-called president – but, the State Department has been undermined, the CDC has been turned into a “tool” of individual 1, and I could go on. Remember, for example, Rick Perry was the head of the Energy Department with a focus on destroying it – Betsy DeVoss in Education, and on and on. It’s really bad – it’s CORRUPTION in its worst form. But, individual 1’s mastery of manipulating the media leaves most of this DAMAGE “under the rug.” Individual 1’s latest version of projection is aimed at someone who people like me would like to see in the fray! Even Lindsey Graham remembers this saying, “Be careful what you wish for.”

So, it appears our IMPEACHED so-called president is determined to take on Barack Obama as he’s desperately trying to turn the polls around. There’s another saying which comes to mind: I would use it back when I was working and would do something foolish: “I might be dumb but I’m not stupid.” That’s what I thought of, for individual 1, when it became clear he’s serious about taking on Obama. This would fall into the STUPID category, however. It’s almost as if he hasn’t pissed off enough people yet, so how can he really up the “ante.” Apparently he doesn’t believe Obama is WAY more popular than him – and, by going after Obama he’s going to make our former president even more popular. Additionally, I’m not sure if he should be encouraging more public appearances by Obama – who presents a clear alternative to our IMPEACHED so-called president.

And, speaking of that IMPEACHMENT (and, remember, the republicans chose to essentially enable EXTORTION coming from a U.S. president as OK) I keep reminding myself, based on my reading of our constitution, there’s no limit to the number of times a president, even a “so-called” president, can be IMPEACHED. You have to wonder what it will take to get republicans to understand what they’ve “hitched their wagon” to. I’m thinking this attack on President Obama and Vice President Biden – Biden, of course, is presumed to be individual 1’s opponent this November – is going to be a “bridge too far” for even some of those who’ve continued to support individual 1 up until this time. If you haven’t been paying attention, this is the way Vladimir Putin deals with his political rivals – especially anyone who poses any significant opposition to him – he simply has them arrested on “trumped up” (pun intended) charges and thrown in prison.

Are there a significant number of Americans who actually want our nation to devolve to that place? I have a friend who’s a supporter of individual 1 (I continue in my failing to understand why, but that’s a story for another day) and he occasionally has referred to a “civil war” to me when we’re having our dialogue regarding individual 1. The more I learn about the white nationalist world and read about some of these extremists who have been caught planning to try starting a “civil war” by murdering police officers – the last one considered himself (I think) a “boogaloo boi” – which is apparently an online and underground group of right wing white nationalist extremists – the more I wonder (and worry) about what my friend is reading when he’s online. He’s mentioned the “Proud Boys” to me as if they’re “patriots” – I’ve discovered they’re another right wing white nationalist group of potentially violent troublemakers. Yikes!!! These people are “armed and dangerous.”

I had never visited Stormfront.com until after I read “Rising out of Hatred” and have only done so once – just to confirm it is a website which clearly is pandering to a significant audience of white people who believe they are the oppressed. It is! The more I learn about all this and realize our IMPEACHED so-called president is “connected” to this group and they have unfettered loyalty to him the more I realize the importance of this next election. These people, like individual 1, picture THEMSELVES as the victims! (All while Black Americans continue to be MURDERED for things like “jogging” or “sleeping” – it’s a sad state of affairs) William Barr, as individual 1’s so-called “Roy Cohn,” is also proving himself to be extremely dangerous to the foundation of our republic and I have to wonder if he’s a white nationalist? If he actually attempts to carry out individual 1’s threats to “imprison” President Obama and Vice President Biden, well – BOTH he and individual 1 need to be IMPEACHED!

Adam Schiff put things in clear perspective during the IMPEACHMENT trial of individual 1 when he clearly explained individual 1 has “CHEATED before and he’s going to do it again.” He’s (individual 1) going to do whatever it takes to “win” re-election and his actions are getting more and more overt in their similarities to his apparent hero Putin. I’m actually not sure if his hero is Putin or Hitler, but the reality is he SHOULD be “persona no grata” as a politician in this country. Joe Biden was asked in a “digital town hall” the other night whether he will pardon individual 1 if he’s elected – as Gerald Ford did for Richard Nixon – the very question I would have asked had I had the opportunity and Biden gave what to me was the CORRECT answer – and that is NO! Biden promised that in his administration the Justice Department would be independent and he agreed “no one is above the law.” I believe both individual 1 and Barr, if not others, should be considering that statement as the polls turn farther and farther away from individual 1 and we get near November. My advice to them would be stop acting as if you’re “above the law.” Eventually, there will be accountability!

And, of course, as I’ve been saying – virtually EVERYTHING individual 1 does – and, it appears to be all instinctual – bringing out the mob boss in him – is making things worse – for HIM. As I’ve said, at the beginning of this Covid-19 crisis he actually had the opportunity to act like a president and turn the nation’s focus to minimizing the effect of the virus. Naturally, he was unable to do that because, from the beginning, he considered the virus as just another attack on him by the democrats “trying to take him down.” He referred to it as another “democrat hoax” at a rally back in early March – while he SHOULD have been busy attempting to take the necessary steps to block the spread of the virus. If you don’t think that would have been possible, look at the countries around the world that did just that. The reality is the death toll in America is significantly higher than it should have been and, sadly, based on what is happening as I’m writing this, it appears we’re headed toward a massive resurgence of the virus by, certainly, the election – and, likely sooner. With individual 1 in the “White House” there’s not much “we the people” can do to prevent this – other than KEEP contacting our Representatives and Senators. (And, praying)

From my vantage point it appears individual 1 already is picturing himself as America’s dictator – he’s already purged the Justice Department and the Intelligence Communities (think about that while KNOWING the Russian “attack” is ongoing) and, I expect, he will soon be finding a “justification” to fire Christopher Wray as the head of the FBI because he’s not compliant enough. He will do everything he can to destroy the Postal Service, to fight efforts making it easier for people to VOTE – including blocking vote by mail efforts in Congress, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he attempted to declare some kind of emergency to stop the election in November all together. I’ve been saying this for over three years now, the answer to all the illegal activity and the corruption coming from individual 1’s “White House” is a republican party which finally says “enough already.” According to dictator 101, once he gets rid of Wray, he’ll be going after the media – count on it!

Democrats are mostly “rule followers” and individual 1 and the republicans consider that a weakness. I’m not sure what lies ahead if my predictions prove to be prescient because I believe there becomes a point where “we the people” will have had “enough” ourselves – and if our representatives won’t step up, well, OMG – I hate to think what might happen. But, don’t lose track of the reality individual 1 is connected to the white nationalist movement to a degree “we the people” don’t fully understand at this point. The evidence would lead, at least me, to believe it is a pretty strong “connection.” And, certainly, I have no idea how large that white nationalist movement actually is – but, I suspect we’re going to find out in the coming months. (My brief visit to “Stormfront.com” would suggest it’s significant) They will be working diligently to keep their fuehrer in office. (Sorry, I can’t help with the Nazi references when I see his supporters wearing their swastikas to rallies. Just trying to “tell it like it is!”)

Final Thought: Since the day the republicans voted to enable individual 1’s EXTORTION by refusing to convict him at the end of the IMPEACHMENT trial, our IMPEACHED so-called president has increased his norm breaking, rule breaking, and law breaking. The more the polls look bad for him the worse his behavior becomes – with what is now evolving to just open moves toward Putin type authoritarianism – ie fascism. There may be some Americans who are OK with that – personally, my father fought in WW II to prevent fascism from overtaking our republic and there’s NO WAY I’m giving in to ANY thoughts along those lines. That being said, if individual 1 fails to come to some kind of agreement with the House on a relief bill and actually follows through on efforts to fabricate crimes against President Obama and Vice President Biden, I believe it’s time for IMPEACHMENT number two! There’s nothing in the constitution which says the republicans shouldn’t have a “second chance” to do the right thing.

And, as I said above, while they’re at it, they should include William Barr. They would find no shortage of former Justice department officials – appointees of BOTH parties – who would testify in any IMPEACHMENT trial of Mr. Barr. I don’t see why “we the people” should allow both of these men to be “off the hook” simply because there’s an election looming. We’re seeing first hand, right now, how much DAMAGE they are doing and, trust me, it’s likely to get a “whole lot worse” before it gets better. Stay tuned………………

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