Do democrats even understand the gravity of the situation regarding the 2022 midterms? Stay tuned………….

I’m just getting so tired of “stupid” when I’m listening or watching Americans who manage to find themselves part of our “liberal media.” Yesterday, as I often do when I’m driving around, I was listening to MSNBC and one conversation after another was about the SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade. One (unnamed – I don’t know the name) person being interviewed by someone (don’t know that name either) was lamenting the Court’s decision and she (actually) said, “This is the fault of the Biden Administration, they let this happen.” Thus confirming that “stupid” is bipartisan.

Here’s the problem with that kind of thinking – especially when there’s NO pushback by whoever was interviewing this lady – that’s exactly what those who are funding the republican assault on our republic want people to think. We are teetering on becoming the fascist state people like my father fought in WW II to prevent from happening. And, my concern is people like this woman will either NOT vote or, worse, vote for republicans to get back at Joe Biden! Of course, this decision was “baked” into the court’s docket once Amy Coney Barrett was “crammed” onto the court because Ruth Bader Ginsburg couldn’t manage to live until the 2020 election – although, she tried valiantly to do so. Ms. Ginsburg knew exactly what would happen if she couldn’t last – and, it did.

But, the ramifications of the Supreme Court my children and grandchildren must live with for a generation go well beyond the overturning of Roe. Are progressives going to blame Biden each time another “right” is overruled? Of course, that would be “stupid.” I’ve referred to our Twice Impeached so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president as “individual 1” for a couple of years – I hate writing the name Donald Trump – but, obviously, America’s Justice Department doesn’t have the will to enforce our laws on a former president (and possibly his sycophants) so he’ll NEVER have to face justice for his role in the same FELONY which led to Michael Cohen going to PRISON for 3 years. So, I’m going to refer to our DISGRACED former president by his surname from hear on out. (I’ll probably forget occasionally)

And, I’m not necessarily going to blame Trump for the Court’s ruling on Roe despite him assuredly taking credit – but the decision has its roots well before Trump walked down the stairs at his god awful “Tower” in New York. This decision was “baked in” once Moscow Mitch “stole” a seat on the court from Merrick Garland – although, it’s reasonable to be perplexed by the inconsistency of the Senate confirmations of Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh and their so-called commitments to “stare decisis.” Yes, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh were critical parts of the decision to overturn Roe and they’re two of the three justices placed on the court by our DISGRACED former president. (That’s much easier to write)

This is exactly why so many evangelical “Christians” are rejoicing about the court’s decision and Trump’s role in it. (Of course, he IS taking credit for the ruling) So, why would anyone be blaming Joe Biden for “letting this happen.” In 2016 Hillary Clinton was running against Trump (and Russia and the FBI) and a majority of white women voted, inexpicably, for Trump – him, having ADMITTED to being a sexual pervert. These “Christians” made a “deal with the devil” because the “abortion” issue was the limit of their ability to think about politics – as if overturning Roe would stop abortions. So, my point is the people who “let this happen” (and who oppose this court’s egregious “legislating from the bench”) are all those “progressives” who sat out the 2016 election or voted for Trump or voted for one of the third party candidates allowing this two bit mob boss to become president.

Here’s why I (reluctantly) use the word “stupid” to characterize people like those mentioned above. Blaming Biden makes me think, as I said above, this woman will either FAIL to VOTE this November or will be SUCKERED into voting for a republican. There’s not a single republican in the Senate who voted to codify Roe when it was brought up for a vote a month or so back. The problem is there aren’t enough democrats in the Senate to get virtually ANYTHING of consequence done – so, why wouldn’t people (like the woman mentioned above) understand voting in MORE democrats is the ONLY hope people like her have. (Keep in mind, the abortion issue does not personally affect old people like me – other than grieving for our children and – mostly – grandchildren)

Democrats have been LOSING the messaging “battle” for as long back as I can remember. I’ve been pointing this out on this site for nearly 15 years. Democrats don’t understand – possibly STILL – what is going on in American politics – republicans surely do. This is a “war” for the heart and soul of this nation and we’re headed for the American version of apartheid if progressives fail to turn out in record numbers come November – presidential election numbers. (Which is highly unlikely – given the history of democratic apathy – in mid term elections) And, if the January 6th Select Committees public hearings AND (more than the Roe) Supreme Court decisions don’t get people’s attention, well, the foundation for republican CHEATING to win elections will have been “burnt in.”

I’ve lamented the timidity of Merrick Garland for over a year now and I don’t feel any more certain he will actually ENFORCE the existing laws without “fear or favor” regarding the INSURRECTION and the conspiracy by Trump and his “gang.” If AG Garland fails, then this nation will be unrecognizable. Trust me, indicting Trump will cause no more “division” to our nation than NOT indicting him – and, quite possibly a lot less. The results of well over 20 years of “manipulation” by a cabal of WEALTHY republicans – ie the “Koch brothers,” The DeVoss family, the Coors family, etc. etc. have been FUNDING a multitude of groups who’ve been working “from the bottom up” to create the situation where hard right republicans fill key places in one state after another. The group “ALEC” actually writes legislation for state legislatures all over the nation. And, of course, democrats act as if none of this is happening.

So, democrats don’t have much time to get their act together. And, of course, republicans know which democrats carry the most “weight” with the public, so – just as they did with Mrs. Clinton for 20+ years they are SMEARING anyone they consider a potential effective foe with MILLIONS in dirty money. As I’ve said here many times, with republicans the “end justifies the means.” Which is why Trump was so acceptable to the “base” – he’s the perfect leader – a pathological LYING two bit mob boss. And, of course, now you’ve got republican presidential wanabees all over the country trying to “out Trump” each other.

The bottom line, in America, is that the white nationalists are MUCH more numerous than I had imagined – having lived through the Civil Rights fights back in the 60’s on up to the election of Barack Obama as president in 2008. That was a seminal moment for two reasons – the first African American president AND the birthing of the “Tea Party” consisting of a group of racists who were more than willing to align themselves with the “basket of deplorables” menitoned by Mrs. Clinton in the 2016 campaign AND virtually take over the republican party during the next six years. Trump was auditioning for the role of “leader” while he was “pushing” the “Birther” movement.

Now you have people like Tucker Carlson with a voice on Fox “news” spewing out the “replacement theory” garbage to keep this group of white nationalists riled up and pretending they’re “conservative Christians.” The focal point of this movement, of course, as it has been for decades upon decades is in the American South. This was made ABUNDANTLY clear as states like Georgia, Alabama, Texas, Tennessee, and Florida were at the forefron of what is being called “Jim Crow 2.0” – an attempt to prevent African Americans and other “minority groups” from voting in numbers high enough to effect the result of elections.

Naturally, this movement is not ONLY in the South – I know people in the Northwest who espouse the same garbage. I have a former acquaintance (I tried to get him to come to his senses at the breakfast table over a few years) who actually (with his wife) adopted and raised three African Americans who refer to him as “Dad.” I seriously doubt he says the same things to them which he said to me and I’m sure he can’t picture himself as being “racist.” But, you know, I don’t go by the theory that “I know a Black person so I can’t be racist.” His “daughter” was receiving subsistance the last time I talked to him and he was angry about it – said she deserved to be on the street. To me, when you align yourself with “white nationailsts” you can’t have it both ways. This guy even said things to me which I, at the time, thought were perplexing that an educated adult could think that, and later learned were QAnon conspiracy garbage.

We became acquainted via our Church (at the time) and I (actually) enjoy having dialogue with people who disagree with me (most people I know do :o) – but, I draw the line when I start hearing racist garbage. The last time I corresponded with him he referred to himself as a “conservative Christian.” I don’t think he has any idea what the actual definition of “conservative” is and, to me, when you jump on the Trump “bandwagon” and become part of the CULT I have to question the sincerity of the “Christian” self characterization. And, yes, I’m fully aware of the Bible saying “judge not less you be judged.” I just don’t believe the Trump version of “Christianity” comports with what I’ve learned over the past 20+ years. (I’m pretty sure I’ve “digressed”)

My point is, whether my former acquaintance is “right” or I’m “right” when it comes to what is best for this nation, him and those in the CULT with him will likely VOTE in huge numbers this coming November (for a midterm) so if democrats don’t get their acts together – and FAST – they will disappoint once again. And, I’m not talking about running on all the wonderful things they’ve accomplished in Biden’s first two years. They better start MESSAGING on the true threats we are facing as a nation coming from republicans. I can point out a key reason to vote for democrats right off the top of my aging head.

In fact, democrats need to win EVERY election for the foreseeable future because the 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court could get WORSE if they lose the Senate OR the “White House” anytime soon. I can conceive of, for example, Clarence Thomas getting caught up in the conspiracy to overthrow our government culminating in the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION. At this point it’s CLEAR his wife, Ginni Thomas, was right in the middle of a SEDITIONS conspiracy along with Trump, Meadows, Giuliani, Bannon, and a bunch of others (including about 100 suckers in various states who were led to sign fraudulent elector documents – which is AGAINST the law). Do you actually believe he had no idea what his wife was doing? OMG – republicans believe “we the people” are STUPID – if we believe that!

As soon as republicans gain control of the Senate or “White House” we are THREATENED with another LYING Gorsuch or Kavanaugh or Alito to add to the bunch already there. Well, democrats SHOULD have understood this back when Mrs. Clinton was on the ballot, but, well, ………………. The next reason why democrats need to get MORE Senators and retain control of the House is so Biden can get his “Build Back Better” agenda through Congress – bypassing Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. They have both relished the role of being in the public spotlight due to their willingness to “torpedo” Biden’s agenda – but, they can become irrelevant with just TWO more Democratic Senators – although, it would be better to have four or five more.

The democrats are defending about half as many seats as the republicans in this “go round” when it comes to the Senate – so, the opportunity is there. I believe in both Pennsylvania and Ohio democrats have a great chance to “flip” the seats. However, there are democrats who are vulnerable – including one of my favorites – Raphael Warnock in Georgia. He’s running against Hershel Walker – who is possibly the WORST candidate for the Senate I’ve EVER seen, but Walker’s running as a republican with Trump’s blessing so if he can avoid ANY public speaking engagements – including debating Warnock – who knows, republicans elected Trump after all.

As I said when I started this rant, my concern regarding the upcoming election is the STUPID stuff I’ve heard coming from the mouths of people who SHOULD be voting for democrats. It’s NOT Biden’s fault Roe got overturned, for example. And, the high gas prices and inflation are the result, largely of the war in Ukraine and the bottlenecks in supply chains – PLUS the GREED of multi-national corporations headquartered in America who are making obscene profits while our people are struggling to get by. Many of these corporations are donating MILLIONS to the republicans who were/are involved in the INSURRECTION. (It, of course, is ongoing)

If democrats can’t convince enough voters that the future of our republic is on the ballot this November, then, well, Yikes! I’ve been saying this for years – unfortunately, those of us who recognize the danger of the republican party which has gone over the right wing “edge” HAVE to depend on democrats to stop them. Honestly, I’m not sure MOST democrats in Congress understand the gravity of the situation. So far, what I’ve seen is “politics as usual” from them – many accepting that republicans will gain control of the Congress come November. That’s the problem I’ve been lamenting for years – where is the FIGHT?

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