Earth to Media: Trump (and republicans) are using the propaganda tools of Hitler’s Nazi Germany!

The republican led House of Representatives is apparently proceeding with an “Impeachment Inquiry” on Joe Biden based on conspiracy theories related to his son Hunter Biden. Now, keep in mind that if Special Counsel David Weiss indicts Hunter Biden, as he has suggested, I believe the odds are strong that Biden will be acquitted. (Sure enough, Weiss indicted him) I mean, public evidence suggests the charges will relate to him paying two years of taxes LATE – but, ultimately, paying them. Plus, when he was using drugs he purchased a gun and lied about his drug abuse. (Was he buying the gun to kill himself???) The gun was thrown away within two weeks of when he bought it and was never loaded. In both instances it would be a rare occasion for ANYONE to be charged. What are the right wingers in the House going to do if H. Biden is acquitted?

Republicans are doing their usual right wing smear job – intended fully to reduce Joe Biden’s poll numbers – as they attempt to connect Biden in some kind of way to nefarious behavior when he was Vice President. Here’s what’s curious to me: It was when he was Vice President – not while he’s been president – even if they find something from 8 years ago – just think of what would happen if we looked back to four or five years prior to Trump running for the presidency. What if Jared Kushner’s behavior while in office PLUS while after he left office squeezing a couple BILLION out of the Saudi’s and another BILLION from other Middle Eastern Countries – for an “investment group” which he was unqualified to manage. (Kushner’s reported “return” is a salary of a “cool” $25 MILLION per year. (As the saying goes: “Nice work if you can get it.”)

Personally, I have no problem with republicans opening this “inquiry” because it will simply further show “we the people” the incompetence of republicans given the “keys” to a functioning government. While this “inquiry” is proceeding it appears House republicans are going to “shut down” the government because, well, they have no idea what they’re doing and that’s what they do. Here’s what they’re good at: Blaming others for their own inadequacies. When they shut down the government one thing is certain – they will find myriad ways to BLAME Biden and the democrats. And, because so many Americans are (sorry) STUPID when it comes to politics, many will believe the LIES.

Republicans also want to IMPEACH several other members of Biden’s cabinet – including Merrick Garland. I say, “have at it.” If that’s what they call governing, well, then if America doesn’t do what I’ve been lobbying for the past 20 years and vote these people into the History books they/we deserve what we get. Trump is all about “retribution” and he’s got a long list of those he wants to “get even with” (although, I believe, not ONE of them has been accused of 91 FELONIES). Trump, of course, is planning to use his re-election bid as his “get out of jail free card” but I’ve got news for him – none of the prosecutors are playing “monopoly.” He’s in deep “doo doo” and he well could be confined by the 2024 election (even pending appeal). We’ll see if the “two tiered” justice system republicans continue to complain about continues – for example, what member of BLM post 4 INDICTMENTS with 91 alleged FELONIES would be walking around with his or her freedom? (OK, that was rhetorical – the obvious answer is NONE!)

Now, does Biden need to push back against all these frivolous “charges” coming from the House? Well, of course he probably must because, in essence, the goal of the republicans is to cause people to believe s@#t that doesn’t even resemble something which is true. Being “true” is beside the point. Today, I was thinking how Biden could push back, including if something like a presidential debate would be where it would happen. Here’s how I think that pushback should go.

Picture Biden and Trump debating with Trump pushing the same old $3.5 Million payment to Hunter Biden from the Mayor (or his wife) of Moscow – a truly bogus claim which has already been proved (over and over) to be false. Here’s how Biden should answer: “Hunter was not a “senior adviser” in my office at the alleged time AND no one has accused him of squeezing or even trying to squeeze $2 BILLION out of anyone but agreeing to accept $3.5 Million. I can’t imagine anyone having a son, or for that matter a son-in-law who would take $2 BILLION from anyone who his father had close political relations with. Now, keep in mind, the charges against my son (they will have been resolved by this time) were for paying his taxes late and, of course, I don’t condone ANYONE paying taxes late – or, for that matter, not paying taxes at all – which I don’t consider to be ‘smart.'” (Mike drop!)

Trump’s foremost objective, at this point in time, is attempting to (somehow) stay out of jail. I’m sure he believes the best way to do that is to cheat his way into the “White House” once again. At the same time he continues to use the “Big Lie Theory” (originated in Germany by Adolf Hitler) in an attempt to pollute the jury pool in his upcoming trial(s) along with ginning up his rabid followers in order to encourage violence should he be convicted in any of his trials. The judge, the prosecutors, the grand jurors, the potential jurors, the witnesses – ALL of them he’s attempting to put in the “crosshairs” (figuratively or literally) of these MAGA “crazies” you see driving around with a Trump flag flapping from the back of their pickup truck.

Jack Smith has FINALLY requested the judge put, in essence, some tape across Trump’s mouth when it comes to talking about the case pending before her court. Of course, he won’t listen to her and he’ll keep pushing until she, quite possibly, has to have him locked up. (Likely, if it gets to that, she’ll put him under house arrest in Mar-a-lago – unless that doesn’t work either. Will he FORCE her to actually jail him – thinking his followers will attempt to “spring him?” You might ask, why does he just keep “flapping” his mouth? Some people actually think he’s the deranged one. I’m not there.

He (and his republican sycophants) keep repeating their LIES over and over with the belief if they do so enough people will believe the LIES to actually be true. Trump simply needs to get ONE juror to refuse to even consider the evidence against him and he will either be acquitted or he’ll get a “hung jury.” Would Jack Smith (and Merrick Garland) try him again? (Personally, I doubt it) On top of that the House republicans are doing the “Hillary Clinton treatment” on both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris – and, you have to wonder if the democrats understand what is happening? Or the so-called “liberal media?” By repeating LIES about Joe Biden re: Hunter Biden OVER and OVER again they are causing more and more Americans – who are unsuspecting – to believe the garbage they’re spewing is actually true. If you remember, they did this post Ben Ghazi on Hillary Clinton. Enough Americans believed the LIES to have an affect on the 2016 election.

I’m presently reading “Proof of Conspiracy” by Seth Abramson which lays out – step by step – how the Russians, along with the Saudi’s, the Emirati’s, the Egyptians, and the Israeli’s were part of a conspiracy to help Trump “win” the 2016 election. We’re already seeing signs of this “conglomerate” forming for the 2024 election. Do you really believe our elections don’t have interested parties overseas? Just think about it. Vladimir Putin is already at work attempting to prop up Trump and do you actually think the Saudi’s or the Israeli’s or the Emirati’s don’t want Trump in office once again? MBS and MBZ didn’t fork over close to $3 BILLION to Jared Kusher out of the kindness of their hearts! If you know about these two, their hearts are not “kind,” And if you think Benjamin Netanyahu has a “kind” heart, I’ve got a bridge to ……… These are all countries and leaders operating under the guise of authoritarianism. (i.e. fascism – defined here) These are all rulers who benefited from Trump’s first (and hopefully only) term in office.

Here’s the bottom line – the elected republicans in the House and Senate are either corrupt along with Trump (remember, almost 150 of them voted to overturn the 2020 election even after the INSURRECTION) or totally COWARDS – knowing what’s “right” but afraid to say so because their job means more to them than their country. These are ALL people who took an oath to the constitution and a case could be made that every one who attempted to participate in Trump’s coup d’etat SHOULD be ineligible to be part of this or any government entity in the United States by virtue of section 3 of the 14th Amendment to that very constitution. And, to think they’re using a propaganda strategy devised by Adolph Hitler makes it even worse for me. I don’t know how many times I’ve thought: “Earth to media; Trump (and republicans) are using the propaganda tools of Hitler’s Nazi Germany!” Would that matter to MAGA republicans? Likely not (if you’ve ever had a conversation with someone who watches Fox “news” you know what I’m talking about), But “we the people” SHOULD know why Trump et al keep LYING – over and over!

Final Thought: Trump has been bullying his way through life since his father listed him the heir of his apartment conglomerate. (Many referred to them as “slumlords”) For those of you who still question whether or not Trump is a RACIST – it all started way back when the Justice Department “dinged” them (Him and his Dad) for refusing to rent to African Americans. That was followed by Trump’s famous full page add suggesting the “Central Park Five” (who, by the way, were ALL innocent) be executed for the crime they didn’t commit. And, on and on, up until he was the “front person” for the “birther” movement, followed by labeling Mexicans as murderers and rapists, and then referring to African nations as “Shithole countries.” As someone I can’t remember who it was once said – when someone shows you who they are, believe them.

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