So who you gonna believe? Trump or Comey? (I suppose Trump’s six LIES per day in his first year in office SHOULD factor in your decision!)

Talk about “the pot calling the kettle black.”  This past week I’ve watched (and listened) as Trump and his associate LIAR, Sarah Sanders, have gone out of their way to describe James Comey as a “liar,” a “slime dog,” and more.  The “tweets” are coming fast and furious.  I don’t do “Twitter” (or Facebook, or any of that Social media stuff) but, you’d have to have your head in the sand to avoid hearing Trump’s blasting of Mr. Comey – in a TOTALLY predictable, based on Trump’s history, reaction by our so-called president to the publishing of Comey’s book in the coming week.  Comey has already started the obligatory public appearances where he will defend his own honor while our “president” will be name calling like the sixth grader bullies I used to teach.  Just as there would be consequences for the sixth grade bullies, I have to think Trump is getting closer and closer to the point where he’ll be facing the consequences of his own actions – some we know of and, well, some we’re all speculating about.

The bottom line is that only the hard line Trump supporters will approve of his childish actions, and that’s likely because they’ll all be watching people like Sean Hannity BRAINWASH them (which has been ongoing) to believe Trump is the victim here.  Hannity and the others in the right wing message machine seem to have lost sight of the FACT the Russians attacked America during the 2016 election and they’re STILL HERE!  And, Trump’s pitiful attempt to show the world he’s a “tough guy” in Syria this weekend will not change a thing.  He’s still a serial LIAR (pathological), his press secretary willingly LIES for him (evidently, that’s a requirement of the job – remember Sean Spicer), and he’s shown no respect for the rule of law in America – likely, because he’s spent a lifetime skirting the law – and, up to this point, getting away with it.

I’ve repeated this a lot lately, but I’m guessing Trump is seriously regretting his choice to make President Obama look bad by running for president.  I don’t think he had any idea of the magnitude of the “microscope.”  He should have looked no further than his antagonist, Hillary Clinton, to watch what she’s had to endure for the past 25+ years.  What could have possibly got him thinking that the “microscope” that’s been “aimed” at Mrs. Clinton would somehow fail to notice Trump’s maladies once he was in office.  (Of course, there’s been many reports that Trump did not believe he had any chance to win [or, any “maladies” for that matter] – his run for president was aimed at putting himself in position to make MORE money.)  It appears the US Attorney’s office for the “Southern District of New York” is going to be Trump’s MAJOR problem – after the search warrants were executed on Michael Cohen’s office, home, and apartment last week.  Cohen, commonly referred to as Trump’s “fixer” (in the tradition of a Mafia family), appears to be in dire legal “straights” and Trump is likely right there with him.

I just find it interesting listening to Trump’s “tweets” and the (disgusting) comments coming from his press secretary Ms. Sanders as they BOTH soil the image of our president across this nation and around the world.  I’ve written ad nauseam since Trump’s “election” about the “damage” he’s doing to this nation – and, it’s in our relationships with countries around the world which may be the toughest to overcome once the republicans in Congress finally end this nightmare.  And, make no mistake, when history is judging this era, it’s the republicans in Congress who will be held in contempt almost as much as Trump.  It’s their job to be a “check” on the president.  Of course, during the Obama administration they OBSTRUCTED virtually EVERYTHING he attempted to accomplish and they’re still busy trying to repeal Obama policies that “we the people,” to this day, favor.  In fact, it’s been the republican assault on the Affordable Care Act, for example, which has caused it to be “approved” by more than 50% of Americans after Obama was more than a year out of office.  People actually like having health insurance.

Then there’s the TPP – the Trans Pacific Partnership which was designed to keep China “in check” with our trading partners in the “Pacific rim.”  (from Japan to Southeast Asia)  One of Trump’s first acts in office was to pull America out of that “trade agreement” – which Obama pushed – despite opposition from both parties.  Now, upon understanding he simply gave China a free run in that region, Trump is “trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube.”  Of course, he’ll do this in a way where he tries to make himself look good in the process – but, thinking Americans won’t be fooled – if he manages to succeed.  There’s also the Paris Climate Accords – Trump may end up coddling “clean coal” (whatever that is) until he’s no longer in office – but, the message to the rest of the world was to cede American leadership to the Chinese and Europeans in the clean energy field – which is the technology of the future.  There is NO future for coal – but, you’d never convince Trump of that.

Regarding James Comey, I have purchased his book and I’m looking forward to reading it.  At the same time, I tend to agree with those who would suggest he might have been better off bringing it out a bit later – but, keep in mind, he KNOWS way more than any of us.  Maybe he wanted to get this out before the inevitable happens with Trump so that it doesn’t sound to be “piling on.”  Part of me says, bring it on Mr. Comey – you’ve taken quite enough from the president who has no moral compass and his underlings who will say anything to keep their job.  And, the republicans in Congress, OMG!  While (and, this is based on parts I’ve heard prior to getting my copy of the book) I could care less about the size of Trump’s hands, I do respect Comey’s right to defend his honor.  Trump has DEPLORABLY gone after Comey and others in the FBI – most significantly, from my perspective, Andrew McCabe.  What Trump did to McCabe just showed what a small minded thug we have as our so-called president.  (I wanted to contribute to McCabe’s defense fund, but by the time I heard about it, it was no longer accepting donations – there was over $500 THOUSAND already donated.

I’m not one to say that James Comey is my hero.  I didn’t like what he chose to do 11 days prior to the election and I’ve heard him say he’d do it again had he even known that Trump would win the election.  He made egregious errors as head of the FBI and, had Trump fired him the day he took office, no one would have blinked an eye.  However, in True Trump fashion, he wanted assurances from Comey of his willingness to pledge his loyalty, and when that didn’t work, he wanted assurances he wasn’t being investigated.  Comey’s answers weren’t, obviously, to his (Trump’s) liking – but, what I believe set him over the edge was when Comey, while testifying before Congress, said that the thought his actions may have swung the election to Trump made him feel “mildly nauseous.”  A couple days later he was fired.  Of course, Trump, who claims to be “smart,” then went on national TV (with Lester Holt) and admitted he fired Comey because of the “Russia thing.”  (which he affirmed a day or so later with the Russian foreign minster and the Russian Ambassador in the oval office – we had to find that out from Russian reporters)

As I’ve said before, when I look back on the election, I’m almost glad Trump ended up the “winner.”  (of course, he didn’t “win” – he just carried the Electoral College by the slimmest of margins – likely due to Comey’s ill-timed announcement and Russian “fake news” on Facebook – probably targeted with the help of Cambridge Analytica (ie Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner) – thereby confirming COLLUSION.  Another word for collusion is TREASON)  I really can’t imagine what would be happening right now if Hillary Clinton had won the election (of course, she really did with almost 3 MILLION more votes than Trump, but I’m “just sayin…”)

I watch people like Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, and Trey Gowdy (and many others) in the House of Representatives and when I get over my embarrassment that people like this actually get elected to office in America I shudder at what they’d  be doing to destroy a Clinton presidency.  For heaven’s sake, they kept the Benghazi scam going for over three years – had Mrs. Clinton won, I can almost assure you  it would still be ongoing.  And, of course, the Russian ATTACK would likely still be “under the radar” and they’d (the Russians) STILL be attempting to create as much division for Mrs. Clinton as they could with their targeted FAKE NEWS.  (the real FAKE NEWS – evidently, Mrs. Clinton was “tougher” on Russia than the bully in the Oval Office)

Maybe Trump’s greatest achievement will end up being that he motivates untold MILLIONS of young Americans to participate in the voting process.  Maybe we’ll finally see a willingness from our voters to support candidates who are NOT part of the Koch brothers “network.”  Maybe we’ll start seeing voters who actually demand actual information before they decide who to support as their representative in Congress.  Maybe things like health care, education, job training, the environment, diplomacy, and I could go on and on – essentially returning to the values born of the New Deal of FDR and furthered during the Great Society of LBJ (with support in between on all quarters – except the McCarthyites) will take hold once more in America.  Remember, when it comes to the basic values of the New Deal which republicans have targeted for repeal since the 1970’s (actually, since they were enacted) – there’s “more of us (progressive minded people) than there are of them.” (In regard to the right wing members of the Koch network)

Since I started this post it’s become public knowledge that Sean Hannity has been a secret client of Trump’s “fixer” Michael Cohen – with Hannity lamenting the FBI’s search warrant into Cohen’s office, home, and apartment WITHOUT informing his audience he’s “connected” to Cohen.  Of course, it doesn’t take someone with a brain to realize Hannity is nothing more than a sycophant for Trump and republicans – calling him a “journalist” sullies the profession.  Sadly, I know people who watch (and believe) Hannity, and they are almost impossible to talk to.  They believe they are “informed,” they believe Trump is a “conservative,” and virtually each one has told me they voted for Trump for “moral reasons.”  I’m not kidding – and, if you’re reading this and you feel a bit edgy because you fall in that category, I’m sorry – but, you’re NOT informed – instead, you’ve been BRAINWASHED.  You likely listen to Rush Limbaugh (or one of the other right wing whack jobs on the radio – I “get” that’s “judging” – but, I’ve read lots of books with actual information and these right wing “talkers” are such LIARS that it’s hard to stomach listening to them for more than a few seconds.  I’ve pointed out many times they’ve adopted “The Big Lie Theory” of the Third Reich and they do it in unison with like “key words” or “talking points” which is all targeted PROPAGANDA!

Trump is getting boxed in by a porn actress and her attorney and a very skilled former FBI director who is way ahead of Trump’s seemingly amateurist legal team.  I believe Trump’s attempt to prevent “Stormy Daniels” from speaking publicly about their sexual affair (while Trump’s present wife was delivering him his final son – presumably) has now got Trump very nervous.  Reports are that Trump yelling at his TV’s now that the FBI has piles of documents from Cohen – including several electronic devices.  The FBI even raided Cohen’s safe deposit box.  Trump knows what’s in that pile of papers and he can’t fire the attorney’s at the Southern District of New York.  I believe this was a masterful move by Robert Mueller.  This puts Trump in a position where, if he goes after Mueller – even if somehow he managed to get the FBI investigation shut down – it appears as if there’s some really bad news coming from Manhattan!  Many are saying Trump faces more danger from the investigation now in the hands of the attorneys at the Southern District of New York than Mueller’s investigation.

When I heard James Comey say that Trump came across to him, in their conversations, similarly to the Mob bosses Comey prosecuted when he was in the US Attorney’s office of the Southern District of New York – well, it reminded me of what I’ve been saying for some time here.  I believe Trump is connected to the “mob” in ways we’re going to discover at some point down the road.  Maybe this is why Vladimir Putin appeals to Trump in such a curious manner.  People know the Russian government, under Putin, is run like a New York crime family.  In fact, much of the MONEY LAUNDERING the Russians have been accused of (and convicted of – in some instances) has happened in New York.  So, the bottom line here is that time will tell who the LIAR is – Trump or Comey.  Of course, we all already know the answer to that question – I mean Trump made over 2000 DOCUMENTED LIES in just his first year of office – according to a “fact checker” with the Washington Post.  That amounted to an AVERAGE of six LIES per day – document-able!  So who you gonna believe is the LIAR?  Trump or Comey?  (I suppose Trump’s six LIES per day in his first year in office SHOULD factor in your decision!)

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