“A vote FOR Republicans is a vote AGAINST Democracy!”

Look, I don’t do “Twitter” or any other social media platform, but I do see reporting on what shows up there. I’ve written extensively about my perception of Mark Zuckerberg as one of the “Worst people in the world” – in the words of Keith Olberman (years ago on MSNBC). I have also pointed out how I see the wedge being driven between the “right” and the “left” in America running a parallel “course” to the growth of these social media “empires.” That being said, yesterday I saw a “Tweet” from Rob Reiner which was simple and straight to the point AND, from my viewpoint, right on.

“It couldn’t be more simple. A vote for Republicans is a vote against Democracy.” A very succinct way of saying what I’ve been trying to say for the past 15+ years. Another of his “Tweets” says: “Democracy will not survive unless Donald Trump (individual 1 – in my words) is punished for trying to destroy it.” I remember watching Reiner on a TV sitcom many years ago, but the more I hear from him the more I admire his thinking! People with a “platform” need to continue speaking out. I was listening to MSNBC as I was driving around today and the democrats losing control of Congress was considered a foregone conclusion with the moderators. I keep wondering if people’s actions drive the news or if the “news” is what is driving people’s actions (and opinions). I don’t understand why ANYONE would vote for a republican under present day circumstances!

I say that because it’s just hard to believe, for me, that the American people are STUPID enough to vote for the very republicans who are attempting to undermine our democratic republic. The bottom line requirement for republicans in legislatures from our national legislature on down to the state legislatures around the country which are passing voter supression legislation is LYING. And, “we the people” seem to be unable to parse the LIES. Our “liberal media” continues to fail to report this LYING is part of a strategic “plan” based on the “Big Lie Theory” of the Nazi’s in 1930’s Germany. We’re seeing it in “spades” as we watch Vladimir Putin as Russians continues their ILLEGAL assault on the republic of Ukraine. And, as an aside, does anyone actually believe he’s planning to stop there? I’ve been pointing out he’s wanted to recreate the “Soviet Union” since he took the “reins” of power in Russia over 20 years ago.

Russia’s “active measures” campaign against the democratic nations of the “West” began several years prior to Russia’s “interference” in America’s 2016 election culminating in the success of helping individual 1 “win” the election. (with over 3 MILLION fewer votes than Hillary Clinton). Russia was also integral in “encouraging” the “Brits” to vote in favor of “Brexit” which passed with the help, also, from Steve Bannon and, you guessed it, individual 1. All these same “actors” were also attempting to encourage the French to vote Marie La Pen as French President four years ago and likely are still doing so today as we prepare for the next French presidential election. La Pen, of course, is – like individual 1 – focused on undermining the NATO alliance in an ACCORD with Putin and Russia and, is a right wing hack. (And, Putin et al are doing the same things to the Germans, and the …………… fill in the blank)

It somewhat “blows my mind” that the American people – and, I’m talking about “liberals,” “moderates,” and “independents” along with many “conservatives” don’t understand the importance of “we the people” fighting to defend our democratic republic. Why on earth would people want to return to a party controlled by individual 1. The republican leaders have been SHAMEFULLY cowardly in the face of what they KNOW is ultimately a “dead end” for their party. They are trying to prevent people of color and young people from voting – but, the reality is, it’s simply a matter of time until this republican party will be sent to the “ash bins” of history. Now is the time for this to happen.

The Biden administration has passed two historic bills – the first aimed via their “bottom up middle out” philosophy which SHOULD appeal to MOST Americans. The second will be responsible for the NEEDED repairs and upgrading to America’s infrastructure over the next few years – you know, the “infrastructure bill” individual 1 COULDN’T get passed over FOUR years of “infrastructure weeks” which accomplished NOTHING. We’re watching the Ukrainians “fighting like hell” (in the words of individual 1) – “or they won’t have a country anymore” for their democracy. Is that willingness to FIGHT for their democracy registering with “we the people?” And, do you really think Americans will be unable to see the difference between President Biden and his predecessor due to a “bout” with inflation which was totally predictable coming out of a monumental shock to our economy?

President Biden has pulled the NATO Alliance together beyond most people’s imagination as NATO countries are coming to the aid of Ukraine and imposing crippling SANCTIONS on the Russians – who are using their BRUTALITY against Ukraine’s civilian population as a weapon of “terror” against Ukraine because they are failing to defeat Ukraine’s military. Plus, Putin is “fear mongering” with his threats of using nuclear weapons. I don’t question whether Vladimir Putin SHOULD finally be declared a WAR CRIMINAL, I just believe it’s encumbent on those in NATO to be prepared to stop him – one way or another. (And, keep in mind, I believe GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and other Americans were guilty of WAR CRIMES in their ILLEGAL invasion of Iraq back in 2003 – 2009 – by authorizing and committing TORTURE)

Can you imagine individual 1 dealing with the many issues facing President Biden? With our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president in office the Russians likely would have succeeded in their plan to “topple Kiev in a matter of days.” Do you really believe individual 1 would be sending BILLIONS in military aid to the Ukrainians to help them stop Putin’s ILLEGAL invasion of Ukraine? Hell, individual 1 was planning to pull “we the people” out of NATO had he “won” another term in office.

Obviously, I’m unable to find a succinct way of saying the same thing as what Mr. Reiner “Tweeted:” “A vote for republicans is a vote AGAINST democracy.” And, we’re not just talking about the U.S. There are neo-Nazi white nationalist groups all across Western Europe pushing for the same outcome as individual 1 is pushing in the U.S. – and now – with TOTAL obedience from the republican party.

Kevin McCarthy, Moscow Mitch, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Mike Lee, Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Kristi Noem, and on and on are all SHAMEFUL sycophants of individual 1 and ALL have indicated a willingness to violate their OATH’S to the Constitution. Here’s how they view elections going forward, “Heads I win Tails you lose.” They actually support legislation giving state legislatures the ability to overrule the “will of the people.” In 2024 it’s possible the FRAUDULENT Electors which were part of individual 1’s scheme (conspiracy) to overturn his election LOSS – will be considered “legit.”

So, Mr. Reiner is correct! Under the circumstances we face today in America: “A Vote for Republicans is a vote AGAINST (my emphasis) Democracy!” If democrats don’t show up this year in the “mid term” election “we the people” deserve what we get. Stay tuned………….

Final Thought: Democrats actually have the opportunity to gain seats in the Senate with a strong turnout. it will take a major push to do so, but I can see a scenario (OK, I’m an optimist) where the democrats gain anywhere from 3 – 5 seats in the Senate. Should they manage to do so and keep control of the House, the “filibuster” will no longer be an impediment to legislation to fight Climate Change, to support our middle class families with children, young Americans in poor families with support for “early education, restore the Voting Rights bill, and many different benefits in the “Build Back Better” agenda of President Biden which was “torpedoed” by Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, two recalcitrant Senate democrats.

Progressives (ie liberals) need to understand the reason President Bident didn’t get his signature legislation through. It was due to Moscow Mitch’s commitment to OBSTRUCT any democratic proposal AlONG WITH Manchin and Sinema’s help. Clear and simple, the democrats need at least two MORE members in the Senate to go along with control in the House. The only thing certain in the Senate is there will be 50 republican votes AGAINST almost any democratic legislation.

What is necessary for Biden’s domestic legislative agenda – the most progressive in my lifetime going back to LBJ’s “Great Society” – is continued control of the House and at least 52 Senate democrats. (Neither Manchin nor Sinema are up for re-election until 2024) Not only is Biden’s agenda “progressive” (Simply put, as I said, he needs at least two more Democratic Senators to get it passed) but, additionally, his leadership in the “West’s” support of Ukraine is TOTALLY laudable. To me, Biden’s low “favorability” ratings demonstrate the weakness of our “liberal media.” I’m still struggling to understand, despite my disgust with the republican party since, well, Reagan – how did they fall into the “grip” of an “alleged” ORGANIZED CRIMINAL?”

I still believe individual 1 will face (possibly multiple) indictment(s) prior to the end of this year – whether from Manhattan’s DA, Fulton County’s DA, or the DOJ – and, possibly “all of the above” and, it should be interesting watching the response coming from his “base.” It doesn’t take much of a LIE to get them worked up. Here’s what may be working in the democrat’s favor: Republicans blocked the “non-partisan January 6th 9/11 style Commission” and, therefore, got the “Select House January 6th Committee” which will be reporting out, likely, this coming June. That will be explosive – despite all the attention on Ukraine. I believe either the Committee will send a CRIMINAL referral on individual 1 to DOJ – or – we’ll KNOW he’s a TARGET of an ongoing DOJ investigation by then. That will get a LOT of people’s attention, but possibly getting more attention will the the Supreme Court, in essence, overturning Roe v Wade among other examples of “legislating” from the bench. Something like Two Thirds of Americans support a woman’s right to control her own body – meaning “the right to choose” in regard to abortion care. Will this cause MORE women to vote? I’m guessing it will.

I keep thinking I’m finding a MOUNTAIN of words to say what Rob Reiner said in nine! “A vote for Republicans is a vote AGAINST Democracy!” Yikes!!! If you’re a progressive, please make sure you’re registered to vote and, of course, VOTE!

I can’t leave without saying: I’ve been lamenting the BILLIONAIRES who have been increasing their wealth exponentially since the beginning of the pandemic and, yet, do EVERYTHING they can to avoid paying taxes for YEARS! I used my retirement savings account to put 32 solar panels on our home (we’ve produced 73,000 Kilowats since 2015) and my wife and I both have been driving electric cars since then. I must admit I’ve supported Tesla for years – UNTIL I finally got my fill of Elon Musk. The “straw that broke the camel’s back” was when, recently, he made a “play” for “Twitter.” Twitter’s board is attempting to fight off his bid, but now another one of the RICH tech wiz kids, Larry Ellison, appears to be willing to take a “break” from his PRIVATE Hawaiian Island – yep, you read that correctly, wanting to pair up with Musk in his “bid” for “Twitter.” These people have BILLIONS of dollars they’ll never need – allowing for the possibility they can purchase virtually anything they want – including, in their minds, established social media companies like “Twitter” so THEY can define “free speech.” It’s well past time for a wealth tax and, it seems to me, it’s time for regulations on platforms like “Twitter,” “Facebook,” etc. My suggestion would be causing THEM to be legally responsible for the veracity of what is published on their platforms. Just a thought…………………. Stay tuned…………….

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