The bottom line is individual 1 will NOT be able to “wish away” all the contact people in his campaign had with the Russians!

It just keeps getting more absurd! Today, what individual 1 said reminded me of a couple sayings I think our IMPEACHED so-called president should pay attention to. I know most who read what I write would not expect me to be giving individual 1 good advice, but, I’m giving it my best, here are the sayings: First, “what goes around comes around” and, second, “be careful what you wish for.” My memory was jogged as Individual 1 claimed, today, Barack Obama committed “the worst crime” (“Obamagate”) ever. He called it “disgraceful,” and when a reporter asked him “What crime?” our IMPEACHED so-called president responded by saying, “You know what it is.” OK???

So, I have to wonder if William Barr is going to be continuing his attempt at becoming the 21st century version of Roy Cohn and is going to be instigating some kind of McCarthyite “investigation” of our former president – the one who’s much more popular than the one we have today – probably looking to individual 1 like a terrifying majority of Americans. Apparently, last week, on what was supposed to be a private call former president Obama took part in, he gave an accurate description of individual 1’s response to this coronavirus pandemic. Supposedly, that is what prompted our IMPEACHED so-called president to “Tweet” over 120 times on Mother’s day – with nary even one “tweet” referencing any mothers – other than a generic “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY.”

It’s been no secret former president Obama gets under individual 1’s skin pretty easily. It has seemed, if there is one focused plan in his administration, undoing anything attributed to “Obama” has been the “order of the day” for our IMPEACHED so-called president. I mean, individual 1 gained his white nationalist following by leading the “birther” movement questioning whether President Obama was born in America or not. What do you think was the motivation behind that movement? Race?? I suppose, when it gets right down to it, other than Vladimir Putin, individual 1 has President Obama to thank for him being our IMPEACHED so-called president – the white nationalists revere him for the “birther” movement and they make up a significant part of his “base.”

Getting back to individual 1 suggesting President Obama committed a “disgraceful crime” which “began long before I (he) took office” I absolutely think whatever Obama did should be investigated. I thought the GW Bush/Cheney regime SHOULD have been investigated and I can guarantee you if I had one question to ask Joe Biden as he’s running to replace individual 1 as our “leader” it would be “are you going to allow the Justice Department (obviously, with a new Attorney General) to investigate individual 1 after you’ve taken the oath to defend our constitution? Are all the other investigations going to be allowed to go forward? For example, I’m not convinced the “collusion” with Russia has EVER stopped. No one knows what is discussed when individual 1 talks with or meets with Vladimir Putin. And, by all accounts, the Russian “interference” not only has not subsided, but has intensified and has become much more sophisticated – stealth cyber warfare.

So, yes, investigate President Obama and, as I said above, “be careful what you wish for!” Those of us who loathe the idea of individual 1 having another four years in the “White House” want our IMPEACHED so-called president to keep making the commercials for Biden’s campaign. Every time individual 1 suggests President Obama needs to be investigated – there’s another campaign ad for Biden. The best strategy for Biden right now is, well, NOTHING! Do NOTHING! Just continue recording every word that comes from individual 1’s mouth. Of course, having President Obama do an occasional campaign rally would likely be very helpful – especially, in the response it would generate from individual 1. Honestly, our IMPEACHED so-called president seems more deranged by the day. I’m not sure if that’s more scary or sad??

I’m just finishing a very interesting read titled “Rising Out of Hatred – the awakening of a former white nationalist” by eli saslow and I highly recommend the book. In the book, there is a repeated reference to the website “” (Google it) and individual 1 is mentioned in passing several times in the book – which simply suggested he was the candidate of those who associate with the KKK, like David Duke, Don Black, and other committed white nationalists. (Black, the father of the young man on who the book is focused, came across to me as a loving Dad with a messed up ideology – but, I digress) My point is there’s a reason all those people protesting the “shutdown” are wearing individual 1 hats and carrying confederate flags and/or wearing swastikas, etc. There’s a disturbing connection.

If you’re wondering why, despite all the blundering, all the incompetence, all the LYING, etc. coming from our IMPEACHED so-called president, individual 1’s support remains solid at between 40% and 45% – read this book. There is a significant number of Americans who believe the “oppressed” class of Americans are the white Americans – not those in the minorities – despite the OVERWHELMING evidence to the contrary. It’s really interesting, at least to me, reading about how a group of students at a small college in Florida – one student in particular – caused the heir apparent to the “Stormfront” community to admit he was wrong in his belief system and to publicly acknowledge it – to an incredible backlash from “his” (former) community. (He is Don Black’s son)

What is apparent to me is that individual 1 HASN’T changed his own beliefs since taking office – it becomes crystal clear as he responds to words coming from Obama – and, I guess this is the bottom line why I believe individual 1 has serious mental health issues! It’s not just the overt racism he can’t “hide,” but it’s also his “thin skinned” response to virtually any criticism coming at him. He likes to come across as the “tough guy” but, yesterday, he just “whimpered” away after a couple female reporters challenged him at a press briefing. This was shortly after he had made his obscure accusation against his reviled predecessor.

It appears individual 1’s new campaign strategy will be “sicking” William Barr onto President Obama and, by extension, Joe Biden as a way to tarnish Biden after the failed attempt to get the Ukrainians to do it for him. Virtually every decision coming from individual 1 makes things worse for him and I don’t believe this will be any different. MOST of the American people will become even more turned off to our IMPEACHED so-called president and, I believe, this will cause even more republican Senators to go down with him. Individual 1’s constant threat to “jail” his opponents – as I said above – is likely to come back to “bite” him. He’s the one who ACTUALLY should be concerned about presidents being investigated once out of office!

Michael Cohen is sitting in jail, on a three year sentence, for work he did as individual 1’s attorney. If you’ve wondered why our IMPEACHED so-called president still managed to get elected despite his admission in the Access Hollywood tape that he’s a sexual predator you need to read the book I mentioned above. They don’t care about his sexual prowess – the white nationalist movement has been searching for a way into “mainstream politics” for over 40 years and he’s their vehicle. And, they don’t care about the payments to a porn star which got Cohen thrown into jail – but, I believe, there are MILLIONS of Americans who do care. And, after out of office, individual 1 will likely have to deal with why I refer to him as “individual 1” – thanks to the prosecutors in New York who put Mr. Cohen in jail. (I suggested a couple years ago individual 1 would come to rue the day he decided to run for president – maybe that day’s getting closer)

I have to believe that, despite his public attempts to convince “we the people” he’s “doing a great job” in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, he has to be having some sleepless nights. Even someone who comes across as completely lacking ANY capacity for empathy, when they are constantly seeing references to their own failings at the beginning of a crisis such as this, which has claimed over 80,000 lives and counting, there has to be moments of regret, don’t you think? – maybe? The evidence of sleepless nights for individual 1 would be the late night “tweet storms” which sometimes appear to go on for many hours – hundreds of “tweets.” Of course, from what I’ve been able to “tell,” – I don’t do “Twitter” – the “tweets” don’t demonstrate any “regret.” (The ones I’ve seen, anyway)

Here’s the sad reality for anyone who is thinking of defending the performance of individual 1 during this pandemic. The United States represents about 5% of the world’s population and, based on the data at the United States represents about one third of all the coronavirus cases worldwide. Based on what I’ve read during this pandemic the time to “defeat” the virus is at the beginning – which makes individual 1’s “missing 70 days” so egregiously bad. This appears to be what allowed the virus to gain such a “stranglehold” in America. And, it appears, once it has made that “stranglehold” it’s going to run its course – period. So, the virus is going to be with us for the foreseeable future.

The challenge has been – after the initial blunders of the “missing 70 days” – to be “mitigation.” Mitigation, if I understand it correctly – based on the explanation of people like Anthony Fauci – is the process of the “shelter in place” orders coming from most of the governors and the other ways of controlling the intensity of the disease – Covid-19 – which results from the virus. For example, “testing, contact tracing, and isolation” should be the strategy for opening the economy back up – but, it should be a NATIONAL strategy. Apparently, individual 1 is just not able to “impose” any kind of a national response to this virus. (Well, actually, he did break one out, but he basically trashed his own plan within 24 hours) It appears he fears responsibility.

So, I’m pointing this out in response to individual 1’s threats to investigate “Obamagate” – which appears to be him blaming President Obama for the Russians attempting (and succeeding) to help him win the 2016 election. He still doesn’t seem to understand the original “Russia investigation” would have ended much quicker had he simply allowed it to proceed – and, it would have verified what the other investigations verified – that the Russians did it. Of course, his son and son-in-law should NOT have met with the Russians to get “dirt” on Hillary Clinton – but, that was not determined to be a crime. Virtually everything in the Mueller report which could be considered “criminal” resulted from individual 1’s own behavior, his reaction to the investigation. And, like in every thing else which doesn’t go “his way,” individual 1 looks for who to BLAME, and his actions make things worse – for HIM!

Trying to blame Obama for the investigation or any part of it is absurd on its face – It wasn’t President Obama who discovered the Russians were involved in the “intrusion.” It was our CIA and other agencies in the DNI – along with our allied intelligence agencies who were witnessing the same thing – I believe it was the Australian Intelligence Agency who alerted the FBI of George Papadopoulus’ claim the Russians had hacked the DNC – which, of course, turned out to be true and was the “trigger” for the “Russia thing.” Honestly, I would EXPECT the FBI to investigate that. The bottom line is individual 1 will NOT be able to “wish away” all the contact people in his campaign had with Russians and, additionally, his “request” to the Russians that they “Find the missing 30,000 emails” was made on national TV. None of this is disputable!

William Barr masterfully managed to divert the reality of what was in the Mueller report by his public statements (LIES) which came out prior to the release of the redacted report – as I’ve said here numerous times, I read it cover to cover TWICE – but, I don’t think there’s any way he’ll succeed in “twisting” the TRUTH in that report and somehow “aiming” it back at former President Obama – Obamagate???? Yikes! Actually, if that’s the plan, maybe that would get more attention back onto Mueller’s report and might even cause more people to actually read it. I don’t think you can read that report and not come to the conclusion that, at a minimum, individual 1 is GUILTY of multiple acts of OBSTRUCTION of Justice. In his report Mueller even goes out of his way to explain why OBSTRUCTION is such a serious CRIME – as he’s listing the evidence of about 10 instances where individual 1 committed OBSTRUCTION. Mueller honored the OLC memo and didn’t consider and indictment – instead leaving it to Congress to consider IMPEACHMENT – the option Barr “cut the legs out from” with his absurd “summary.”

There’s another old saying and that is “when you’re digging, if it’s not getting you where you want to go, STOP digging.” (I think that’s an old saying – if not – well, I made it up) That would be more of my advice to our IMPEACHED so-called president – I just don’t think he’ll listen to me. His total focus SHOULD be on doing the best he can to minimize the DAMAGE of this pandemic on “we the people,” but he just can’t bring himself to do that. Clearly his focus is on somehow finding a way to “win” the election in November and as the polling gets worse for him he gets more desperate and resorts to the kind of actions which have made the polling continue to get worse for him. Is that what you call the vicious cycle?

Final Thought(s): No matter what (unless he would resign) “we the people” are stuck with individual 1 as our IMPEACHED so-called president until January 20, 2021. I’ve been comparing him to a mob boss for over two years now – it took me a while to figure this out via observation and reading a few books – and we’re really seeing more evidence of this as reality begins to close in on him. Keep in mind, he must think about what happens once he’s no longer protected by that Office of Legal Counsel memo “suggesting” a president can NOT be indicted while in office as mentioned above on a daily basis. There’s the two felony charges which garnered him the name “individual 1” awaiting his removal from office via the Southern District of New York (SDNY) and, Mueller was clear when he said the evidence in his report was “memorialized” so it could be pursued once he was out of office should a prosecutor desire. Of course, there’s a multitude of other legal “issues” which are awaiting his return to being a “civilian.” He was in the Supreme Court this week fighting to keep his taxes secret, which he seems to consider of paramount importance.

This is why I find it so curious as to his obsession with going after his political opponents. It appears he’s unable to see them as opponents in a process where voters get to decide an “outcome” – in regard to an election. He views anyone who’s a political “opponent” as an “enemy” and his instinct seems to be that he/she needs to be destroyed. His obsession with all of this has caused many others – who are ALL much smarter than me – to suggest he’s mentally ill. And, watching him at his press briefing yesterday, that’s all I could think about. I started to feel a sense of pity for him – which is strange, because I loathe what he stands for. He came across to me as pathetic.

I keep seeing him as the sixth grade bully who goes home from school and is never admonished. Being raised in a family where if anyone criticizes their “child” the “onus” is put back on the teacher or whoever is responsible for the criticism. I believe the pathological LYING begins at an early age and, in his case, has, obviously, never been addressed. As I’ve said, I think he believes his own LIES as they roll off his tongue – which is dangerous when you consider the position he holds. And, of course, he believes in REVENGE – which, I believe is going to become more and more apparent as we approach January of next year. I truly hope I’m wrong, but I anticipate some ugly times between now and then.

His reference to the “very fine people” after Charlottesville followed by calling the armed protesters spitting in the faces of the Capitol police in Michigan’s Capitol building as they were attempting to push their way into the Capitol chamber “very good people” were, in both instances, coded (“dog whistle”) messages to the group hanging out at Most Americans (including me) missed the connection just as they kind of glossed over the LIE when he claimed he didn’t know who David Duke is during the 2016 campaign. For me, reading “Rising out of Hatred” was a real “eye opener. I had connected individual 1 with the white nationalist movement simply via inference, but I had never checked out “Stormfront,” nor did I really have a clue about how involved the white nationalist movement actually is.

If individual 1 can find a way to STEAL another election he’ll do whatever it takes – but, if “we the people” prevail it will be these “very fine (good) people” who will lead the way in the “revenge tour.” The transition period should be really interesting. (And, of course, I hope it’s peaceful – one way or the other) I have written about the disturbing similarities between individual 1’s administration and Germany of the 1930’s. I had seen the video of individual 1 encouraging the “Heil” salute at a campaign rally and similarly at a rally for one of his white nationalist supporters, Richard Spencer – it just makes it more serious to me when I read about some of his supporters wearing shirts with pictures of Hitler and individual 1 emblazoned on the front.

Oh yes, one more thing: I’m not the best to report on what’s going on with Facebook because I don’t do, nor will I do, Facebook. However, from what I hear, the political misinformation is flowing hot and heavy already as the individual 1 desperation mounts. And, the reality is both the individual 1 campaign and the Russians have the info which worked for them back in 2016 – information on hundreds of millions of unsuspecting Americans who are susceptible to their LYING er “misinformation.” If “we the people” are determined to cause individual 1 to be a one term president there shouldn’t be a day of complacency between now and November 3rd.

Of course, the solution to the misinformation coming from individual 1 and his supporters isn’t misinformation coming from those who oppose him. Somehow, “we the people” should be able to expect some kind of information which is factual. How do you do that? I really don’t know because FREE SPEECH is a foundational part of our nation. Maybe the tech whizzes who have created the platforms like Facebook and Twitter can figure out how to prevent their internet portals from becoming political cess pools. To me, people like Mark Zuckerberg have too much potential for political manipulation. My hope would be our leaders in Congress would recognize there are some behemoth monopolies being created with these tech companies and that these monopolies are dangerous. More on this later…………………..

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