It’s time for democrats to understand, this is a WAR for the heart and soul of our nation. FEAR is NOT an option!

I keep wanting to write about the democrats and their lack of a clear plan to mitigate the DAMAGE being caused by individual 1 who seems intent on dominating each days news cycle. Even if you think about ignoring all the chaos coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue it’s hard to do so. The harsh reality is that the issues facing the United States AND the world are severe and require, it seems to me, more than anytime in recent history leadership from America – leadership that is sorely lacking and seems impossible considering it’s individual 1 at the “helm.” Today’s “news” is that John Bolton was FIRED by individual 1 (Bolton claims he offered his resignation last night) likely because their differences were made public after individual 1’s failed attempt to bring the Taliban to Camp David for some kind of (stupid) negotiations over ending the violence in Afghanistan, on the anniversary of 9/11 no less.

Incredibly, and based on the information I’ve gleaned from media sources, I find myself agreeing with Bolton who apparently suggested if we want to end our involvement in Afghanistan we should simply “pack up and leave.” In other words, negotiating with the Taliban is a recipe for – well – for lack of a better word on my part, embarrassment. The idea the Taliban will follow through with any agreement for “peace” shows a lack of knowledge, in my opinion. of how things work within an area of the world where the United States has been mired for almost 20 years and, apparently, still doesn’t understand. Inviting leaders of the Taliban to Camp David, and to make it worse right about the anniversary of 9/11, was STUPID – and, I have a feeling Bolton allowed individual 1 to know that was the reality.

Of course, individual 1 listens to virtually nobody and his cabinet is made up of sycophants. Anyone who’s followed American foreign policy politics over the past 20 years were somewhat taken aback when Bolton was hired as National Security Advisor. Bolton was right in the middle of the invasion of Iraq back in 2003 – maybe the single WORST foreign policy decision in American history. The Middle East is still destabilized and the result of that invasion has been the strengthening of Iran and Russia in that region, not to mention over 200,000 lost lives. Bolton has never been someone I had any admiration whatsoever for – which puts him in a similar place with my views toward our so-called president. Of course, individual 1 is the one with the power and, to a degree, I’m glad he “has different views” than Bolton. But, in the case of inviting the Taliban to Camp David, I’m going to have to side with Bolton likely letting individual 1 know that was a STUPID idea.

Likely when their differences on this issue became public and it became public that just prior to 9/11 individual 1, who has strung together some of his most incredulous LIES about the attack on the World Trade Center, invited the Taliban to U.S. soil and Bolton let him know it was a STUPID idea: that was the “end of the line.” I’m guessing it was the publicity which was mostly negative about individual 1 (again – what else is new?) and actually made Bolton look to be rational that signaled the end. Personally, I’m somewhat relieved Bolton is gone – I’m just not encouraged to hear individual 1 essentially brag that he makes decisions without advice from those in government who are the experts in providing briefings. (Well, “what else is new?”)

The end result of this “diplomacy” is what will go down in history as more STUPIDITY along with the series of “summits” individual 1 has held with Kim Jong un and Vladimir Putin. I will likely always remember the smirks on the faces of Vladimir Putin and MBS (Mohammad bin Salmon) at the last G20 summit after they had just greeted individual 1. It was as if they were saying, “What an idiot. We need to take as much advantage of this situation as we can before the people of America wake up.” And, when will that happen?

Well, today, as I’m writing this, there is an election in North Carolina for the last unresolved seat in Congress – an election to replace the one where the republican CHEATED to the point where, even in North Carolina, the election was cancelled. Last night individual 1 held a rally in this district because it appears the democrat still has a chance – in a district individual 1 (and Mitt Romney) carried by double digits – which would make him look bad. (The last time I checked the republican was leading by 2 points in a district where individual 1 carried it by 12 – and, the democrat was going to lose, likely for lack of support from the leaders of the party)

Well, I tuned in to a segment of a TV program focused on the actual voters who are participating in this election. As they were being interviewed I couldn’t help thinking of individual 1, during the 2016 campaign, claiming he “loves uneducated voters.” Sadly, I have to believe that’s exactly why he’s in the “White House.” America is full of “uneducated voters” and, it seems to me, the “republicans” I listen to lead the way. One of the voters who was planning to vote for the republican in this election was asked if it was because of individual 1 and she responded “yes.” She then elaborated, “I like the policy of the last couple of years instead of what was happening before.” I had to wonder, what policy are you talking about?

Then I thought, if I could ask her, “Is all the chaos in our government and our nation what you’re happy with? Is it the FACT the deficit has more than doubled to over $1 TRILLION that you’re happy with individual 1? Are you happy that our so-called president is an unindicted co-conspirator in two FELONIES resulting from his attempt to hide his AFFAIRS from you? Does it NOT bother you our so-called president got “elected” with the help of Russia and then committed multiple OBSTRUCTION of justice offenses during the investigation of ‘the Russia thing?'” “Are you still going to support individual 1 when the economy tanks?” I could go on, but I hope you get the idea – especially if you support individual 1.

Here’s the scariest of realities facing “we the people” as we go forward. He still has NOT had to deal with a genuine crisis since he took the reigns from President Obama – which is a testimony to how fundamentally strong America had become under Obama. Essentially the ONLY “achievement” of individual 1 is the tax scam which could very well be the “straw” that finally breaks the “back” of our economy. That scam along with all the other absurd “stuff” happening in our government has created a “weight” on America that likely is the reason for the smirks on the faces of Putin and MBS at that G20 summit. Individual 1’s incompetence has opened the doors for, especially, Putin and Russia. I’m presently reading “Putin’s World” (I highly recommend this book – especially to our elected “leaders”) by Angela Stent and, trust me, Putin is jumping into virtually EVERY “vacuum” individual 1 is creating.

There’s a good reason why Putin didn’t like President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. They didn’t just roll over for his aggressive – mafiya like – behavior. From Obama’s first day in office I made it clear I wasn’t going to simply give him a pass on everything and I found much of his decision making to be questionable – but, the reality is he oversaw a slow upward move of our economy, he attempted to bring stability to the world, and he understood some of the main challenges to that stability. President Obama put sanctions on Russia which have been significant and was much of the reason Putin was covertly working to get individual 1 elected OR to undermine a Hillary Clinton administration had she won. Obama had successfully caused Putin to “pause” his push to recreated the Soviet Union – the most obvious “first step” being the acquisition of Crimea and the invasion of Ukraine’s Donetsk region.

Obama was in a leadership position in the Paris Climate Accords, he was significant in pulling off the Iran “nuclear agreement,” and he led negotiations for the TPP – which was designed to mitigate the Chinese power in regard to the rising economies of Southeast Asia in addition to creating alliances designed to stop China’s continual theft of various “intellectual properties” in regard to trade, not to mention “Obamacare.” Additionally, Obama, while he wasn’t calling Kim Jong un “little rocket man,” hadn’t undermined any possible way to stop the North Korean nuclear buildup. Individual 1 managed to give Kim a place on the world’s stage which had to simply strengthen his hold on power in North Korea and encourage his nuclear buildup. I have no idea what the solution to that one is – and, I don’t think Obama did either – but, “love letters?” Yikes!!!

As we all know, individual 1 has been busy reversing everything President Obama did out of spite – supposedly because Obama embarrassed him at a correspondence dinner in about 2014. Hopefully, whoever follows him will be able to restore some of these blunders (many of individual 1’s “reversals” of Obama era regulations may cause DAMAGE that is irreversible) but, for example, Iran is now moving forward in the plans to build a nuclear bomb, and the climate reality is going to be four years advanced by the time “we the people” can end this nightmare. The TPP? Well, by the time individual 1 is out of office that vacuum will likely have been filled by China. “We the people” have to hope that no other national disaster happens between now and November of 2020 because even if the democrats “grow a spine” and impeach our so-called president the republicans have forgotten what they supposedly believed in a few years ago and there’s no way he’s “thrown out of office – except at the ballot box. (And, really, do you want Mike Pense as our [new] so-called president?)

As I said at the beginning of this rant, I’ve been wanting to write about the democrats because I just have a bad feeling about this rerun of 2006 where the democrats FAIL their constitutional responsibility because of political timidity. In 2007 democrats refused to hold an “impeachment inquiry” into the ILLEGAL activity of the Bush/Cheney regime which was “pushing the bar” of executive authority well “over the line.” The most egregious “push” to me was the willingness to authorize TORTURE for anyone GW Bush decided was an “enemy combatant.” Which, in reality based on their contentions, was – well – ANYBODY. Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld were ALL admitted WAR CRIMINALS due to their public admissions they authorized WATERBOARDING which, clearly, is a violation of American law and violates the Geneva Conventions – which, by the way, the United States was at the forefront of creating.

There was more, not the least of which were the THOUSANDS of violations of the FISA laws protecting “we the people” from the violation of our fourth amendment rights. At the time I thought, if this isn’t impeachable, what is? Well, then along came individual 1. He makes Dick Cheney look like the choir boy (he was as a kid). I feel as if I’ve been listing “high crimes and misdemeanors” for two years now – and, still, Nancy Pelosi prevails – because she’s worried about keeping the “majority.” I have to think, how did that work last time Nancy? Again, if this behavior is not worthy of impeachment, then what is? Here’s the sad answer to that question – and, if you’ve every experienced a BULLY you know I’m correct. The behavior of individual 1 (or his successors) will continue to get WORSE until he’s “punched back.” In this case, the democrats MUST make a stand – whether or not that costs them the “majority.”

It’s clear there are many democrats who believe exactly what I’m trying to explain here – the problem is there is NO clear messaging coming from the democrats and “time’s a wasting.” It’s now about 5 months since the Mueller report was published and still just the “rumblings” of an “impeachment investigation” which Pelosi has not forcefully supported. Clearly, to her, impeachment comes at the ballot box – and, with all my heart, I hope that – at a minimum – individual 1 is “impeached” in November of 2020. But, America’s “uneducated voters” need to learn that this OBSTRUCTIVE behavior of individual 1 is ILLEGAL AND, furthermore OBSTRUCTION has been a republican tactic since the day Newt Gingrich made it the focus of republicans back in the 1980’s. In a way, you can “thank” Newt for individual 1.

It’s also TIME for the democrats to “get” what Gingrich created and stop “living in the past” hoping this year we’ll find a bunch of republicans in Congress who want to create bipartisan legislation. To republicans, compromise is losing. Their mantra is win at all costs and, to make that clear to “we the people” for two years now they’ve been right next to individual 1 not only denying the Russian “intrusion” but encouraging it. I’ve read reports where Mitch McConnell has received almost $1 MILLION from Russian sources and (what was incredulous to me, at the time, because I viewed Lindsay Graham, still – then, as John McCain’s “sidekick”) Senator Graham around $600 THOUSAND. So, does that help you understand why there’s little to NO republican blow-back on Mueller’s findings?

What I’m saying (and have been saying for years) this is a WAR for the heart and soul of America. I pointed this out during Obama’s two terms in office – McConnell was OBSTRUCTING virtually EVERY Obama initiative he could – but, President Obama’s slow pragmatic approach to dealing with the OBSTRUCTION somewhat hid the DANGER that was looming. I pointed out at the beginning of Obama’s presidency the HUGE mistake he made and predicted the consequences. When President Obama said, “We’re going to look forward instead of back” – thereby relieving George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, and many others of legal jeopardy for various crimes, including WAR CRIMES, I pointed out that was like a green light for republicans. To them, that showed them Obama was “weak.”

The end result of the blocking of ALL investigations into the CRIMES of the Bush/Cheney regime – even an investigation in Spain, in my mind, was what led to the “Tea Party.” There’s no doubt the racist core of the “Tea Party” was there and was going to “burst out” once “we the people” had elected a person of color to the “White House” – but, making it clear that TORTURE, for one example, is not a tolerable transgression by any American – especially anyone in government. Individual 1 responded to questions about TORTURE exactly as I had predicted when he said, prior to taking his oath of office but after being “elected” (with 3 MILLION fewer votes than his opponent – that ONLY happens in America) “I will authorize waterboarding and a whole lot worst.” Democrats, essentially, have enabled this type of behavior “at the top.”

Well, now they have a “second chance” – and, it appears as if we’re looking at “deja vu all over again.” I just don’t believe Nancy Pelosi will allow the democrats to actually IMPEACH individual 1. She’s been quoted as saying, “he’s not worth it.” Well, my first thought when I heard that one was “What the hell does that mean?” Was she saying, “he’s so corrupt he’s beyond impeachment?” Honestly, I really don’t “get it.” I understand republicans are almost 100% unlikely to “convict” in the Senate, but just as in 2007 I have to wonder, “why does that matter?” “We the people” put the democrats in charge of the House, are they going to act only when the Senate tells them it’s OK? How is that any different that McConnell, the other day, justifying preventing a vote on gun safety legislation by saying he’d only allow the vote if individual 1 says he’d sign it. Yikes!!!! Gingrich has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams!

He’s blown up the system and it’s just progressively gotten worst since he was ushered out of Congress disgracefully. Of course, that’s never been a concern to the party of “family values.” They embraced the politics of LYING – using the “Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels and the Third Reich long ago. Why? Because it works. From the stand point of republicans, telling the truth is for losers. And, for the past 35+ years the democrats have been proving Gingrich – and those who’ve followed him up to and including individual 1, the worst of the bunch – correct and, it appears, they’re going to do so again.

In America’s system of government we have two parties – for all intents and purposes. And, as I’ve pointed out for years, “we the people” who don’t like what these republicans are doing to our nation have to rely on democrats to stop them. We keep voting them in with that in mind and we keep getting the same result. It’s time for the democrats to understand what I said above. This is a WAR for the heart and soul of our nation. It’s time to stop being ruled by FEAR – even if it’s the fear of how voters (or republicans) would respond to impeaching individual 1. He’s earned far MORE than impeachment. It’s just that being our so-called president has insulated him from the legal consequences he so dearly deserves. The bare minimum, at this time, he should face for his actions is IMPEACHMENT.

Final Thought: Anything less than impeachment at this point in time just tells me I will not live long enough to see the republican party voted into the history books as it deserves. I have nothing against “conservatism” – in fact, just the other day I pointed out to my wife that I had always considered myself a conservative – by the classic definition coming from the likes of Edmund Burke – I didn’t consider her response to be a confirmation, but “whatever.” From my viewpoint, the republicans are anything but “conservative.” They’ve hijacked the term because it appeals to so many “uneducated voters.” To me they are right wing reactionaries and they are supporting what Steve Bannon said was the main focus of the “agenda” – “the deconstruction of the administrative state.” That’s NOT “conservatism.”

During the Reagan years they LIED to “conservative Christians” about the abortion issue which gave republican what, to this day, is the bulk of individual 1’s “base.” These “Christians” are more than willing to trade all the egregious acts of individual 1 for a plethora of right wing judges who they believe will overturn “Roe v Wade.” Of course, if that happens, women will still get abortions – it will simply require ingenuity from wealthy women and unsafe procedures for those women without means. Just as it was BEFORE Roe. In the meantime…………………… As someone who believes in Jesus Christ, this is the part that discourages me the MOST. But, make no mistake, I will continue to FIGHT against this right wing behemoth which is attempting to turn America into an unapologetic fascist state until my last breath.

Nancy Pelosi is correct in that the 2020 election is of paramount importance. However, I believe she couldn’t be more wrong about her FEAR of any backlash resulting for democrats in the House fulfilling their OATH to defend the constitution. If individual 1 is not “worth” being impeached, they what would a so-called president have to do to “earn” impeachment. Every day he’s searching for the “line” – just like one of the sixth grade bullies I dealt with in my classroom. When I was a kid, around 11 or 12 I remember a boy in our neighborhood bullying not only me but others. I finally had enough and punched him in the face (I was NOT a “fighter”) and he never bulled anyone again, at least as far as I know. Forcefully stopping them, when I was a teacher, (obviously, not using physical force), was always the solution. Making the “line” you can’t “cross,” clear. It’s time for democrats to make it CLEAR to individual 1 he’s crossed the line – multiple times – and there are consequences. (Not the least of which SHOULD be making it clear he will face the legal consequences once voted out of office – we will NOT “look forward” at the expense of what has transpired if we look “back”)

Once again, my apologies for all the “foopahs” – I’m publishing this without re-reading it. Violating the basic principles of how I taught sixth graders to write. I’m just too lazy today.

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