Democrats, do something!!! Please!!!

OK, if anyone ever finds this “blog” (I didn’t even know what a blog was when I started this – it always sounded like a place where you might find quick sand to me) and reads some of my posts it won’t take long for them to realize that I don’t think much of bush and that mccain is dropping fast toward the bottom of the likometer. Many people I know (and probably millions around the world) are waiting anxiously for the end of what is sometimes referred to as bush II next January 20th. (I honestly believe they call it bush II because there is another one waiting in the wings and the right wing republicans are hoping for, probably even counting on, a collective memory loss by the American public which will clear the way for bush III – good ole Jeb from Florida – you know, the one who was key to bush II getting in in the first place with the election theft of Florida’s 2000 vote – clearly won by Gore – the only presidential election in our history determined by a stacked Supreme Court – which should really give pause to anyone who is even thinking about voting for mccain as to what he could do to this country for the next 30 years just through his court appointees – I’m practicing run-on sentences – but I digress) However, a lot of damage can, and probably will, be done in these remaining few months.

I get this feeling that on the one hand you have a bunch of democrats just holding their stomachs and accepting what these people have done thinking they are “lame ducks” and there isn’t much they can accomplish that can’t be blocked in the last few months of their reign. At the same time I see the bushies planning on grabbing every dollar, destroying every regulation, and creating as much chaos as they can before it’s “over.” At one point I thought they were almost wanting to lose this election for president with the idea of saddling the incoming democtratic administration with the garbage they’ve spread around the globe along with an American economy close to in ruins and likely headed there. However, I’m beginning to think that they are going to pull out all the stops for mccain because he has proven to be such a chum, someone who is willing to say whatever the moment calls for – he’s willing to read their 3×5 cards with the neocon message on them, he’s willing to do whatever he needs to do to get them to “push” him into the White House. My thinking now is that mccain is the perfect candidate for the so-called neocons who have been gobbling up the world’s riches since the nixon years, and really hit the jackpot with bush II.

With mccain they can continue to reap the benefits of the “privatized” military and at the same time the conservatives like limbaugh, hannity, and the like will be able to blast him as being too liberal – with the objective of getting bush III into the office in 2012. Getting back to my point – there is a lot of damage that can be done between now and January 20th. Take for example the conflict with Russia in the republic of Georgia. The bushies have succeeded in framing the debate on this “crisis” as the Russians over-reacting to Sakashavilli’s (I know, I can’t spell it) attempt to “grab” South Ossetia – a small province that has “broken away” from Georgia and is heavily occupied by Russians. You don’t hear much in our so-called mainstream media about how bush/cheney/mccain have been encouraging Sakashavilli to do this – that is to challenge the Russians. Of course, Sakashavilli expected a little support from the Americans (more than the small mercenary army stationed there) and didn’t quite think this one through.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, it shouldn’t take someone who is thinking real clearly to realize that the US is about out of military options – we can’t resume the hunt for osama bin laden until we can, according to mccain, obtain “victory” in Iraq. What this does is embolden the Russians. First, I’m sure they are getting a little impatient with the US doing everything it can to undermine what was supposed to be their evolution to democracy. It shouldn’t surprise people who think logically that after originally going into Russia, after Yeltsen took over, with the friedman “privatize everything” philosophy and virtually destroying the Russian economy in the early 1990’s and then using their former satellite countries as locations for weapons systems, oil pipelines that bypass Russia, and bases for our military to operate out of – the Russians wouldn’t be too happy with us. On top of that, given our need for their oil and their accumulation of our dollars, the relationship between the two countries is rapidly changing.

Of course the bush/cheney/mccain approach to this is to continue to see Russia as the “evil empire” – at least in the propaganda they are feeding us, the US citizens who are paying attention. The main problem here – even if you agree with the neocons that Russia is still the “evil empire” – we have a bunch of morons running this government. They seem to think that everyone (the public) is stupid and that they can just do whatever they feel like under any circumstance. I mean this thing with Georgia is unbelievable to me, how they could be so incompetent. Now, keep in mind that we have had our “private” armies in this area of the world for several years now (it just wouldn’t look right to have actual American troops – read my posts on Blackwater if you want to get your hair standing on end) and we have contracted an oil pipeline from (again, I’m going to have a problem with the spelling and I’m too lazy to look up the names of these countries – but they are the countries bordering the Caspian sea, I believe) Kazhetskan through Georgia into Turkey – I’m not sure of the exact route – but if you are interested it would be easy to verify this with Google, I’m sure – taking oil from this region that comes from enormous reserves and moves it to ports that access the US and other Western nations by bypassing Russia.

These countries (Izbekestan or something that sounds something like that and the other “Caspian sea” countries) are run by some real great examples of the bush push for democracy. bush/cheney/mccain have common practices with the leaders of these countries – like torture, dictatorships, fixed elections, etc. Remember, Sakashavilli’s invasion of South Ossetia led to the deaths of thousands of Ossetians – all we hear about is the Russian response, but remember the Georgians made the first move. My point here is that this “crisis” holds much more potential for totally destabilizing that region than Iraq – it is pushing Russia into a closer relationship with Iran, and the main thing it accomplishes for the bushies is that their weapons businesses, their private armies, and their other corporate interests are bound to flourish no matter what the outcome.

There are a lot of buttons these guys can push prior to January 20th and the democratic congress – in particular nancy pelosi – have proven that “impeachment is off the table.” When the abuses are so obvious, I’m not sure who to blame most for the stuff that is happening now. At some point someone in this government had better stand up and say enough is enough – it might be too late if this situation blows up. Does anyone really think that the bushies have the diplomatic skill to negotiate some kind of practical solution to this problem. And the Russians are demonstrating to anyone who is paying attention that the US is impotent, at this point in time. I’m not sure what the next blunder is up the sleeve of these criminals (the bush administration), and I don’t hold out too much hope – but like betting on a longshot at the race track, all I can say is democrats, do something!!! Please!!!!

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