If democrats continue attacking each other republicans will have them right where they want them!

Many Americans are wondering, “How did we get in this predicament?” as the tilt toward fascism continues. Well, I’ll attempt to consolidate much of what I’ve been writing about for the past 15 years and thinking about for much longer. To me, this all started in 1971 with the somewhat infamous “Powell memo” from soon to be (at the time) Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell laying the groundwork for the corporate takeover of America at the expense of America’s blue collar working class (and, in reality, her upper middle class at the time, as well).

Powell’s ideas were kind of “officially” put in place with the election of Ronald Reagan and the disastrous “trickle down economics scheme” which was unleashed on “we the people” in the early 1980’s. To me, that was the height of America’s great “middle class.” We’ve seen the superiority of the right wing’s message machine ever since as Reagan convinced enough Americans he was going to “cut your taxes and balance the budget.” Of course, the only time the budget’s been balanced since Reagan was when the Clinton administration created a quarter TRILLION surplus toward the end of their time in office. (After a tax increase) Sadly, Clinton’s presonal “failings” simply added fuel to that right wing “message machine” leading to the GW Bush/Dick Cheney regime and more of Reagan’s absurd promises.

In fact, it was the Bush/Cheney “victory” which was a precursor of things to come. (The motivator to all my writing) I’ll go to my grave believing Al Gore won Florida in the 2000 election which would have made him the winner (along with his “victory” in the “popular vote”). This was the first time the Supreme Court showed “inklings” of what it has transpired to over the past few days – absurd decisions on guns, abortion, climate, and “religion” – in the space of one working week. The 2000 Court got away with determining the outcome of the 2000 election and Gore accepted his defeat like a true “gentleman” – much to my chagrine. (Although, looking back, there was little he could have done – but, to me this was the first time I became aware of the Court’s untenable POWER.

This was followed by the Court showing its “legislating from the bench” prowess with the so-called “Citizen’s United” (v Clinton) decision (and soon to follow another one which I can’t remember off the top of my 74 year old head) unleashing MOUNTAINS of corporate money into our elections surreptitiously – opening the door to foreign money in our politics. I don’t think I’ll live long enough to forget watching Sam Alito shaking his head as if to disagree when, in President Obama’s first (I think) State of the Union address he pointed out this decision opened the floodgates to foreign (and corporate) money into our elections. (This was the decision leading to Mitt Romney’s famous “corporations are people my friends” statement and it also showed what an IDIOT Alito apparently is)

The court continued it’s right wing assault on America’s progress post WW II when it began the process of “gutting” the Voting Rights Act of 1965. First section 5 (which started the massive number of voter suppression bills now turning into laws aimed at curtailing the numbers of people of color – and other democratic leaning voters – from exercising their right to vote. Next came Section 2 and then obscene decisions regarding gerrymandering – with an obvious “bent” toward supporting “conservatives.”

I point this out because I believe this assault on our nation’s foundation began with that Powell memo and has been running “under the radar” ever since. The wealthy family interests like the “Koch Brothers,” The DeVoss family, the Coors family and others banded together to form alliances designed to undermine the aforementioned progress following WW II and they’ve been working on a sophisticated plan (compared to the democrats) since. I still remember David Koch (now deceased) running for Vice President on the libertarian “ticket” in 1980 (I believe) and getting about ONE percent of the vote. The thing about the Koch’s – they don’t give up. They’ve been building this alliance with other wealthy families since – forming groups like ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) and other grassroots alliances filling our state and local governments with right wing zealots. (Slowly engulfing our political process)

In the meantime, democrats have acted as if they have no idea what is happening to the heartland – seemingly oblivious to the “culture wars” they are losing BIGTIME. America has now evolved to a point where corporate interests, in essence, control the Congress and the messaging. There are some upstart democrats who cause me to have some hope democrats can figure this out before it’s too late – although, I fear November of this year (2022) could be determinate as to whether they figure it out in time.

Republicans have been winning the messaging “wars” ever since the 1970’s and the Powell memo (to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce – I believe – it’s easy to find online – if interested click HERE) and my FEAR is that it’s not changing – although, the brazenous of the recent Court decisions give me pause for hope – women, for example, make up over half the country. (Are they going to VOTE?) The other “current events” which SHOULD help democrats to “turn the tide” on the messaging front are the hearings of the Select Committee on the January 6th INSURRECTION which are exposing the CORRUPTION of the republican party to those who choose to pay attention.

To me, this CORRUPTION is a direct result of SCOTUS decisions mentioned above – along with the passive democratic party which has shied away from holding republican leaders accountable for their lawlessness. (It only gets progressively worse each time the signal is sent “the president is above the law.” – Reagan and H W Bush were up to their eyeballs in Iran/Contra and GW Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld et al admitted to authorizing TORTURE with no accountability – and, of course, Trump is exponentially WORSE) I believe Trump STILL believes he’ll avoid accountability for Sedition because his choices for the Supreme Court will protect him. Will Americans VOTE this November based on the threat of the Court or will they be sidetracked by the issue of inflation?

In my lifetime there are two people I look to for guidance as I try to understand economics – which underlies virtually ALL the problems “we the people” are facing and they are Paul Krugman and Robert Reich. My thoughts above are simply the observations I’ve made over my lifetime as a “baby boomer” (who is concerned with the America we’re leaving our children and grandchildren) and both Krugman and Reich have me convinced the obscene actions of corporate America (actually, virtually ALL the main offenders are “multi-national corporations”) stashing their obscene PROFITS overseas to avoid American taxes while ripping off their American customers – especially, in this time of war, the fossil fuel corporations. (Mr. Reich explains this really well – he exposes the problems and provides potentilal solutions – and his writings are easily accessible online)

Actually, I believe I’ve been witnessing the CORRUPTION of these multi-national coporations since – well, the days of Reagan. Sadly, I believe “we the people” have grown to accept this CORRUPTION as simply the “way it is” – with nothing we can do about it. Of course, I’ve been writing (now) for about 15 years lamenting that the democratic party doesn’t appear to have the courage of their own convictions in fighting this CORRUPTION- and, that they are the ONLY realistic option for “we the people” in voting this (ever more) right wing republican party into the history books. For example, these obscene profits coming (to) from the oil companies is nothing new – like a lot of what is happening with corporations in general. Somehow, many Americans are (believing and) blaming democrats for this!

Lately, much of what I’ve been thinking (and writing) about is how the “circular firing squad” of the democratic party the most depressing part of all this – democrats attacking democrats – especially democrats attacking Joe Biden. I keep wondering, “what the hell were they expecting.” Biden faces the thinnest of “majorities” in Congress yet has managed to get TWO significant pieces of legislation passed and signed into law. The “American Rescue Plan” helped pull America out of the COVID-19 “abiss” with $1.9 TRILLION aimed at the middle class or those in economic danger. Additionally, the so-called “bipartisan infrastructure plan” is a “first step” in fixing the sagging infrastructure in America – which needs much more to bring it up to “world class” standards. A record number of jobs have been created in Biden’s first 18 months in office.

There are other successes as well – BUT, because of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema’s recalcitrance the “Build Back Better” bill was NOT passed (and, likely, even a watered down version won’t be passed) AND bills to protect Voting Rights and the rights of WOMEN to control their own bodies became IMPOSSIBLE to pass. The downward trajectory of President Biden’s “approval” numbers began with the pullout of troops from Afghanistan – reported as a fiasco – as if there was any other option. In reality, getting over 120,000 Afghans out of the country along with our final number of troops was something to cheer. However, even outlets like MSNBC reported the pullout of troops as a disaster because of those Afghans who couldn’t make it ouit. I said it at the time, all these people complaining weren’t around when troops came home from Viet Nam – a much worse “disaster” than Afghanistan.

These democrats who continue to complain about President Biden seem to have nearly as short a memory as those who are not democrats and who actually favor republicans – after what has taken place over the previous 7 years – highlighted by the four years of the Trump administration. Republicans are seemingly ALL experts at projection which is why, lately, I’ve heard them calling democrats fascists. (as they deflect) Obviously, they “trust” their supporters to have NO idea what constitutes a fascist – but, the actual reality “we the people” face if democrats continue arguing amongst themselves – missing the MAIN point of this upcoming mid-term election – very well could be the makings of a fascist takeover of our nation’s government. (And, trust me, that won’t be because democrats win in the mid terms)

My father was in the U.S, Army during WW II as America prevented Hitler’s attempt to spread his FASCIST hate all across Europe and into (the then) Soviet Union. Even then, there were many Americans who had enabled Hitler and supported him BUT most Americans participated in the FIGHT to stop Hitler’s fascist regime. I find it ironic that a low level organized criminal – a second tier immigrant like Trump, might be the source of America becoming a fascist state. This is unthinkable to me, but as I watch the democrats “circular firing squad” it becomes clear this could be the result of republicans’ sophisticated control of our “mainstream media.”

Here’s what democrats SHOULD be “pounding” to their potential VOTERS over and over again. “As we go forward ANY time republicans gain control of the Senate the result will be either NO judges confirmed to the various federal courts if there’s a democrat president or MORE right wing judges if, somehow, “we the people” vote another republican into the ‘White House.'”

Additionally, democrats should be POUNDING it into people’s minds about what is being uncovered by the Select Committee to investigate January 6th, 2021 – the INCREDIBLE CORRUPTION which has permeated the entire republican party – and, democrats should be defining to “we the people” what a FASCIST actually is – by showing instances like the so-called “unite the right” march in Charlottesville where Trump said, “There’s good people on both sides.” Photos of the Nazi swastikas on the arms of many of those marchers who were chanting “Jews will not replace us.” Also, the Nazi references on the clothing of MANY of the INSURRECTIONISTS on January 6th, 2021. Just listening to the flow of LIES – via the “Big Lie Theory” adopted by republicans from the Nazi’s of the Third Reich SHOULD also be enough.

To me, these two realities are much more important than the issues of inflation and high gas prices (a major contributor of inflation). Of course, the source of this inflation seems to go right over the heads of most Americans – and, sadly, many members of the “liberal media.” There’s a WAR going on in Ukraine and President Biden has done a GREAT job pulling NATO together in a unified stand against Vladimir Putin and supporting Ukraine in an attempt to head off the possibility of WW III. Americans SHOULD be supporting Biden in all of this! That, along with the recovery from the pandemic which has exacerbated supply chain issues are at the root of the issue of inflation. It will come to pass, but electing republicans in November may be more than our democratic republic can withstand.

So, it seems that how we got here has been what many are calling a “slow motion coup d’etat” starting way back in 1971. To me, it’s evident our “liberal media” either doesn’t “get” this, or they are willfully complicit. It seems complicated, on the surface, but, in actuality, to me, it’s simple – the republican party won’t be satisfied until they have TOTAL control of “we the people” – that is, our most sacred “rights.” This Supreme Court is going to be there for long after I’m “pushing up daisies” and democrats better get busy educating voters on what the CRITICAL issues are right away. I’ve been saying “this upcoming election is the most important election in my lifetime” since Trump gained the “Oval Office.” Well, until this court somehow gets mitigated, I believe EVERY election going forward will be “the most important of our lifetimes.”

Are democrats up for this? Well, if they continue attacking each other the republicans will have them right where they want them. Just maybe they’ll learn from the “Lincoln Project” how to run a campaign AGAINST republicans. I’ve been saying now for around 20 years (about 15 here) there’s a WAR going on for the heart and soul of America and, sadly, I’ve questioned whether the democratic party actually even understands this. Somehow, they had better figure this out – and soon – because if republicans get control of Congress – and, then in 2024 are able to “win” back the “White House” (picture them succeeding at what Trump failed) – America could be in for one of the darkest periods in her history.

Final Thought: I read about the 10 year old girl who was raped in Ohio and had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion and, at the time, republicans made a HUGE show claiming this was a “made up story” – as if that kind of thing doesn’t happen in America. Well, of course, the story was very TRUE and, yet, yoiu won’t hear the talking heads on Fox “news” or in the other republican leaning media outlets admitting they were WRONG and apologizing for misleading their audiences. The stories of little girls being FORCED to give birth are going to be routine now that Roe v Wade was overturned.

I’m not someone who “believes” in abortion – I believe it’s not my “call.” This is the epitome of MEN going to extreme lengths to gain CONTROL of the women in our country. If this issue alone doesn’t motivate a MAJORITY of Americans to start the process of voting republicans out of office I’m not sure if any issue can. Of course, the “gun” issue is right behind the issue of abortion. Why on earth are ASSAULT weapons legal in America. Claiming the 2nd amendment gives people the right to own AR-15’s is absurd. The idea gun ownership cannot be regulated is just as absurd – the 2nd amendment does not block regulating guns. These two issues alone SHOULD motivate “progressives” to go to the polls in EVERY election for the foreseeable future.

As I pointed out in previous posts – those democrats blaming President Biden for the Supreme Court overturning Roe is pure idiocy. I even suggested many of them might be part of the large segment of democrats who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton back in 2016. That is when it became clear Roe v Wade was likely going to be overturned – Trump’s legacy will be that of an organized CRIMINAL but his three appointees to the court will be doing their damage for a generation! (And, for evangelical Christians that makes their “deal with the devil” worth it) (Remember, rights are easier LOST than regained!) Stay tuned………………..

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