I want to know how many times individual 1 has actually gone to church. Is he really going on Easter Sunday?

What is it going to take for “we the people” to realize we have an incompetent BOOB as our IMPEACHED so-called president – and, I’m talking to the CULT who get their brains attacked by Fox “news,” Rush Limbaugh, etc. every single day. (And, today I got a “tip” from my friend I mention here who’s an individual 1 cult member about an article in the New York Post – which is an individual 1 outlet similar to The National Enquirer – he believes this stuff) As I’ve said, I don’t do “Twitter,” but it appears our IMPEACHED so-called president is getting really anxious, looking at his precious stock market continuing to tank. Virtually everytime he opens his mouth and allows words to come out things get worse. Last night, based on reports I’ve heard, he’s suggesting when the “15 days” are over (not sure what he means by that) we should go back to “business as usual.” So we can all go to church on Easter Sunday (except places like the Vatican)

There seemed to be reports suggesting individual 1 is suggesting after the 15 days the “social distancing” needs only to continue in places hit the hardest (like where I live in Washington State). I’ve pointed this out several times the best way to characterize our IMPEACHED so-called president is, in a word, STUPID! Rex Tillerson and John Kelley, after working with him for months used two words, F*@king Moron. I’ll let you be the judge. I can tell you this, I don’t see the baseball season happening this year (maybe about June they could have “spring training”) and it could get a lot worse thanks to our —- well, you know what I call him.

It’s already apparent all those people who have been brainwashed by Fox, Limbaugh, and the other right wing propaganda sites (using, by the way, the propaganda strategy of Nazi Germany) and are acting like this is a “democrat hoax” are going to make this crisis last much longer than it should. That is, as we in Washington State are getting past this, (which is likely at least a couple of months from now) places like Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Mississippi, etc. will be “ramping up.” From everything I’ve heard this virus is very easily spread and it’s “bipartisan.” One of the major problems is we still don’t have the capacity to test people in numerous places so the number of cases across the nation is likely much higher than we can even imagine. And, by the way, as we’re seeing it even afflicts REPUBLICANS! (The lack of tests is just ANOTHER failure of this administration)

The federal government is beginning to respond. For example there are Army Corp of Engineers platoons being deployed in New York and Washington State, and maybe elsewhere, to build temporary field hospitals to help with the overrun in their hospitals. However, individual 1 continues to balk at putting the Defense Production Act in place to order for companies to produce medical PPE which is desperately needed in hospitals across the country. My daughter, and RN, told me the other day, where she works they have TEN masks left! This makes me ANGRY every time I think about it and then realize our IMPEACHED so-called president cares more about the stock market than “we the people.” And, when our health care providers collapse, well, it could be well worse than Italy here in the U.S.

As usual, the process of getting a “rescue” bill is not a “smooth” process, although, thankfully, nothing can happen in the Senate without Democrats approving whatever they come up with. Actually, that has been the case for the past three plus years, which is why NOTHING has been getting done. Moscow Mitch has something like 300 bills passed by the House sitting under his desk somewhere with dust all over them and he appears to be very unhappy he’s actually FORCED to work with democrats to pass this bill. And, of course, republicans are attempting to slip in some incredibly disgusting parts to this bill. Reports are that after democrats thought they had an agreement republicans “threw” in what has been referred to as a $500 BILLION “slush fund” – with virtually no restrictions and at the whim of Steve Mnuchin and individual 1. There’s just NO WAY democrats are going to allow that to happen once again, period “full stop.”

While my focus seems to be following the response of those in Washington DC who have the power to help mitigate this virus (with, of course, an IMPEACHED so-called president who has already BUNGLED the process, big time) the reality is on the rare occasions I leave my house to go to the pharmacy or super market, I’m encountering some amazing people. I’ve seen some incredible acts of kindness and MANY people continuing to work at places like Fred Meyer (which is our local Kroger), Costco, and others willingly going to work in the face of a clearly higher risk of catching this virus.

The other thing I wanted to write about in regard to the stores I’ve been in. Not one of these local stores is raising their prices despite almost what looks to me to be panic buying by people who seem to be hoarding things like toilet paper, other paper products, rice and pasta, etc. I actually know people who are buying enough toilet paper to last a four person family for a year! The problem when people do that is obvious. But, that being said, I think these businesses which are not price gouging deserve a lot of credit. Of course, this isn’t universal.

For example, it’s being reported medical suppliers are not so honorable, the supplies needed by our medical personnel are being “jacked up” to the “highest bidder.” Masks which are desperately needed and were less than a dollar apiece before this started are being reported to being sold for about $7 each. This is the result of our IMPEACHED so-called president refusing to enact the Defense Production Act and enacting a NATIONAL plan to distribute the supplies as they are needed. This lack of PPE very well could be the biggest scandal of this crisis when all is said and done. Why our IMPEACHED so-called president is forcing the governor of Washington to bid against the governor of New York or the governor of Illinois or ……… You get the idea, is unthinkable!

And, then I listened to Defense Secretary Mark Esper announcing the two military hospital ships are being sent, one to New York and the other to Los Angeles. Military personnel are volunteering to provide the human resources enabling the ships to be effective. That’s something to shout about. There are things which make you proud to watch people risking their own lives to help for the benefit of “we the people.” But, for me, the overwhelming emotion I’m feeling is anger because I’ve watched this from the day the first case showed up in Seattle Washington (near where I live) and the more I learn about our federal response the worse it gets. Individual 1, as the “leader” – despite his unwillingness to take responsibility – is RESPONSIBLE for the federal response and there’s NO doubt he’s making this worse. Period, full stop!

Now, he’s suggesting attempting to restore his precious stock market is more important than the lives of MILLIONS of Americans. He, along with his right wing benefactors – who, by the way, are the ones trying to slip “free money” into the emergency bill before Congress – and, then BLAMING democrats for doing exactly what they SHOULD be doing and blocking this newest version of corporate thievery from America’s taxpayers – in an incredible act of federal borrowing! What he doesn’t seem to understand, in my view, is the longer he refuses to support our medical staff, ORDER the creation of MILLIONS of tests so that the spread of the disease can be better identified, and ORDERING a nationwide “shelter in place” the stock market is NOT going to recover. I’m predicting he could “push” the DOW down to 10,000 with his incredible INCOMPETENCE!

I keep thinking back to the IMPEACHMENT “trial” where Alan Dershowitz argued, incredibly, if the president believes his actions are for the best interest of the nation, and he believes his re-election is in the best interest of the nation, then nothing he does can be “IMPEACHABLE.” So, maybe individual 1 is thinking his re-election is in the best interest of the nation so re-opening the economy is more important than the MILLIONS of lives which would likely be lost. His right wing supporters – who know all they need do is get a spot on Sean Hannity’s Fox “news” show, suggest something no matter how absurd, and individual 1 will be regurgitating their nonsense by the next morning. Now individual 1 has inserted “The Cure can’t be worse than the problem” into his “Big Lie Theory” machine. We’ll be hearing that phrase over and over until it’s “drilled” into the brains of his cult members.

And, sadly, roughly 45% of America will believe them. Last week I read a poll which suggested 55% of Americans were approving of individual 1’s performance in this battle. Today, the number is DOWN to 50% and, who knows what will be the results by this time next week. At some point, even people in “Red” states will realize they are in more trouble than necessary thanks to THEIR impeached so-called president. I’ve already seen the propaganda which will likely see individual 1 attempting to take credit for the emergency relief bill which will affect MILLIONS more Americans thanks to democrats – but, will likely see republicans taking credit. These are the same republicans who want a $500 BILLION slush fund with no strings attached. Today, individual 1 volunteered to “supervise it.” My first thought: “are you kidding me?”

Talk about hiring the fox to guard the hen house. There’s no doubt individual 1 is attempting to find ways to send BAILOUT money to “the hotel industry” – which would include his own hotels, wouldn’t it? And, trying to do this without “we the people” actually knowing he’s doing it and with “no strings attached.” If individual 1 gets his way and turns back on the “economy” next Monday (he changed his tune to Easter Sunday the next day) I fear I could be stuck in my house for the next six months – or more. I worry baseball season will be canceled and my one trip to visit Seattle won’t happen this year – because, even if Governor Inslee of my state succeeds in stopping the spread in Washington state, the people in Idaho who are going about life as if this isn’t happening will, some of them visit Washington and, well, here we go again!

I’m really getting the idea “conservatives” in our nation really do care more about the stock market than they care about our people. Honestly, until I heard all this today, I couldn’t imaging talk like that coming from the federal government – well, OK, it doesn’t surprise me as much as it should based on three years of observing individual 1. So, today, I had an extended share of texts with my friend I mention here often who is part of our IMPEACHED so-called president’s cult, and he sounded just like individual 1, the Lt. Governor of Texas, and several others i listened to or read about today. My friend suggests this is just another “flu” bug and he supports opening the economy up fully. Like some of the others (including individual 1) suggested MOST of the millions who would die from the massive spread of the virus would be older Americans and “That’s just the way it goes.”

They are suggesting the lives of a couple MILLION (mostly older) Americans aren’t worth a few months of having a significant portion of our economy essentially shut down. Even though democrats in Congress are going to protect those who are out of work or those small businesses which need help in order to make them “whole” when this is over many republicans would rather just allow this virus to wipe out who knows how many Americans. And, of course, in the process, our national medical system very likely would be destroyed in the process. We are within days in several places around the country where doctors will be choosing who lives and who dies. I don’t think I’ve ever known a doctor who wants to be in that position and it’s going to have a serious effect on they’re ability to cope in this crisis! And, of course, we REALLY need them AND all the nurses – like my daughter and my friend’s daughter – who are both RN’s.

My friend who’s in the individual 1 cult actually believes individual 1 tells the truth. He absolutely doesn’t believe he’s a pathological LIAR, a racist, a xenophobe, a misogynist, and an incredible narcissist. He’s part of a significant segment of America who you can see individual 1 attempting to fool into believing he’s doing a good job. When he gives himself a “10” for his response to this, my friend and the rest of the cult actually believe that – despite the FACT he purposefully denied the seriousness of this virus from the beginning and every day he refuses to act like a real president is making things worse – for EVERYONE – including republicans.

As I said the other day, if individual 1 would have had me as an adviser back in early January, this pandemic would be affecting the United States much differently. There was NO way to stop it from “arriving” – it’s pretty much EVERYWHERE in the world. But, ignoring what was coming and trying to make things look “good” was just more evidence he was more focused on Wall Street than Main Street. That is ALWAYS, in the long run, a recipe for disaster. And, sadly, it continues to be just that. Individual 1 is not going to act like a responsible LEADER and the next three weeks is going to be – well, it appears more like Spain than Italy. It’s going to get really bad – and, not just in New York or not just in “liberal” or “blue” states. The South and the Midwest – where we have several governors who are not taking this seriously – are going to be “on fire” in the next four or five weeks. My friend, and others in the cult, just don’t want to believe this. Yikes!

Final Thought: Here’s the reality of individual 1’s “wish” to “open up the country” by Easter Sunday. My first thought when I heard him say “Having the churches full on Easter Sunday will be a beautiful site” – I want to know how many times individual 1 has actually gone to church. And, if someone gave me a number I’d need proof – and, NOT “two Corinthians.” He knows his “base” is full of a bunch of right wing “Christians” and he’s playing them like a fiddle.

My second thought was individual 1 didn’t close anything down and he does not have the power to OPEN anything up! He has not acted in any way which would include anything more than holding up a 15 days of ………. (something) at one of his press briefings – where he LIES through his teeth at the American people over and over (Do you remember him saying weeks ago “anyone who wants a test can get one” – Yikes!) – so, he’s not going to be able to do anything to get the economy “going again.” Sadly, it’s the governors across the nation “calling the shots.”

There is one thing, of course, individual 1 could accomplish in this foolhardy plan and that is encourage all his right wing “Christian” followers to return to packed churches on Easter Sunday. This would be the most likely recipe for DISASTER I can think of. I go to church virtually every Sunday, but I’m very comfortable with watching the sermons being streamed to my computer on Sunday morning. It would be a great mistake and I’m not sure how many Christians would actually go to church under these circumstances, but with our IMPEACHED so-called president’s encouragement we could see another “spike” in the numbers of positive Covid-19 cases.

Of course, Governor Cuomo of New York is filling the vacuum created by individual 1’s lack of leadership and, our governor in Washington State, (who individual 1 called a “snake” – which apparently pissed me off more than it did Governor Inslee – who just kept working hard) was right in the forefront of the decision making as governors in several states are working hard in an attempt to “flatten the curve” and save as many lives as possible while individual 1 continues to showboat. However, the reality is the people in other places who listen to our IMPEACHED so-called president and are doing the “business as usual” thing are going to make this crisis last well longer than it otherwise would have. And, come November, that’s going to be on individual 1. The recession won’t be the reason he is NOT re-elected – It will be due to the INCOMPETENCE in the face of a national crisis!

One more thing: Clearly individual 1 is more interested in Wall Street over Main Street because he envisions the stock market as his main “selling point” as to why Americans should continue this NIGHTMARE be re-electing him. However, virtually everything he does makes the recovery of the stock market, in the long term, more difficult and farther “down the road.” Today, in anticipation of the HUGE government “bailout” (maybe that’s the wrong word – stimulus, recovery?) the market made an historic jump upward – but, I can virtually guarantee you that jump upward is TEMPORARY. If individual 1 doesn’t make sure there is mass testing across the nation ASAP we are looking at a long road to getting through this. You just can’t have one “hot spot” being exchanged for another and on and on if you want this to be stopped. It’s not brain science – but, individual 1 can’t see past the moment he’s in.

We very well may be facing a depression and it wouldn’t have to be that serious. Yes, there are traders on Wall Street who will push the market up and down in, very likely, huge moves – with what appears to me, their “sheep mentality” – trying to make money day by day – but, the underlying reality is America’s companies will have a tough recovery once this is past us. I think the democrats in Congress are trying to save the economy with the bill they’re working on which is republicans agreeing to a Keynesian economics type stimulus package.

You could call it “socialism” couldn’t you! Hopefully, there will be NO $500 BILLION “slush fund” with no strings attached and at the control of individual 1. Just the fact republicans tried to push it through ticks me off – and, then they complain about democrats trying to get $2 BILLION for states to guarantee ALL states are set up for “vote by mail” for all the upcoming elections including the general election in November! I really hope the democrats stay strong until they get what is right in this bill. They may NEVER have more leverage than they have right now – certainly, at least until the next Congress. (Hopefully, Moscow Mitch will be gone from the Senate by this time next year)

Lastly: To my friend – and, I have to say, the fact he’s so enamored by individual 1, means nothing more to me than we see things from virtually opposite viewpoints. He’s a good friend, I’m just having problems “getting through” to him. However, I told him the next three weeks are going to be devastating – and, not just in New York. I have the feeling Florida is going to be the next disaster area – and, their population is almost 20% over 65 years old. Louisiana is looking to be in an almost desperate situation and they sent numerous Americans around the country, likely infected, from their recent Mardi Gras!

4 thoughts on “I want to know how many times individual 1 has actually gone to church. Is he really going on Easter Sunday?

  1. Otto VonWolfGang

    Yes, there is another point of view that Millions of voters agree with. This is still a democratic republic right? Different points of view are a foundation principle and one of the most powerful aspect of our culture. Disrespecting other peoples opinions is in fact anti-american. Look up the word “respect” if you are confused by my comment. Hyperbole is not helpful. Not sure if that’s a 5th or a 6th grader issue but its clearly superfluous rhetoric.

    Rightness/Wrongness like morality is often better reviewed on a sliding scale 1-10 for-instance. Insisting that issues are simply either right/wrong is in most cases an impossible position to defend. Consider: You think Abortion is OK… / I don’t. Who’s right? it’s a moral value judgment usually measured by a Humanistic or Theistic point of view. Neither are disallowed as a baseline of rational thinking.

    Support of President Trump (AKA-Individual 1) for most conservatives is a personal choice. Choices aren’t usually all right/wrong but do always have consequences. Hoping you’ll have a major pyrimidine shift and accept that a huge, perhaps even a majority, of people do not agree with your creative assessment regarding how Trump is running the country.

    1. dfpiper Post author

      Hi there Otto, It’s good to have you back. I’ll say it again, you could be the twin of my friend I refer to here often, a friend who’s part of individual 1’s cult. I’ll try to answer your comments one by one. Yes, we do live in a democratic republic and I’m very thankful for that – it does give those of us who can’t stomach individual 1 the opportunity to vote him (and, hopefully, many republican Senators out of office). Of course there are different points of view because, otherwise, we wouldn’t have the MASSIVE resistance to this IMPEACHED so-called president. I’ll address your reference to “respect” but, first, I find it interesting you suggest “Hyperbole” is not helpful with, well, hyperbole – or was it an insult toward sixth grade teachers??? As a former sixth grade teacher I stand firm in my belief our “commander in chief” acts like many of the BULLIES and pathological LIARS I experienced in my 23 years in the classroom. That being said, I respect many of my “fellow Americans” who, obviously, for some reason support individual 1. I hope it is because they are simply “republicans” no matter what. Clearly, individual 1 is no republican based on what I’ve observed in my nearly 60 years of following politics. I’ve always been an independent so it’s hard for me to understand voting based on the party – Although, I have to add I’m getting close to there because, at least until this version of the republican party is in the “history books,” in essence, I’m voting AGAINST republicans. That’s why, before all the so-called democratic “debates,” I chose to watch none of them and committed to vote for whoever the democrats nominate. I’m voting AGAINST individual 1, clear and simple. And, there is no way I can imagine myself respecting him. The more I read about him it just gets worse and worse. Presently, I’m reading “Crime in Progress” by the two guys who run “Fusion GPS,” the private investigating firm which was hired by republicans to investigate individual 1 during the campaign prior to the 2016 election and, after individual 1 won the nomination, the investigation was paid for by a law firm representing the DNC. Ultimately, Fusion hired Christopher Steele and we ended up with the so-called “Steele Dossier” – which most people don’t know the real contents or the history. But, Fusion GPS has much more information on individual 1 which our so-called “liberal media” ignored, for whatever reason, during the 2016 campaign.

      For example, individual 1 has ties to Italian and Russian mafiya connections which go back something close to 40 years. His connections to Russia go back, at least, over 30 years and maybe more. His business practices and personal behavior have left a long history of immorality (I mentioned in this post, as he’s calling for the country to sacrifice its seniors by getting “back to work by Easter Sunday” because, “That’s such an important day to me” – I’d really like to know how many days he’s actually spent in church. He’s simply “playing” all of his “conservative Christian” followers. Who knows, Otto, you may be one of them. Individual 1’s history of public lying, his stiffing of people who work on his projects and banks that finance them, his strategic bankruptcies leaving many in the lurch, his history of misogynist behavior and bragging of being a sexual predator, his history of racism, his campaign built on xenophobia, his administration built on division and hate, his connection white nationalists in here and across Europe, and his, during the Covid-19 crisis his willingness to sacrifice MILLIONS of lives at the “alter” of Wall Street – I have to tell you, I just can’t respect that. One thing, for sure, I learned as a 6th grade teacher is respect is something you earn. Honestly, Otto, I’m struggling to picture how you could respect someone like that.

      You bring up “rightness/wrongness” whatever that means and seem to connect that to morality. And, then give it a “1-10 scale????” Honestly, in my mind, there are times when it’s “black and white” that something is wrong. For example, as I just mentioned, I find a long list of behavior of our IMPEACHED so-called president which is undeniably WRONG. For example, laundering money from the mafia to help make money in your business is just WRONG – black and white or, maybe a 1 on your 1-10 scale. The grabbing women by their genitals because “I’m famous. When you’re famous they just let you do it.” To me, that’s just wrong, period, full stop. LYING to you, right to your face, and the rest of the cult is, in my mind simply put, WRONG. Sorry if that seems to blunt or disrespectful. As far as I know, Otto, I don’t disrespect you, I just don’t understand how you can support someone as morally bankrupt as individual 1. He’s etching himself a very dark place in the history books and, when all is said and done, many in his cult will say, “I never knew him” three times by the……. Well, maybe you get the reference. Only this time it will be for real!

      You mention the abortion issue, which, to be honest, does not surprise me. I’ve mentioned here many times, at some point I’m going to write a post on the very subject – I just don’t seem to have the time because individual 1 is keeping me too busy. It’s that very issue, in my mind, why MILLIONS of right wing “Christians” in America are willing to support someone who is inspiring Neo-Nazi rallies all across parts of America and Europe. (Check your history books, circa Germany in the late 1920’s) It’s all about the Judges – and, the hope Roe will be overturned. Well, I was a fairly young man when Roe was decided (I think it was 1972 or 1973 – If I wasn’t so lazy, I’d look it up) and, what I remember was when I was in college in the 1960’s abortions were readily available (Thank God, I was never in the position to have to address the issue personally) and women were having them. And, of course, the procedures were dangerous – to the WOMEN and NOT the men who were responsible for the women being pregnant. I’m not going to write my post right now, but that’s one of my main objections – the men have virtually NO consequences for their behavior in this issue. What I’m saying is that if Roe is overturned – which, based on my inference from your post you would support – women will still be having abortions, men will still pay little to no consequence, and many of the women will end up with consequences which affect the rest of their lives above and beyond the, what I have to believe would be the incredible – I don’t even know how to express what they likely would be feeling, but it’s not a good one – if they’re in the position where they feel they need an abortion. I personally know women who’ve been raped, one at knife point, and become pregnant. That is NOT a good position to be in and I find it interesting all the MEN who want to dictate to these women how their lives will go on after something like that. No, I do not “support abortion” – what I support is the reality it’s NOT my call. I don’t know your political leanings, but I’m always amazed at, for example, libertarians who want virtually no government leading the charges to get rid of Roe and/or at the front of the lines trying to prevent already traumatized women from accessing reproductive health care. For me, simply put, it’s not my call. I would have never supported an abortion when I was in the stage of life where i was “procreating,” but, I don’t believe it’s my role to tell someone else what to do with their body.

      Some of the very same people pushing for the overturning of Roe (“right to lifers”) are the very same people who are, now, suggesting – in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis to just let things go, go back to business as usual – in other words allow a medical slaughter of MILLIONS of (in their minds mostly older) people at the “alter of Wall Street.” You suggest the support of “Individual 1 for most conservatives is a personal choice.” Well, that goes without saying. However, having all this information about what type of person he is and the undeniable LYING he does right to the faces of his very supporters causes me to wonder what is going through their minds. I have to tell you, one of the major turnoffs to me when I’m socializing with someone is their integrity. As soon as they float a ridiculous LIE I’m like “it’s been nice, I’ll see you later.” So, I really don’t understand how his “flock” can continue supporting him. Especially, in the face of his selfish incompetence which is center stage as one governor after another is forced to try to deal with this pandemic which SHOULD have a coordinated national response – and, a response which is unwilling to sacrifice MILLIONS of lives for numbers on Wall Street. (Which, by the way, are going lower than they should based on his lack of decision making) You mention “choices…..always have consequences.” Well, that goes without saying – in fact, just a couple months ago republicans in the Senate had the choice to end this nightmare and only one of them “stood up” and did what was right. Now, we’re still suffering with individual 1 in the “White House” and, just as I’ve predicted many times here, if he ever gets an actual “emergency” he has to deal with, well, we’re all in trouble. The truth is those of us who didn’t and don’t support him are affected just like those who did. The virus doesn’t care and, with a daughter who is an RN right on the front lines without the PPE she should have I get angry every day individual 1 wastes without DEMANDING (using the Defense Production Act) our industry (What’s left of it) produce the protective gear and the other things our hospitals are requiring as they FIGHT this pandemic. I had no idea what you mean by “major pyrimidine shift” so I looked up “pyrimidine” and this is the definition: “a colorless crystalline compound with basic properties.” Honestly, I don’t know how to respond to that, so I’ll just say I know a majority of Americans – the polls have been consistent for three plus years – about 55% “disapprove” of individual 1. It’s true he “won” the 2016 election with around 44% of the vote due to the make-up of the Electoral College and, if he “wins” again, that’s how he’ll do it.

      But, to end this, let me add a few reasons why I think “four more years” are unlikely. First, I’m counting on young people to actually vote. There are issues they are JUSTIFIABLY concerned with and which they are passionate about – and, individual 1 FAILS in each one. Let me lay it out for you – Climate Change is dire for young people and individual 1 is a certified “denier.” Guns is an issue for young people and individual 1 is in the pocket of the NRA. Education is critical to young people and, unless you have money it’s a major issue for young people – individual 1 gets and “F.” I could go on, but the reality is there are over 50% of America’s voters who are committed to voting AGAINST our IMPEACHED so-called president. And, he’s not making his case any stronger as he BUNGLES his way through this pandemic. Also, Joe Biden does not have the “baggage” Hillary Clinton brought into the last election and there aren’t any third party people pulling votes from him. Yes, the Russians are still “at it,” and individual 1 gets away with massive misinformation campaigns on Social Media. But, I’m counting on Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer following through with their commitments to support the “democratic nominee” – so, there shouldn’t be a lack of funds for Biden – or, for those attempting to turn the Senate “blue.” I have to say it again here, I can’t wait for November and the chance to “end this nightmare.”

      I’ll end here by saying I’ve seen numerous comments from individual 1 supporters suggesting “God chose him to be our president.” And, as a Christian myself, I can’t argue with that, it’s just hard to understand. My son, says it’s to get us to the “bottom” sooner rather than later. That being said, then I have to think the Covid-19 is “God’s way of exposing” individual 1′ incompetence. All in all, though, Otto it’s great to have you here and I appreciate you reading my blog! God Bless you!

  2. Otto VonWolfGang

    One of your best writings. Well Done! Honest discourse and respect. I think we just had a breakthrough. I’m very pleased.

    Sorry I missed it, my spell checker changed the word: Paradigm, but I think you get the idea

    I’m glad you are fully persuaded. However, an honest attempt to “listen” to diverse views will serve you well. That’s actually why I review your offerings. I want to believe that you read my comments in the same spirit.

    1. dfpiper Post author

      Well Otto, I’m happy you’re back. To me, here’s when we will have had a breakthrough – when I can somehow convince you to change your point of view. Like I’ve said, you could be the twin of my good friend who I mention here often and I pray for him to get out of the cult every day. That being said, I enjoy listening to him so I’m glad you think I’m listening to you. I always read your comments in a good spirit. In the case of this pandemic, I think it’s “all hands on deck” and it’s very frustrating one of the “hands” isn’t the most important one. And, that’s not likely to change, but you and I can, hopefully, keep hoping (although I won’t be able to hope for the “over by Easter” solution because that would be so reckless). And, as a Christian I’ve always believed “God is in control” – I didn’t understand why He chose individual 1 to gain the “White House” (even though he did so with 3 MILLION votes less than his opponent and with the help of Vladimir Putin and James Comey – but, I digress, that’s all water under the bridge – my son says it was to get us to the BOTTOM quicker) I have a hard time making myself believe Covid-19 is God’s way to correct the problem (He doesn’t make mistakes and, often, I don’t understand His ways) because it’s a world wide problem – so I’ll leave that one to those more intelligent than me. That being said, it’s good to hear from you again! God Bless you and stay healthy!

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