The 2020 election was NOT rigged, but the 2022 elections and 2024 elections very well could be! Yikes!!!

Apparently, I need to do this once again. Fascism:

  1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
  2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
  3. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

According to: ” The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition”.

The reason I feel the necessity to start this rant in this manner is because I keep hearing these numbskulls who continue to support individual 1 referring to “liberals” as “fascists.” Thankfully, individual 1 was unsuccessful in his attempt to turn America into a nation resembling the definition above, but, clearly, him and his CULT continue their push to turn this nation into an ACTUAL fascist state. What republicans (the CULT – sadly) seem to refer to as “fascism” is them being forced to accept the result of ELECTIONS they lose.

Look at the final word in the first portion of the definition above. If you’re a republican and have chosen to continue supporting individual 1 you can’t diverge yourself from the reality of that word. I’ve been pointing out how the republican party has been INFECTED by racism for much longer than the four years of individual 1’s reign. For heaven’s sake, if you were paying even somewhat close attention to the “birthing” of the “Tea Party” you saw the horrible signs at their rallies depicting former President Obama in the most vile RACIST manner and, if you listened to the speakers at their rallies the racism wasn’t covert. It was disgusting, to say the least.

I know republicans who demonstrated, outwardly, racist behavior in discussions about President Obama and seemed totally unaware of their own behavior. I had one acquaintance, after I brought this up at a breakfast (He’s now a pastor of a church in Washington State), send me an email asking if someone had “these” beliefs – the beliefs were listed one by one (very anti-Obama for disgusting reasons) – would you call that person a racist? I could only respond to the email with, yes! He didn’t even understand the “birther movement” was racist – what I’d call an educated person who was actually very poorly educated when it came to our (America’s) diversity.

I’ve had other acquaintances who call themselves republicans suggest to me they don’t believe in “democracy.” Here’s the reason republicans hate “democracy” (full disclosure – we live in a “democratic republic” with three “co-equal” branches of government) – in a “democracy” you have to participate in the battleground of “ideas.” You have to give people a reason to vote for you other than vote based on “FEAR” of the “other” – which is what our republicans have evolved to. Republicans are using FEAR as a tool to cause people to choose NOT to vote. Why? Because these republicans FEAR how these people would vote and don’t want to address the reasons why they WON’T vote for republicans.

Individual 1’s association with white nationalists is becoming less subtle all the time. Recently, he referred to the African American officials investigating his CORRUPT and CRIMINAL behavior as being “racists” – apparently because they have the temerity to investigate a white organized CRIMINAL! You just can’t be part of the so-called “MAGA” movement without accepting that you’re part of the racism at its foundation. And, when I talk about how “we the people” should, simply based on the above, vote OUT republicans at every opportunity we have for CHOOSING our government leaders, there’s always more.

For example, it’s almost as if you can’t talk about the republicans’ efforts at overturning our government via the 2020 election without mentioning some of the republicans in Congress who were part of the INSURRECTION. Take Josh Hawley, for example. He’s the one with the high fisted salute to those who would soon be causing him to take refuge in the Capitol because they BUSTED through broken windows and bashed in doors while seeking out VP Pense and Nancy Pelosi – with a gallows set up on the Capitol grounds. Well, as disgusting as Hawley has been all the while as he’s been defending those who assaulted the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 now he’s regurgitating RUSSIAN “talking points” regarding their amassing troops on Ukraine’s border. To me, just another TRAITOR among a group of them in today’s republican party.

Naturally, there’s others. Ron Johnson is the senator from Wisconsin, which actually boggles my mind – but, then, I remind myself Wisconsin is the home of the “birth” of the John Birch Society. If you don’t know about them, look it up. Johnson has been regurgitating Russian talking points for much longer than this surge of Russian troops on Ukraine’s border. The FBI actually warned Johnson during the 2020 election he was the target of direct disinformation from the Kremlin, a warning he “brushed off.” What about Rudy Giuliani? It’s been reported by multiple sources Giuliani was regurgitating information which came directly from a Russian intelligence officer. And, MOST of us know about individual 1 and his COLLUSION with Russia to “win” the 2016 election. “Russia, if you’re listening……..” And, of course, they were! These people all deserve to sit right next to Benedict Arnold in our History books! (with a long list of others, ie, Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, MTG, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, and on and on……… )

Also, today the republican national committee “censured” both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. What was their offense? Well, actually, they’ve been telling the TRUTH about January 6th, 2021 which is anathema to republican doctrine when it comes to the democrats investigating republicans – what that means is the republican national committee is saying if republicans commit CRIMES other republicans are obligated to keep “mum.” And, sadly, MOST of them actually do. My representative is Jaimie Herrera-Beutler, who voted to IMPEACH individual 1 after the second IMPEACHMENT but, with one exception, has been SILENT ever since. She would rather get re-elected than piss off the “MAGA” crowd in our district any more than she already has. I’ve called her office several times to register my disgust.

To me, all of this points to the reality the republican party in America right now is willing to create an ACTUAL fascist RULING party in order to find their way back into POWER. In the resolution to censure Cheney and Kinzinger the republicans referred to those involved in attempting to overthrow our government on January 6th, 2021 as “ordinary citizens engaged in normal political discourse” and it goes on saying Cheney and Kinzinger “are both utilizing their past professed political affiliation to mask Democrat abuse of prosecutorial power for partisan purposes.” Just think about that for a second! “ordinary citizens engaged in normal political discourse” – did you watch what happened on January 6th, 2021?

Or, are they suggesting those who planned, organized, funded, and carried threw with individual 1’s attempt to overturn the election (remember, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president admitted to this) were just “ordinary citizens engaged in normal political discourse?” If so, it’s even MORE imperative “we the people” vote these people into the HISTORY books sooner rather than later. If what happened on January 6th, 2021 was “normal political discourse” (or the planning for January 6th, 2021) well, “we the people” MUST not underestimate the significance of the PROBLEM! I don’t care where you live in this country, you MUST vote against this attempt at a FASCIST takeover of our government. My father fought in WW II to prevent Hitler from causing this very thing to happen!

I’ll say it again, well, I’ve said this in previous posts, the democrats are NOT “fascists.” Calling them such comes from pure IGNORANCE. Democrats are a “big tent” party where you find anywhere from Bernie Sanders to Joe Manchin. Democrats focus their legislative actions on the Middle Class and those below that level. Sanders refers to himself as a “socialist” although he supports many programs which support “capitalists.” America has had “socialist” tendencies since the “New Deal” and many older Americans don’t seem to understand they’re the beneficiaries of those policies as I’m writing this. (Full disclosure: I’m receiving Social Security and Medicare benefits and I’m very thankful for both programs)

What individual 1 and his CULT stand for fall right SQUARELY into the DEFINITION of fascism as listed above. (And, by the way, that definition is found in other “dictionaries”) Our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is famous for his complaints about those he considered not “loyal” enough – finding ways to “fire” them. (Although, he rarely, if ever, had the GUTS to do it in person) Let’s focus on his final months in office for our evidence. Individual 1’s head of election security pointed out the 2020 election was the “most secure election in our history” and our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president participated in a two months long CONSPIRACY aimed at “overturning the election” – in his words – seriously, where do you think we’d be right now had he succeeded? And, of course, he’s still working on it! Pure CORRUPTION in “plain sight.”

final Thought: When individual 1 was speaking at the rally in Texas and he was complaining about all the “Black” prosecutors who have him in their “sights” while suggesting should they “do something wrong or illegal” – suggesting indicting him would be such – he said, “I hope we are going to have in this country the biggest protest we have ever had in Washington, D.C, in New York, in Atlanta and elsewhere. Because our country and our elections are corrupt.”

I’ve mentioned many times individual 1 is the master at PROJECTION! Suggesting our “country and our elections are corrupt” is almost the epitome of his PROJECTION. Of course our country is CORRUPT because he’s not the only rich white guy who pays lawyers to find ways around our system of laws – especially those laws pertaining to paying taxes – and, as far as our elections being “corrupt” his own head of election security, Chris Krebs, stated the 2020 election was “the most secure election in our history,” Of course individual 1 fired him soon after he said that and since January 6th, 2021 states all over the Union have been busy attempting to make our future elections as CORRUPT as their legislatures can get away with.

Already, in Georgia, the legislature has passed an egregious “Jim Crow 2.0” bill designed to keep as many “black and brown” voters from voting – plus, should the voters decide on a candidate not of the legislature’s approval they’ve given themselves the “right” to overturn it. You know, what individual 1 failed to accomplish after the 2020 election. The 2020 election was NOT rigged, but the 2022 elections and 2024 elections very well could be! Yikes!!! I would advise you, once again, to read the definition of fascism! Stay tuned………

One more thing: At the root of the fascist state created in Italy by Mussolini was an intersection of corporations and government. As you SHOULD be able to plainly see America has been in a slow moving progression toward FASCISM since the day Ronald Reagan took the oath of office. It hit “high gear” when John Roberts and Sam Alito were appointed to the Supreme Court and they’ve made several rulings which have expedited this move toward “Mussolini” type fascism. We can clearly see that corporate interests CONTINUE to funnel “boatloads” of money to members of Congress. If you don’t understand the effect of that MONEY on people like, for example, Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin you’re not looking very hard to understand why they’re standing in the way of critical legislation right now.

Of course, the disease is MUCH worse in the republican party and I’m not going to go into detail here, but the Citizens United Supreme Court decision (and one more I can’t remember the title of right now) opened the floodgates worse than they were – including unidentifiable foreign money into our politics. (Allegedly the NRA funneled $30 MILLION of Russian money to individual 1’s campaign in 2016) Of course, Roberts was the judge who wrote the ruling gutting the Voting Rights Act which has been the stimulus for the voter suppression bills being passed in various states around the country as I’m writing this. When you combine a right wing Supreme Court (remember, they have LIFETIME appointments) with a right wing Congress and then you get someone like individual 1 in the Oval Office – well, I hope you can see the importance of Americans voting out the republicans in Congress and voting against republicans in the national elections for President and Vice President. (There’ll be nothing we can do, short of expanding the Court, to counter the Supreme Court for the remainder of my lifetime – I’m 74)

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