“Christians” are giving Trump more “mulligans” than you can buy at a fund raiser golf event.

So much of what the Trump administration is doing is SHAMEFUL that it’s hard to focus on the “one thing” most disturbing – but, to me, as a Christian, maybe the most disturbing aspect of all this is that Trump’s “base” appears to be “Evangelical Christians.”  This has actually been much of the motivation for me to keep writing for years – that “Christians” are the “base” of the republican party.  And, now the “republican party” has become “the party of Trump.”  To me, it’s a “bargain with the devil.”

Many “Christians” have unabashedly defended their alliance with Trump (and, along the way republicans) in order to get judges in place that will somehow overturn Roe v Wade.  Of course, should that actually happen, one thing that won’t happen will be the “end” of abortions.  I’ve been alive much longer than when Roe v Wade was enacted – I began my first college career in 1965 – and, one thing I remember about college was it was easy for anyone interested to get an abortion – it just wasn’t safe.  Apparently, that’s what these “Christians” want to go BACK to.  And, clearly, they’re willing to associate with Trump to get there.  Honestly, it riles up my stomach to have to write those words.

Of course, then as I’m listening to conversation after conversation at church as numerous parents and grandparents are lamenting why their children are not “walking with the Lord,”  I have to question their thinking.  My own mother died thinking you have to be a republican to be a “Christian.”  With Trump, seemingly EVERY day, there’s a new scandal – one that it’s not hard to imagine would have brought incredible outcry (and, in Congress, endless “hearings”) from republicans had these scandals been the work of Barack Obama or one of the Clinton’s (or any other democrat).

Take today, for example.  I read in the Washington Post (which, by the way, if you’re a republican, I’m sorry, but it’s an actual NEWSpaper) how the Trump administration is taking passports from AMERICAN citizens because, in the case of over a thousand, the Midwife who delivered them in South Texas 30 – 40 years ago, in the 1990’s, admitted that, in two instances, she lied on birth certificates for TWO babies born in Mexico.  So, now Trump and his sycophants are demanding PROOF from ALL the babies she delivered, many 40 years ago, that they were born in America despite the FACT they’ve got birth certificates AND passports – which they’ve had for YEARS.  Proof that is likely impossible to provide.  This would include many AMERICANS who’ve served in the military and many who are actually part of the border patrol today!  To me, Trump is the one who’s un-American!

And, no matter what he does, “Christians” continue to look the other way, because it apparently doesn’t matter to them.  They’re getting what they want (or, at least they hope so) in the “short term” and the “long term” be damned.  They are willfully oblivious to all the LYING, all the CORRUPTION, and all the DAMAGE Trump is inflicting on this nation.  It doesn’t matter to them that RUSSIA attacked our nation (and, with Trump’s “permission,” continues to do so) and that the person in the “White House” is something resembling a MOB boss – if not actually a mob boss.  They (“Christians”) would likely be supportive of the Mueller investigation being stopped AND they’ll likely be disbelieving if it ends up incriminating Trump.  Keep in mind, Trump has ALREADY been “incriminated” in the Cohen investigation via the Southern District of New York!  (And, incredibly, Trump continues to claim he can take over the investigation into HIMSELF if that’s what he decides!  Talk about “Putin like.”)

Early on, I likened Trump – via many similarities – to a certain German back in the 1930’s who’s “base,” by the way, was “conservative Christians” – but, lately, probably during the previous 6 – 8 months I’ve been comparing Trump to the head of a La Cosa Nostra family.  Michael Cohen was his “fixer.”  Think about it, who employs a “fixer?”  Trump has a history of association with organized criminals from both Russia and America.  That’s no secret.  What is interesting to me has been the lack of willingness from our “liberal media” to point this out – especially considering there’s a plethora of PUBLIC evidence the Russians are responsible for his “election.”  (with, of course, 3 MILLION less votes than Mrs. Clinton) (Read “Trump/Russia” by Seth Hettena)

So, lets go over a few things – keeping in mind “Christian” leaders have suggested they’re giving Trump a “mulligan” on actions which are hard to accept “Biblically” speaking as they justify enabling him.  (OK, I may have just made up a word – “Biblically” – at least according to the spell checker)  Recent court findings, where Trump has credibly been ACCUSED of ordering his “fixer” to pay hush money “in order to influence the election” would suggest we revisit a PLETHORA of Trump’s LIES.  Of course, the first one is he LIED that he knew nothing of the payments.  He LIED about the affairs (the two involved in the HUSH MONEY payments).  He LIED about whether or not he made the payments.  And, to me, this whole affair (no pun intended) is further EVIDENCE that there’s LIKELY more women, beside the 19 who came “forward” prior to the “election,” who’ve had their “pussies” grabbed by Trump without their consent.  But, again, “Christians” continue to give him a “mulligan.”  (How do you think they’d have responded to these charges had they been directed at President Obama?  19 women accusing him of grabbing them by the pussy?)

Do you remember all the outrage emanating from charges that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had an email server in the basement of her home?  (Similar to what previous Secretary’s of State Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell had?)  Do you remember all the “fuss” over whether classified information was compromised?  This coming from republicans (and Christians) everywhere, including those who now work in the “White House.”  Well, surprise, surprise – not only is Trump, himself, using a phone that is not secure but others in his administration have apparently been using unsecured devices to communicate – like, brace yourself, private email servers.  But, they apparently get another “mulligan.”

And, do you really think taking children from their parents – some, it appears will be separated permanently – is “Christian?”  Putting children in what can’t be described any other way but in cages, to me, is NOT “Christian.”  Taking NURSING babies as young as 2 MONTHS away from their Moms is unbelievable to me – I can’t even consider a “mulligan” for that – but “Christians?”  I keep trying to figure out who it’s worse for – the lactating Mom or the little baby.  I’ve actually come to tears thinking this is MY government doing this.  But, trust me, there will be no mulligan from me!

And, LYING right to the faces of his supporters – in a rally in Phoenix (which I happened to watch as much as I could stomach) – about the tax “scam” still sticks in my craw.  Trump standing in front of a few thousand rabid supporters and saying, “This tax cut will not benefit me or my rich friends which is why it’s called the “Middle Class tax cut” (OK, i can’t remember the exact name) really bothered me.  Part of what bothered me the most was the FACT the people in the audience just sucked it in – with NO regard for the TRUTH.  And, of course, they’re the ones giving all the “mulligans.”  Of course, Trump and his sycophants gained MILLIONS – some HUNDREDS of Millions (The Koch brothers likely BILLIONS) from the tax scam.  And, America’s national debt will increase by a couple TRILLION (at least) from the scam – that money going into the pockets of our “top 1%.”  Sorry, but NO “mulligan” from me.

And, pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord, pulling out of the TPP, pulling out of the Iran nuclear agreement, repealing one environmental protection after another, giving a “green light” for coal companies to dump their sludge back in West Virginia’s rivers, throwing our intelligence community under the bus while standing next to Vladimir Putin – the man who likely orchestrated Trump’s “victory,” and I could go on – these issues affect way MORE people than the “evangelical Christians” and they’re being orchestrated by a man who’s likely an illegitimate occupant of the “Oval Office.”  “Christians” are giving Trump more “mulligans” than you can buy at a fund raiser golf event.  All these mulligans are bringing SHAME to America and to those who are granting them – the “right wing Christians” in America.

As I’m writing this, the funeral service for John McCain is happening in Washington DC.  Appropriately, one of McCain’s last wishes was that neither Trump nor McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin, from the 2008 campaign for president, would be present at his funeral.  He wished that he would be eulogized by his two predecessors – the two men who prevented him from becoming president, Barack Obama and George W Bush.  While I mostly disagreed with McCain, I learned to respect him over the years.  His last action, the “thumbs down” which blocked the HORRIBLE republican attempt to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, I believe will someday be regarded as a key component of America’s push for health care for all and will be a key component of McCain’s “legacy.”  His last action will place him apart from the republicans who are giving all the aforementioned “mulligans.”

I always thought McCain would be one of the republicans with the courage to stand against Trump and refuse to give the “mulligans.”  Of course, McCain was a republican and he voted, up until he could vote no more, with republican “stuff” – including the tax “scam” – but, I believe, his “thumbs down” will be remembered more than any other vote when the history of this day is finally written.  I’ve pointed out that Trump and his sycophants will end up in our history books next to Benedict Arnold.  Which brings the thought to my mind that many have said McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin was the impetus of what eventually brought Trump into the political “limelight.”  McCain realized, at some point, the “error of his ways” in that choice – I’ve read where republican “advisors” were the ones who pushed the choice of Palin – with virtually NO vetting.  So, I find it not surprising that Palin was not invited to his funeral.

Today, as I was driving around listening to MSNBC’s coverage of McCain’s “pre-funeral” – where members of Washington’s “regulars” were speaking about their remembrances of the senior Senator from Arizona as his body lies in “state” in the Capitol Rotunda.  One of the speakers was Mike Pense.  I have to say, I’m not sure I’ve EVER listened to someone who comes across more DISINGENUOUS than Pense, as I listened to him today.  There’s only one reason I have a sense of hesitation regarding the IMPEACHMENT of Trump: Mike Pense!  Every time I think of Pense as our next so-called president I start to gag.  I get pictures of him, in my mind, following Trump like a new born puppy dog, tongue out, tail wagging – willing to do whatever his MASTER requests.  And, I have on doubt Pense has well hidden “contingency plans” already in place – anticipating his “time in the sun.”  It’s almost enough to make we want to endure Trump right up until the 2020 election.

I’m not the first to say this – but, I’ll say it (AGAIN) – the upcoming mid-term elections are the MOST IMPORTANT elections in my lifetime!  (I started voting in 1968 – and, by the way, haven’t missed an election since)  If the first two years of Trump aren’t enough to get progressives off their BUTTS and to the polls to vote for DEMOCRATS (and, yes, I’m a lifelong INDEPENDENT – I’ve just been voting AGAINST republicans since this right wing push started back in the 1980’s) then, the United States as we’ve known it for the past 80+ years will be teetering on becoming unrecognizable.  And, to me, the saddest part of it all will be the fault will largely lie with “conservative Christians.”

Final Thought:  Trump’s threats to take over the investigation into himself is right out of the annals of third world DICTATORS!  In America, we GET to vote.  In essence, we deserve what we get – and, despite the FACT we all know there’s a bunch of CORRUPTION coming from Trump and the Russians, it’s still up to the rest of us to put a stop to it.  Recent polls have suggested many republicans  wouldn’t mind America “looking more like Russia.”  Well, count me OUT on that thought!

One more thing:  Listening to Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan giving their (hypocritical) thoughts regarding McCain – as they talked about the special place he’ll hold in American history – all I could think of was Senator McCain won’t have to worry about either of those two cowardly republicans infringing on his “space.”  Sorry to be so negative, but Trump is our so-called president and these two “leaders” have put their interests and the interests of the “money changers” above the interest of our nation and their OATHS to defend the constitution.

For example, taking health insurance AWAY from MILLIONS of Americans is NOT “The American way!”  Railing for 8 years against budget deficits (created by the previous republican administration) while our first African American president attempted to reduce them and then VOTING to RAISE the deficits (which Obama had helped bring down) with nary a whimper about why this is so BAD seems to be “the republican way!”

As I often do, my apologies for the lack of editing – I’m just too lazy right now.  Trust me, I know I’m writing mainly to myself – it’s like my diary – but, if you’ve happened by and gotten to this point – thanks for reading and sorry for the mistakes.  Hopefully, at some point, I’ll come back and fix them.


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