Deluded is too kind a word for Trump – our “so-called” president. Please republicans, live up to your oaths! IMPEACH!

Today Trump gave a press briefing on the “White House” lawn and shortly after he had finished explaining about the “made up story” of the democrats – you know, the “Russia thing” – he was asked about his response to the families of the four American soldiers killed recently (about two weeks ago) in Niger, Africa.  Well, what do you do when someone asks you a question which may make you look bad?  You’re correct!  You make up a story!

So, our “so called” president, first of all, LIED (what else is new) about his own response – which was apparently NOTHING – “last weekend I wrote some letters and, I believe, they’re going out today – maybe this evening (RIGHT)” – then, to top it off he HAD to reaffirm he is an institutionally MAGNANIMOUS Narcissist (I thought I made up the word “magnanimous,” but, thanks to “spell checker” it’s a word, I’ll let you guess the meaning) by claiming he’s the only president who “calls” the victims of war and “Obama and most of our previous presidents never did this (meaning calling the families of the fallen soldiers).  Of course, this is a LIE on two fronts: first, President Obama not only CALLED the families of the fallen soldiers, he met their caskets at Dover Delaware or the other places receiving them as they were returned from the battlefield.  Trump, OF COURSE, failed on both those accounts for our fallen troupes from Niger – he neither called the families NOR met the caskets.  What did Trump do?  He played GOLF on the day it was announced the boys died.

That was yesterday, today, as usual, Trump made a bad situation worse.  Why?  Because, first of all, the most NARCISSISTIC person EVER could never own a mistake and secondly, because Trump is, essentially, a terrible person.  When all you do is LIE, you’re constantly needing to make up stories to “cover your tracks” – AND, as the saying goes, “one LIE leads to another.”  So, today Trump invoked the son of his chief of staff General Kelly who was killed in Afghanistan in 2010 while Barack Obama was president.  On a radio interview Trump just couldn’t help himself – I think it was the typical Fox “softball” interview – and he questioned whether or not Barack Obama “called General Kelly when his son was killed.”  Well, I still don’t know the answer to that question because the members of the news media I listen to apparently know General Kelly doesn’t want his son’s death to be politicized under any circumstances.  Other than lambasting Trump for bringing this up, they didn’t get into any other details (I’m sure they didn’t want to call General Kelly and ask him to get into this political diatribe).

The reality is that Obama, Bush 1, Bush 2, Clinton, Carter, (and, I’m sure Reagan) all managed to do what they claim is the hardest part of their job – because, in essence they are the ones sending our troops into “harms way.”  I personally, during Obama’s term, saw several instances where he was honoring the returning remains of fallen soldiers with NO fanfare.  No one had to ask him if he was consoling “gold star” families – because it was routine.  Someone, in the media, obviously got wind that Trump wasn’t doing this – hence the question which caused him to make up (another) story.  Then, Trump compounded his folly by actually, tonight, calling the grieving widow of one of the soldiers killed in Niger as she was in the car heading to meet the casket at the airport (unbeknownst to Trump, her congress person was riding in the car and the phone was on speakerphone).

Trump, showing his INCREDIBLE lack of empathy (or class or fill in the blank) said to this young widow – mother of two with a third child two months from delivery – “Well, he knew what he was getting into.”  When I heard that I almost damaged my neck as I was shaking my head in disbelief.  Even Trump should know better than that – was my first thought – and then my mind reminded myself of his mimicking the disabled reporter, his attacks on John McCain for “getting captured,” his degrading comments about virtually every republican running against him in the campaign, his recent tweet referring to Bob Corker as “liddle,” (the spell checker doesn’t like that one), and – of course – the Access Hollywood tapes.

Then, of course, as I’m attempting to come to my senses my mind reminds me that Trump’s “base” is the so-called “Christian right.”  As a Christian myself (I guess I’m part of the Christian “left” if there is such a thing) I shudder each time I’m reminded of that reality.  How could we get to this place and it’s not hard to wonder why so many “Christians” have children who are rejecting anything that has anything to do with “religion.”  And republicans – where are they?  They have control of Congress – are they going to allow this to continue until the 2018 mid terms?  And, if democrats take control of Congress in 2018 will republicans block the inevitable impeachment of this man (and, hopefully, his “running mate” – and, believe me, I’m no fan of Paul Ryan – but, he looks better to me than either of the alternatives!

The reality is that “we the people” will have to wait until at least 2020 to FIX this problem – AND if 92 MILLION of us stay home and don’t vote – as what happened in 2016 – or they vote for some ridiculous third party candidate in protest – then we deserve what we get.  That’s the beauty of our system – we GET to choose our leaders.  If our people are going to continue to believe the garbage coming from FOX and/or the blowhards on the radio airwaves like Rush Limbaugh then we deserve to continue the plummet to third world status.  And, all these MILLIONAIRES and BILLIONAIRES who can’t get enough tax cuts and are more than willing to buy our corrupt CONGRESS to get them – well, it won’t take much more of “Trumpism” to totally turn the world off (with the exception, of course, of places like Russia, Turkey, the Philippines – if that’s what we want to rest on) and our great Wall Street “rally” will be heading south.  Will that be enough to get their attention?

Honestly, I’m not even sure another financial meltdown will be enough to get the attention of all the “white” disenchanted Fox viewers who are the most ill-informed people in America (that’s a fact) who will believe anything they’re told by Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh.  They’ve been brainwashed to believe their troubles are the fault of those who check “other” on their application forms and not on the real problem which is the fast changing technologically driven international economy.  While we’re all arguing about abortion, White nationalism, gay rights, etc. etc. the Chinese and Indians are developing alternative energy technology.  Germany already is way ahead of us in the ways of the future as Trump and his “cronies” (ie – the real inhabitants of the “swamp”) are pushing “clean coal” and “drill baby drill.”

So, here’s the question as we’re facing disaster from EVERY direction with Trump at the “helm:”  Will LYING about and insulting MORE gold star families be enough to get the attention of the republican enablers of this deplorable person?  (If you remember, he insulted a gold star family in the campaign with NO blow back from republicans – evidently, because it was a Muslim family – ugh!)  The constant LYING doesn’t seem to bother our republican Congress, the clear ineptitude doesn’t seem to bother them, the destruction of our image around the world doesn’t seem to bother them, the COLLUDING with the Russians doesn’t seem to bother them – or Trump’s unwillingness to even admit Russia attacked us and his unwillingness to do anything to PREVENT them from doing so again – especially the House, who’s Intel committee “chairman” is about as half baked as Trump – NONE of this seems to bother our republican Congress.  How bad does it have to get?

I’m even worried the republicans will cower even after Mueller completes his investigation – which clearly is NOT going to be a positive for Trump.  During the campaign, Trump said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in New York and his supporters would still be there.  If he committed TREASON will they still be there.  If he OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE will they be there?  Obviously, the list of my objections is a long one – but today and yesterday as he LIED about his own response to our fallen soldiers and then attacked his predecessors for allegedly doing what he was LYING about regarding himself – that was too much.  Actually, my mind just reminded me of the accusation about President Obama wiretapping him.  He just can’t help himself!  Deluded is too kind a word for Trump – our “so-called” president.  Please republicans, live up to your oaths!  IMPEACH!

Final thought: I’m publishing this post without re-reading it and editing out the “foopahs.”  Yes, even after editing some of my writing would be given back to me by my sixth grade teacher – so, I apologize for that – maybe in a day or two I’ll fix the mistakes – but, in the meantime, “I hope you get my drift.”

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