If you’re looking for evidence of a “swamp” – look no further than Pompeo, Pense, Perry, Sondland, and, of course, Rudy Giuliani! (Oh yes, the “head” of the swamp, individual 1)

I often refer to the times I have breakfast with a friend of mine who is a devout supporter of individual 1 and the last time I talked to him he made a reference to the “swamp” suggesting people like Ambassadors Taylor and Yovanovich were part of the “swamp.” I tried to explain to him individual 1 is at the tip of the pyramid representing the “swamp” but I didn’t have time to convince him. Well, I’ve heard the same reference since that breakfast because I tried to listen to a bit of Fox “news” (Trump TV) and either they are mimicking my friend or vice versa. (I’ll let you make the inference) So, I thought I’d try to clear this up a bit with this posting.

During the first part of the Obama administration the Supreme Court made a ruling regularly referred to as “Citizens United” – shortly after the confirmation of Samuel Alito to what has been the “Robert’s Court” since Alito put on his robe. When I was still teaching I remember asking many (if not most) of my cohorts – all “educated” and presumably voters – if they knew what “Citizens United” was. To a person, NOT one of them had any idea what I was talking about. Well, it was this decision which opened the floodgates to unidentified MONEY flowing into our political process which has turned was was already a CORRUPT process into something almost unbelievable to me.

I still vividly remember in Obama’s first (I think) State of the Union speech him pointing out this decision would open our process to FOREIGN money and Alito sitting in the front row of on site witnesses to the speech and shaking his head in a “no way” manner – with, of course, Obama – over time – being proven correct. For example, we’re likely to NEVER know how much Russian money came into the 2016 election cycle – all we know is it was considerable. It was reported that they funneled at least $30 MILLION through the NRA aimed to support individual 1. Additionally, I’ve read where Moscow Mitch allegedly received $800 THOUSAND and Lindsey Graham allegedly received over half a MILLION from the Russians.

Of course, the CORRUPTION in America’s political system goes much deeper than the Russian money which helped to pollute the 2016 election cycle. America is flush with multi-millionaires – I learned tonight from my son that Hong Kong this past year exceeded New York as having the most people with wealth exceeding $30 MILLION. However, America has no shortage of wealthy people who pay off politicians to ensure they become even wealthier. (Of course, America isn’t even in the top ten of countries based on the AVERAGE income of her people – because the issue of income inequality is real – but, that’s a story for another day) That said, America’s wealthy have plenty of funds available to fuel CORRUPTION allowing them to funnel MONEY by the MILLIONS to America’s politicians.

And, of course, they’re just not “giving” the money away as if they were in their church pews, in their minds they’re making investments. I remember republicans publicly mentioning prior to the one piece of significant legislation republicans have managed since individual 1 took office, the tax “scam” of 2017. They expected this “scam” in return for all the MONEY they’re “giving” republicans. (Don’t get me wrong, their are democrats getting some of the money FLOWING to Washington DC from the “top 1%.”)

How much do bills like the tax “scam” affect these wealthy people? Well, I don’t know for sure because the reality is, while I’m thankful for what I have, I’m not one of America’s wealthy. (When I donate to a campaign it’s usually $10 – $20) To show his appreciation for the tax “scam” Sheldon Adelson sent the republicans a check for a cool $13 MILLION. I don’t know if that seems like a lot of money to you, but, to me, well………………..

The “swamp” is the people in our government on the receiving end of these payments and those who are making the payments – and, then giving instructions surreptitiously in regard to what they expect in return. We’re seeing in real time one way how this “swamp” can backfire on those who are “swimming” in it. For example, what’s one way to get your dream job of being an Ambassador to somewhere exotic around the world? Well, donate a MILLION dollars to a candidate and then hope they win.

Take for example, Gordon Sondland – presently the United States Ambassador to the European Union. Did he work his way up through the State Department over many years like Ambassadors Taylor and Yovanovich? Nooooo! Mr. Sondland gave a MILLION dollars to the individual 1 campaign in some sort of way. Now he’s looking up at the bottom of the bus which seems to be rolling right over him. Apparently, he’s having trouble telling the TRUTH in his testimony (so far, his deposition) and tomorrow (as I’m writing this) he has the chance, I believe, to actually tell the TRUTH in his actual testimony in the IMPEACHMENT hearings of individual 1.

As we watch these hearings it’s becoming apparent how severe that “swamp” problem is in America. Of course, individual 1 keeps saying he’s concerned about CORRUPTION in Ukraine – as he’s exacerbating the issue of CORRUPTION in Ukraine – and, as the hearings proceed, the reality of the issue of CORRUPTION in America is glaring at “we the people.” Of course, the best way to perpetuate the “swamp” is for a politician to convince his/her followers the goal is to “drain the swamp” – while actually being the “head” of the swamp.

And, in the case of individual 1, he’s clearly the “head” of what he’s supposed to be “draining.” Today, I watched as much of the third day of IMPEACHMENT hearings as I had the time to watch and that I could stomach. I started trying to watch, for example, Devin Nunez and quickly realized his “Job” was to spew the conspiracy theories Vladimir Putin initiated in an attempt to get the focus of the “meddling” in America’s 2016’s election away from Russian and on to Ukraine – as if the “meddling” was the Ukrainians trying to get Hillary Clinton elected. Yikes!!!

To make it worse, as far as individual 1 is concerned, not only is Putin attempting to cause him to believe this nonsense, but along with people like Nunez, Jim Jordan, and, apparently, now Elise Stefanik, individual 1 has his attorney, Rudy Giuliani spewing the same garbage. All of the investigations individual 1 appears focused on and seemingly willing to dive onto the “sword” for have been TOTALLY debunked – repeatedly.

A few weeks ago I wrote a post pointing out someone who CHEATS at golf – as individual 1 has widely reported to do – likely CHEATS at everything. If you read the Mueller report (I did TWICE) you know individual 1 CHEATS at politics. (I’ve been pointing out republicans CHEAT at politics for years – and, I’ve been dumbfounded as to how democrats seem to let them get away with it) Individual 1 asked the Russians to help him in 2016 very publicly and what he did in Ukraine SHOULD be no surprise because he publicly did it and he also publicly stated he would welcome foreign assistance in a campaign in a recent public interview. It’s as if he’s doing it publicly so it MUST be OK. And, there’s more!

If you don’t know who Rick Wilson is, I’ll give you a clue. He’s a republican consultant who wrote a book titled “Everything Trump Touches Dies.” I have the book and started reading it and couldn’t make it all the way through because I struggled with Wilson’s unwillingness to understand the “conservative” movement he seems to think is separate from individual 1 actually laid the “groundwork” for this deplorable so-called president. That said, he’s correct that those who choose to surround themselves around individual 1 will long be remembered as almost traitors when all is said and done with this chapter in American history.

The “swamp” individual 1 pledged to “drain” includes people like Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of State, Mike Pense the Vice President, Rick Perry who just resigned as Secretary of Energy, Gordon Sondland the Ambassador to the European Union and, of course, Rudy Giuliani who used to be known as “America’s mayor” before he stained himself via his devotion to individual 1. Oh yes, I can’t forget William Barr, the Attorney General who was mentioned on the infamous phone call several times and has been globetrotting in an effort to prove these conspiracy theories – the results yet to come – BUT, all these people COULD be facing LEGAL jeopardy because this certainly appears to be a CONSPIRACY and all their names have come up in the evidence. We’ll see – but, if you’re looking for evidence of a “swamp” – look no further!

I believe these “swamp mates” were up to something more than setting up individual 1’s shakedown. We’ll learn more as the trials of Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman go forward – these are the Russian “thugs’ who were hanging out with Rudy Giuliani who was referred to as one of the “three amigos” who were neck deep in CORRUPTION of their own in Ukraine. It won’t surprise me if Giuliani wasn’t working his way into the Ukraine Oil and Gas industry – which has the potential to produce huge amounts of money – with Giuliani trying to make himself another “oligarch.” We’ll see…………………………

Final Thought: Today Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman testified. Vindman, who is a Jewish refuge from Russia who immigrated to America with his twin brother 40 years ago speaks fluent Russian and Ukrainian and was on the now infamous phone call that started the IMPEACHMENT inquiry. Lt. Colonel Vindman (Who had to remind Devin Nunez that is how he is to be addressed – NOT as “Mr. Vindman) reported the call almost immediately because he recognized the inappropriateness of the call – and, did what he was trained to do. He has done EVERYTHING he has been trained to do and has been courageously testifying in the face of a plethora of attacks coming from republicans in all “directions.”

It was reported tonight Lr. Colonel Vindman is going to be relocated to an Army base in order to protect his safety because of the mountain of threats coming at him from the “deplorables” who support individual 1 and react with threats toward anyone who questions our so-called president. This is sad. Of course, it also means our National Security team in the “White House” will be less one of their key contributors. What I heard was it takes 5 years of training for someone to gain the qualification to fill Lt. Colonel Vindman’s position – and, there are few people with his qualifications. That’s the sad reality of our government under individual 1 – if you tell the TRUTH you’re either a “rat,” a “traitor” (I find that characterization quite interesting), a “scum bag,” or a “never trumper.” And, our country becomes worse for it!

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