At some point there’s going to be a true national emergency and I, for one, have ZERO confidence in Trump’s ability to make a rational decision.

OMG!  Where to start???  While many in the media and many “leaders” in Washington DC are, rightfully so, focused on the so-called (by Trump himself) “Russia thing” I continue to worry about the stealth damage Trump is doing to our nation that will be difficult to “fix.”  I’m presently re-reading “The Return of the Imperial Presidency and the Subversion of American Democracy” by Charlie Savage to refresh my thinking regarding the power play pushed through a willing Congress by Bush/Cheney during their disastrous administration so that I’m better able to see what Trump and his minions are up to regarding their attempt to turn America into a dictatorship/oligarchy type of government.  The sad reality is that Congress conceded many of their own “rights” to the Bush/Cheney administration in the disguise of “national security” – that “catch all” phrase which would suggest Bin Laden was successful for more than the obvious on 9/11.

Sadly, I believe many around the world understand our government better than a significant portion of those who participate at the ballot box.  “Terrorism,” by it’s very “title,” is a strategy based on FEAR.  And, America’s leaders, I’m sure this was understood ahead of time by Bin Laden and others of his ilk, were primed to get “sucked in” after the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001.  Fear has been the mantra of our political dialogue pretty much ever since.  We are crumbling from the inside out as our “leaders” stoke the “fear card” to the point where it’s become second nature.  I believe many of us – meaning “we the people,” have just accepted this ENDLESS “war on terror” as something we have to just live with – accepting the premise given us by those in Washington DC – and, never, apparently, trying to understand what is really happening and, more importantly, WHY it’s happening.

The end result of all this is “we the people” giving up more and more of our “liberty” that republicans, especially, used to be the main protectors of – at least rhetorically.  Bush/Cheney pushed through legislation that essentially enabled their TORTURING, their MULTIPLE violations of the FISA law as they routinely EAVESDROPPED on American citizens, the deregulation of our most basic institutions – including financial institutions leading to the “Great Recession,”  and the Patriot Act giving the president virtually unlimited powers in regard to the use of our military.  I’m sure the republican Congress which went along with all the power grabs couldn’t envision Donald Trump as some day sitting in the White House – but, that’s the reality we now find ourselves in.  At the time I remember saying, “Privileges/rights are much easier to lose than to get back.”  Now, we have Trump in the White House and some of the surreptitious things he’s “up to” are, to me, even more alarming.

Trump is ostensibly a buffoon in regard to his ability to “govern,” but, he’s got that Putin-like instinct of “my way or the highway” as he struggles with a media as a check on his power, a court system that actually, to a degree, follows the constitution (although, one of Bush/Cheney’s major accomplishments – from their perspective – was “stacking” the courts with right wing political appointments along with the Justice Department), and a Congress that, at least, seems to be aware they’ve abdicated their responsibility in the face of “terrorism” giving unfettered power to the “Oval Office.”  The idea of Trump as the “unitary executive” is sobering to say the least.

Trump has been “going after” the media since the day he was inaugurated.  If you remember Sean Spicer’s initial LIES on the day of the inauguration – regarding the size of the audience – you have to believe Trump was “locked and loaded” regarding his impending attacks on the press from day one.  Of course, at that time, he knew the TRUTH about the “Russia thing” so there was “method to his madness,” as he began portraying our media as “fake news.”  He’s also been attacking the intelligence community – really from before the inauguration – to the point where he’s undermining what should be one of his strongest assets (of course, they know what you and I don’t  – but, Trump does).  And, he’s been busy attempting to purge voters from the voting rolls since day one – which includes, what to me, is the almost unbelievable request for personal information on EVERY voter in the U.S. in history – via, the “king of voter suppression” Kris Kobach, the Secretary of State (and future governor???) of Kansas who’s proving the people of Kansas qualify as “low information voters.”  That, of course, makes it “Trump country.”

If you want to be afraid, well, what Trump is up to behind the scenes should get your attention.  When you put all his antics together, you can see someone who admires Vladimir Putin for a reason.  I’m sure Trump is envious that Putin doesn’t have to deal with a media that actually checks his power – or a legislature that doesn’t bow down to him – or voters who actually expect their leaders to say stuff that at least resembles the truth.  I’ve, on many occasions, pointed out the similarities I see in Trump and a certain leader in Germany during the 30’s – which would include policy based on the “big lie theory” – but, I’m coming to the conclusion that Trump’s LYING is pathological in most instances.  Certainly, some of it is “planned” – such as the statement Trump dictated for Don Jr. regarding his COLLUSION with the Russians (along with Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner) but, for the most part, I believe Trump is delusional and the LIES are of the pathological nature – where he actually believes he’s not LYING when he CLEARLY is!  He may actually believe his crowd was large or that he’s actually popular – I know that’s hard to believe, but he keeps saying it – so, the choice is brazen or pathological – I don’t see any other explanation.

Of course, that all is what makes him so dangerous.  I don’t believe Trump will ever resign as Nixon did back in the 70’s – but, I believe his “transgressions” – once they’re all made public, will make Nixon look like an amateur.  It’s well known that the Russian government operates in a parallel fashion to organized crime.  Trump, who’s had his “fingers” in all sorts of places I believe they shouldn’t have been is going to be exposed because of the “Russia thing” – the investigation – is bound to find itself in the middle of some of Trump’s previous “schemes” he’s been able to keep “under the radar.”  His own sons pointed out that he has relied on MONEY coming from Russia – because, after being “stiffed” enough times, American banks would not “touch” him.  The evidence of money laundering is significant even though “we the people” have only seen “the tip of the iceberg.”  I point this out because I believe Trump doesn’t believe he’s vulnerable to our system of laws – especially now that he’s president (he’s already publicly explored his power to pardon – even to pardon himself – what does that suggest?) and, I believe he’ll be lashing out at his critics, his opponents, and anyone who would attempt to stop him – including the republican Congress – to the last day he’s in office.

From what I’ve seen lately, Trump is “ginning up” his most ardent followers to believe he’s the victim of some sort of “witch hunt” as he calls it.  Unfortunately, the state of things in America right now seems almost like an “us against them” – and,  your personal political philosophy would determine whether your an “us” or a “them.”  It really is a sad state of affairs.  I know people who are Trump supporters and they get angry at the thought that the “fake news” might not be “fake.”  The “big lie theory” (which was the work of propagandist Joseph Goebbels in 1930’s Germany) is designed to BRAINWASH people into believing information to be true that is categorically FALSE.  It worked back then and the republican party (and Trump) are counting on it working now.  The reality is that the republicans have been practicing this since the days of Reagan and it’s been working for them.  Hopefully, there will be more and more members of the “liberal media” who will point this out to educate America’s “conservative” voters what they’ve been getting “fed” for the last 35+ years.

So, again, if you choose to live in fear, I would suggest you start by considering what America would be like if Trump succeeds in turning us into a Russian satellite.  Think about what it would be like if his “voter integrity” project succeeds and you lose your right to vote.  Think about what it would be like if Fox “news,” Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh, and the like was the only acceptable form of information (we’d all be “ditto heads” as Limbaugh’s followers call themselves – I shake my head as I write that).  Think about Trump having the ability to name ANY American an “enemy combatant” to be imprisoned without charges and without a right to a trial as was the scheme of Bush/Cheney in their blatant overreach using the “FEAR card” following 9/11.  Think about a Justice Department, and FBI, and an intelligence community that answers directly to Trump.  I could go on, but I hope you get my point.

This man is dangerous and the more the evidence points toward him the more dangerous he will get.  As I said above, I don’t see Trump resigning when it comes to impeachment time.  We’re going to find out how much our Congress is ruled by FEAR.  After 9/11 they willingly gave up their own rights and those of “we the people”  The “resistance” has been strong and needs to be even stronger to get the attention of members of Congress.  I pointed out early in Trump’s term that the only thing which would turn the republican congress against him would be FEAR for their jobs.  “We the people” need to make it clear to our representatives, no matter their party affiliation, that Trump and his LYING is unacceptable.  Unfortunately, I feel if we have to wait until November of 2018 to act, the damage could be catastrophic.  (which means, like it or not, we’re depending on republicans to end this disaster)  At some point there’s going to be a true national emergency and I, for one, have ZERO confidence in Trump’s ability to make a rational decision.

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