I agree with Liz Cheney: “Trump can NEVER get even close to the White House EVER AGAIN!”

Donald Trump was campaigning in New Hampshire today and came into contact with a “J sixer” as the crowd called her – a woman who had to be physically removed from the Capitol during the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021 by SIX police officers – and was able to get Trump to sign “the backpack I was wearing during the INSURRECTION,” (OK, I included the word “insurrection”) and he took a “selfie” with her, gave her the pen he used to sign her backpack, and said, “you’re going to be all right.” She was found GUILTY of a felony and sentenced to 180 days in jail (and served 161 of those days). What she’s been saying is typical republican projection – but, just the same very interesting and ironic.

In a recent interview with a reporter from MSNBC/NBC she said the members of Congress (along with Mike Pence) were “traitors” and she was going to prove it in her trial – which, evidently, she was unable to do. When asked “what do you think the punishment should be for these members of Congress who voted to certify Joe Biden’s VICTORY?” (My emphasis) Her response was “execution” – she then added, it’s in the constitution that “traitors” should be “executed.” (Keep in mind she was carrying a QAnon Flag when arrested) I couldn’t help but think – “be careful what you wish for.”

The reality is the “TRAITORS” were the people who stormed the Capitol AND the members of Trump’s team (including Trump, of course) who instigated their assault on our republic. Apparently, the Justice Department is going “easy” on all the OVER one THOUSAND people charged in the INSURRECTION – soon to be a bunch more as soon as Jack Smith finishes his investigation into the “J 6th” coup d’etat. Otherwise, we’d have seen a bunch of executions by now! Of course, including this wacked out woman. (Actually, several “Proud Boys” are in the final stages of their “Seditious Conspiracy” trial – with the jury on their 7th day of deliberations – speaking of TRAITORS – ALERT! Four of the “Proud Boys” who “stood back and stood by” were found GUILTY of Sedition)

I’ve long ago pointed out Trump, John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Scott Perry, Jeffrey Clark, Matt Gaetz, Mo Brooks, Ginni Thomas, and a whole bunch more were co-conspirators in an attempt to overthrow our elected government – ie, once again, TRAITORS. So, if we follow this lady’s view of the “constitution” – well, I think you get my drift. I honestly don’t believe Trump and his sycophants will face “execution” for their SEDITIOUS conduct, but they COULD be facing a few years behind bars. (And, Trump will likely get the “penthouse” cell should he be CONVICTED.) If Trump ends up being convicted for INSTIGATING the INSURRECTION, I hope he loses his government pension and his Secret Service protection – along with the rest of his family.

Trump understands the “hammer” is coming shortly – which is why his republican minions – including his dense sons – are referring to every group of Americans protesting some of the egregious legislation republicans are attempting to ram through state Houses as “insurrectionists.” Of course, the one thing missing from these protests are the assaults on the police officers there to protect the people on the floor of the various legislatures. I’m not surprised Don Jr. can’t tell the difference from a public protest in a House gallery by peaceful protestors and the MOB that attacked America’s Capitol – when the building was closed to the public – injuring OVER 140 members of the Capitol and Metropolitan Police Departments – some of them being permanently disabled on January 6th, 2021, but the rumors are he’s not all that bright. Additionally, that assault was intended to overturn a PRESIDENTIAL election and, as the INSURRECTIONISTS chanted, they wanted to “hang Mike Pence.” Am I missing something here?

The INSURRECTIONISTS were armed with everything from the sharpened ends of the flag poles they used on the police officers, to tazors, to hand guns – and, the “OATHKEEPERS” who’ve been convicted of “Seditious Conspiracy” having a weapons “stash” nearby Washington DC setting up a “quick reaction force” where the weapons could be brought to the INSURRECTION quickly. I suppose they were hoping the Capitol Police would open fire on the crowd which would have “triggered” their “quick reaction force.” Who knows, but a group of the OATHKEEPERS will be spending the next (possibly) 20 years behind bars. I have a former student who is serving 15 years in the Washington State Pennitentary for far less than what these people did. (Although, I’m not making excuses for him – someone who grew up in a gang family – my wife and I – we both had him in Middle School classrooms – correspond with him periodically)

Despite everything going on with “teflon Don” I’m still somewhat befuddled that the so-called “family value” republicans seem more enamored with him the more trouble he faces. Usually, the 34 FELONY counts for which he’s been indicted in a Manhattan, N.Y. courthouse would be enough for MOST politicians to be “done.” Yet, according to polling since that time, his “numbers” have gone up since. Being credibly accused of RAPING someone over 25 years ago and facing the charge in a civil lawsuit would doom MOST politicians (the democrats, in essence, banned Al Franken for patting a few ladies on their “behinds” at the Minnesota State Fair – seemingly because female Senators couldn’t “stomach” such behavior). It remains to be seen should Trump be found guilty in the civil case vs. E. Jean Carroll – whether or not his numbers will go up.

And, that’s just the “tip of the iceberg.” The “real” charges, in my view will be coming from Jack Smith in the January 6th investigation where Trump could face up to FIVE felony indictments with several subject to prison sentences of 20 years – including, to me, the obvious one – SEDITION. (I remind you of his sycophant mentioned above suggesting what the “constitution calls for the punichment of TRAITORS) Plus, we have no idea what Trump was doing with the approximately 300+ Classified documents – many of the highest level of TOP SECRET – with rumors being he was showing them to “guests” (or ????) at Mar a Lago – while, it appears, he was OBSTRUCTING investigators who were trying to get the documents returned to the National Archives. If you believe ALL the documents have been returned, well, you’re a lot smarter than me. I just wonder where the rest of them are “hiding.”

Obstruction of Justice carries a sentence of 5 to 20 years depending on the circumstances. (Once again, I remind you – Trump “got away with” arguably 10 instances of OBSTRUCTION in the Mueller report – thanks to William Barr’s LYING coverup AND Merrick Garland’s lack of will. (Mueller, in his report, stated he “memorialized” the evidence of the OBSTRUCTION for when Trump was no longer “covered” by the OLC memo stating “a sitting president may not be indicted.” After Trump left office it appears AG Garland wasn’t interested! As Mueller pointed out, OBSTRUCTION is a fundamentatlly serious offense. If Trump faces charges for the STOLEN documents found at Mar a Lago I’m certain it will be OBSTRUCTION of justice.

During the last year of Trump’s time in office as the Covid-19 pandemic was spreding across America (and, Trump was BUMBLING his way “through” it) I mentioned on several occasions that between Trump and Mitch McConnell – their “success” was impeded by their STUPIDITY. I still believe, had they chose to listen to Nancy Pelosi when she got the democratic controlled House to pass the “HEROES” Act, Trump would have, likely, won re-election. Makes me shudder to even think this once again. The “HEROES” Act was designed, in the words of Pelosi, to “crush the virus.” Trump’s incompetent response to the “virus” was, in my mind, what “did him in.” And, of course, McConnell played his part in it because republicans controlled the Senate at that time. By the time January 6th, 2021 rolled around I believe many republicans had “had enough” of Trump and they, again, were given the opportunity by Ms. Pelosi to end the Trump “nightmare” once and for all.

Pelosi led IMPEACHMENT number TWO giving the republicans in the Senate the chance to vote to convict Trump and end his reign on their party for good. Had they voted to convict Trump he would have no longer been eligible to hold ANY office in the federal government EVER again! That’s all they had to do – but, NO, McConnell couldn’t make himself do it – despite, after voting to “aquit” giving a speech which made me, at least, wonder what was going on in his head – essentially, saying Trump was guilty. (Which, anyone paying attention KNEW already) Another example of republican STUPIDITY. And, McConnell is right in the middle of all of the STUPID despite being recognized as a superb tactitian by most observers of the Senate. Go figure!

So, as of the time I’m writing this, Trump has been the catalyst for three successive failed election cycles from the perspective of republicans and, it appears to me, if republicans actually nominate Trump once again in 2024 it will be a fourth successive failed election for republicans (although the way the Senate is “lining” up for 2024 the likelihood of republicans gaining control, I believe, is very high. Democrats will be defending over twice as many seats as republicans – although, my hope is young Americans from 18 – 35 will vote in record numbers and vote AGAINST republicans. Virtually EVERY issue which resonates with young Americans; Health insurance, guns, Climate Change, housing, education, student loan forgiveness, child care, abortion and more are issues where republicans are on the wrong side.

And, the issue of the Courts – if democrats message it correctly, will be a DRIVING issue for the next generation – because voting for a republican for president is risking an even MORE extreme Supreme Court – not to mention the lower courts. We’ve seen with the incredibly “creative” thinking of the Judge in Texas – appointed by Trump (and, another alleged CORRUPT judge via the confirmation process) – who banned “mifeprestone” the so-called “abortion pill” after over two decades of safe useage since the FDA approved it – opening up a potential “can of worms” for other FDA approved drugs – that judicial overreach is becoming almost commonplace. “Trump judges” are “legislating from the bench” (well, I should say republican appointed judges because Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas weren’t appointed by Trump) on “freedoms” many Americans had long ago taken for granted – the most obvious being, of course, Roe v Wade and abortion.

Leaders around the world (less Trump’s dictator friends) are cringing at the thought “we the people” might put him or someone like him back into the “White House.” Joe Biden has been instrumental in supporting Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s ASSAULT on their sovereignty which, to me, is enough for him to be re-elected – not to mention ALL the progressive legislation he signed in the first two years of his first term. But, the judiciary – which many Americans I know of well enough to know whether or not they’re paying attention to it – is (or should be) a CRITICAL issue on the minds of voters. It likely is with WOMEN who, in many states now, are putting their lives in danger be becoming pregnant. America’s infant mortality rate is somewhere near the BOTTOM of advanced nations in the world – and, with the Court’s decision on Roe will only get worse.

I’m not one who would be supportive of an “abortion,” or so I thought, until I gained a bit of education. (Which, in reality, I knew, but hadn’t thought about it for about 50 years) In my first marriage, the FIRST pregnancy of my (ex) wife – a pregnancy which we were celebrating – until, she began to miscarry. I rushed her to the Hospital (bleeding) and the procedure she received was, in essence, an abortion. Now, when I listen to women who are being FORCED to risk their own lives to become pregnant in places like Texas, Ohio, Mississippi, Florida, and right next door to the state I live in, Idaho – where, had we lived there with today’s laws back in the 1970’s – my wife’s life very well would have been in danger as the emergency medical care she needed would have been denied until she reached a stage of sepsis. Women who survive sepsis, with a decaying fetus in their bodies, not only are CRITICAL medically, but, if they survive, the likelihood of ever bearing children afterward, is seriously compromised.

These are just TWO reasons even thinking of another Trump presidency makes people around the globe (and across America) shudder. Trump is promising the INSURRECTIONISTS he will “pardon” them, while THREATENING retribution on his perceived “enemies list.” (Which, likely, is very long – reminds me of a Nixon “deja vu all over again” moment) Trump, with the help of Moscow Mitch, Leonard Leo, and others – put THREE members on the Supreme Court who, along with existing justices Alito, Roberts, and Thomas, are determined to “turn back the clock” on America to the 70’s or 80’s – or even before that. This is why “we the people” MUST consider EVERY election for the next 20 – 30 years “the most important of my lifetime.” And, in the words of a true conservative – Liz Cheney – Trump can NEVER get even close to the White House EVER AGAIN!

Final Thought: Of course, there are many other issues why Trump can NEVER get close to the “White House” EVER again. I’ll just list a few: His promise to go after members of the media is “un American,” (if republican voters even care about that) His denial of the Climate Crisis (along with republicans across the nation) threatens the future of our children and grandchildren’s (reminder I’m 75) ability to survive on this planet. His threats to undo the federal bureaucracy and replace it with people willing to sign a loyalty pledge just makes me shudder to even think that could be an issue in a presidential election. His fawning of the world’s worst dictators and the assurance if re-elected Ukraine aid would be discontinued and our foreign policy would be Russia oriented makes me shudder even more. There’s a plethora of issues such as these which makes it seem IMPOSSIBLE this nightmare could continue, but, as I’ve stated, each time he faces another indictment it’s likely his support will strengthen among republicans. That said, it’s up to independent voters, disaffected republicans, and democrats to make sure Trump, as said by Ms. Cheney, “never gets close to the White House EVER again.” Stay tuned……………

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