My greatest disappointment in the Trump FIASCO is that he gets his support from “Christians.” That creates a real struggle for me!

I’ve got so many things swirling around in my head to write about that, often, I end up not writing.  For example, right now we’re seeing the REAL effect of having a so-called president who is very likely in office because of the direct intervention into our political process by Vladimir Putin and his Russian operatives.  Right now, I’m reading Clint Watt’s book titled, “Messing with the Enemy” – a very interesting book focused on Social media and (the real) “Fake News.”  Reading this book has just reinforced my view that Trump “won” the “election” because of Putin – and, that’s without knowing for sure if he was actually knowingly in “cahoots” with Putin – which is a very real possibility.  (There must be a good reason Trump is trying to stop Robert Mueller’s investigation)

So, the result of all this is an illegitimate (so-called) president is going to create MASSIVE lasting DAMAGE on this great nation by filling the courts with right wing judges and putting (at a minimum) two judges on the Supreme Court.  And, the judge being interviewed as I’m writing this is (typically) evasive about positions he HOLDS on critical issues like health care (especially women’s), guns, the rights of minorities, corporate POWER, and MORE.  This guy has certainly not impressed me and, again, there’s a REASON why republicans act as they do.  In this instance, they’re attempting to HIDE this guy’s (actually, it’s Brett Kavanaugh) record from, not only, “we the people,” but especially (it appears to me) other members of the Senate and their key constituents.  For example, both Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) have pledged to oppose any judge who would vote to overturn Roe.  We’ll see……

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’m no fan of abortion.  I’m thankful I’ve NEVER been in a situation to have to deal directly with that issue – either in my own life or that of my daughters – but, that’s the point of those who believe women should have the right to control their own bodies.  It’s interesting to me all the places people who claim to favor “less government” are hell bent on intruding into the lives of others.  As a Christian it grieves me to have the following thoughts:  Often I see a direct parallel to zealous right wing “Christians” and those Muslims they profess to hate.  They “slam” Sharia law and then profess a harsh vision of Christ in an attempt to force their views on the general public.  There’s a reason why America is so divided and you can spell it out in one word: republican.  (Threre’s also a CLEAR reason why our founders were so focused on the “separation of church and state.”)

Trust me, it hasn’t always been like this.  Starting in the 70’s republicans (along with the Chamber of Commerce) aligned themselves with the so-called “Powell memo” – which was a strategy to push back at “workers” and reinforce the “future” of corporate interests in America.  (Read: Hedrick Smith’s “Who Stole the American Dream?”)  In the process, republicans commandeered the voting BLOCK of “right wing Christians” by professing they were “pro life” – as if they would somehow stop all abortions.  (And, by the way, should they succeed in overturning Roe, they will only have made abortions more DANGEROUS for those women seeking to have the procedure)  George W Bush was “pro life.”  Tell that to the HUNDREDS  of thousands of Iraqi’s who are now DEAD because of him LYING America into the “Iraq war.”  Tell that to the THOUSANDS of American troops either DEAD or WOUNDED in the endless battles of Iraq and Afghanistan – excursions that should have started and ended with the pursuit of Osama bin Laden – which COULD have been “finished” only MONTHS after 9/11.  To me, that’s NOT “pro life.”

Trump is attempting to embed a justice on the Supreme Court who believes presidents should not even be INVESTIGATED while in office.  His (apparent) rationale is that while he was working in the Bush/Cheney “White House” he saw how busy president Bush was after 9/11 and how investigations would have interrupted his ability to do his job.  To me, that argument is absurd.  Here’s the solution to avoiding investigations while in office (or any other time):  Follow the law!  If you’re going to commit crimes, you SHOULD be investigated.  I honestly thought that after what all of us who were alive during Watergate proved is that “no one is above the law.”  Bush/Cheney SHOULD have been investigated for the CRIMES they were committing while in office – so, that CRIMES could possibly have been stopped.  Like ILLEGAL wiretapping American citizens.  Like AUTHORIZING TORTURE!  To me, whether or not it’s the president, it should be clear if “you do the crime, you do the time.”

Here’s the sad reality about how our politicians deal with what amounts to unbelievable “white collar” political law breaking.  They tend to “look the other way” – which is likely why republicans are so “aghast” that anyone would object to Trump’s collusion (TREASON) with America’s number on adversary – Russia.  If you remember, Ronald Reagan and George H W Bush were issued a “free pass” for the “Iran-Contra” fiasco back in the late 1980’s.  Many surrogates were convicted of serious crimes, but Reagan and Bush…… well, what’s the saying, “Scott free?”  (To this day I believe even democrats felt sorry for Reagan because he was showing the signs of Alzheimer’s)   And, of course, GW Bush and Dick Cheney both admitted on NATIONAL TV after leaving office to authorizing WAR CRIMES and were never even investigated due to President Obama’s lack of will to deal with the “drama.”  (Maybe that’s why he was referred to as “no drama Obama”).  Even the Spaniards opened WAR CRIMES tribunals on Bush/Cheney and Obama persuaded them to “back off.”  So, it’s no wonder, I guess, that Trump views himself as “above the law.”  However…………….

We already know, for example, Trump is NOW an unindicted co-conspirator in at least two ADMITTED felony crimes.  I’ll say that again, our so-called president is credibly accused of committing TWO felonies!  And, that doesn’t even get into the “Russia thing” he’s so worked up about.  Seriously, if there was no “there, there” then why is he so fearful of Robert Mueller?  It appears to me that not only is our so-called president potentially liable for the most serious crime (Treason), but so are at least two members of his family – Don Jr. and Jared Kushner.  In my mind, there’s NO WAY someone who “we the people” aren’t even sure if his “election” (with nearly 3 MILLION less votes than Hillary Clinton) is legitimate should be allowed to nominate lifetime appointed judges.  And, this gets me to the cowardice of the republican party.

Honestly, I’m having difficulty stomaching the republican party in “the age of Trump.”  Some of what Trump is either doing or attempting to do is not that surprising to me.  However, the response of the republicans has almost SHOCKED me.  I would never have guessed they were such cowards.  I used to point out, at least in my opinion, the problem with democrats was they are “spineless.”  Well, the republicans are making the democrats look like Ninja warriors!  And, as I said above, Trump’s main “issue” (I’ll let Mueller define whether it’s criminal or not) is the so-called “collusion” with the Russians.

You can call out several of the republicans in Congress by name, but I’ll start, for now, with my almost DISBELIEF watching Devin Nunes ostensibly taking over the role of “chief obstructor of justice” for our so-called president.  Evidently, members of Congress are immune from obstructing justice – or else Nunes would be needing legal counsel.  He’s not even subtle about it – beginning with his “midnight ride” to the “White House” back when he attempted to give “legs” to Trump’s absurd claim that President Obama “wiretapped” him.  Nunes has taken the “reins” in Trump’s attack on the FBI and Rod Rosenstein, who is the deputy Attorney General in charge of the Mueller investigation.  I really don’t understand how members of the republican Congress can “get away” with attempting to undermine the investigation for Trump.  Another name that comes to mind is Jim Jordan from Ohio.  This guy comes off as a real “nut job” and, as someone who’s family originated in Ohio, it makes me kind of sad that Ohioans would elect someone like this – and, he’s facing his own allegations of ignoring sexual abuse when he was a coach at Ohio State University.

And, when people (including so called “liberal” pundits on TV) lament how Congress is dysfunctional as a deflection to how dysfunctional Trump and his “White House” is, I keep waiting for someone to point out the reason Congress is so DYSFUNCTIONAL resides in the republican caucus.  They’ve been OBSTRUCTING everything they can since the days of Newt Gingrich (OBSTRUCTION was a stated “strategy” – because republicans KNOW many of America’s voters are “low information” voters and they take FULL advantage) AND, right now, they have control of BOTH houses of Congress.  The DYSFUNCTION is theirs.  (If you remember, during President Obama’s two terms in office, Mitch McConnell instigated around 700 FILIBUSTERS)  Now, republicans are charged with “governing” and they have no idea what to do!

The other day, an unnamed member of Trump’s “team” posted an op-ed in the New York Times pointing out the utter chaos in the “White House” and, apparently, attempting to reassure “we the people” there are “patriots” (my word) working there who are attempting to keep the “ship afloat.”  Of course, Trump blew a gasket and his first “tweet” simply had the word, in all caps, TREASON! to express his outrage.  (I’m “reporting” this second hand, because I don’t do “Twitter” – or any of the Social media stuff)  Well, my first thought was “that’s like the pot calling the kettle black.”  I wanted to write a letter to Trump explaining to him what Treason really is.  There is something here which may very well end up at that level and that’s………………….

Trump’s own actions.  Treason is when an American takes sides with a foreign adversary in an attack on the United States of America.  Like for example, “colluding” on a cyber attack on an election.  I hope you get my drift!

In so many ways our so-called president is “dirty.”  The charges ALREADY issued in New York.  The charges to come in New York – keep in mind, there are investigations into Trump’s “foundation” which was forced to be shut down AND his other business dealings over the previous many years.  Trump, over the years, has shown himself to be a BULLY who’s managed to intimidate his way through something like SEVEN bankruptcies by simply pressing on when things go south.  We’re seeing that while he’s the so-called president.  He’s NOT going to resign.  He really believes he’s the greatest president who’s ever lived.  He really believes his “crowd” was larger than President Obama’s.  He really believes he had more votes than Mrs. Clinton.  He really believes he had decisive “victory” in 2016.  He really believes the polls show hims as “popular.”  He, and this is the “kicker,” really believes he’s telling the truth as the LIES flow from his tongue.

This is the work of an incredibly serious NARCISSIST, a PATHOLOGICAL liar, and a person who is completely DELUSIONAL.  And, he’s our so-called president.  And, there’s a segment of America who won’t believe the reality of what is happening – no matter what.  Trump’s true expertise is in his ability to look his supporters in the eyes and LIE to their faces.  His expertise is in preparing them NOT to believe anything which comes out from any of the MANY investigations that would suggest he’s committed a criminal offense.  I watched him the other day, I believe he was in South Dakota, preparing his audience for the likely reality he’s going to be impeached.  He said something like, “why would ‘they’ (whoever ‘they’ is) impeach someone who’s doing a great job?”  They he added “someone who’s done nothing wrong.”

And, the worst part is the people simply “buy” into his shtick.  I automatically think, “Do they not know he’s been credibly accused of two FELONIES?”  “Are they OK with the Russians influencing who our leaders are?”  “Are they OK with paying off people to “hush” them up right before elections and they LYING about it?”  I could go on and on.  I wrote recently about how “conservative Christians” are willing to give MULTIPLE – what their leaders have referred to as – MULLIGANS for Trump’s behavior issues – because they’re getting what they want.  I’ve said it before, but my greatest disappointment in the Trump FIASCO is that he gets his support from “Christians.”  That creates a real struggle for me!

Final Thought:  I listened today, while I was driving around to the head of Trump’s office of economic advisors – the guy who LIES to the camera with a s@#t eating grin on his face – about the economic “outlook.”  Of course, he failed to mention ONE WORD about the looming TRILLION plus deficits (and rising) – resulting from the tax “scam” – And, Congress essentially taking the “reins” off spending restrictions – a combination likely to “jump start” inflation.  As they were JAMMING the tax “scam” down our throats and they very same “advisor” was saying increased economic activity would offset the loss of revenue so that deficits would NOT rise – I pointed out my belief he was spouting “phooey.”  So, beginning next year the deficits will be over a TRILLION for the foreseeable future, and suddenly all the “deficit hawks” from Obama’s years have “lock jaw.”  Well, as interest rates rise, workers STRIKE for higher wages, (maybe through in a “trade war”), and the inflation cycle starts spinning, we’ll see maybe the worst DAMAGE, as I’ve called it, from Trump’s term as our so-called president.  Likely, that will be the focus of my next rant!

As usual, my apologies for posting this without editing.  The older I get, it seems, the lazier I get.  (I’m in my 70’s and I hope to live long enough to see Trump get his “just rewards.”

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