Watch what Trump’s doing (behind the scenes) instead of what he’s “tweeting.” He is the master at manipulating the media.

From the perspective of a retired teacher “we the people” elected republicans determined to destroy our public school system in 2000 when George W Bush was anointed president by a right wing Supreme court despite LOSING the “popular vote” by over half a MILLION votes.  Bush implemented the “No Child Left Behind” legislation that virtually ASSURED there would be many a child “left behind,” as “conservatives” upped their attacks on so-called “liberal” education.  The first day I read the bill (at least the parts I was able to read) as a sixth grade teacher in a high poverty school I realized there was NO WAY our school would not eventually become a “failing school.”  This despite the FACT our staff was FULL of dedicated teachers, administrators, support staff, etc. who were working hard to help EVERY student have the chance to better their lives via education.

Parents were encouraged (those who could afford to) to pull their students from schools like mine and put them in private or “charter” schools – thinning out the peer role models for students in generational poverty circumstances and, thus, making the challenge to the teachers and staff that much greater.  Since that day, there has been one “great idea” after another on how to “fix” our public schools and, based on my experience, most of those “great ideas” weren’t so great.  The challenge continued to rise, the number of peer role models continued to drop, and the test scores continued to drop.  (And, I have to say, I was NEVER a proponent of single day tests as a legitimate measurement of a student’s ability – especially a student living in generational poverty)  As the success on testing got worse the distance from methods that were successful prior to “No Child” got farther away.

Sadly, I didn’t feel the Obama administration did much to “fix” the situation.  For me, it seemed like “business as usual” during Obama’s two terms in the White House.  There seemed to be less of a focus on the testing results, but the overall “mission” seemed, at least to me, to be very close to what preceded President Obama’s election.  More “new ideas” to solve problems that arose due to the previous “new ideas.”  I remember saying to my principal, back when our school was labeled in the “Opportunity Zone” – giving us access to new curriculum which most of the teachers thought was far inferior to the previous curriculum – that we would never go back to what was actually working well once we accepted that people in university faculties knew better than classroom teachers how to improve education.  Progressively, I noticed, after “No Child” the pressure on administrators caused them to have less confidence in their teachers because their “necks” were always “on the line.”  (Making it much more difficult for new [young] teachers to get established.  Many are choosing other professions)

Then, along comes Donald Trump and he nominated Betsy DeVoss as Secretary of Education.  Now, it’s only been a little over 6 months since she took on that role, but (and, I’m guessing here) public education is likely to take an ever greater “hit” due to DeVoss’ previous commitment to school vouchers, charter schools (which, historically have not out “achieved” public schools with far less restrictions), and private schools.  One has to “read between the lines” to fully understand the agenda here – but, I’ll just say the end result is that students in poverty, students of “color,” and students with disabilities end up being the “target” of the agenda we’ve seen since the implementation of “No Child.”

To me, this is no surprise.  During the Bush/Cheney years we didn’t see any focus (at least I didn’t) from the government to reduce the problem of income inequality in America that began to expand during the Reagan years.  (and, yes, it expanded during Obama’s years as well)  But, now we have a president with a history of racism – both in words (ie “Birther movement) and actions (housing discrimination) who’s got the country on the edge of their seats wondering if he “did or didn’t” COLLUDE with the Russians during the 2016 election.  (The meeting with Russians and email chain of Donald Trump Jr. would suggest “he did”)  Trump has an Attorney General who’s operating as his surrogate and, despite unprecedented bashing in the press from his “boss,” an attorney general who’s actually busy implementing numerous racist like policies in the justice department – virtually all of them “under the radar” – apparently to further the “White Nationalist” agenda of the Breitbart wing of Trump’s advisers.

Trump’s Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is pushing surreptitious policy that is aimed at low income people and persons of color.  Two areas of Sessions’ focus will be marijuana policies and immigration policy.  For example, he’s proposing a return to the draconian sentencing policies regarding the use of marijuana which has been “legalized” in several states (including my own) and ultimately ends up putting more low income people and people of color into ridiculous jail terms. (Sessions is also reimplenting private FOR PROFIT prisons which make money be KEEPING people in jail – not rehabilitating them)  The immigration policies and enforcement is leaving a “bad taste” in many people’s “mouths” as we ponder “are we heading toward being a police state?”  Not to mention that farmers in Southern California are already complaining they don’t have enough people to harvest their crops – with the possibility of great damage to our source of fresh food coming from American farmers.

In addition, Trump has Kris Kobach, the Secretary of State of Kansas (He’s the “king” of voter suppression, what does this say about Kansas?) attempting to put together a national data base of EVERYONE who’s a registered voter which would include ALL the information state governments have on their registered voters.  Like for example, Social Security numbers, who you voted for, how often you vote, where you live, etc. etc.  Is this really what we call “conservative” politics?

Honestly, my friends who support Trump (I can never understand why) can’t explain to me what “conservative” means.  Not one of them!  Every one of them watches Fox “news” and most listen to Rush Limbaugh.  I believe there will become a time when those at Fox and those who “carry the water” like Limbaugh will find themselves in the wrong part of the American History books.  (Of course, I’m assuming Americans come to their senses and vote Trump and his supporters out of office.)  Make no mistake, the BRAINWASHING done by Fox, Limbaugh, and the other right wing talkers – who seem to all operate via the same “puppet masters” – is a powerful force and will require a major “push-back” to overcome.  (and, also, all these “tactics” are designed to reduce those who would vote Trump and the others out of office from the voter rolls.  It’s a sophisticated plan and “we the people” are depending on the media to expose it)

The point I’m trying to get at is the apparent right wing agenda in America to create MORE “low information voters” through multiple strategies and to discourage (or block) those who might vote for democrats from actually voting  – the most offensive part of this to me is the attack on public education in an ultimately futile attempt to keep “whites” as the majority in America.  From that perspective, it appears to me those behind this agenda want fewer people who “think for themselves” and more who are susceptible to their BRAINWASHING.  When you look at the right wing agenda it really is puzzling how they (meaning republicans) are able to “get away” with what they’re actually doing.  (More on that later)  So, through attacking the education system, the justice system, and the voting system Trump and the republicans are trying to find a way to save their “permanent republican ‘majority.'”  And, make no mistake, “white privilege” is a large part of their motivation.

The BRAZEN republican agenda is incredibly unpopular, but they keep pushing it and in such an arrogant way which shows they believe their “base” will continue voting them into office no matter what.  For example, the recent republican attempt to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) was actually another “tax cut for the rich” – seemingly, the one part of republican politics which never changes – and it had an approval rating of something in the neighborhood of 12 – 17% from polls I saw.  This meant nothing to them.  They could see a way to cut taxes for the major contributors and that always makes their eyes light up.  There seems to be no concern that of the 20 – 30 MILLION Americans who’d lose health insurance many might be part of their “base.”  This is instead of making the changes to the Affordable Care Act to make it more accessible and more effective.  Remember, The philosophy behind the Affordable Care Act came from the Heritage Institute (“conservative”) and was similar to the plan implemented in Massachusetts by Mitt Romney when he was governor there.

Republicans didn’t “hate” the idea of the Affordable Care Act until the name “Obama” was placed on it.  If your head’s been under a rock, let me explain.  President Obama is “Black” and that’s a non-starter with our republican party.  And, let me be clear on that one.  There are a few “Black” Americans in notable positions in the republican party, but, from what I can tell, it’s mostly for “show.”  Take Michael Steele for example.  During the first years of President Obama (2009 – 2011) Steele was the chairman of the Republican National Committee.  Soon after he was elected to this post he got into a little “tuft” with Rush Limbaugh, who then attacked him causing him to apologize to Limbaugh. This is how republicans have operated since the days of Reagan – if you’re a republican, you live in fear of Rush Limbaugh.  And, it didn’t take Limbaugh long to point out his “ire” that republicans would choose a “Black” person to lead their party.  To me, unbelievable!

Personally, I like Steele.  From what I’ve seen I would disagree with many of his “positions,” but I’m confident he’s the type of “conservative” that “liberals” could communicate with in a way that solves problems.  However, it’s clear his election to chair the RNC was the republican “counterweight” to the election of Barack Obama as president.  Apparently, Steele’s biggest failure in the eyes of his fellow republicans was his willingness to accept that President Obama might SUCCEED – which, to people like Limbaugh, was a non-starter.  (His greatest failure, to me, was his part in the success of the “Tea Party” which emerged during his tenure)  I continue to struggle with how someone as brilliant as Steele could end up in the republican party.  I’m guessing the “blame” is as much on democrats as with the republicans.  It appears to me democrats have the same kind of “barriers” to their party as republicans – just from different directions.  For example, Steele is likely someone who’s opposed to abortion.  To me, the idea that democrats push anyone with that belief away is STUPID!  This is how we’ve ended up with a republican party which initiates arguments on the wedge issues while surreptitiously ripping us all off while we’re not looking.  They do this because “it works.”

So, while we’re all thinking Trump is mentally ill (he may well be) and we’re focused on Russia or now it’s North Korea (now, instead of did he or didn’t he it’s “will he or won’t he”) there’s a very calculated “plan” being implemented right before our unsuspecting eyes that, very likely, will be “in place” before we know what “hit us.”  From my vantage point it’s a very strategic plan to make sure “white privilege” continues to “rule the day.”  The part our schools is playing in this, to me, is very discouraging.  I’ve said this since the first year I started teaching – it was my fifth profession while most I worked with had spent their entire lives in one school or another – schools, by their nature, are not able to fight back against the politics.  The teacher’s unions, to a certain degree, are able to do battle on the state level – but, the result of “No Child” and what has followed it always, at least to me, has created a response from public schools which seems reactionary.  The public schools and the dedicated people working in them are focused on helping students in progressively more challenging circumstances.  They’re no match for (most don’t even think of) national politics.  The public school agenda is being manipulated (and undermined) from “afar.”

By putting people like DeVoss in charge of government institutions – people committed to destroying the institution they’re in charge of – part of the plan to “deconstruct the administrative state” – Trump and his surrogates (like Steve Bannon, for example) are busy “Making America White again.”  That’s what their campaign slogan really intended to say.  Despite all the criticism from his boss (Trump really is worried about the “Russia thing” – that’s the one thing which could put a “monkey wrench” into their plans) about recusal, Sessions, like DeVoss, is doing without much notice EXACTLY what Trump and the others want him to do.  I’m still not sure what the end game for these people is but none of the options are acceptable to me.

Trump has shown himself to be a Vladimir Putin wannabee and Bannon has supposedly claimed, in the past, to be a “Leninist” – and, that’s NOT John Lennon – so authoritarian tendencies in their policies being advanced should be no  surprise to anyone paying attention.  (it will be to the “low information voters” if Trump et al succeed – my friends who voted for Trump still haven’t accepted the reality Trump is a pathological LIAR – and, they can’t bring themselves to believe Trump’s “promises” are hollow)  As a retired teacher I understand how the education system can be used to promote certain agendas – and, I understand the “argument goes both ways” – meaning “conservatives” think public education is “liberal” – but, the duty of our education system SHOULD be to create creative thinkers.  To teach our children HOW to think and NOT WHAT to think.  I don’t believe that’s part of DeVoss’ (or Trump’s) agenda.

As I watch what is going on behind the “headlines” during Trump’s first year in office I’m feeling even more-so the importance that republicans come to their senses and remove him from office.  Honestly, I don’t have a lot more confidence in Mike Pense – and, I actually believe that if Pense becomes president the republicans have a greater chance to get their “agenda” through congress – but, Trump is DANGEROUS, he’s a bully, he’s a classic narcissist, he’s a pathological LIAR, and he’s ruining America’s standing around the world in the countries that are actually important to us.  People are praying he doesn’t resort to the traditional republican strategy of starting a war when the poll numbers are down – but, that’s a thought for another day.  In the meantime, watch what Trump’s doing (behind the scenes) instead of what he’s “tweeting.”  He is the master at manipulating the media.

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