As I’ve said here many times, I can’t wait to vote in November 2020 to help end this national nightmare!

I’m going to pick on governor Ron DeSantis of Florida and, at the same time, give him a bit of advice. First, you should keep your mouth shut, and, secondly, I recommend you buy one of the Kinsa thermometers which are connected via bluetooth and show, ahead of time, places in America where you can “guess” the next “wave” of the disease. And, just to give you a hint of why I chose you, Florida is in the “eye of the storm” based on what I’ve been watching. Yet, here you are, encouraging our IMPEACHED so-called president to “re-open the economy” sooner rather than later. I believe your morgues will be in the same state in three weeks as the ones in New York, as I’m writing this.

I live in Washington State and I know Andrew Cuomo says New York was where this Covid-19 virus first hit the United States, but I always thought it was in Seattle. Our state, for a very long time, until passed by New York, had the most cases, but now is only about fourth behind New York, New Jersey, and California – and, soon to be passed by others. And, I believe one of the main reasons for that is because our governor, Jay Inslee (AKA a “snake” according to individual 1 – there’s an old saying “The real ‘snake’ smells his own hole first”) took aggressive actions right from the start. I’ve seen him and Mr. Cuomo leading the way and now, there are governors all over the country stepping up to fill the void left by the inaction of our IMPEACHED so-called president – who continues to come up short every day.

He wants to open the country by Easter – I think he modified that (STUPID) remark today to be “parts of the country” – in a face saving comment as he was also claiming the media is, essentially, out to get him. Well, I can tell you, if I was an actual member of the media that would be true for me, but I digress. This virus is accelerating in America on a similar “line” (on the graph) to Spain – which is soon to be passing up Italy – and, that’s shocking, and we have so many more people. Yikes!! And, we have a IMPEACHED so-called president who cares more about his re-election than the well being of “we the people.”

And, to these republican governors like DeSantis who just can’t figure out what’s happening, wake up! Just a couple weeks ago, in Louisiana there were virtually no confirmed cases and, then, there was the Mardi Gras. Well, now New Orleans is maybe the fastest rising “hot spot” after all those people partying in the streets just a week or two ago – sending many of those who were coming from all over the place back home and, since then, 65 people have died, Louisiana is approaching 2000 cases and, as they say, the “cat is likely out of the bag” with 65 people now in the morgues of, mostly, New Orleans. Mr. DeSantis, it appears to me, you’re next, and, yet, your beaches remain open in many places! Yikes!! (I don’t know what else to say)

This virus is spreading across America like an out of control freight train and many people who have the unfortunate experience of listening to and believing individual 1 are going to be dealing with this, sooner rather than later. As I’m writing this Florida, is about 500 confirmed cases behind Washington State and, I’m guessing, they’ll be passing us up maybe tomorrow. We in Washington State are, basically, stuck in our homes and it appears it’s working to slow the spread – at least for the past day. Based on the data I’ve seen from the Kinsa data I mentioned above, there’s been a spike in people with temperatures in Florida over the past week – maybe a result of all the “partying” they’re allowing on the beaches? I have to wonder how bad it has to get before DeSantis decides it’s time for “shelter in place.”

Of course, Florida has a HUGE segment of their population which is in the highest risk category – us old people – and, they could be facing unimaginable issues in their hospitals in the next week or two. Sadly, thanks to the (lack of) leadership coming from the “White House” there are too many states where republican governors are thinking this is just another case of the flu. I told my friend I often refer to on this site (he’s a supporter of individual 1) if individual 1 and all the republicans who want to open the economy and “just take our chances” the death toll would be somewhere between 2 and 4 MILLION people – and, NOT all of them would be us old people.

Plus, that kind of assault on our ALREADY overwhelmed medical system would, essentially, virtually destroy it. Already, at a hospital in New York, they have backed up a refrigerator truck trailer up to the hospital in order to store the dead bodies – because the morgues can’t handle any more dead bodies. Just think if over one MILLION Americans had this virus all at once. My friend told me he’d be OK with that, but, I have to believe he was just having a bad moment as far as his critical thinking ability. I’ve been watching the spread of this virus fairly close for a couple of weeks now (We’ve been stuck in our homes for about that long) and, on the maps I’ve watched, as the cases increase, the color gets “redder.” (Not sure if that’s a word)

There is a wealth of evidence that keeping people home actually is about the only thing which works. Once you get to a spot like where Florida is, right now, for example – and, very likely their testing capacity is well below what it should be, you’re at least TWO weeks behind what is really happening. That is why I’ve been predicting Florida is the next “disaster area.” And, with DeSantis – who many thought was about as incompetent as individual 1 when he was elected back in 2018 – as the governor, it could get even worse. What he’s doing is the kind of stuff which makes me angry – because it’s going to prolong this for all of us. And, with a daughter who is an RN I’m just shuddering to think what this is going to do to our health care system.

Just try to put yourself into the place of young doctors and nurses who are signing death certificates for multiple patients every day and then thinking the body is going into a refrigerated truck trailer with no family able to mourn their loved ones until, well, after this is over. I’ll never forget when my “little girl” (who’s “tough as nails”) told me about how, when one of her patients dies (she was an oncology nurse at the time) she’s the one who puts the body into the body bag and takes it to the morgue. Well, just try to figure what it’s going to be like for young nurses all across this nation taking MULTIPLE bodies to the morgue. (And, in truck trailers, no less)

Then there’s Mississippi where the governor is maybe worse than even DeSantis. There are municipalities in Mississippi which took action to protect their citizens due to the lack of action coming from their (incredibly bad) governor Tate Reeves. So, what did Mr. Reeves do? He over road the actions of the local communities and told them to do “business as usual.” Apparently, these are the republicans who have individual 1’s “ear” suggesting “The cure is worst than the problem” – which, true to the “Big Lie Theory,” our IMPEACHED so-called president is and will be repeating that phrase until it is “drilled” into the heads of all his unsuspecting cult members.

Here’s the bottom line, no matter what individual 1 says, as he’s trying to be his own press secretary, the “buck” stops at the president’s desk and the responsibility for the success or failure of the fight against this terrible virus resides at the “top.” Yes, individual 1 has BLUNDERED his way to this point and it appears that is not going to change, but, thankfully, there are a bunch of governors in the country who are “taking the bull by the horns.” However, it will take ALL of us to get beyond this. So, when Washington State slows down the spread, we are still vulnerable when Idaho is on the upswing and Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana are all “bright red.” (And, there are several “red” states (and, by that I mean those states where people actually believe individual 1 tells the TRUTH, like Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, etc.) which are turning REDDER every day) These places are going to prolong this problem.

It’s already been reported that once “we the people” get beyond this “first phase” of the virus’s attack on America, we could be facing another “wave” next winter – unless a vaccine is miraculously manufactured by then. That being said, many of us who are doing what we’re supposed to be doing would (likely) appreciate all those who aren’t taking this seriously to do so. The cause of the second “wave” could be coming from countries in the Southern Hemisphere which are just beginning to feel the effects of this virus. Some are saying, by the time we’re coming out of this the danger will be a “second wave.” God help us if that happens.

My friend I always mention doesn’t believe this problem is as serious as I make it out to be, and all I could say the other day was “wait for the next three weeks.” Well, yesterday, in all of the United States, there were about 55,000 confirmed cases (more or less). Right now, as I’m writing this, Wednesday evening 3/25, according to the “worldometer” the total is approaching 69,000. It’s 10:00 PM and, at 6:00 PM the total was 64,000. And, the total of deaths in that time frame has increased by over 100 to 1032. The next two to three weeks could be unbelievably devastating. My prayers are that, despite the look of the curve in the United States, and the warning from the World Health Organization that we will be the “hot spot” soon, that we can somehow avoid the “look” of Spain and Italy.

Actually, Italy is starting to see a reduction in the number of new cases – they’ve been “hunkered down” – the entire country and it’s not “optional” (Mr. DeSantis) for about two weeks now and, despite heart wrenching numbers of deaths – they can’t handle the number of bodies (about twice the number of deaths as China – which, really, showed us how to deal with this), as, it appears, quite possibly the strict “social distancing” has begun to work. Sadly, in the United States there is NO coordinated approach to this pandemic. It actually is beginning to appear the federal response to the outbreak is, in some ways, punitive to “blue” states. Today, governor Cuomo claimed the amount of support in the $2 TRILLION bill passed today in Congress headed for New York as a “drop in the bucket.” Nancy Pelosi said the bill lacked at least $50 BILLION which is needed in the state governments.

Actually, state governments are bidding against each other in their attempts to provide their hospitals and health care workers what they need to fight this battle. I listened to a couple governors tonight and a republican governor said, “we shouldn’t complain about yesterday” and just “focus on today and tomorrow.” The democratic governor, while trying to be diplomatic wasn’t willing to give individual 1 a pass. They are all desperate for “stuff” which SHOULD be available but isn’t. Individual 1 actually said, today, that governors need to be nice to him in order to get what they need. He called this a “two way street.” For heaven’s sake, he just needs to SHUT UP! I keep saying he’s making it too easy for the democrats come November. Today, he accused the media of attempting to cause him to lose his re-election, but they don’t need to worry, even if that’s their goal – he’s doing a great job of that himself!

Tonight, I saw an add that apparently is playing in four different states. These types of adds don’t show up where I live because Washington State is pretty safely BLUE. But, as I’ve been saying, these adds are going to be using individual 1’s own words to make it clear how INCOMPETENT he’s been in dealing with this pandemic. And, then when it sinks in that the one time he’s told the truth was when he admitted “I knew this was a pandemic before most everyone else” he’s going to be in even more trouble. With that being true, his early refusal to do ANYTHING to mitigate the effect of this virus looks all the more horrible – and, based on the way things are going right now, it appears to me the fatalities will be, at least, in the tens of thousands. INCOMPETENCE doesn’t look good under those circumstances. (And, by the way, this ad was devastating – it regurgitated many of his DISHONEST statements at the beginning of this – like “we have 15 cases and maybe by tomorrow zero”)

The next year is going to be extremely tough in America and one of my main hopes that survived the republican scissors in the bill passed today is the money to guarantee ALL states have the funds to set up “vote by mail.” I can see this IMPEACHED so-called president trying to postpone the November election which, to me would be unthinkable. As I’ve said here many times, I can’t wait to vote in November 2020 to help end this national nightmare!

Final Thought: As the Congress has been able to “come up with” $2 TRILLION fairly quickly because Wall Street is in the tank and even republicans are realizing without workers or small businesses even Wall Street tanks. Along with this, the Fed is PUMPING another $4+ TRILLION directly into Wall Street at the whim of who knows who – virtually with NO restrictions. This is going to be another action which causes “we the people” to lose confidence of our government when all is said and done. Democrats don’t dare block all this at this point in time because they were able to force republicans to do way more than they’ve been able to do for over 10 years.

If there ever was a commercial for Bernie Sanders, well, this may be it. Of course, the democratic nominee is likely to be Joe Biden, but this pandemic makes it doubly certain Mr. Biden had better come along side “Bernie” in order to get Sanders’ voters to show up in November. Undoubtedly, with the help of Vladimir Putin individual 1 will be blasting the airwaves and social media with misinformation designed to further tear democrats apart. I don’t think it will work, but this pandemic shows why Bernie has been so prescient over the past many years and those who consider him “radical” should take a good look at what is coming out of Washington DC right now.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, Medicare for All is MUCH cheaper and more effective than what we have now. Our present system is designed to operate at capacity which makes this pandemic so much worse, there’s no room for the “surge.” And, the idea there is no effective backup supply of the items needed in our hospitals and doctor’s offices is just evidence of another failure in our system. We should be protecting those who take care of us. I can tell you as one of the “most vulnerable” my doctor is one of my favorite people. And, those who work in his office are as well. I’ve been praying for them. We should all, in my view, be praying for the health care workers who are “running” right toward this pandemic – with the health of the American people their only worry. Most of them don’t pay attention to politics and don’t complain. I feel as though I have to help them out a bit. There seems to be nothing else for me to do these days! Just sayin………….

My apologies once again for being too lazy to edit this. I get going every day lately and just feel like clicking the “publish” button – it’s late and I’m old and tired!

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