Is it McCarthy? or is it Gaetz? Or, maybe Jordan? Who’s actually going to be in charge of the House in 2023? MTG? OMG!!

I just haven’t seemed to be able to muster the motivation to write lately. Tonight won’t be much different although I wanted to get a thought or two down as possibly the “slimiest” politician I’ve ever witnessed (and, trust me, in my lifetime there have been MANY from BOTH political parties) FINALLY gained the job he’s sacrificed his soul for – I call him Kevin (with no clothes left to give) McCarthy – who won the job of Speaker of the House of Representatives on the FIFTEENTH ballot. Somehow he managed to convince the FINAL six – what had been termed “renegades” – to vote “present” on the FIFTEENTH ballot allowing him to “win” with a total of 216 votes. Now, don’t get me wrong, that’s the same number Nancy Pelosi got two years ago with the exact same “thin” majority, it’s just that she managed to do it on the FIRST ballot.

For starters, that would be the difference between Ms. Pelosi and Mr. McCarthy – she never brought something to a vote unless she knew she had “the votes.” The next challenge for McCarthy was going to be getting the “rules” passed – rules which apparently took a severe “beating” as he negotiated his way down from (who knows how) many of his caucus. We know the arm twisting started at least two months ago and there were about 20 holdouts on the first few ballots. What did he have to give up, beside his dignity, to get 14 of that twenty to vote FOR him and the other SIX to vote “present?” (Apparently, it’s a secret) That combination allowed the last six to “give in” without voting for McCarthy and McCarthy to “win” with 216 instead of 218.

This had to end at some point and McCarthy clearly outlasted his detractors, BUT it appears his detractors took much of his “hide” in the process and the next two years look like they may be very interesting – if not productive. I lasted till McCarthy had spoken for about two minutes and it became clear, he has no shame. Maybe that’s a plus in politics – we’ll see. However, the part of the “ending” of all this, to me, was when Hakeem Jeffries handed over the Speaker’s gavel to Mr. McCarthy. He gave a “concession” speech which had the democratic side of the chamber, I’m sure, a bit surprised – well, I can say I was surprised. It was a rousing speech and a challenge to McCarthy to lead his conference to ACCOMPLISH things which actually benefit working class Americans. Jeffries wasn’t shy about listing the accomplishments of the 117th Congress, which, by the way, were historic. He finished by respectully handing McCarthy the gavel and like I said above, I managed to listen to McCarthy for about 2 or 3 minutes and then it was “time for bed.”

Being an optimist at heart, my hope is McCarthy will lead the House to do great things, that he’ll attempt to “work across the isle” in order to “get things done.” My hope is the fears of many that the republicans in the House are going to threaten to DEFAULT on our nation’s economy over the debt ceiling, that their threat to cut Social Security and Medicare (instead of strengthening them) are nothing more than threats and, in general, the idea that many in McCarthy’s conference want to “deconstruct the American state” (in the words of convicted Felon Steve Bannon) are idle words.

Here’s the reality, as I see it: The next couple of years could be anywhere from bad to devastating regarding the American economy – although, enough historic legislation made it through the previous Congress to keep things going in a positive direction until these republicans in the House who believe in “hostage taking” go after the foundation of our government. Causing a shutdown will be bad, if it happens, but defaulting on the national debt could fall into the devastating category. I’m not an economist, but listening to those who ARE causes me to have great concern should these republicans manage to cause our nation to default. (Trust me, that will make Vladimir Putin celebrate)

Will that also cause the American people to finally say they’ve had “enough” of these republicans and begin the process of purging them from our politics in 2024? Obviously, people like Matt Gaetz (alleged child sex trafficker) along with Marjorie Taylor Greene, Scott Perry, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan (and maybe others under investigation for their role in the INSURRECTION) I don’t think so. It appears they view their job to be “tearing the “House” down,” and we’ll find out in 2024 if voters agree with them. They, along with several others, caused McCarthy to squirm – he even appeared to almost be “begging” Gaetz to change his vote after the FOURTEENTH ballot – as if he had no concern for the “optics.” Gaetz eventually conceded, but it remains to be seen: Who will REALLY be “in charge.”

Oh, by the way, it’s been reported that one of the concessions McCarthy agreed to was the creation of a sub-committee (remember Ben Ghazi?) to investigate the “investigators.” Get this, Scott Perry, who is reportedly under investigation in the January 6th investigation will be on the committee – investigating those who are investigating him. Who else, on that committee? Of course, as anyone paying attention would expect – Jim Jordan. If he’s NOT being investigated by the January 6th investigators at the Justice Department, he SHOULD be. Reports are he was involved in “hatching” the scheme using FAKE “electors” right from the “get go.” Why on earth would both Jordan and Perry (along with Gaetz) have been seeking PARDONS from Trump prior to January 20, 2021? Seems obvious, doesn’t it?

Somehow I’m getting the feeling that with Kevin (I’ve got no clothes left to give) McCarthy running the House, as the Speaker, my motivation to write may be coming back. In addition, it appears several of the legal issues facing Trump are “coming to a head.” Today was the last day for the “Special Grand Jury” in Fulton County Georgia and a “charging decision” should be coming in the next month or so. Also, One has to believe Jack Smith is nearing a decision on whether or not to charge Trump for the THEFT of documents from the “White House” upon leaving in 2021. (If you’ve heard about the classified documents found in Joe Biden’s former office (somewhere) by his lawyers when they were moving things from his former office (when he was VP) and you’re a “Trump supporter” don’t get your “jollies” up – because Biden’s representatives handled the situation EXACTLY as it should be handled – so these situations are NOT the same). And, furthermore, it’s CLEAR Trump SHOULD be CHARGED in the January 6th fiasco, it’s just a MUCH more complicated case because of the conspiracy with so MANY leading members of the republican establishment: ie Perry, Jordan, Gohmert, Biggs, Gosar, Ginni Thomas, Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis, about 100 “FAKE electors” in several states, etc. etc. That will be a HUGE challenge for the Justice Department – probably prosecuted in various groupings.

Final Thought: Why am I not surprised? Yesterday in Brazil there was a Brazilian “rerun” of January 6th, 2021 – with the exception that Brazilian police didn’t allow the INSURRECTIONIISTS to walk away only to be hunted down by the video evidence. No, they ARRESTED around 1200 of the INSURRECTIONISTS right on the spot. There were BUSLOADS of those who violated the Capitol building headed to “detention” and other Brazilian authorities quickly intervened to facilitate the arrests of others who continued the “protests” the next day. Where was former Brazilian president Bolsonaro? You guessed it – after visiting Mar a Lago he took his family to “Disneyland.” Stay tuned…………… This could get real interesting!!! (I don’t think he was watching it on TV, just sayin………..)

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