If republicans accuse you of doing something illegal, that means they’re actually doing it themselves!

OK, I’ve got to do this: Here’s the definition of “Libertarian:”

libertarian /lĭb″ər-târ′ē-ən/


  1. One who advocates maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state.
  2. One who believes in free will.
  3. One who maintains the doctrine of the freedom of the will (especially in an extreme form): opposed to necessitarian.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition 

Most “conservatives” consider themselves “libertarian” to some degree or another. And, yes, I’m talking about republicans – just look at the definition and that’s what they – still today – (unless you look at their “policies”) would call a “typical republican.” You know, less government, more individual “freedom.” So, let’s just take a bit closer look at what I’ve been referring to as “today’s republicans” for the past 20 years. (Keeping in mind the now infamous “Koch Brothers” – only one “brother” is left – have been funding the rightward “drift” of the republican party since David Koch received about 1% of the vote in 1980 as the VP candidate of the “Libertarian Party.”

The Koch’s supported the push which ultimately got Roe v Wade overturned by the right wing Supreme Court – pushed in that direction by a web of right wing “libertarians” who want the government to stay out of their business, but don’t hesitate to get into “yours.” We’re talking about not only the right of a woman to have control over her own body, but the hypocrisy goes well beyond that. So, with the present 6 – 3 right wing majority on the court we’re seeing one “right” after another being scaled back. It’s as if the Court wants to turn “we the people” back to the Gilded Age (or worse). I’ve said many times “It’s easier to lose a ‘right’ than to get it back!

Let’s take a one by one look at some of the classic republican hypocrisy. Of course, the issue that first comes to mind is the issue of abortion. Now, as I’ve explained here several times the “abortion” issue is far from “black and white.” We’re seeing one example after another of women/girls who find themselves in dangerous circumstances – with the “media” picking up on the examples where women have the wherewithal to hire a lawyer to help them navigate what amounts to, in many instances, a life threatening circumstance. The most recent example was Kate Cox in Texas who was carrying a dying/dead fetus and Texas Attorney General (corrupt) Ken Paxton refused to allow her to have the life saving surgery she needed – causing her to leave the state to receive treatment. I’ll put it this way – if you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one. (Wouldn’t that be the “libertarian” point of view?)

“Maximizing individual rights and minmizing the role of the state?” you ask – of course not, just the opposite. This is becoming routine in the republican party – which was “libertarian” until, well, it wasn’t – which was NEVER! And, of course, as I always say, with republicans there’s always more. The other day I was watching a clip of Pete Buttigieg, the 19th Secretary of Transportation, a member of Naval Intelligence in Afghanistan, and the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He came across in this interview (with Brian Tyler Cohen) as someone who’s VERY intelligent and who “knows his stuff” when it comes to the enactment of the so-called “Bipartisan infrastructure bill” passed in President Biden’s first two years “at the helm.” Listening to him brought some excitement to mind in an area which has been “left behind” for the past couple of decades.

America is falling farther and farther behind the rest of the world when it comes to our outdated and crumbling infrastructure. FINALLY, something’s being done about it. From the roads and bridges, to the build out of high speed internet into rural areas, to the EV charging stations (and the impending buildout of EV autos), to the high speed rail projects, and a whole lot more my aging mind can’t remember – it was MOST impressive. UNLESS, of course, you’re a republican. Republicans OPPOSE anything which is intended to mitigate the effects of the Climate Crisis. (Are you paying attention young Americans) And, more disgusting, republicans OPPOSE anything done by Buttigieg because, well, he’s – dare I use the term – “queer?” He’s “gay.” He’s got a gay husband and him and his husband have adopted a set of twins. OMG, that has set the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s and Donald Trump’s “hair on fire.”

In fact, Trump made a special posting on his (un)Truth Social (network) on Christmas day giving his example of “Christmas cheer.” I won’t try to paraphrase it, that wouldn’t do, so, here it is: After directing holiday wishes to world leaders “both good and bad” Trump aimed his vitriol at, well, among others, me – as follows: “None … are as evil and ‘sick’ as the THUGS we have inside our Country who, with their Open Borders, INFLATION, Afghanistan Surrender, Green New Scam, High Taxes, No Energy Independence, Woke Military, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, All Electric Car Lunacy, and so much more, are looking to destroy our once great USA,” Trump finished his rant with “MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!”

I’ve got to spend a little time on that one (and, of course, he also attacked Joe Biden and Jack Smith, but, at this point, that should go without saying – that’s a daily ritual). First, our “borders” aren’t “open.” There are MILLIONS attempting to cross the border from Central and South America – but, President Biden can’t change the border laws – that’s up to Congress. The Biden administration is rejecting potential immigrants in record numbers – and, the idea they’re a bunch of “rapists, murderers, or terrorists” is not supported by the facts. Next, inflation his dwindled by about 70% in the last year – near the targets of the Fed. Plus, there have been record jobs numbers, record unemployment, and wages growing faster than inflation for the first time since, well, I can’t remember.

I’ll keep this one simple, the Afghanistan “surrender” was negotiated by, you guessed it, Trump. Trump essentially enabled the Taliban’s return to power – Biden simply attempted to carry out the task with the number of troops at hand (Was it awkward? Yes, but take a bit of time to check out our withdrawal from Viet Nam. It’s really hard to admit – when you’re the U.S. – you’ve been losing this “war” for the past 20 years. Next; The “Green New Scam” as Trump puts it just might allow our younger generation to have an inhabitable planet in another 30 years, just sayin…. although there’s a WHOLE lot more to do. Oh yes, taxes aren’t any higher today than they were when Trump was in office, in my view, unfortunately. I believe taxes SHOULD be higher in top incomes and, for certain, on Capital Gains taxes – which is how America’s filthy rich – yes, I’m talking about you jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, etc. etc. – gain their “salaries.” Via “stock options.” People like Bezos and Musk and Zuckerberg can’t sell their shares fast enough to dwindle their holdings – i.e., they get more stock than they sell each year. Bezos actually moved from Washington State to Miami because Washington passed a Capital Gains tax. Yowee!!! GREED is a terrible thing!

There’s no energy independence because, despite the U.S. being the world’s leading producer of oil, it is sold on the international markets – i.e. to the highest bidder. Presumably much of it ends up in America’s polluting cars, but we produce more than we use. So, really, why do we continue importing oil from places like Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela, ect.? Click HERE. So, on this one, just like the others, Trump is, surprise surprise, full of Bull Sh*t, Not sure what he means by “Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran” other than on those topics he’s also full of Bull Sh*t. Suggesting we have a “woke” military infers we actually have leaders in the military who aren’t white – which is true. If you’re a white nationalist/supremacist like Trump, well, that’s an uncomfortable feeling. (If he actually has “feelings”)

Here’s where it gets really personal for me. When he refers to the “All Electric Car Lunacy” I do take that personally, I’ve owned TWO Chevrolet Volts – the one I have now has an electric motor along with a gas generator which runs the electric motor when I use up my EV miles. Depending on the time of year I get anywhere from 50 – 70 EV miles per charge – with an additional range of about 350 miles with the gas generator. To me, a great concept, but Chevrolet quit making them in 2019. In the 7 years I’ve owned this car I’ve put about 70 gallons of gas into the generator. It costs about $25 per month to charge it if I drive it at least 1000 miles. My wife is on her 2nd Nissan Leaf which is ALL Electric and this one gets around 250 EV miles per charge and also costs about $25/ month to keep charged. When I retired in 2014 I had 32 Solar panels installed on our outbuildings and we’ve produced over 90,000 KW. of power since then – about 10,000 KW. per year.

I don’t think people like me are trying to “destroy our once great USA.” In fact, I’ve gone to great lengths to point out the USA is great, has been great – despite ALL the “warts” (like what it’s been like if you’re not white) – except for maybe the four years when Trump was in the “White House.” I have to say it was no surprise to me Trump would say in all CAPS “MAY THEY ROT IN HELL” to, apparently, people like me. Of course, he then follows that up with “Again, Merry Christmas,” as if he’s already said it. Honestly, I have to wonder how his base is made up with “Conservative Christians.” Oh yes, that gets me back to my original point – the hypocrisy of “libertarian” i.e. “conservative” republicans. That kind of language doesn’t seem compatible with the Bible I read. (I’ve read it cover to cover a couple times)

Where was I? Oh yes, the Buttigiegs. Libertarians/Conservatives are looking to roll back the progress made in America to where people who are gay no longer have to hide in the shadows and can expect the same rights and privileges as the rest of us. I knew several students in my teaching career who had “two moms” and, in every instance, the families seemed “healthy” to me. I’ve never considered it “my business” to be probing into the personal lives of anyone else. I’ve got plenty to worry about managing my own life. My understanding is we’re all equal under the law. Correct me if I’m wrong. Of course, republicans are attempting to “turn back the clock” to when that was iess evident – however, I say we’ve still got a ways to go to live up to our lofty “ideals.”

What about, for example, Voting Rights? Of course, it’s republicans attempting to restrict voting rights in state after state because they believe the fewer the number of voters the better chance they have to “win.” (In essence, they’re a minority party, and CHEATING is the only way they can win) Civil Rights? Why do you think they’ve been programming their minions to hate the word “woke?” What do you think it means? Where does it come from? Well, It comes out of the experience of Black people of knowing that you have to be conscious of the politics of race, class, gender, systemic racism, ways that society is stratified and not equal. So, when you hear a republican use the term “woke” just substitute the word “Black” and you’ll get their “drift.” With republicans, every word is a “dog whistle.”

How about education? Certainly, “libertarians aren’t hypocritical there, are they?” Well, to make this easy on you, remember, “libertarians” are republicans – so, OF COURSE they’re hypocritical there, just like (well, just about) everywhere else. Let me remind you, if you’re a student, republicans want to determine which books you can read. They absolutely want to exclude Black History (ie “woke” history) from the curriculum and they’re actually BURNING some of the best books I’ve ever read. One of my favorites was “CASTE” by Isabel Wilkerson. It was a riveting history of SLAVERY in America like I’d never read before and, of course, it’s being banned in one “red state” after another. As a retired educator, my first thought after reading it was it should be required reading in High School classes across America. As the saying goes “you’ll never solve a problem until you understand the problem exists.” I’ll let you figure that one out.

I’ve sort of mentioned the Climate Crisis – and it IS a CRISIS. Yikes! in the stomach wrenching thought Americans would re-elect Trump to another four AWFUL years (and, who knows, maybe more if he pulls off his “dictator” thing) he’s promised to “only be a dictator on day one” – which would include the promise to “drill, drill, drill” (of course, to me, that comment is simply one more statement verifying Trump is an IDIOT – because, as I pointed out above, we’re already “drill, drill, drilling.” How would it be possible to “drill, drill, drill” on “day one.” Oh yes, I remind myself Trump believes his followers are, well, STUPID and they’ll believe anything he says. (Sadly, he’s correct)

I could go on and on – republicans say they believe in “law and order” unless they’re the ones breaking the laws. Likewise, they believe in the constitution – except where it doesn’t suit their purposes. They believe in “free markets” except where it interferes with their profiteering. They believe in lower taxes unless you’re a lower socioeconomic class American – then they want to make sure you’re paying enough taxes. They believe government should avoid interfering in business, unless they are unable to make up their own rules in running their own business. (ie, serving queer people, etc.) With republicans you can pick the issue and, in essence, the hypocrisy is a never ending cycle. Trump, in his business, is about to be adjudicated, once more, a massive fraudster – likely being kicked out of doing business in New York. He thinks he should be able to commit whatever FRAUD he wants and, of course, the government should stay out of it. Do you see how this works? Maybe this is a better way to put this – if republicans accuse you of doing something illegal, that means they’re actually doing it! For example, how many gay republicans have made their “mark” by bashing gays? Full Stop!

Final Thought: Do you still believe Trump “didn’t do it?” When it comes to the 91 FELONIES he’s been charged with? Really? OK, Do you still believe Trump was telling the “truth” when he said ALL twenty five women who came forward and claimed he’s sexually assaulted them were LYING? Really? Did the jury get it wrong when they said Trump was guilty of, in essence, raping E. Jean Carroll? You know the woman he said “is not my type” and then identified her in his deposition for the trial as his first wife. Really? (And OBTW – the next E. Jean Carroll trial will simply be for the jury to decide damages – this should be no surprise – right after Trump was declared guilty of “defaming” her by the jury – right on que he DEFAMED her once again. (I’m anxious to see if he’ll do it once again, a third time, after this next verdict.

Did you notice the punitive damages awarded the two Georgia election workers who were defamed by Rudy Giuliani? Should Trump be a bit nervous – we’re talking $10 MILLION plus potential punitive damages – which, if I understand it correctly, can be four times compensatory damages – the $10 MILLION. That could potentially be $50 MILLION! That, and in the middle to end of January, the verdict – meaning how much he’ll owe in DAMAGES – will come down in Trump’s FRAUD case in Manhattan. New York’s Attorney General has sued for $250 MILLION – I’ve heard reports the final amount could be between $500 MILLION and $1 BILLION. Will that be enough to shut Trump’s mouth – or will he have to be heading to jail to SHUT the f*#k up? The walls are closing in and the ONLY thing he knows how to do is to lash out and ATTACK his “enemies.” It seems to me he simply keeps COMPOUNDING his problems – while GRIFTING his minions – who he treats as if they’re STUPID – for even more of their hard earned MONEY! They keep paying, does that mean his right? Stay tuned……..

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