This IMPEACHMENT hearing is about a sitting American president EXTORTING (bribing) political favors from a vulnerable “ally” for whom he could “care less.”

If individual 1 REALLY was concerned about “corruption” in Ukraine over the past 6 months or so, which included the suspension of badly needed military assistance for the Ukrainians because of this “concern,” he needn’t look any further than the mirror or the many pictures of Rudy Giuliani available online. Of course, if that’s not enough he could look at the State Department’s 2019 “yearbook” at their “leader” Mike Pompeo, or he could check out the photos of William Barr at the Justice department or how about all the photos of Lev Parnos and his buddy Igor Fruman (with him in the “White House”) who were trying to help Giuliani (and, likely, Gordon Sondland and Rick Perry) pull off a money making scheme via Ukraine’s surplus of Natural Gas. All wannabe “oligarchs.” They all are the epitome of CORRUPTION! (Oh yes, don’t forget Mike Pense)

You have to believe one of the reason’s individual 1 seems so enthralled with Vladimir Putin is because he’s (Putin) widely reported as one of the top two or three wealthiest people in the world and those who cozy up to him end up becoming very rich “oligarchs” themselves. I believe individual 1’s envy aimed at Putin will/should be his ultimate undoing. The list of reasons why our so-called president should be IMPEACHED is lengthy and he seems to be more than willing to make it longer via his corruption in plain sight which often works to Putin’s benefit. Individual 1 is proving that the issue of “corruption” goes well beyond the borders of Ukraine. “We the people” have been dealing with this “in plain sight” for nearly three years now. Yikes!!! The Ukraine “stuff” is what may be individual 1’s undoing – but, the DAMAGE to America goes way beyond this one instance where he’s been “caught with his hand in the cookie jar.”

I would comment on how STUPID it seems our so-called president is acting, but it just KEEPS happening. For example, when Ms. Yovanavich was called home from Ukraine – IMMEDIATELY – based on threats to her personal health, she was attending a memorial of a Ukrainian woman who had been killed for FIGHTING corruption – killed via being covered with ACID. Not the kind of acid the “hippies” ingested back in the 60’s. No, we’re talking about the type of acid which happens to people who gain the disfavor of, say, Vladimir Putin. What did individual 1 mean when he was quoted as saying “she’s going to go through some things?” Considering where she was at the time, just think what was likely going through her head as she was told to catch the next flight home. Individual 1 MUST be thinking none of his STUPIDITY will ever be revealed.

And, prior to individual 1, who would have guessed the entire republican party would be the heroes of Russian state television as their people are watching these republicans doing the Russians’ “bidding?” From multiple reports I’ve heard, the Russians are watching the IMPEACHMENT hearings very closely and virtually LAUGHING at the spectacle being put on by our republican party. They claim these republicans are simply proving Vladimir Putin’s point that “democracy” is “corrupt” and can’t be relied upon. They, for example, are regularly laughing at the incompetence of individual 1 and, apparently, feeling this entire process is proof that America is vulnerable and weak. They feel it was easy for the Russians to upend our “democracy” (republic) through their “active measures” campaign which was instrumental getting individual 1 into the “White House.” (and, of course, it’s ongoing with virtually NO push-back coming from the “White House.”)

How did this transformation of the republican party happen? Well, succinctly put, Fox “news” – also referred to these days as “Trump TV.” (It’s hard for me to say that name) Fox has been the source of much of the “White Nationalism” which has emerged over the past 30+ years in America. Of course, in reference to what I just said above relating to Russia, you can be sure Vladimir Putin is an emerging force for “White Nationalism” around the world – instigating much of the neo-Nazi movement across Western Europe which is alarming to people like me. (Of course, not alarming to Mr. Putin or individual 1) For example, Brexit was partly the result of Putin’s “active measures” campaign coming from his Russian “cyber warriors.” Not to short change the role Steve Bannon played via Cambridge Analytica as they worked along side the Russians pushing for Brexit. (Of course, individual 1 was cheerleading Brexit as well)

And, these republicans putting on a “deplorable” display in a futile attempt to defend individual 1 in these IMPEACHMENT hearings are cementing their place in the wrong section of future American history books. For example, I’ve been watching as much of the hearings as I can stomach and it’s no surprise to me when I see reports that Elise Stefanik is being considered the “star” of individual 1’s defense. As I watch her it makes me a bit sad because I do believe America needs two parties and she comes across to me as a very bright young lady. However, her defense of individual 1 is going to stain her reputation nationally for the foreseeable future. (She’s likely in a gerrymandered district so her seat is safe)

Republicans “installed” their number one “hit man,” Jim Jordan into the “intelligence” committee to have someone who is able to LIE with impunity – a necessary “trait” for anyone who is defending individual 1 – and, of course, every time he gets the opportunity to talk during the hearings Jordan makes a fool of himself everywhere but on Trump TV. Stefanik is emerging as the “other” republican willing to LIE in defense of individual 1 and at the potential expense of our nation. I have to say, it’s been surprising to me seeing a young lady in the republican party who seems to have so much potential staining her reputation in such a manner. Becoming a “star” in today’s republican party likely will have ONLY short term benefits.

I often write of the DAMAGE individual 1 is doing to various parts of our republic and it goes so much deeper than these IMPEACHMENT hearings. To me, it’s not only critical individual 1 gets IMPEACHED, but, at the same time, “we the people” MUST find a way to “educate” everyday Americans who are living their busy lives – including the many who’ve been brainwashed by Trump TV – as to some of the things he and his cohorts – who largely make up the SWAMP he was supposedly to “drain” – are doing to the “fabric” of our nation. (In fact, I’m planning a post about what makes up the “swamp” so many of individual 1’s supporters are worried about)

Today, I signed an online petition aimed at preventing the privatization of our National Parks, as one example of potential DAMAGE flying “under the radar.” Those who’ve been paying attention KNOW that individual 1 and his “swamp mates” have their sights set on drilling for oil, mining for whatever, in essence getting their dirty “hands” on the treasures of America which have been assiduously protected since the days of Teddy Roosevelt. For heavens sake, individual 1 is still claiming he’s saving the coal industry. Of course, in that instance, the coal industry is NOT savable, but as it slowly “dies” individual 1 has made it possible for the industry to do much MORE damage on the way out! For example, they’re dumping their waste directly into West Virginia rivers once again – and, who knows what else?

My point here is there’s a lot of DAMAGE coming out of individual 1’s administration every which way you turn and much of it will be discovered after he’s gone from office. Right now the focus in on the SHAKEDOWN of Ukraine and the other foreign policy disasters individual 1 is foisting on people around the world. For example, It was just a month ago that our so-called president pulled the American troops from Syria who were protecting the Kurds who were responsible for much of the “heavy lifting” in the battle against ISIS. These Kurds continue to be slaughtered at the hands of president Erdogan of Turkey – and to make matters look so much worse – individual 1 invited Erdogan to the “White House” amid this ongoing slaughter, sending a message to the Kurds which I can’t even imagine how they’re receiving it. And, make no mistake, “we the people” are responsible for this because individual 1 represents all Americans – whether we like it or not.

To me, this is why it’s so IMPERATIVE for the democrats to IMPEACH individual 1 and put the “onus” on republican members of the Senate to decide if this kind of behavior is acceptable in America. Their decision will be setting a precedent for all future American presidents and, I’m sure, many republican members of the Senate understand the next president will likely be a democrat and they’ll need to think about whether they want to normalize, for example, presidents committing EXTORTION to benefit themselves in who knows what kind of way. And, do you think this is the only time individual 1 has used his office to benefit himself?

Take for example the HORRIBLE decision to allow the Turks to, essentially, “ethnically cleanse” the Kurds from Northern Syria – where they had established a “homeland.” What do you think individual 1 got in return from Erdogan as he played “let’s make a deal” over the phone one evening? Do you think his “Twin Towers” in Istanbul were part of the negotiation? Foreign leaders have totally figured out how to “play” individual 1 and, seriously, their people are laughing at him – and, of course, by extension, at “we the people,” as he’s getting “played.” While Erdogan was in the Oval Office it was reported he was sending coded messages back to Turkey where people were watching on TV and getting a good laugh. (Sadly, I have to add, the Kurds are NOT laughing at him – they are bitter about America’s BETRAYAL)

Republicans (along with outlets like Fox, Breitbart, and others) are enabling this. I said when individual 1 was first elected that he would last only until the jobs of the members of Congress were in jeopardy. Well, republican members of the House have been “retiring” in droves since the early days of this administration leading to the democratic majority and, this year, there are over 20 republicans in the Senate up for re-election – some of them in places where people are realizing what individual 1 is doing to this nation. Their vote in the impeachment “trial” very well could determine their political future.

The American people aren’t STUPID – many are simply working their butts off to keep their families “head’s above water.” Sadly, many of them either don’t want to participate in politics at all, or they’ve been “undone” by getting “sucked in” to Fox “news” AKA “Trump TV,” However, I’ve personally been surprised by the number of people I personally know who are watching the IMPEACHMENT hearings. My hope is that these hearings will cause people to register to vote in record numbers – especially young people who have the MOST to lose if this NIGHTMARE somehow were to continue – sending a clear message to republican Senators that the IMPEACHMENT trial had better be taken seriously.

I’ll say it once more – this IMPEACHMENT hearing is about a sitting American president EXTORTING (bribing) political favors from a vulnerable “ally” who he could care “less” about. If they got overtaken by Russia, it would be “no sweat off individual 1’s brow.” (Sadly) However, there is SO MUCH MORE! We’re not even talking about all the OBSTRUCTION of Justice exposed in Mueller’s report along with the COLLUSION with the Russians – which will become clearer as more of the redacted parts of Mueller’s work becomes public. The “list” just goes on and on.

Final Thought: As I’ve stated in a couple of my previous posts I believe the greatest danger to the democrats “case” to IMPEACH individual 1 will likely come from William Barr who, I believe, may be “concocting” a scheme to further undermine Mueller’s work – beyond what he did at the outset of the report being publicized. Keep in mind, there have been reports of Barr circling the globe looking for evidence to support the conspiracy theories which would suggest some nefarious plot to undermine individual 1’s administration well before anyone thought he had a “snowball in hell’s” chance to actually “win” the election. I believe Barr will indict SOMEONE with the idea to take the focus off the IMPEACHMENT hearings and eventually the trial in the Senate if Barr fails to intervene in the House’s proceedings.

Keep in mind a couple things: First, Barr has refused to answer legally drawn up subpoenas from various House committees and secondly, Barr’s name has come up in the Ukraine scheme on several occasions. A “plethora” of the people surrounding individual 1 need to be thinking that if a democrat wins the “White House” in 2020 the statute of limitations on what appears to be NUMEROUS criminal acts and/or conspiracies will be far in the future. Assuming “we the people” elect someone who doesn’t believe in the “looking forward instead of back” philosophy which President Obama adopted to the glee of GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, and many of their accomplices – keep in mind this MESS in the Middle East is largely the work of the Bush/Cheney regime – which included openly authorizing TORTURE. I believe enabling that led to the brazenous of individual 1 and his republican sycophants.

Even my friend who I regularly mention here who is “devoted” to individual 1 (it’s hard for me to understand, but…….) and who voted for Bush/Cheney (I believe he just votes for the republican – period) agrees they were responsible for hundreds of thousands of people losing their lives along with creating the aforementioned “MESS.” Well, as republicans are “want” to do, individual 1 is in the process of creating “the mother of all messes” and he’s surrounded by people who very likely will be facing legal jeopardy if “we the people” elect someone who actually believes we are a nation of laws – and simply because you’re violating laws from the Oval Office you don’t get a “pass” OR a pardon. My hope is that everyone of these people in individual 1’s “orbit” from his family members to the cohorts of his “swamp” will be fully investigated – and, that includes Mr. Barr. Just sayin………………….

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