Once Trump is removed from office “we the people” can start the process of “making America great again.”

What’s going on at Fox “news” is, in the ill advised words of Hillary Clinton (in her campaign), “deplorable.”  Last night, in coordination with Trump, Sean Hannity created some charts that would suggest Robert Mueller to be part of a “Crime family.”  I’ve mentioned on numerous occasions over the years how “conservatives” use projection to confuse their “audience.”  This is a great example – accusing Mueller, a Viet Nam war hero, someone at the forefront of our defense against the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and a man who’s served this nation for something like 30 years as the “head of a crime family.”  Hannity is defending a person, Trump,  who very well could be getting “uncovered” as the head of an actual “crime family.”

Trump knows what he’s done – and, he’s fighting back against the investigation which is apparently heading where he doesn’t want it to go.  Trump is NOT acting like a person who is innocent.  As one of his supporters, Trey Gowdy, said, “If you’re innocent, act like it!”  Well, Trump is not acting as if he’s “innocent,” instead he’s lining up people who are willing to sully themselves in a futile effort to stop the “Russia investigation” before it’s completed.  It’s disgraceful and these people are disgraceful.  I’ve said this before, Trump, Hannity, Nunes, Gingrich, and a bunch more of the minions who are willing to ignore the Russian attack on our nation in an attempt to protect their own political power will end up in the wrong section of the history books.  Conservatives, as I’m writing this, are attempting to rewrite the present day history books and that plan will be as futile as their attempts to protect Trump.

If Mueller finishes his investigation and Trump is exonerated then all is well.  Apparently, these people (Trump, Hannity, Nunes, etc.) don’t believe Trump is innocent or they would be encouraging the investigation to reach its conclusion.  I guess the 19 indictments (including several guilty pleas and cooperation agreements) are making them nervous – although, if they believe they’re innocent and believe in the “rule of law” in America – well, you wouldn’t be seeing these paranoid attacks on Mueller.  Of course, it doesn’t take a “Perry Mason” expert to figure out that Jared Kushner is in legal jeopardy (I’m sure Trump doesn’t like that reality) and that Trump, whether he “colluded” or not, has LIKELY obstructed justice (numerous times).  So, instead of meeting with Mueller and attempting to explain his actions, Trump is choosing the full throated head on FIGHT.  That’s exactly how a Mafia boss would react! (ie, the real head of a “crime family”)

The next few days should get even more interesting as James Comey’s book and the obligatory “book tour” that goes along with it is due to begin next week.  I’ve already ordered the book, but I would gladly buy another copy if I could attend a book signing.  Full disclosure:  I’m not one who gave Comey a “pass” on his ill advised remarks 11 days prior to the 2016 election which clearly swung the election to Trump.  Even Trump’s own internal polls pointed this out – as reported in the book “Devil’s Bargain Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the storming of the presidency” written by Joshua Green who I felt seemed like someone sympathetic to Bannon and Trump as I read the book – certainly not antagonistic.  Mrs. Clinton’s polling showed this, Five Thirty Eight dot com’s polling showed this (probably the most respected polling site) and, I remember watching the polling prior to the election and it was clear to me Comey is the reason Trump is president.

That being said, I also remember James Comey from the GW Bush/Dick Cheney years when Comey was the acting Attorney General and he blocked Bush/Cheney from continuing their ILLEGAL wiretapping of American citizens when he discovered what was happening during the Iraq fiasco.  In fact, Robert Mueller – then the head of the FBI – stood side by side with Comey as they, along with others in the Justice Department – including Christopher Wray – threatened to resign if Bush continued the illegal unconstitutional program.  Despite my disagreement with the way Comey handled the Clinton email “scandal” (clearly neither Comey nor Andrew McCabe seemed to be supporters of Mrs. Clinton – which, to me, is a real irony here) I’ve never doubted his veracity.  I’ve always felt Comey was an honorable, dedicated public servant who’s serving in an extraordinarily difficult time.  Same for McCabe.  Same for Mueller, and, for that matter, Wray.  And, I believe they’re all republicans (with the possible exception of McCabe).

Well, I’m guessing we can expect the (STUPID) “tweeting” to begin over night tonight as Trump will find it difficult to resist commenting on all the pundits sharing Comey’s thoughts in his book.  Obviously, Comey is exacting his revenge on Trump for the way Trump summarily dismissed him after attempting to co-op his “loyalty” along with other “stuff” a president should NEVER do or say around members of the Justice Department – which is supposed to be totally INDEPENDENT.  Clearly, Trump didn’t envision the Justice Department in this light – he viewed Jeff Sessions as his “Michael Cohen” in the Justice Department – his “fixer.”  Trump actually believes NONE of this would ever have happened had Sessions not recused himself.

Well, I’m no fan of Jeff Sessions either, but I have to say Trump’s view presupposes that Sessions would have willingly looked the other way regarding the “Russia thing” – even had he not recused himself, which would have meant he would have been privy to all the allegations which spurred on the FBI investigation.  I have to say, I’m not so sure Sessions would have done that.  As much as I don’t like the guy, I’ve come to believe he’s actually attempting to do the “right thing” as he sees it while he has that post.  I could be very naive in thinking this, but Sessions has shown a bit of spine on at least one occasion since Trump started belittling him – apparently in an attempt to cause him to resign.  And, of course, even if Sessions had not recused himself, there still would have been an FBI investigation ongoing into the Trump campaign – an investigation which began well before Trump had won the nomination.  (Thanks to George Papadopoulus)

Here’s my biggest concern regarding the Trump/Fox “news” conspiracy to BRAINWASH as many of their unsuspecting followers as possible – it’s right out of the “playbook” of the “Crime family boss” or the “Despot” (according to the “Despot’s Apprentice” by Brian Klaas) and, that’s attack the messenger (if you can’t defeat the “message”).  Trump, Hannity, et al are attempting to convince MILLIONS of Americans that Mueller is conflicted and is biased to “get” Trump.  They’re suggesting there is “no collusion” – evidently because Trump has repeatedly said so (and, of course, so has Sarah Sanders).  These people have NO moral compass!  Let me add here for the I don’t know how manyeth (I made that word up) time; when Don Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort met with several RUSSIANS to get “incriminating evidence” on Mrs. Clinton from “The Russian Government” THAT WAS COLLUSION!  It doesn’t matter what they got, that was COLLUSION.

And, of course, I believe Mueller has other examples of collusion.  Let me just give one example that falls in the I can add two plus two category.  We KNOW the Russians hacked the emails of the DNC and John Podesta.  We KNOW that both George Papadopoulus AND Roger Stone were aware of this AND, it just seems like too much of a coincidence, to me, that the Podesta emails were published less than one hour after release of the Access Hollywood tape.  We also KNOW that Cambridge Analytica was working with Trump’s campaign (via Jared Kushner), we KNOW that Steve Bannon was/is (?) the president of Cambridge Analytica, and we KNOW Cambridge Analytica STOLE data from 87 MILLION Facebook users which allowed them to TARGET their political advertising.  Do you think maybe they shared this data with the Russians who were busy publishing untold numbers of FAKE “news” ads on Facebook – adds that were curiously expertly TARGETED??  Do you get my drift?

This is all coming to a “head” in the next short period of time, it appears to me – and, I’m guessing there will be people in the streets no matter how it turns out.  70 -80% of Americans want to see Mueller’s investigation completed.  That means a large MAJORITY (including many who voted for Trump) believe in the rule of law, don’t believe our FBI and Justice Department are corrupted and are like a “Crime family,” and they want to know what happened in the 2016 election.  Most Americans believe NO ONE in America, including the president, is above the law.  “We the people” demonstrated that back in the days of Richard Nixon when he attempted to prove otherwise.  Here’s the problem:  Trump, Hannity, the others at Fox, and the right wingers in the House (like Devin “the traitor” Nunes), understand that faction of Trump supporters who were marching at Charlottesville last year chanting, “Jews will not replace us.”

Trump called them “very fine people” and, one of those “very fine people,” David Duke – the former Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan – let Trump know how much all those “very fine people” appreciated Trump for his “fair” words.  Trump and the others attempting to pin a “Crime family” label on Mueller know exactly how these “very fine people” are going to react if Trump is accused of a crime – or if Congress begins impeachment proceedings.  Things could get ugly and quick.  And, of course, then we’re going to find out the real reality of Jeff Sessions because he’ll still (likely) be the head of the Justice Department.   One way or another, there are going to be protests – I just hope they are peaceful no matter the outcome of the investigation.

Of course, Steve Bannon is climbing out from under the “rock” he disappeared under after the “Fire and Fury” book got him excommunicated from the “White House” and he’s encouraging Trump to take an aggressive and defiant strategy with the Mueller investigation.  This reminds me of Bannon stating the real purpose of the Trump administration is to “deconstruct the administrative state.”  I understand that to mean our traditional government institutions that Trump is defunding, refusing to populate with appointees, and has administrators committed to the destroying the institution they are in charge of.  Bannon’s “wet dream.”

I wouldn’t be surprised if Bannon encouraging Trump to be defiant now isn’t because he might be coming back into Mueller’s “cross-hairs” himself after the Cambridge Analytica revelations.  Bannon may be way more vulnerable than he let on before that information became public. The real “COLLUSION” may end up being tied to the Cambridge Analytica data breach of Facebook.  It’s been reported that Cambridge Analytica was involved in the “fake news” which influenced people in Great Britain to vote for the Brexit issue which took Great Britain out of the European Union – something Bannon supported.  The same kind of “white nationalism” he’s pushing in America.  Yikes!!!

I told my son tonight, watch everything that’s going on because these are historic times.  Hopefully, this country won’t face a crisis like this – if not ever again – certainly for many many years.  I have to believe that Justice will ultimately prevail and Trump’s days as president are numbered.  He should NEVER have been president and it’s time he’s no longer president.  I have to believe those in the FBI see the irony that it was Comey responsible for getting Trump elected and it will, indirectly, be Comey who sees that Trump is removed from office.

In the process a couple interesting things are going to happen.  First, and this is along the lines of the times I’ve predicted Trump would come to the point (if he already is not there) where he loathes the day he decided to run for president.  I believe there will be MANY issues Trump will have to face that would likely NEVER have been uncovered had he not put himself under the “microscope” that comes with being president.  It’s very possible that he is the head of a “crime family.”  Secondly, and this relates to all the DAMAGE I’ve referred to being done to America since Trump took office – and that is, once Trump is removed from office “we the people” can start the process of “making America great again.”

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