Trump envisions himself as being the American version of Putin by retaking the “White House” and, apparently declaring himself president for life!

As a (liberal) Christian I’m not supposed to “hate” anyone and I’m trying hard to fulfill that part of my beliefs. That being said I’m going to attempt to choose my words carefully – I’m DISGUSTED with republicans. Now, I know a lot of republicans – in fact, my guess is a LARGE percentage of those who attend my church are republicans and I’m not disgusted with virtually any of them. I usually play it safe and don’t broach the subject of “politics” with any of them – and, in the rare cases where it comes up the conversations end quickly because it quickly becomes obvious the person I’m talking to is a purveyor of right wing media, usually Fox “news.” The last example, I made a “joke” about Trump going to jail and the response was “he’ll be there with the Biden Crime Family.” End of conversation!

Why am I “disgusted” with republicans? Let me attempt to “count the ways.” The first thing that comes to mind is the young lady in Texas who was, in essence, carrying a deceased fetus and the Texas Supreme Court – after an appeal of a district court decision – said this woman was not able to get a “D & C” (dilation and curettage) which is the “long term” for an abortion (or other “cleaning out of the uterus.”) I had no idea a “D & C” referred to an abortion until recently as the issue has become more “in the news” because of anti abortion laws spreading around the nation. This lady in Texas received THREATS from (CORRUPT) Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton as did with her doctors and the hospital she would have received this life saving care from – THREATENING felonies with penalties potentially of life in prison and fines up to $100,000. Pro life???

Fortunately, this lady had the means to leave the state to get the health care she so desperately needed but couldn’t get in her home state. In the last month she had been to the Emergency room four times. I will be watching to see what happens when she returns to Texas – or if she can return to Texas because I’ve read reports where they don’t consider leaving the state as making women protected from the Texas abortion law. Now, I’m not someone who would support an abortion (in my family) as “birth control” but I’m always reminded that the first time my wife became pregnant she had a miscarriage. She was actually prescribed a (cortizone) cream at the Emergency room which clearly caused the miscarriage – a “D & C.” was performed for her safety and to preserve her ability to have children in the future. I keep thinking had this pregnancy happened today and we lived in Texas her life would have been in danger. At the time we in no way had the means to leave the state to get the needed procedure.

The reality is, in places like Texas, becoming pregnant is potentially a “life threatening illness.” Women are forced there to carry a miscarriage to the point of becoming septic which is, in itself, life threatening. It was Donald Trump who proudly put three members on the Supreme Court (with the help of Mitch McConnell) on the court with the publicly stated expectation they would overturn Roe v Wade – the policy of the previous 50 years allowing women to be able to have needed medical care based on decisions they made with their doctors. Ironically, it’s become republicans who’ve decided they need to intervene in the private lives of the American people – completely OPPOSITE of their so-called “conservative/libertarian” beliefs. I’ve come to the conclusion they have no beliefs – other than doing what they believe will keep them in good standing with Trump.

Will the American public simply ignore the FACT America’s women will now have their personal health care decisions determined by (mostly) republican men like Ken Paxton? (His common denominator with Trump is they’re both facing charges of CORRUPTION – Paxton was actually IMPEACHED by the Texas legislature) Will the husband’s of American women accept that should their wives or someone else in their family have a similar experience to the above mentioned woman in Texas they should simply carry a dead fetus to term and “hope for the best?” In the case involving my own wife she was taken to surgery immediately because it was a serious threat to her health – PLUS – her future ability to have children. (I’m happy to say she, later, was able to carry two beautiful little girls to term – both who now have their own families)

It honestly makes me a bit angry everytime I witness (from afar, of course) another example of a woman going through pregnancy as a life threatening “illness.” (I really don’t know how else to say it) Think of ALL the women in places like Texas who don’t have the means to travel to another state to get the health care they need. Most women I’ve known WANT (or wanted – I’m very old) to have children. As a sixth grade teacher in a high poverty school I witnessed MANY children who had moms who desperately loved them but who – the circumstances varied greatly – were struggling to parent them. In almost every instance that comes to mind as I’m writing this I’m talking about single moms. Working hard in an attempt to survive financially without the means to afford child care would create incredibly difficult circumstances. I have etched in my brain a young boy telling me he and his mom had a package of hot dogs and a half a loaf of bread to make it until Monday (it was Friday) when his mom would get paid.

I’m in no way suggesting someone should get an abortion because – short of the circumstances I mentioned above – I would oppose it – in my own family. (Several years ago I came to the conclusion “if you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one”) I just bring this up because the issue with this woman in Texas reminds me of why I’m disgusted with republicans. It was Donald Trump who – I remember this from an interview, I believe it was on MSNBC back in 2016 as they were attempting to “both sides” the campaign with Hillary Clinton, (which they’re doing once again) when Trump said “The woman who gets an abortion should be “punished.” Does that mean jail? he was asked if my memory is correct, and he answered in the affirmative. I don’t think he’ll be able to run away from the issue of abortion in the upcoming election and, remember, over half the nation’s voters are WOMEN! Remember, it seems as if these republicans have no intentions for the “men” to get “punished.”

Is the abortion issue the only reason I’m “disgusted” with republicans? Not even close. But there’s another one which was at the top of the “news” today and that’s the war in Ukraine. Shockingly, republicans are blocking further aid to Ukraine! I almost can’t even believe I’m being led to write this. Vladimir Putin is jumping for joy. Are the republicans going to save him? Why on earth would they do this? OK, anyone without their “head in the sand” knows Trump idolizes Putin. He envisions himself as being the American version of Putin by retaking the “White House” and, apparently declaring himself president for life – or something, something…..

Here’s the deal. Trump was hell bent on destroying NATO (as the greatest favor he could give to Putin) had he won the election in 2020. He was close to accomplishing that (TERRIBLE) goal prior to the pandemic. To make matters worse for Trump, Joe Biden not only has led the FIGHT to stop Putin in Ukraine (and, beyond had Putin been able to take over “in a matter of days” as originally planned – remember Trump referred to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as “genious”) but Biden has also pulled NATO back together and led a strengthening of the Alliance, including NATO adding Finland and Sweden due to their concern Putin could attack them as well. The thought republicans might actually BLOCK additional aid to Ukraine making it possible for Putin to potentially win the war makes my stomach curdle. Republicans actually want the Ukrainians to cede portions of their country to Russia in order to get the fighting to stop. Again, I’m having a hard time believing what I feel compelled to write.

So, abortion, Ukraine, is that it? Of course not! There’s not enough space in this document for me to list everything – and, if you’ve been around this site before you’ve got a good idea what’s coming next – but, I’m going to list a few more reasons why I’m “disgusted” with republicans – anyway, and, I don’t expect myself to go back to the days of GW Bush/Cheney or Reagan/HW Bush or even back to Nixon. (OBTW – Watergate “stuff” has been back in the news regarding Trump attempting to avoid accountability similarly to Nixon) Let’s start with the Climate Crisis. To Trump or to people like me (old people) the reality our young people are facing is, compared to what we’ve lived through, well, not even close to similar. The last I heard was we are already facing what Climate Scientists refer to as “Global Tipping points.” This from the “Guardian:” (To which I subscribe)

“Tipping points in the Earth system pose threats of a magnitude never faced by humanity,” said Tim Lenton, from the University of Exeter’s Global Systems Institute. “They can trigger devastating domino effects, including the loss of whole ecosystems and capacity to grow staple crops, with societal impacts including mass displacement, political instability and financial collapse.

The tipping points at risk include the collapse of big ice sheets in Greenland and the West Antarctic, the widespread thawing of permafrost, the death of coral reefs in warm waters, and the collapse of one oceanic current in the North Atlantic.

Unlike other changes to the climate such as hotter heat waves and heavier rainfall, these systems do not slowly shift in line with greenhouse gas emissions but can instead flip from one state to an entirely different one. When a climatic system tips – sometimes with a sudden shock – it may permanently alter the way the planet works.”

Keep in mind, Trump is a confirmed “Climate denier.” Part of his “Dictator on day 1” strategy is to “drill, drill, drill.” To me, the man is “disgusting.” Of course he is, he’s a republican! (And, of course, his “day 1” will last for, well, until he’s finally IMPEACHED and removed from office – that is if republicans ever get the “stones” to do so – although, I’m with Liz Cheney, “we the people” MUST make sure he’s NEVER close to the Oval Office EVER again!

At the recent COP28 United Nations Climate Conference – held in the United Arab Emerates – according to US negotiator John Kerry a “breakthrough agreement was reached.” The goal is to reduce the use of fossil fuels to “zero” by 2050. Obviously, people like me and Trump won’t be around at that time, but you can bet any agreement signed by the Biden administration will be “torn up” the day Trump re-enters the Oval Office if that terrible day ever occurs. And, the interesting thing about his “drill, drill, drill” promise is that the United States is already the world’s leading oil producer. (We’re also the largest oil “user.” We seem to like gas guzzlers)

That’s a lot of words to explain the previously mentioned “reasons republicans disgust me.” (Interesting fact: one in four billionaires gained their fortune via fossil fuels) In summary women SHOULD be voting against Trump (and republicans down the ballot) because of the attack on their bodily autonomy. “We the people” SHOULD be voting against republicans because they’re siding with Vladimir Putin in the Ukraine war. (Unthinkable to me!) And, all of us, especially younger Americans – like my children and grandchildren (only one who’s old enough to vote) SHOULD be attempting to vote out of office any republican we can because of the Climate issue.

As usual, with republicans, however, there’s always more! Across the country, states with republican led legislatures are also passing one law after another aimed at suppressing the vote. And, are you STUPID enough to think their aim is republican voters? Of course not! That is an issue that could possibly be fixed if “we the people” would give President Biden a Congress which has a larger percentage of progressive democrats – especially in the Senate where the filibuster has been a (Jim Crow era) “road block” to Voting Rights legislation. Which leads me to another reason why republicans disgust me and why “we the people” SHOULD be voting for democrats up and down the “ticket” for a generation. (Keep in mind, I’ve NEVER been a registered democrat – I’ve considered myself an independent since the first day I cast a ballot back in 1968)

The Supreme Court. Reversing Roe is NOT the only reason the Supreme Court is a dangerous co-conspirator with right wing republicans attempting to, in essence, overturn our constitution and turn America into, at a minimum, what I’ve called a Mussolini type fascist state – that is (and, some would suggest we’re already there) a corporate/government partnership. I mean, have you paid attention to what people like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel, etc. are saying and doing? The Court has made it possible for these filthy RICH Americans to just keep piling up the “dough” and find creative ways to avoid paying taxes. (Jeff Bezos recently moved from my state – Washington – to Miami, Florida because – well my state is expecting RICH people to “pay their fair share” of taxes. Disgusting, from my viewpoint)

Let’s start with the Court imposing the Bush/Cheney administration on “we the people” – which led to the DISASTROUS (and illegal) invasion of Iraq. (I won’t get into the TORTURE authorized by Bush AND Cheney). Then came the (disastrous) “Citizen’s United” decision which led Mitt Romney to (infamously) say “Corporations are people my friend.” A “headnote” in a decision back in the 1880’s was used by Sam Alito and John Roberts to turn corporations into people in the “Citizens United” case and the Court has been granting more “rights” to corporations, ‘inch by inch” ever since. Corporate money has FLOODED our electoral process since Citizen’s United to the point where “Super PAC’s” are commonplace and DISGUSTING! My point: The Supreme Court will have this right wing “bent” for a generation and “we the people” MUST vote AGAINST republicans for that issue alone. Can you imagine if the right wing majority became 7 – 2? (Or worse – at least now, the issue could be mitigated by expanding the court where there would be an equal number of seats to the number of Circuits – 13)

Civil Rights, Education, issues like College admissions practices, book bans, gun rights and gun laws, the right to be able to choose the person you love, and on and on. If you look at American History, virtually every “right” “we the people” seemed to have come to take for granted – the 40 hour work week, child labor laws, Food inspectors being regulated, Water quality being regulated, CO2 emissions being regulated, Car seats for children being regulated, Seat belts in cars (they weren’t there when I was young), Social Security and Medicare (which, BTW republicans want to tear apart instead of making them STRONGER), Women’s rights (remember women couldn’t even vote until about 1920), Hiway laws and regulations, the building up of the “commons” (schools, libraries, Post offices, Court houses, etc. etc. – virtually ALL of these are the result of “liberals” fighting for change.

And, I keep saying: “rights are much easier to lose than to regain.” Many of the people I know who are republicans have NO idea what they’re actually supporting. For example, many of them my age depend on Social Security (to varying degrees) and Medicare. I don’t think they support cutting them back as proposed by the new “Speaker of the House.” I don’t think many of them either understand what Trump is actually proposing (“I’m your retribution,” etc.) or believe he’d actually follow through on his “promises.”

I know several who don’t believe Trump committed any criminal conduct – let alone enough for 91 FELONIES. I actually know grown republican men who don’t believe there was a violent attack on the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. That, despite the visual evidence to the contrary. They watch Fox “news” and you can’t even talk to them about it or SHOW them the PROOF that THOUSANDS of INSURRECTIONISTS attacked the nation’s Capitol injuring over 150 police officers and leading to at least 7 deaths. And, despite taking part in the “Lock her up” chants regarding Hillary Clinton’s private email server they believe it was OK for Trump to have STOLEN hundreds of our nation’s top secrets and, apparently, shared some of those secrets somewhat routinely with others. (And, therefore, it was OK to refuse to return the documents when ordered to via a legal subpoena) Speaking of “Lock her Up” chants – republicans don’t see the irony in the Trumps, Kushner, and others in the “White House” using personal cell phones for communications likely listened to by the Russians. (Kushner was regularly using “What’s App” to communicate with MBS)

I’ve already surpassed the limit I had in mind when originally following this thought as I’ve – over the last week or so – watched republicans in Texas attempt to force a pregnant woman with a fetus which was dying or had already died to carry this, essentially, dead tissue to term. People like Ken Paxton (facing multiple indictments) and Trump (facing NUMEROUS indictments), well, I kept telling myself it’s wrong to “hate” them – and, I really don’t “hate” them – but, the truth is they and many of their brethren disgust me. The members of my church who’ve been “sucked in to Trump’s CULT don’t disgust me, because I really believe they don’t understand what they’re supporting as republicans – and they are constantly bombarded by bile (ie disgusting) propaganda because they get their “news” from Fox or Newmax or worse.

Should they be able to sort out the LIES from the “truth?” Yes, I believe they should – the people I’m talking about are “educated” adults. It’s just that when you learn about how effective the “Big Lie Theory” has been since the day Hitler came up with it you begin to understand why you can’t have a “dialogue” about politics with them. For example, if you point out how 25% of our national debt was accrued under Trump, they just won’t believe you – just like any other issue you attempt to have a rational discussion over. (Heck, they even believe Trump tells them the truth – that, honestly, makes me feel a bit hopeless in communicating with them – to me, that’s just stupid! It’s very similar to republicans voting against legislation and then taking credit for the good it creates “back home.” In this case, republicans I know take for granted “blessings” which resulted from “liberals” while telling me they “hate” liberals – calling them “socialists” or – whatever. Republican leaders have been working to convince their minions to “hate” liberals since the days of Newt Gingrich – to me, the “father” of all this division. Hopefully, you get my drift. I’m saddened my thinking has evolved to this place, but, “it is what it is.”

Final Thought: During this past week while House republicans were refusing to vote for aid to Ukraine (or Israel, for that matter) before giving themselves a four week “vacation,” many of the most DISGUTING members of their party were meeting in Washington DC with none other than Viktor Orban, the neo-fascist RULER of Hungary who’s attempting to prevent the EU from also sending aid to Ukraine. Putin has a bevy of “cheerleaders” around the world like Trump, Orban, Erdogan, MBS, MBZ (The Crown Prince of the United Arab Emerates), el Sissi in Egypt, and, to a degree Netanyahu – dictators (or wannabe dictators) all. You have right wing groups meeting, like Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA where the anti-semitism is so thick you could “cut it with a knife.” Steve Bannon’s lining up right wing neo-Nazi groups all across Europe (and, of course, in the U.S.A. – plus he’s back in Trump’s good graces) and who knows what Roger Stone is doing – although, we can assume it’s “no good.” Trump’s crowds cheer his references to Hitler in his recent speeches – which he continues to repeat – “immigrants are poisoning our blood” democrats are “vermin” and he’ll only be a dictator on “day 1.”

Here’s his view of “day 1:” day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, day1, etc. etc. OK, hopefully you get my drift! Stay tuned….

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