Democrats need to keep their focus on what’s MOST important. The other stuff will happen – depending on taking control of the Senate – in due order once individual 1 is busy defending himself in court.

I can’t stop thinking about the DAMAGE piling up due to the incompetence and ignorance of America’s so-called president, individual 1. Most of my frustration (anger?) has been directed at the republican party because I’m just unable to understand how republicans can be so fearful of a president who is arguably facing multiple felony charges once he leaves office – thanks to a “memo” written almost 50 years ago by someone in the Office of Legal Counsel during the Watergate scandal, because he can’t be charged NOW. Over the years it has been repeatedly suggested the way to hold a president accountable for misdeeds is via impeachment – a solemn duty for our Congress.

Well, soon after individual 1 made it clear he was going to LIE about EVERYTHING. and that there was a real issue with some skullduggery in the 2016 election – like individual 1’s campaign using the help of Vladimir Putin’s Russian cyber warriors to brainwash unsuspecting Americans – people who still don’t understand what “hit” them, the DAMAGE started to pile up. Additionally, in a brazen scheme to prevent “we the people” from better understanding his sexual misconduct, our so-called president paid off two women, one a porn “star,” who were about to publicly share the sordid details of their AFFAIRS with individual 1 why his (present, ie third) wife was bearing him his last son.

Since those early days, things have become much clearer to “we the people” based on court results, the Mueller investigations, and, for those (like me) who are “readers,” the many books which provide somewhat non-partisan information which help those who read them to better understand the reality we are all (in America) facing. Individual 1 IS an unindicted co-conspirator to the two felonies Michael Cohen is now spending three years in JAIL for committing “at the direction of individual 1.” If you’ve read Mueller’s report (I’ve read it twice, so far) it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that our so-called president committed at least 4 or 5 prosecutable obstruction of justice offenses as he continually attempted to “tweet” away the Russia investigation – the investigation where he responded to Mueller’s appointment with: “This is the end of my presidency, I’m f@#ked!” (And, by the way, there WAS “collusion” with the Russians)

The pathetic reality of all the “tweeting” was, as chronicled by Mueller, individual 1 had the White House Counsel and a team of lawyers advising him to STOP, and making it clear to him, on several occasions, he was “possibly” exhibiting “obstructive behavior.” Steve Bannon was still around when James Comey was fired and he advised individual 1 this decision was STUPID and possibly Obstruction of justice. Our so-called president then both on TV and in the presence of, incredibly, a couple Russian diplomats – including the Ambassador in the middle of much of the LYING in regard to all the secret meetings – said, “the pressure of the Russian investigation is over.” That was STUPID and pretty much could be called a “defining moment” in his presidency.

I’ve chronicled one moment after another where, at any other time in my lifetime, the scandalous behavior would be, quite possibly, the “end” for any administration. I can’t imagine (well, I actually can) the republicans response, for example, had President Obama been charged as the unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to hide an affair with a porn star right before his election. But, put him (Obama) next to Vladimir Putin at a world summit (in your mind) and picture him “throwing” our intelligence community “under the buss” and saying about Putin “I believe him, he was very forceful in his denial” and ask yourself how would republicans have responded? Had Obama showed himself to be a pathological LIAR would republicans have been silent?

“Sharpie gate” happened after I started this rant. So, speaking of how republicans are MUTE to virtually every SCANDAL individual 1 stirs up – and, it seems to be almost daily, but more likely weekly, there’s ANOTHER scandal which would have caused republicans to “lose it” had it been committed by a democratic president. For example, just think how Mitch McConnell (and the others) would have responded to Obama taking a weather map and using a “sharpie” to “edit” the map in an attempt to cover up some STUPID remark – instead of simply “owning” a “mistake.” Trust me, they’d be talking vociferously about the law which makes it a crime for any government employee to give false information in regard to an extreme weather event.

Despite the FACT during Obama’s two terms in office we listened to republicans complaining about the deficit despite it being reduced by over 70% during his time in office, like with everything else, they’ve been COMPLETELY silent in regard to individual 1 more than doubling the deficit (with their help, of course) in his first two years – the FIRST year, actually where he’s been able to have an affect on the economy. Can you imagine the republicans had Obama more than DOUBLED the deficit in his first couple years? Remember, he “inherited” a $1.5 TRILLION deficit along with an economic mess from our last republican president, GW Bush. (I have the uneasy feeling whoever the next democratic president is will inherit something as bad, maybe even worse.) The economy was shedding over 800,000 jobs per month when Obama took the oath of office. You have to give all these democrats running for president credit for being willing to come in and clean up the MESS individual 1 is in the middle of creating!

I had breakfast the other day with a friend of mine who subjects his mind to the brainwashing that causes a person to support individual 1. I brought up the people in cages at the border and his response was “They have the right to go back from where they came.” This man is a lifelong “Christian” (and, he really does believe in Christ) but is unable to connect the “stuff” which is coming from individual 1’s administration to be, what’s clear to me, obvious SIN when it comes to the “Teachings of Jesus.” This time will be another chapter of SHAME in the history of America when the history books are finally written (And, I continue to hope it will be “Christians” at the forefront of the resistance when all is said and done – read the biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer). The 2020 election will determine how much that SHAME permeates our society. If “we the people” don’t vote individual 1 and MANY of his republican sycophants into the history books the results are “on us.”

And, many people who support him and are part of what he “affectionately” referred to as “uneducated voters” (he claimed he “loves uneducated voters” – which SHOULD explain this whole mess) need to understand the true threat he poses for America. I’ve written ad nauseum about how he’s got extreme authoritarian tendencies. Well, this “sharpie gate” scandal is a great example of how individual 1 seems to be following in the footsteps of some of the dictators he seems to admire. I’ve been saying since the first days he was in office it appears to me he’s trying to be like Vladimir Putin. The issue with the “sharpies” clearly shows how he reacts poorly to any suggestion he might have made a mistake – especially coming from the media. He’s stuck calling the “media” the “enemy of the people” and going through the “tit for tat” we’ve witnessed this past week – where he reminds me of one of my sixth graders who always had to have the last word. (Many characterize him as less mature than a sixth grader)

We all know that Putin along with Kim Jong un and other dictators around the world simply have “unfriendly” reporters “disappeared” – or publicly arrested or murdered – individual 1 is clearly envious. We also know about how dictators around the world siphon off incredible sums of MONEY from their either unsuspecting OR helpless citizens and stash this money all around the world in case they need to make an unplanned exit from their nation. In fact, it’s estimated Putin is the richest man in the world – yes, move over Jeff Bezos – but Putin will never make Forbes “list” because Putin’s wealth is the result of the Russian Mafiya.

Well, of course, in America the president CAN’T enrich himself because our founders very explicitly attempted to prevent this from happening by inserting the foreign AND domestic emoluments clauses in our constitution. Both clauses are there to ensure the president takes NO money (or anything else of value) from either those from foreign nations OR from anyone in our nation – anything more than his/her salary for ANY president to receive from any American citizen or entity or, essentially, anyone. The bottom line is our founders were attempting to prevent the type of CORRUPTION which is permeating individual 1’s administration from the top to the bottom.

Here’s the real rub here – our military is apparently going along with at least one of individual 1’s scheme to enrich himself via his official office. Reports came out the other day where people flying American military planes from one side of the world to the other, planes which need to refuel, planes stopping at a small airport in Scotland near one of individual 1’s golf resorts which was losing money when he took office. This airport, reportedly was near being closed because it was losing money, and the American planes being re-fueled at this airport – buying fuel at a much higher price than would be the case at actual military bases in Western Europe – is helping this airport to stay afloat – which, in turn, is helping individual 1’s resort which depends on this airport to provide access to their potential visitors.

There’s more. First, the military personnel who are on these flights have been directed to stay at individual 1’s property (It’s in Turnberry Scotland), with, in effect, our government paying for their stay in a “luxurious” resort 30 miles from the airport in question – thereby, another example of money going directly into the pockets of individual 1 and his family members. There’s no doubt they have some hair brained explanation which, with the help of William Barr, will cause this to be just another example of individual 1 FILLING the “swamp” and getting away with it by the time he’s FINALLY out of office.

Democrats found out about this and have requested documents and information from our military and, unsurprisingly, the military is refusing to cooperate. That SHOULD get the attention of “we the people.” If our military decides to go along with the lawbreaking which is happening en masse by this administration and is almost encouraged by our attorney general our 2020 election becomes even more IMPORTANT – if that’s possible. As I’ve said numerous times, including in this rant above, the republicans are going to “go along” no matter what. This is the work of autocrats and it’s up to “we the people” to decide if we actually want our nation to function based on the constitution. And, don’t forget, their mantra is “the end justifies the means” when you wonder to what “ends” they will go to stay in POWER. (Which is the goal)

Speaking of the democrats – which, my original intent tonight, was to begin to focus on them because, as I’ve said many times here, they have the incredible skill of “pulling defeat from the jaws of victory.” People like me EXPECT the democrats to do something about this. For me, simply waiting for the 2020 election – which is Nancy Pelosi’s “plan” – for the remedy is simply not enough! “We the people” have no choice but to rely on democrats to stop individual 1. I believe it’s time for democrats to make it clear their number one goal is STOPPING individual 1 and the graft which got him elected – ie the “Russian thing.” (And, if you believe the Russians aren’t “at it” as I’m writing this, or, you’re reading this – I’ve got a bridge………….)

I listened, the other day as I was driving around, to excerpts of some of the “chatter” coming from democrats at some kind of “Green New Deal” conference – or something like that – I mean a conference where progressive ideas – many which I believe in (I drive an electric car and have solar panels on my house) – and the democrats were giving individual 1 and his LYING supporters some incredibly STUPID comments which the republicans will twist into absurd LIES during the next election as they run the next FEAR MONGERING campaign. The republicans – and the RUSSIANS – will do whatever it takes to “win” this next election – including attacks on the ballot boxes themselves. So, democrats MUST keep their attention on what really matters in the next election and that’s DEFEATING individual 1, McConnell, and as many other republicans – especially in the Senate – as they can. Democrats need to keep their focus on what’s MOST important. The other stuff will happen – depending on taking control of the Senate – in due order once individual 1 is busy defending himself in court.

Final Thought: In the last few days Britain’s new Prime Minister has received several defeats in Parliament as Great Britain struggles with the reality of “Brexit.” Remember, “Brexit” was somewhat similarly the work of Russia’s “active measures” as Putin has been busy attempting to tear the EU apart at the seams – and, it appears, individual 1 is actually working in unison with Putin for the same goal. One of the results of individual 1 STEALING almost $4 BILLION from our military budget for his STUPID “wall” is from where they’re getting the money. It was reported that almost $1 BILLION of these dollars are coming from money which was intended to shore up European defenses against Russian aggression – after Putin ordered Russia into Ukraine when Russian commandeered Crimea from Ukraine.

It was also reported that the U.S. is withholding $250 MILLION in military aid to Ukraine, money designed to provide them military equipment needed to help defend their country against the aforementioned Russian invasion – which presently is focused in the region called Donetsk. The reports suggest individual 1 has ordered the payment withheld unless Ukraine will agree to support his 2020 campaign by providing some kind of “dirt” they supposedly have on Joe Biden. If this is true, our so-called president is adding extortion to his long line of criminal misdeeds. Individual 1’s support of Putin gets less and less covert all the time. Sadly, “we the people” will likely never pull all the “dots” together because our “liberal media” is busy chasing its tail – trying to keep up with all the arrogant abrogation of traditional “norms” by individual 1.

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