Every Day the Republican Party (MAGA) Reminds me more and more of Neville Chamberlain.

I’m no fan of “Sleepy” Donald Trump as anyone who’s been on this site would be well aware. I’ve been pointing out about the DANGER he poses to this nation since the day he took office back in 2017. My biggest mistake was thinking republicans would tire of his schtick and root him out of office – as a means of self survival. Boy was I wrong. One by one they FLIP 180 degrees from their more sane moments and do whatever they can to kiss Trump’s Butt so he won’t fire off an unflattering “tweet/untruth” their way. (I have to say, I’ve always hoped to receive one of those, but I fully understand a peon like myself spends a lot of time writing with only a few members of the cyberworld [somehow] landing on these pages.)

Trump, as anyone without their heads in the sand knows, is spending his time these days in the first of the FOUR trials he may or may not have to face – depending on factors like “we the people” and our vote, the SCOTUS who seems to be doing whatever they can to help him stall off the inevitable, and the judges in the “Espionage case” and the Georgia RICO case. I do have to say, if these judges prove to be his path to avoiding accountability this nation will be brought to her knees. (For anyone objecting to referring to America in the “feminine” I refer you to “God Bless America” – “stand beside her and guide her”) Trump is busy proving to his followers that if you have MILLIONS you can buy yourself out of being held to account. Yes, we do have a “two tier” justice system – the “foot soldiers” of the INSURRECTION are in jail, the “architect” of the INSURRECTION is still free and possibly will totally avoid accountability.

That all being said, I found it interesting Trump, according to numerous witnesses who were in the courtroom, seemed to “nod off” on several occasions during today’s proceeding. Yes, he who refers to “Sleepy” Joe Biden had his head droop to his chest in court today as he seems to slobber all over himself – something I’m good at during my 76th year on this planet – and “jerk his head up” after a bit of prodding from his attorneys. So, is Trump going to continue referring to President Biden as “sleepy?” What’s the old saying? “Don’t throw rocks out of a glass house.” And calling him “Crooked Joe” is even more of a projection!

As always, there’s more. Trump, the expert at projection is constantly suggesting President Biden “can’t put a complete sentence together” when, in reality, it’s Trump who has difficulty putting anything resembling a sentence together on the frequent occasions where he strays from the teleprompter. From whales being killed by windmills, to mistaking Biden by referring to former president Obama, to mistakenly referring to Nikki Haley as Nancy Pelosi (regarding January 6th, 2021), to suggesting President Obama was going to cause the beginning of WW II. Yes, Joe Biden has been a “stutterer” since he was a child and it creates “gaffes” when he’s speaking, but, compared to Trump, well, Biden is like a skilled linguist.

These realities, to me, highlight why our “liberal media” is so inept – or, in many cases, committed to helping Trump regain the “White House” – the level of his CORRUPT conduct be damned. I recognize I’m part of the problem. I watch MSNBC (when I watch anything) and I seem to respond with more attention when the topic, these days, is Trump in the courthouse. I would like them to spend more time on “Biden on the campaign trail” as one person I know has said, but I always end up wanting to know if today’s the day my number one issue on my bucket list – seeing Trump in jail – might be able to be checked off.

For example, today Trump – once again – appears to have violated Judge Merchan’s gag order when he posted a “conspiracy theory” which was born on – surprise, surprise – Fox “news” about the jurors. He was STRICTLY forbidden from making any public comments, in any form, regarding jurors. He has been alleged to have violated the gag order four times now, including today’s post on his social platform. My understanding is any fines the judge imposes for “contempt” of the court are limited to $1000 which Trump can pay by snatching just a few small donor donations out of his MAGA “piggy bank.” In other words, no biggee!

However, should the judge decide to set a real limit which would cause Trump to stop violating the order, like “next time you do this be prepared to be held in custody.” They wouldn’t have to put him in Rikers – I’m sure they have a cell with it’s own “commode” in the Manhattan County Jail where Trump could spend (at least) a couple weeks for stepping over the CLEAR boundary set by Judge Merchan. When I was teaching (6th graders) I discovered early on when you have a student challenge your authority you need to deal with it RIGHT NOW – or the conduct will spiral out of control.

To me, Trump is already at the point where he’s in that “spiraling out of control” phase that BULLIES go through. He’s gotten away with his reprehensible behavior since he was a child. It took a jury award of OVER $83 MILLION to get Trump to (with maybe one exception) stop defaming E Jean Carroll. Should he choose to continue, her lawyers will simply take him to court again. It appears the jury awarded enough to shut him up, however. What will it take for Judge Merchan to “shut him up?” Despite all the pundits who say you can’t put him in jail because of his Secret Service detail, to that I say “hogwash.”

I totally believe the solution to Trumps repeated challenges to these judges with his violations of the gag orders is for a judge to put him in jail. And, of course, the most important people to be protected from his wrath are the witnesses and the jury. Trump had already stepped “over the line” at least a couple times before he posted the nonsense about the selection of the jury. The judge SHOULD give him the (non consequential) fine for starters and the NEXT time he does it – and there WILL be a next time – give him a week or two in the “slammer” to think about whether or not he wants more time there – where he can nod off to sleep and it won’t be a headline.

The post in question originated from a Fox “news” host – you know, the cable network that specializes in LYING. They’ve already paid out close to 800 MILLION dollars for defaming the company which made SOME of the voting machines used in the 2020 election – claiming they were the result of – AND I’M NOT KIDDING – Hugo Chavez of Venezuela who’s been dead for years. They’re also facing a 2+ BILLION defamation lawsuit from the company which makes software for voting machines that I believe will be getting close to court time toward the end of this year. Apparently, Fox hasn’t gotten the message – but, I would recommend Trump not “repost” their conspiracy theories while he’s facing these trials.

The reason Fox (I believe it was Jesse Waters who made the original post – he’s the guy who took over for the shamed Tucker Carlson of “I love Russia” fame) is making up stuff about the jury selection is because they KNOW Trump is guilty of the charges against him. His only hope is to somehow get a MAGA faithful on the jury – with Trump’s defense counsel doing exactly what Mr. Waters was claiming the prosecution was doing (along with the judge) – pure projection which would bring a smile to Joseph Goebbels face – In an attempt to pull off what is referred to as “Jury Nullification.” It will only take one juror who refuses to consider the evidence to spoil the prosecution’s case.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Trump is “innocent until proven guilty.” Everyone deserves that “right” – even those in the MAGA world who are busy stripping as many “rights” from “we the people” as they can. Maybe the jury will listen to the evidence and conclude they don’t believe the TWO TIME impeached four time indicted so-called popular vote LOSING ex president is guilty. Who knows? But if Trump continues to violate the gag order – designed to protect the average citizens who will be on the jury from the “wrath of MAGA” (and, we all know what that means) – I believe he needs a “time out” in a jail cell. A couple weeks of using that stainless steel toilet in the corner of his cell might just get his attention. As with ALL bullies – you have to make them STOP or they will just get worse. That’s how you do it will sixth graders and apparently, Trump has never had anyone give him a firm NO in his life. That, to me, is what it will take to get him to “shut his mouth.” (And, leave his fingers off his phone)

Final Thought: I’ve pointed out here I’m almost finished reading “Prequel” by Rachel Maddow which, to me, is almost a must read. It SHOULD be part of the High School Curriculum for emerging adults – just so they know how precious our republic is and how vulnerable it is from bad actors within. The parallels between what is happening with the MAGA faithful and their relationship with Vladimir Putin and his desire for world domination to the Nazi’s of 1930’s Germany and the American Nazi’s who were appeasers (or supporters) of Hitler is sobering. As has happened many times over with world HISTORY we are seeing an example of the republican party attempting to make HISTORY repeat itself. Just stop and consider how almost unbelievable it is to have someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene being the major influencer in ANY American political party having a chance for electoral success in this nation! Yikes!!!

I kind of hope the MAGA car signs will read “Trump/Greene 2024.” Wouldn’t that explain America’s dilemma in a “nutshell?” (Pun intended!)

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