I believe there’s a “method to Trump’s madness.” He’s CONSTANTLY trying to divert the attention of “we the people” from the “Russia thing.”

It’s like the “stuff” is never ending with the Trump “White House” and it’s looking clearer and clearer that Bob Mueller is going to get through the “stuff” and Trump is going to be in a “world of hurt” when Mueller’s investigation is made public AND these cowering republicans are really going to be on the spot.  Do they follow their oath and do what’s right or do they try to placate Steve Bannon to avoid a “primary challenge?” (From a “White Nationalist for that matter – what has this country come to???)  Today’s “drama:”  Trump’s battle with the “gold star” families and his LIES about President Obama and Obama’s predecessors AND Jeff Sessions testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Let’s start with Sessions.  His testimony SHOULD have been routine – because, after all, it’s the Senate Judiciary Committee which has the obligation for “oversight” of the Justice Department of which Sessions is the “head” – as Attorney General.  Well, of course, Sessions’ testimony was anything but routine.  From my perspective Sessions did the very same thing he did during his confirmation hearings – he LIED to Congress.  His answers to questions relating to the “Russia thing” and his involvement made little sense.  (Trump was “tweeting” in “real time” during the testimony so I have a feeling it was orchestrated as well as these inept Russian dupes – Trump and Sessions – are capable)  And, his own characterization of his own testimony was confusing at best.

Sessions repeatedly refused to answer questions relating to his conversations with Trump despite no claim of “executive privilege” – which, from the lawyers I’ve listened to, would be easily challenged in court if the Committee had the will to do so.  Of course, the chairman of the committee is Chuck Grassley who’s doing everything he can to BLOCK the Russia investigation as if their attack on our most fundamental values means nothing.  In fact, Sessions himself stated there’s NO Justice Department investigation into what the Russians did and there’s NO plan to STOP them from doing it again.  (Evidently, republicans are counting on the Russians to help them keep control of Congress in 2018 – which, considering the stupidity of so many American voters, just may be possible.) (And, go ahead Lars Larsen, call me an “elite liberal” again – as you’re one of the “water carriers” that keep so many Americans in ignorant bliss)

Sessions came across himself as a bit short “upstairs” as he was fumbling through any of the pointed questions designed to get “straight answers.”  The thought of him at the helm of the Justice Department makes me a bit queezy in the stomach AND knowing they’re doing NOTHING to prevent this type of ATTACK in the future is UNACCEPTABLE.  All Americans should be angry when they hear this stuff – republican, democrat, and independent.  Can you hear the republican uproar if President Obama had been elected because of outside interference – no matter where it came from?

The Russians were helping Trump – and, apparently there were Americans helping the Russians help Trump (do you think they were affiliated with the campaign?).  The Russians, as reported more than once by people who follow Russia’s media, think they actually swung the election Trump’s way.  Of course, there was also a plethora of “voter suppression” scams that affected key battleground states – states like North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin that could have, by themselves, made the difference in those states – all decided by small to “razor thin” margins.  I heard in one report that Wisconsin republicans succeeded in disenfranchising over 350,000 potential voters – with the target being democratic leaning demographics.  And, I have to add, democrats oblivious to it all because “Hillary was going to win.”

So, why isn’t the Justice Department, the foundation of American liberty, FIGHTING to make sure that foreigners CAN’T affect our elections and EVERY American who wants to vote has the RIGHT to vote?  Well, as republicans have famously said, “The fewer people who vote, the better we do.”  Maybe their new “mantra” will be “the more Russian influence in the election the better we do.”  I have to believe the ultimate person who will determine who did what and who needs to be held accountable for their words and actions will be Bob Mueller.  And, from what I can tell, he means business and he’s not going to be intimidated by ANYONE including our so-called president – Donald Trump.

Sessions testimony and his alleged LYING to Congress (again – or so it appeared to me and others) SHOULD have “ruled the day.”  But, NO, Trump just won’t have that.  As he’s done so many times he finds a way to change the subject and get just about everyone arguing about something else to get the topic off of Russia.  Trump’s diversion?  Well, yesterday, as I wrote just last night, Trump insulted the wife of one of the soldiers who was killed in Niger when he FINALLY called her – more than likely as a result of a question at a Rose Garden impromptu news conference on Monday – where he accused President Obama (always Trump’s fallback target when he has to make up a story – remember: “Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, Sad”) of not calling the families of “fallen soldiers.”

Trump was challenged on that assertion in real time – he was “outed” – so he went to his “secondary” story telling strategy (that he always uses – remember the “Birther movement?”  Trump would say, “I don’t know if he was born here, I’ve just heard that.  Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate?”) when he then said, “well I don’t know, it’s just what I’ve been told” as if that would make his LYING true.  Of course, Trump is never satisfied with his LIES (reminds me of a sign we had at my school – I was a sixth grade teacher – at the Principal’s office – “Tell the truth, there’s less to remember”) and he just gets deeper and deeper.  Why?  Because he’s INCAPABLE of admitting a mistake – which would have been the honest answer to the initial question.  In this instance he then, inexplicably, referenced the son of his chief of staff General Kelly who died in Afghanistan and said, “ask General Kelly if Obama called him.”  As if, General Kelly wants to re-open that terrible wound.

This approach is similar to sixth grade behavior – when a student would clearly do something that required some form of discipline or accountability – we’d call it a “teaching moment” – many would invariably defend their abhorrent behavior by saying, “but ‘so and so’ did this, or did that” as if “so and so’s” behavior – whatever it may or may not have been, made their misbehavior OK.  In my 23 years of teaching I could only estimate the number of times I had to deal with that type of thinking.  With sixth graders you feel you can teach them the “error of their ways” and help them change their behavior going forward (and, many times we did) – but with Trump?  The man is 71 years old, he’s the MOST narcissistic person I’ve EVER seen, AND, he appears to lack any moral compass or sense of compassion or empathy – I don’t think he will be changing anytime soon.

Today, we heard verification that Trump did insult the family of the soldier in Florida who were at the airport for the return of his remains – there was his grieving wife and his and her parents – the parents, along with the Congress person – who had a lifelong relationship with this very fine young man and was in the limo – all confirmed Trump said, “He knew what he was signing up for, but, I guess it still hurts.”  He said this to the fallen soldier’s wife in earshot of his parents (the phone was on “speakerphone”) and the Congress person.  According to the wife, Trump couldn’t remember the soldier’s name.  As Trump might end a “tweet,” SAD!  But wait, this is Trump, so of course, there’s more.

A “gold star” mom came forward (I heard her gut wrenching interview on “The Beat” with Ari Melber on MSNBC) and pointed out her son was killed last May and she has received no letter or phone call from Trump in the ensuing five months – neither of which, as she so emotionally stated, would bring her son back – she just wanted to KNOW that these soldiers – the ones who give their lives and those with injuries – she mentioned PTSD – would be remembered and they and their families would be taken care of.  This would not have been an issue for Trump had he simply said, on Monday, “you’re right, I should have said something about these fine soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice in Niger.  I’ve got to do better in the future.”  (Can you imagine how, if he actually did something like that, it would be received?)  No Chance, you say.  But, you’re correct: there’s even more.

Another young soldier was killed (I believe) in June and Trump DID call his father to give his condolences.  IN FACT Trump promised the Dad he would “write a check for $25,000” out of his own funds and send it to him.  That was in June.  Well, as of today, NO CHECK.  Trump, or his press secretary, was asked about the check and true to Trump form “it’s going out in today’s mail.”  Evidently, that’s another in a long line of Trump coincidences – just like the letters to the four soldiers who died in Niger:  “The letter was written this past weekend and it’s going out either today or tomorrow.”  If you actually believe that, I’ve got a bridge I’d like to sell…………..

Actually, that Trump promised the father of a fallen soldier a check for $25,000 seems to me a “good thing” – especially, because I didn’t hear him bragging about doing it.  Well, apparently he wasn’t bragging about doing it because he DIDN’T actually do it.  Of course, that nasty media found out and now Trump or his spokesperson has to say, “The check’s in the mail.”  I guess, maybe it is – so far, the Dad hasn’t received it – and, I hope he does.  (Do you remember Trump promising a MILLION dollars to veterans during the campaign and then NOT delivering until it was reported that he had “stiffed” the vets.  I’m assuming he’s since made the donation, but, again, it took the media to uncover the FACT he wasn’t following through on his promise.)  Trump has a long history of “stiffing” contractors and workers and lawyers and companies during his business career.  What’s the saying? “Bad habits are hard to break.”  (I know, I’ve got some)

So, there’s constant chaos at the “White House” and most of us think it’s the result of an amazing incompetency.  But, what if we’re all wrong?  What if all of this Trump chaos is an attempt to throw off (probably futilely) Mueller’s investigation or, at the minimum, “we the people’s attention to the “Russia thing” along with a constant “nurturing” of the 25 to 30 percent of Americans who are going to erupt when Trump is impeached?  That, to me, is why there’s no action by Sessions and the Justice Department (Trump has BULLIED Sessions into being a submissive surrogate) to make any attempt at PREVENTION against this “Russia thing” happening again.  It’s why Trump continues to call it a “hoax.”

Sessions unwillingness to answer questions today in front of the Judiciary Committee is further evidence that the “White House” is covering up whatever it was/is they’re trying to prevent “we the people” from learning.  It appears Sessions – and SURELY Trump – are trying to protect their own “skins” and that republicans in Congress care more about staying in power than defending this country against the most dangerous of attacks – the surreptitious cyber-attack that MILLIONS of Americans remain clueless about aimed at the fabric of our republic.  If our country is to survive as we’ve known it for the past 80 years, at least, it’s apparent Trump, Sessions, Pense, and many  republicans in Congress need to “go.”  Either via impeachment (Trump, Pense, Sessions) or at the ballot box – any republicans up for re-election in 2018 who defend this attack on our nation and it’s perpetrators.  I believe there’s a “method to Trump’s madness.”  He’s CONSTANTLY trying to divert the attention of “we the people” from the “Russia thing.”  Let’s hope he fails!

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