Does SCOTUS Want Two Politically Charged Cases or just ONE?

This COULD be my shortest posting ever. I was paying attention today to the ruling coming down from the D.C. Court of Appeals CONFIRMING what EVERY level headed lawyer in America understood which is that NO president could possibly be “IMMUNE” from prosecution. I mean why would the courts agree to give up their own POWER to the executive to appease the MOST corrupt president in American History. There is a long line of “precedent” which would suggest even attempting to get this past the courts was absurd on its face. However, it’s been clear to virtually EVERYONE paying attention that the argument is laughable on its face. (Of course, Trump, as a pathological LIAR, very possibly – over time – just enough of a nimwit to actually start believing his own LIES)

Here’s my point tonight. In a couple days the Supreme Court is going to be hearing the case revolving around whether or not Trump can be excluded from the ballot based on section three of the 14th Amendment. I believe that is a case probably NONE of the justices wanted to be deciding in this hyperpartisan atmosphere where the court is “approved” by the LOWEST number of Americans EVER. They fully understand they are going to get “heat” no matter how they decide that one – and, I fully expect them to find a way to prove they are ONLY “textualists” when it fits their POLITICAL views. That’s sad I feel I have to write that, but I’ve listened to too many of them violate the testimony they gave in their own confirmation hearings. Suggesting they’re not political is absurd.

However, they have the opportunity to give themselves a bit of credibility when it comes time to decide whether or not to grant “cert” to Trump’s absurd “absolute immunity” claim. They can’t possibly agree to that – it would render them as subservient to every president from here on out. Makes no sense. The ONLY thing they can do (for Trump – if that’s their compulsion) is to delay this to force Trump’s trial to happen after the election – thereby preventing “we the people” from learning whether the republican nominee is a convicted FELON. Keeping in mind, there’s no guarantee he’ll be convicted although you would have to believe Trump believes he will based on all his stall tactics.

I’m suggesting the prudent course of action by the court is to refuse to hear this case because the Court of Appeals made a detailed finding which is difficult – even for someone like me who only studied constitutional law back in the 1960’s – not to understand. I’m probably wrong here, but rationally thinking, I’m guessing the Court doesn’t want to have to deal with this case AND the 14th Amendment case at the same time. These are both cases where the court is going to face HUGE criticism for when they make a decision – no matter how they decide. Refusing cert on this case and then finding a way to keep Trump on the ballot is the off-ramp, in my view. Stay tuned!!!

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