
I’m going to try to keep this one short, but if you know me, well let’s just say I know what you’re thinking!!! :o) I’ve been listening to a lot of blubber coming out of mccain’s mouth recently misusing the word “victory” again, which I still remember the republicans latching on to that word at the recommendation of a couple professors at some college back east a couple years ago when they were struggling to be more focused with their propoganda. I heard mccain say something like: both senator Obama and myself want to get our troops out of Iraq as soon as possible, the difference is that I will do it after we have “victory.” (of course then he goes into his little “cheshire cat” grin that reminds me of the bush giggle and I almost gag thinking that I might have to put up with four years of this, ughhhhh) mccain then goes on to trumpet his “judgement” in pushing for the “surge”, blaming the surge for the reduction in violence in Iraq during the last couple of years.

Whether or not you want to call this a distortion or an outright lie, well that’s your choice, but the facts indicate that the “surge” (the 30,000 troops bush sent to Iraq against the explicit will of the American people) is not the reason for the decrease in violence – surprise, surprise – it was the so-called “Awakening” – which is the “strategy” of paying Sunni Iraqis to stop killing Americans and to either break away from the group known as Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia or to fight them for us – plus the truce called by Moqtada al Sadr that led to the reduction in violence (this began 4 or 5 months prior to bush proposing the surge and almost one year prior to the actual troops of the “surge” being deployed into the field).

I believe the inherent problem with the first part of this strategy is about to rear its ugly head. What the Americans have been doing, besides paying these Sunni “insurgents” not to kill Americans (I wonder how many of them were the Iraqis that the original czar of Iraq, Paul Bremer, “fired” during the de-Baathification process after we toppled Saddam Hussein) is arming them to the teeth. My question; does anyone think that these Sunnis and the Shias in power now love each other??? Does mccain (and bush/cheney) really think that the Maliki government is going to invite these people into their government after they have killed so many Shiites?? Do bush/cheney/mccain believe these people are going to turn over their weapons, supplied to them by our government, to the Shia government that they have been in conflict with for thousands of year?? Do they all really think that Moqtada al Sadr is just going to fade quietly into the sunset??

I’ve been trying hard for several years now to understand these republican criminals. I really did try to put some kind of honorable face on their motives – you know, some reason that they would have invaded and destroyed this country besides the oil – but I keep coming up short. They have been blasting me (and you if you’re an American reading this) with propoganda since well before this adventure became a reality. And I’ve finally come to the conclusion that paying for a lull in violence that lasts long enough for another war monger to be elected president is the mccain/bush/cheney definition of VICTORY!!!!!

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