It’s an historic time and, to me, Joe Biden is the perfect person to be our leader.

I’ve been writing about attempting to write a posting which is “positive” over the past couple of months. My brother-in-law who lives in Pittsburgh (a long way from Washington state) is, in essence, tired of all the negativity. In reality, so am I. I fully understand Trump is someone who craves attention, good or bad, and I, like many others, have been “sucked in.” I’m always questioning my Christian bona fides because it feels like I despise Trump and I’ve referred to republicans many times as “STUPID.” However, I’m going to attempt going “elsewhere.”

The reality, for me, is I’ve been “blessed” with a passion for politics. So, on the positive side, I’m going to write about my views of Joe Biden and what the democrats were able to accomplish in his first two years in office – which, to me, considering all the roadblocks, was historic. I’ve been fortunate because I was a teacher and have a teacher’s retirement which comes every month a couple weeks prior to my Social Security benefit. I have access to Medicare insurance and can afford a supplement which covers much of the medical bills someone like me – 75 years old – just naturally accrues. However, I’m very cognizant we are still coming out of a “once in a Century” pandemic (as of today, well over 1 MILLION have died from it) and many Americans are not as fortunate as me.

That’s why I believed the Covid Rescue legislation Biden and the democrats enacted shortly after taking office was the most significant legislation, aimed at working Americans, I had seen in my lifetime. (Well, with the exception of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – which took place during my High School years.) For example, I know a family of five who go to our church who ALL contracted Covid – before the vaccines were available. I made a food run to Costco for them because they couldn’t leave their apartment and, the Dad was off work and they didn’t have the money to buy food. The money they received from that legislation prevented them from becoming homeless. First it was the $1400 for the Mom and Dad and then, for several months, they received $250 for each of their three girls every month. That was desperately needed income for them, and, I’m sure millions of other American families – no matter whether they were in a “red state” or “blue state” benefited similarly as well!

That was followed by legislation which benefited America’s Veterans who had risked their lives in places like Afghanistan and Iraq and were suffering from diseases caused by the water they were forced to drink after being housed next to “burn pits” which were spewing toxic fumes. There’s much more that “we the people” SHOULD do for the veterans who have served – with MANY part of the HOMELESS problem in our nation and, also, not receiving the medical or mental health care they deserve. There are democrats to this day attempting to get legislation through republican roadblocks in Congress to further help our veterans – but, at least, we know there ARE elected members of Congress who care.

Another thing the Biden “team” had done – and, I’m going off the top of my head for all of this, is pass a bill which is aiming to bring the Semi-conductor manufacturing business back to the states. It really was foolish for “we the people” to stand for our politicians sending so many “jobs” to China – so we could buy our stuff for cheaper prices. I’m looking forward to the day when “we the people” can say more and more “parts” to the things we use are “made in America.” It appears we’re closer to that day.

The Biden administration has been agressively supporting the push for MORE “EV” automobiles. (Full disclosure, I’ve been driving a Chevy Volt since 2015 – I’m on my second one and I love it. I’ve bought an average of 10 gallons of gas for it each year. Also, my wife drives a fully Electric Nissan Leaf, which is one of the nicest cars I’ve ever been in – she gets approximately 250 miles per full charge) Trust me, the $7500 tax credit is a welcome addition to the process of buying them – or should I say subtraction. That tax credit brought the cost of my Volt down to $22,000 when it was new. Due to the increase in gas prices, my Volt is worth, according to the Kelly “Blue Book” almost as much as when it was new. (In my view, it’s a shame Chevrolet stopped making the Volts)

The Biden administration is also very focused on supporting the renewable energy potential of solar and wind power – along with geothermal and ????? Again, full disclosure, I used my savings when I retired to put 32 Solar panels on our property (two outbuildings with roofs facing due South). Along with government incentives I’ve fully recouped the original investment and every kilowatt we produce is worth the equivalent of what our local PUD charges for electricity – which right now equates to 8,.6 cents per kilowatt. I put the solar panels up in 2015 and, so far, we’ve produced over 81,500 kilowatts. Our system produces about 10,500 kilowatts per year. And, solar panels are FAR less expensive and more efficient today than they were 8 years ago and there are good incentives to help pay for them. I have a friend who put them up and, who has a more energy efficient home than us, and he pays virtually NOTHING for his electricity.

All of this is part and parcel to an administration which is FINALLY doing something which is aimed at reducing the global warming which is threatening this planet and, especially, the lives of my children and grandchildren. To me, it’s about time we see movement from Washington DC to address this issue. Is it enough? For heaven’s sake, NO! But, it’s a start. In reality, it’s up to “we the people” to elect MORE democrats – and, to make sure they’re not “corporate democrats” and, they’re not going to end up like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. Both Manchin and Sinema are up for re-election in 2024 and, I’m assuming the democrats who are pushing these progressive issues will support Manchin, because he’s probably the ONLY democrat who has a chance to be elected from West Virginia. (Full disclosure, I was conceived in Wheeling West Virginia right before my parents moved to Portland, Oregaon, where I was born back in 1947). I don’t believe Sinema has a chance for re-election in Arizona and, all I can do is hope that Reuben Gallego gets enough support to win what appears will be a three person election. (My guess is the republican candidate will be Cari Lake – yikes!! – I’m trying to keep this positive, please excuse me :o)

There’s a LOT more I see as positive from Joe Biden being president – and, of course, as I’ve said before, I didn’t support him in the Washington State primary election. Now, I think he was the perfect candidate to SAVE this nation from what very well could have been a second Trump term – which, it scares me to think of what that would have entailed. Speaking of Trump, it is true the Covid Vaccines were emergency approved during the last month or so of his administration. However, it became painfully clear, Trump had no plan for distributing them. That’s ANOTHER positive accomplishment of the Biden administration. I’ve had my two doses of the Pfizer version of the vaccine plus a booster and a booster of the booster. Fortunately, I haven’t been affected by the virus despite the fact my wife and my son, both were infected with it. They both had been vaccinated and were only sick for a few days – and, NOT dangerously sick. I’m very thankful for how Biden’s team figured out how to get those shots to so many places. The clinic where I got my shots is a rural clinic and, yet, everytime I went there when I was “due” they had the shot available. When you think of the size of this country, that was amazing.

Yes, there’s lots of people who, apparently for political reasons, chose not to take the vaccine. I have a friend in that “camp” who became infected (that’s how my wife got it) and she is an “anti- vaxxer.” She got really sick, although she didn’t get hospitalized – the pills which are available seemed to work for her. I won’t go into the details, but her experience with the virus and her unwillingness to be vaccinated and some of the “treatments” she tried let me know she was hanging out in the right wing portion of the internet. I used to be a farmer and I had cattle, goats, and horses – along with some other animals. Ivermectin is what we used to worm the goats and the horses. My friend actually believed that would counter the virus – and, I believe she tried it with TERRIBLE results. Americans SHOULD be thankful the government provided these shots FOR FREE. To me that’s a real positive of the Biden administration.

I haven’t mentioned Ukraine. That very possibly will go down in history as Biden’t greatest achievement. Trump had come close to destroying NATO, which is Vladimir Putin’s greatest dream. Biden not only pulled NATO together, now both Finland and Sweden are joining because their leaders understand why NATO was formed in the first place. Biden has made it clear that Putin’s war mongering had better not go past Ukraine and he’s led the coalition in supporting Ukraine’s FIGHT for it’s own sovereignty. The war in Ukraine is NOT something I would consider as “positive,” but the leadership of Zelensky (Who Trump tried to extort) is historic and the way Biden has pulled the NATO alliance together is historic. The FIGHT of the Ukrainians is, to me, a positive – despite the reality of war and that they are LOSING a large number of troops in the battle. (Far less than the Russians, I believe)

Putin reminds me of Hitler back in the years right before I was born. Recklessly attacking his neighbor because he doesn’t approve of their desire to create a “democracy” where they govern themselves. And, I believe they’ll achieve that. It will take YEARS to rebuild Ukraine once this is all over, but I have no doubt the countries who’ve been supporting their military needs and their other needs during this assault by the Russians will help to rebuild their nation, once Putin has been pushed out. Will Putin use nukes? Personally, I believe there are more sensible people in Russia’s military who know how that would end. My hope is that Putin is “taken out” by his own people and the Russians go back to their own country – a country with the natural resorces to be a very important “cog” in the world economy, without being what amounts to a military dictatorship. There’s more, but, at least for tonight, I’ll leave it there. My point? I’m very thankful Joe Biden is America’s president and, to me, that’s a positive.

Final Thought: Another thing I believe is a positive with a “spin” away from politics. Baseball. Supposedly, America’s pastime – at least that is what it was called as I grew up – and, I’ve been a fan since my earliest days. In fact, in my household, we were always fans of the Pittsburgh Pirates. One of my idols was Roberto Clemente, a great hall of fame right fielder, who died way too young giving aid to the Nicaraguans. (He was from Puerto Rico and, in essence, the first in a line of GREAT major league baseball players from the Caribbean.) I will never forget getting in trouble in Jr. High school when I snuck a portable radio with an ear piece into class and couldn’t cotain myself when Bill Mazeroski hit the “Home run heard around the world.” (back in, 1960)

If you watched any of the “World Basebal Classic” recently, you saw an example of a sport which pulls people of all “stripes” together. The “Classic” was won by a team from Japan (and, arguably, the best player in the world is from Japan – potentially, the greatest player ever if he plays enough years – Shohei Ohtani.) and the attention to the games was incredible, The teams came from all over the world and it was really “positive” in my view to see all the comraderie. That tells us what is possible in other areas of our lives.

I believe it is incumbent on “we the people” in America to be leaders in attempting to bring people together in this world and not allow the “haters” and “fearmongers” and the people who believe in using their guns to control the rest of us to succeed. To me, as I watched all these baseball players from around the globe participating in such an exciting event with virtually NO examples of poor sportsmanship in the entire process I couldn’t help but think of what might be possible. I played sports “back in the day” and, apparently, that’s where I got the belief that everyone on the “team” is valuable. In the U.S. we have a terrible History to overcome – and people are doing their level best to make sure we’re not aware of it. I belive our History is, to an extent, “repeating itself” and I’m thankful, at this critical point of time, Joe Biden is the president. The next few elections in America will determine whether or not “we the people” will decide to take the “high road” and present a POSITIVE example for the rest of the world. I have no idea if my brother-in-law and myself will live to see the outcome (we’re both in the elderly category) but, to me, Joe Biden is doing everything he can to set an example that is positive.

Lot’s of women, people of color, and people of all “stripes” make up his administration. His Vice President is a WOMAN of “color” and is doing a great job in the limited capacity of a Vice President. Biden nominated the FIRST woman of color to the Supreme Court – and, to me, as I’ve listened to her I’ve been totally impressed. His Transportation Secretary is an openly Gay man who, with his husband, has adopted twins. Biden is NOT intimidated by what I referred to above as the “haters” and the “fearmongers.” Yes, we’re seeing a strong right wing backlash to Biden’s progressive administration (as we saw with Obama’s administration) but we’re also seeing MANY younger Americans approving the direction Biden is “pushing” “we the people.”

I hope all of this comes across as positive. (Well, most of it) As I look in the mirror, I believe I see someone who’s been, at times, foolishly optimistic. Obama’s election was historic – but, my best friend who was African American – we were Middle School teaching partners for ten years – he grew up in Youngstown, Ohio – predicted the backlash which occurred. That backlash consisted of the core group of which nationalists who are presently controlling our House of Representatives. I have to believe “we the people” are reaching our limits of tolerance of their attempt to turn this nation back 100 years or so.

As I said, I believe it will take a few elections, but more and more people are understanding the importance of participating in our elections with the goal of stopping this present day version of the republican party. Again, I hope this comes across as a positive, because I believe, in the end, “good will prevail over evil.” It’s an historic time and, to me, Joe Biden is the perfect person to be our leader. Like the rest of us, he’s far from perfect. But, to me, he represents what’s best of America – and, his policy of working “from the bottom up and middle out” is a positive.

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