It really is time for our “liberal media” to “woke” up!

I’ve been lamenting the reality, over the past many years, that our so-called “liberal media” has FAILED miserably in defining the use of the Nazi propaganda “strategy” of the “Big Lie Theory.” It was “invented” by Hitler, himself, when he wrote Mein Kampf and it was proliferated by his head of propaganda Joseph Goebbels – why? – because it works. The “theory” goes, “if you repeat a (Big) LIE over and over people will eventually believe the LIE is “true.” I originally noticed republicans had adopted this “theory” about 20 years ago and, with a bit more thought, I’ve come to believe they (purposefully) began their use of this “theory” during the reign of Ronald Reagan. It was during the years of Reagan that Rush Limbaugh began his ASSAULT on the “truth,” and it’s been proliferating ever since. To me, this is why individual 1 has become the “leader” of the republican party – simply because he’s an unapologetic pathological LIAR.

I’ve pointed out on this site I’m a Christian and I refuse to allow the right wing “Christians” who’ve become the “base” of the republican party (and all the “Big Lies”) to cause me to give up my belief in the “Teachings of Jesus.” Whether you can identify with that connundrum or not, I bring it up because my initial recollections of how serious this problem has become in our society began with “stuff” I began hearing in church back around the time of Bush/Cheney LYING “we the people” into the disastrous debacle in Iraq – circa 2003. I really started noticing how the “Christians” at the church I was attending were using the word “liberal” as a derogatory word. It made me feel very uncomfortable – to the point where I decided to go to a different church.

Quite honestly, I didn’t realize I was a “liberal” until – well, maybe during the Bush/Cheney years when I found myself questioning my representative in Congress why democrats were unwilling to hold IMPEACHMENT hearings on members of the George W Bush administration for the authorization and carrying out of TORTURE. To my naive mind TORTURE was/is unthinkable, although I knew/know it happens in many places around the globe – to me, it just shouldn’t be something “we the people” will tolerate from our own represenatatives in government. My questions in that town hall made it to the local TV “news” and, members of my church who saw it then referred to me as a “radical liberal.”

I had always considered myself to be a “conservative socialist.” That is, I supported the concept of the government reducing the national debt and “living within its means” while governing from the “bottom up.” I studied politics when in college and fully understood/stand there are times when it makes sense for the government to “spend” in response to crises – like, for example, the pandemic we’ve all been experiencing for the previous two plus years. A response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine requires, in my view, whatever help “we the people” can provide for the Ukrainians without worrying about how that assistance affects the deficit. But, to me, taxing the “billionaires” to pay for legislation positively affecting the lower and middle class is a no brainer. Especially, after 40 years of “trickle down” (I call it “trickle up”) economics.

On the other hand, we’ve recently seen an example of how “politics” seem to always get in the way of “government” responsibly dealing with the critical issues of the time. The example which readily comes to mind is the so-called “Build Back Better” economic agenda of President Biden supported by 98% of democrats in Congress along with somewhere in the neighborhood of 60-70% of Americans across the nation – legislation aimed at issues like CLIMATE CHANGE, Child care, early childhood education, etc. etc. – needed help for those struggling to stay “afloat” in America and legislation designed to help fight inflation AND legislation which was FULLY “paid for.” (Of course, if you’re young, CLIMATE CHANGE is likely a TOP priority – or, at least, I would hope so)

Most Americans are aware that Joe Manchin “torpedoed” this legislation and many understand his CORRUPT “connections” to the fossil fuel industry which vehemently OPPOSED the bill. Of course, Kyrsten Sinema was also opposed to “Build Back Better” for reasons fully explained when you check out her list of “donors.” She received around $1 MILLION from corporate interests (it’s easy to identify them via “Google”) such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, various investment funds, etc. – groups who were “donating” to BLOCK the bill’s plan to raise taxes on the “wealthy” in order to fully pay for it. With a “majority” of, essentially, ONE in a “50/50” Senate, republicans quickly realized they only needed one vote from democrats to BLOCK President Biden’s agenda – and, they’ve been “courting” Manchin and Sinema from day one of this legislative cycle. They got “two for the price of one.”

I point all this out in my own feeble attempt to identify why I realize I must be a “liberal” despite my “old fashioned” mentality (I’m almost 75 years old and BTW I’m white) and appreciation of American traditions. That being said, I’m also attempting to “educate” myself every day – meaning I’m trying to be a “lifelong learner.” As the saying goes, “the more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know.” My appreciations of many American “traditions” along with my feeling of being an ACTUAL “fiscal conservative” is why I, for years, thought of myself as the aforementioned “conservative socialist.” (American traditions like, say, Social Security, Medicare, etc.)

I believe strongly in the words of Jesus when He said “What you do for the least of these (meaning people) you do for Me” and then He adds “What you do TO the least of these, you do to Me.” It’s my belief in His teachings which has led me to believe that government should function “from the bottom up.” I believe in the idea of a “WE” society as opposed to a “ME” society – which I’ve always felt is where “we the people” have evolved since the election of Reagan back in 1980. And, I believe the driving force behind the “Christian” community’s embrace of the republican party can be summed up in two words – RACISM and ABORTION.

And, quickly I’ll point out – the RACISM coming from “Christians” has been an ongoing issue for – well, – how old is this country? By my recent readings, certainly from the Civil War times up through today. The Southern Baptist Convention was integral in much of the racial horror which permeated the South, for example, from Reconstruction up to – again, today. And, I’ve written about ABORTION. I’ll simply say, getting rid of Roe v Wade will NOT end ABORTIONS. True to our “form” the way we resolve problems often times only makes them worse. (If you’re interested in my views on this subject, check the archives. Succinctly put: If you don’t believe in ABORTION, don’t have one – a truly LIBERTARIAN concept)

Our “liberal media” has, in my view, allowed society to accept the notion republicans are “conservative” and democrats are “liberal.” It was back during the initial part of the Iraq invasion that it dawned on me the media had allowed the word “liberal” to mean “democrat” and have allowed the word liberal to be “denigrated” for years – resulting in a large segment of our population simply accepting this, what to me is, a “Big LIE.” The disconnect, for example, of “The teachings of Jesus” with the actions of “conservatives” who operate by claiming the basis of their beliefs come from jesus is, to me, preposterous. For example, I thought I was going to throw up when watching videos of people assaulting our Capitol on January 6th, 2021 “In the name of Jesus.”

My point here is our so-called “liberal media” is too busy “chasing its tail” to realize how “they’ve” been co-opted by republican strategists to help BRAINWASH large segments of the American public into routinely voting AGAINST their own self interests. For example, I’ve heard little in the “liberal media” (I RARELY frequent Fox “news”) pointing out the CORRUPTION behind the “stand” of Senator Sinema to protect the BILLIONAIRES who’ve been growing their WEALTH at an astronomical pace since the beginning of the pandemic and who do EVERYTHING they can to avoid paying taxes. Again, in my mind, this all started with the election of Reagan – paving the way for the “infection” of our society by people like the “Koch Brothers,” the DeVoss family, and other wealthy Americans who WORK to “rig” the system in their favor. And, trust me, I understand Kyrsten Sinema isn’t the only politician in Washington DC who’s been CORRUPTED by corporate money – i’m just pointing out how easy it was for republicans to target one democratic Senator to block Biden’s agenda. (Of course, they managed to get Manchin as well)

Here’s what triggered all these thoughts I’m ranting about today – and, that’s the use of the word “woke” by the republican “Big Lie” machine. I’ve heard that term used over and over by one republican after another as they’ve been “firing up” their “Big Lie” machine ahead of the 2022 Mid Term elections. Their purpose is to cause “we the people” to believe the solution to our problems – you know “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) and “woke” democrats is to vote republicans back into control of Congress – virtually ensuring NOTHING gets done for the next two years. The biggest problem I had with all this is I didn’t know what “CRT” meant or what “woke” meant. I only knew both must be bad because, well, people like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Ron DeSantis, and virtually every other republican with a public “platform” said so.

The problem I had with “CRT,” once I reallized it had to do with education, is that I taught sixth graders for the last 23 years of my working life (well, on occasion, seventh graders) and I didn’t know what Critical Race Theory actually was/is. I can make assumptions based on the moniker, but it appears to me, the “assault” on “CRT” is reminiscent of the period after reconstruction where the “lost cause” was birthed. My assumption is there are people who don’t want the TRUTH about American history to be taught in our public schools. I don’t believe “CRT” is actually taught, at least I had no idea what it was when I was teaching – but, that’s not the point. To me, the point is to stir up controvesy amongst the white subrubanites who republicans desperately need in order to “win” future elections. It seemed to have worked in Virginia with the election of Glenn Youngkin so, ………….. what the hell?

And, what about “woke” or “wokeness” or ???? I didn’t know what that term means either – but, our “liberal meda” has certainly allowed republicans to leave people to believe it’s BAD and it’s associated with those other really bad terms like “liberal” or “CRT.” I mean with all that really BAD stuff coming from “liberals” – who we’ve allowed to be synonymous with “democrats” who are “socialists” – which we’ve allowed to be stigmitzed as BAD – well, the only reasonable thing for people to think is we need republicans – in the mold of individual 1 and Ron DeSantis – to gain control of our government. Obviously, they’ll protect “we the people” from “woke” democrats. (Ask anyone you know what “woke” means and where the term came from)

So, what does “woke” really mean and where did this term come from? OK, a little research tells me I shouldn’t be surprised at today’s republicans “assassinating” that term and applying it to “liberals” because it’s a slang term which has evolved from the African American community. Based on what I found, it was first used by the Blues musician “Ledbelly” back in the 1930’s in one of his songs and it has evolved to mean people who are aware of the experiences of Black people in the United States. Apparently, this is the republicans way of sending “dog whistles” to their white nationalist base that people like Cruz, Hawley, DeSantis, and on and on oppose the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Or, are the saying they simply oppose Black people? The best I can figure out is if I support the idea of equal rights for all Americans – that makes me “woke.” There you have it Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz – I’m “woke!”

What this all means, at least to me, is that our “liberal media,” in effect, is in cahoots with republicans in allowing RACIST terms to be used with impunity without even the thought of maybe, for example, every time Ron DeSantis, or Cruz, or Hawley, or any of them call someone “woke” or complain about “CRT” that it should be made clear what they mean. What they are ACTUALLY talking about. Of course, their white nationalist base knows EXACTLY what they’re saying, but those white suburbanites who’ve been programmed to fear “liberals” but who oppose RACISM and are largely what would be termed our “independent” voters shouldn’t be left to speculate what is being said. I don’t know, maybe our “liberal media” longs for the return of individual 1 because he was making them BAGS of money!

And, the fact “woke” or “wokeness” or “CRT” is said OVER and OVER again, should cause someone in the “liberal media” to at least have some curiosity as to why they keep repeating this stuff – with NO ONE even questioning “what do they REALLY mean?” I believe I’ve only read one instance of where someone who would be considered part of the national media made a passing reference to the origin of the “Big Lie Theory” – despite the fact individual 1’s constant drumbeat about the “stolen election” is referred to as the “Big Lie” – educating “we the people” that we’re being inundated with LIES based on a theory “invented” by Adolf Hitler. Apparently, that’s too sensitive a subject for our “liberal media” to “tackle.” Yikes!!! If watching individual 1’s “mentor” Vladimir Putin for the previous 40+ days hasn’t given you “pause,” then there’s nothing I can do to help you. I really hope “we the people” don’t want that back!

Final Thought: I’m reading a book titled “Race and Reunion” by David Blight in my attempt to continue as a “lifelong learner.” The book focuses on the 50 years following the Civil War and it’s a very dense, for me challenging, read – likely aimed for students in the upper levels of their university studies. I believe Mr. Blight is a professor at Yale University (I’m going by memory – which mine is receding :o) and I’m trying to “digest” as much of the book as I can – if I was still a student I’d be taking a lot of notes. The last section I’ve read focused on the “Lost Cause” – which, in essence was the time period when people in the South – to a large extent women – chose to create a “mountain” of LIES about the Civil War. Lots of pamphlets were being published and “Daughters of the Confederacy” wanted to create their own “reality.” As I was reading it I was seeing a lot of parallels with what is going on in the republican party today.

Back then, books were being banned if they didn’t give the perspective of those who concocted the notion of the “Lost Cause.” Public speakers were spreading the LIES in an organized manner designed to BRAINWASH the White children who were part of their public schools. It’s almost as if we’re experiencing a “deja vu all over again” cycle in the South today. Make no mistake, RACISM is a problem in all parts of our nation, but – as we’ve seen from the wave of voter suppression legislation spreading across America – the focal point has been in the South. Georgia, Texas, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arizona, etc. etc. The “dog whistles” are becoming less subtle all the time.

I truly believe America is at an inflection point and if “we the people” actually put people like Kevin McCarthy in charge of the House of Represenatatives and don’t realize the solution to problems in the Senate is not putting Moscow Mitch back in charge but is voting in MORE democrats we are in “big trouble” for the forseeable future. President Biden’s “bottom up middle out” approach to governing is, to me, something I’ve hoped for over the past many years. I’ve always been an “independent” voter – but, since the days of Bush/Cheney I’ve found myself voting AGAINST republicans. Biden’s agenda is the first legislation I can remember aimed at the lower and middle class going back to LBJ’s “Great Society.”

I have to add: Maybe the best way I can make my point about the problem caused by our “liberal media” would be pointing out how CBS “news” recently hired Mick Mulvaney – one of the master LIARS in individual 1’s administration. Mulvaney was directly involved in the EXTORTION of Volodymyr Zelenskyy leading to IMPEACHMENT number one of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. Numerous employees of CBS were angered, embarrassed, fill in the blank over Mulvaney being hired as a “political consultant.” The explanation from whoever is in charge there was something along the lines of “The republicans are going to regain power in the Mid Terms and we want someone on the ‘in’ with that segment of the population.” Those aren’t the exact words, but what I can tell you is I shouldn’t have been so surprised when I read what she said. It is just another example of how our “liberal media” has allowed itself to be INFECTED by politicians as opposed to actual journalists. I realize I’m “painting with a broad brush” – but, if you’ve read this far, I hope it’s stimulated a bit of thought. My hope is, come November, LIBERALS will be voting in record numbers, once again! Mulvaney at CBS will be “unnecessary.”

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