Going after Obama is simply individual 1’s way of reminding those at Stormfront.com why they support him!

OMG – I keep saying this and, well, I have to say it again. The next stage of individual 1’s LYING “tour” appears to be another in the “can it get any worse” reality “we the people” face AT LEAST until January 20, 2021. Today it was reported individual 1, who’s struggling with the reality he’s responsible for many of the 85,000+ Americans who have died so far in the Covid-19 pandemic, is now planning to LIE about how many people have actually DIED from this virus. As I’ve said in my previous few posts, our IMPEACHED so-called president is getting more and more desperate each day as the reality of his political future is becoming clearer and clearer. I’m beginning to think the main reason he’s pushing so hard for the “re-opening” of our economy – meaning getting people back to work who are unemployed – is to get them away from being in front of their TV’s all day. They’re watching him in action and it’s NOT working for him.

MILLIONS of Americans watched him in real time as he postulated about the possibility of people ingesting disinfectant to “clean their lungs” or to somehow get UV rays internally into their systems because they “kill the virus in less than a minute.” Every day individual 1 marches out in front of the cameras Americans, by the MILLIONS, witness they have an incompetent boob as their IMPEACHED so-called president. The other day he was going after President Obama, AGAIN, and, now, LYING about those who have died??? I broached the topic of his utter lack of empathy the other day and, sure enough, today – as if he’s reading my posts – he’s making me look like a prophet. LYING about the people who have died is, well, really LOW. I’ve written about republican governors who appear to be “cheating” with the statistics.

For heaven’s sake, in this environment, people aren’t even allowed to be with their “loved ones” as they’re lying in the hospital on a respirator and, now, individual 1 appears to be planning to find ways to LIE about their deaths. I can only guess on how he’s going to go about this – but, let me suggest it will be “aimed” at the “old” people who have died. My guess (and, it’s only a guess) is he will suggest many of these people in nursing homes who’ve been dying from the virus their deaths “shouldn’t count.” For example, I can hear him now suggesting these people were going to die in the near future anyway so it’s unfair to count their deaths as the result of the virus – despite the REALITY their deaths are the result of the virus. Why? Because he thinks it makes him look bad!

I did hear Bill O’Reilly a few weeks ago suggesting, as he was lobbying for the economy to be re-opened, that a large segment of the people who are dying from the pandemic are people who were/are going to die pretty soon anyway – ie “old people.” So, instead of trying to prevent these people from dying “sooner rather than later” they’re trying, I’m guessing, to figure out how to say their deaths shouldn’t count in the statistics. Honestly, I hope I’m wrong on this one – individual 1 supposedly represents the “pro life” Americans – so, I’ve already been a bit curious as to their cavalier willingness to subject “we the people” to the “herd immunity” solution to this virus – meaning sacrificing 6 – 10 MILLION Americans in order to “save” the stock market – as if that “plan” would actually save the market.

I would remind individual 1 and his (white nationalist) followers the reason he’s feeling a sense of desperation is because more and more Americans are becoming totally turned off to his idiocy. His plan to sacrifice us old people already seems to be backfiring on him because it appears not many of us old fellers think the same way as the Texas Lt. Governor who famously said, “There’s worse things than living” as he was lobbying for the sacrifice of our old people (and, I might add, although he didn’t mention this – maybe this is the real motivation – large numbers of “Black and Brown people”) to the virus in order to save Wall Street. The latest reports I’ve read is the old white males are no longer a safe voting “block” for individual 1 – in fact, I’ve read reports he’s “underwater” with that group. That would be really bad for our IMPEACHED so-called president’s chances come November 3rd. We can hope!

While individual 1 is likely attempting to LIE about the number of Americans succumbing to this virus due to his determination to “open” the economy much sooner than most scientists are suggesting makes sense, he’s really suggesting he’s more concerned with getting re-elected than saving lives. And, even in this regard there’s another “catch 22” making things difficult for him. This “push” to open up the economy is causing the scientists to predict the American death toll will double by the day individual 1 is officially nominated for the November election – meaning 170,000 by August! Yikes!!! He wants to LIE about the number of people who’ve died and, at the same time, he’s pushing for a plan which will cause, you guessed it, MORE people who will die – apparently, which he can LIE about. “Par for the course?”

I’ve been pointing out for some time my personal opinion our economy was like a house built on sand – and, this was before the pandemic – so, I suppose, it would make sense I’m a bit skeptical about the recent “resurgence” of Wall Street – apparently in response to the TRILLIONS Jerome Powell, at the Fed, is able to funnel to those entities which need funding – entities people like me don’t even understand what they are. Like the “financial” sector of the Market, or “Manufacturing” or ?????? All I know is he’s got access to something like $7 TRILLION. Now, even Mr. Powell is suggesting Congress needs to send even MORE money toward “Main Street.”

I’ve always believed for Wall Street to really be on solid ground the requirement should be that “Main Street” is healthy. America has been inching away from that philosophy, in my view, since the day Ronald Reagan took the oath of office. To me, that was when I came to the conclusion there was a concerted propaganda plan designed to get Americans to believe shareholders are more important than workers. It’s when I began to believe we were evolving into a “me” society from a “we” society. This all appears to be an “issue” for our IMPEACHED so-called president.

He just can’t bring himself, by what I’ve been observing, to keep his focus on defeating the effects of this virus as the challenge allowing our economy to recover. He seems to be intent on simply just pretending the virus “will just go away” and forging ahead with opening businesses, schools, and organizations like sports leagues, etc. It’s as if he’s put his “eggs” in the “basket” that he’s correct the virus is just going to go away – he doesn’t seem to have the capacity to understand what an incredible gamble he’s making – for ALL of us. I call it putting “the cart before the horse.” Like it or not, we’re all tied to his “bandwagon” – until next January there’s not much “we the people” can do about his decision making. I even believe he will attempt to put people into venues for his rallies prior to the election – no matter the risk to their health.

One thing we know about individual 1 is that there will be diversions virtually every day in his never ending attempt to deflect BLAME from his bungling initial response to the virus – what is mostly referred to as the “missing 70 days.” It seems the only plan he has is no plan at all. For example, ALL the experts I’ve listened to are suggesting the way to get to the point where we can safely re-open the economy would be to expand testing with a commitment to “contact tracing” – exactly what SHOULD have been the “plan” back in February when we all became aware this was coming. He STILL can’t bring himself to do what is necessary and, sadly, things are just going to keep getting worse. When you look at the charts showing the difference caused by even just a few days of inaction it’s alarming – let alone 70 days! And, of course, individual 1 is back in denial stage – so this could get unbelievably bad.

Our IMPEACHED so-called president apparently is aiming his most recent BLAME back at Barack Obama – you’d think he would have learned that one doesn’t work by now and, as I mentioned above, a new focus with his LYING. Now, I’ve always maintained his LYING is pathological, but it appears the LYING about President Obama and/or the number of Covid-19 deaths is all going to be premeditated. Whether that would qualify as “pathological” I’ll leave for an argument for another day – to me, the bottom line is the same – he’s AGAIN trying to LIE his way out of his own incompetence and I just don’t believe enough of “we the people” will believe him.

I just finished reading “Rising out of Hatred” by Eli Saslow a book which “walks” the reader through the process of transformation that caused Derek Black, the son of the former Grand Wizard of the KKK and the person who created and manages the white nationalist website “Stromfront.com,” to renounce his commitment to the white nationalist cause. I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to better understand what’s going on “behind the scenes” in America. As I’ve said previously, individual 1 was mentioned numerous times in the book and it became clear to me by the end of the book our IMPEACHED so-called president’s connection to white nationalism goes much deeper than I had thought. I believe his attacks on President Obama, at this point in time, is simply more “dog whistle” to the “heart” of his base.

Clearly, those in America who believe white Americans are the ones being oppressed were alarmed when President Obama was elected, leading to the “Tea Party” which has kind of morphed into the republican party and individual 1 was connected to those who hang around “Stormfront” to a degree most of “we the people” don’t understand. In reading this book it’s clear the white nationalist movement believes individual 1 is the “vehicle” pulling them into the “mainstream” of American politics. Now you have what’s left of what I call the “real” republican party – most of them are estranged – the tea party, and individual 1ism. To me, going after Obama is simply individual 1’s way of reminding those who are left in the republican party why they have been supporting him. It’s just more “dog whistling.”

None of this is going to work for him – it’s all coming across, at least to me, as acts of desperation. I keep pointing this out to our IMPEACHED so-called president that he’s putting one blunder on top of another blunder and, sadly, this is making things worse for all of us. And, of course, he’s not listening to me – probably a surprise to no one. The next month or two should be interesting, to say the least, as states “open up” and we find out whether the scientists are correct about the potential of this virus going forward. Individual 1 says “it will just go away.” Scientists are saying the amount of deaths could double in the next couple of months. Stay tuned…………..

Final Thought: If you’re questioning my suggestion individual 1 is “connected” to those who hang out at the “Stormfront.com” white nationalist “world,” you may need to look no further than one of his “senior advisors,” Stephen Miller. Miller is mentioned in “Rising out of Hatred” as being connected (in some kind of way) with Richard Spencer, a strong individual 1 supporter and, apparently, the person who “coined” the phrase “alt right.” Spencer and Miller were associated together when they attended Duke University. Also, there’s a “trove” of emails from Miller to Breitbart.com which further suggest Miller is a believer in the message coming from Stormfront. The reason I point this out is because I believe individual 1 and Miller want it “both ways.” They want to send their “dog whistles” to the white nationalist movement while, at the same time, suggesting to “we the people” they’re “not racists.” I just don’t believe you can have it both ways. I believe this issue should be front and center in the next election. Believe what you want, just don’t LIE about it to “we the people.” Personally,

I’m looking forward to the day when the “white nationalists” stop viewing themselves as “victims” and realize those of us who are white in this country have had built in advantages since the beginning of this nation. And, suggesting this is a “white country” is a bit ludicrous when you think about the European genocide of the Native Americans and, in reality, most African Americans have a heritage going back well before most of those people who are leading the racist attacks on the “Black and Brown” communities in America. None of that is debatable.

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