It will be embarrassing to live in the county which sends Joe Kent to Congress!

It’s just a few days until the 2022 mid-term elections in America and, in the county where I reside (in Washington State) a typical “America 1st” LIAR is likely to become our next representative in the House – because, as a republican leaning district, our previous representative, Jaimie Herrera Beutler got “ousted” for having the audacity to vote for Trump’s IMPEACHMENT after he instigated the INSURRECTION on our nation’s Capitol. Just this morning I was watching a football game and, sure enough, there was Joe Kent looking straight into the camera and LYING about his opponent – and, conversely, about himself.

Take for example the actual republican “platform” as put forth by Rick Scott, the head of the republican Senate campaign committee, called the “American Rescue Plan.” Part of this “plan” would lead to an increase on the income taxes of MOST Americans earning less than $150,000. Well, sure enough, there was Kent this morning accusing his opponent of proposing tax increases on Americans earning less than $150.000. Just that one statement demonstrates why Kent is perfect for today’s republicans – not only is he proving his competence as a LIAR, but, he’s demonstrating his ability to use projection as a poltical tool. (Putting your own shortcomings onto your opponent – republicans are expert at this)

I’ve paid attention, as much as I can – because there’s not much publicity with this campaign – to this contest and I’ve done considerable research on Kent – who has been affiliated with one white nationalist after another – which hasn’t been publicized much in my view. In his profile publicized after he filed for the election Kent said the congressperson he most identifies with is Matt Gaetz – he of the suspected (alleged) “child sex trafficking” issue – which Merrick Garland apparently doesn’t have the “stones” to allow an indictment. Maybe Garland is thinking the indictment of Donald Trump will be all “we the people” can stomach at one time but Gaetz isn’t the man you want hanging around with your young daughter. Mr. Kent, mark my words, will be palling around with Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan and, well, you can figure out where this is going – the gang who attempted to help overthrow the 2020 election.

My hope, of course, would be that those republicans who voted for Herrera Beutler in the primary would not be able to stomach Mr. Kent enough to vote for his opponent, Marie Perez – who is a small business owner in a small community in the eastern part of this district. (The totals for Beutler and Kent were very close.) I also checked Ms Perez out – via her website – and was pleasantly surprised to find a very pragmatic progressive. After visiting her website I sent her my MAX donation of $25 – I’m an old man without enormous resources so I have to spread my donations around in small amounts. (The penalty for that is the 250 email messages in my inbox every day – many coming from who knows who running in places all around the country.)

I don’t stop the flow of emails to my inbox because I believe the time I have to spend each day deleting several hundred messages is the least I can do in regard to this upcoming election because there are people who I decide I need to send a few dollars to – usually a guarantee they’re going to lose (unfortunately, from my standpoint). For example, some of the people I’ve sent money to lately are Tim Ryan (in Ohio), Katie Porter (in California), Raphael Warnock (in Georgia), John Fetterman (in Pennsylvania – several small donations), along with donations to various groups – like the Lincoln Project, Vote Vets, and I can’t remember the others. Anyway, I feel obligated to participate in this election in, I understand, a very small way.

I wish I could do more for Marie Perez but my body is somewhat failing so I don’t get around too much these days – but, I did, for the first time in my life, write a letter to the editor of our local newspaper – yep, we still have an actual newspaper which gets delivered to our paper box every day – except Monday. Interestingly, I know people saw the letter, because I got a message from one of my former teaching partners (actually, he was a long term sub for me when I had my knee replaced back in 2004). I know he’s a republican – whether my opinion struck home with him I don’t know – but, the gist of my letter was asking republicans to take the time to consider whether or not Kent is OK to them.

Are they OK with having a white nationalist, a LIAR, and an election denier as our representative? Sadly, according to all the pundits, it will take a miracle for Kent to lose simply because the county where i live is chuck full of republicans who vote republican reflexively. I can say this for sure, because I know and talk to many republicans who have no idea what republicans actually stand for. To most of them it’s all about the abortion issue. But, also, most of them are clearly not understanding how racism as infiltrated their party. The bottom line for me is, it will be embarrassing to live in the county which sends Joe Kent to Congress! I hope it doesn’t happen, but it appears likely it will – another republican election denier in Congress trying to latch onto Marjorie Taylor Greene as a way to access POWER. Yikes!!!

Final Thought: I can guarantee you that if the “miracle” I referred to above actually happens you will see attacks on the election department in my home county. Republicans will be up in arms and they’ll definitely claim “the election was rigged.” I don’t think it will get to that point, because Kent is clearly favored to win, but I actually hope it does. I’ve taken my votes and my wife’s votes to a local drop box in the hope there would be some wack job attempting to intimidate people who are voting – like what we’re seeing in places around the country. I was definitely going to confront whoever may have chosen that route with my crippled up body. Oh well, it’s a good thing we don’t have to deal with that stuff around here.

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