The way democrats should “solve” their issues with Manchin and Sinema is to VOTE in MORE democrats come November!

Drip, drip, drip. That’s what I said would eventually happen with the “truth” about what happened in the aftermath of the 2020 election – “stuff” which actually began well before individual 1 was soundly DEFEATED at the polls in 2020. (You can count the 2018 election as another repudiation of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president as well) OK, now the “truth” is flowing out in “streams.” And, I believe, when all is said and done the CONSPIRACY to overturn a “free and fair” election will include an enormous number of republicans.

I pointed out how STUPID republicans are back when Moscow Mitch declared the so-called “HEROES Act” “dead on arrival” – a bill which very likely would have resulted in individual 1 pulling out an actual “victory” in the 2020 election – and, that bill was put together solely by Nancy Pelosi and the democrats – with the idea of “crushing the virus” and helping working class Americans along with state and local governments. “Dead on arrival” = STUPID!

Well, republicans aren’t just STUPID some of the time – ie Kevin McCarthy appointed a republican member of the House to help put together a “9/11 type Commission” to study what happened on January 6th, 2021 and then – in FULL STUPID – McCarthy whipped a “NO” vote when it came up in the House and, of course, Moscow Mitch did the same in the Senate and the end result was the “Select Committee on January 6th” – with Liz Cheney as the Vice Chair. Well, this Committee is actually a SERIOUS Congressional Committee and the widespread CONSPIRACY to overthrow our government is “inching” its way toward the Oval Office.

Keep in mind, the results of the January 6th Committee will unfold during the middle of the upcoming campaigning for the midterm election. Did i say republican = STUPID? Oh yes, I used a different “equivalency.” The bottom line is the information is FLOWING out in droves now and it’s NOT going to stop. Now, the January 6th Committee has its hands on something like 750 pages of “White House” records which individual 1 claimed he could block via his made up “universal privilege.” Keep in mind, the Supreme Court, in effect, rejected not only the claims for the “White House” documents, but also the decision will cover the claims of many of those refusing to testify due to this made up “privilege.”

So, how incredibly STUPID are all these republicans? Well, let’s start with the “lawyers” individual 1 allowed himself to be surrounded by – of course, I have to add, he’s been quoted as asking, “Where’s my Roy Cohn?” – the famous MOB lawyer who represented Joseph McCarthy back in the 1950’s – and, apparently, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis were falling all over themselves to fill that “void” in the life of individual 1. More and more is emerging regarding their participation in the CONSPIRACY to overthrow our government.

Then there’s the group of members of Congress who “hitched” their wagon to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president’s scheme – including Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, Matt Gaetz, Mo Brooks, MTG, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and others. In fact, over 140 members of the republican caucus voted to overturn the election right AFTER the Capitol had been breeched! Here’s the deal, some of these people KNEW what was going to happen and very well might be part of the CONSPIRACY. Any of them who were “privy” to the “plan” might very well be in “up to their necks” right now. Will the January 6th Committee subpoena Jordan, Perry, Brooks, Gosar, Biggs, and minority leader Kevin McCarthy? I certainly hope so – but, nevertheless, Merrick Garland may well be “lurking.”

Speaking of Merrick Garland – who I’ve challenged on this site to INVESTIGATE this ENTIRE CONSPIRACY – as we all know now he recently INDICTED 11 members of the (poorly named) “Oathkeepers” for one of the most serious crimes on the books, “Seditious Conspiracy.” Here’s the deal, anyone who was in communication with them where the subject was “broached” is NOW part of that same CONSPIRACY. I’m one who believes they didn’t do this on their own – I believe they were involved in planning with some degree of the “White House” and with the above members of Congress. Remember, it’s “against the rules” for members of Congress and/or the “White House” to commit TREASON!

Do you believe all 11 members of the “Oathkeepers” are going to put tape over their mouths and simply agree to go to PRISON for 20 years with no chance of parole – because that’s the penalty for SEDITION? I’m guessing at least one of them is going to do what individual 1 called “ratting” (That’s a term used by organized crime bosses) out those “up the food chain.” We’re already seeing evidence of how widespread this CONSPIRACY was. (Unless there were multiple CONSPIRACIES)

For example, if you’ve had your head anywhere besides in the “sand,” you know several states sent in a FRAUDULENT slate of “electors” naming individual 1 and Mike Pense as the “winners” in (I believe 7) states where Joe Biden was actually the victor. Well, those who signed those fraudulent documents claiming they were the authentic electors appear to have violated both state election law and federal election law. The Michigan Attorney General was able to list several potential state crimes violated in Michigan and likewise in, now, several other states. They very well might ALSO be part of the SEDEITIOUS Conspiracy.

So, why did these people do such a STUPID thing? (There’s that word again) Well, it stands to reason this was all part of the CONSPIRACY coming right out of the Oval Office to get Mike Pense to reject the REAL electors and substitute the FAKE ones – thus overturning the “will of the people” and, therefore, leaving individual 1 in POWER. These people believe “we the people” are STUPID! Can you imagine what would have happened had they pulled this off? Remember the Electoral College votes had already been officially “counted” on December 14th and January 6th was nothing more than a ceremonious act of confirming the count. There’s even a script for the Vice President to read which had to be changed due to the FAKE electors.

Well, many of the people who stormed the Capitol, including the “Oathkeepers,” the “Proud Boys,” the “3 Percenters,” and several others (including the so-called “Boogaloo bois”) have been calling, online, for a 2nd “civil war.” They envision it as a race war, but they’re all “anti-government militias.” Well, maybe January 6th could have been the incident which incited that kind of unrest in America? Who knows at this point in time? Here’s what I believe: As I said above, I believe the SEDITIOUS conspiracy goes well beyond the 11 “Oathkeepers.” (I keep wondering, who/what is their “oath” to?) The government may have to construct another PRISON to accommodate all the CONSPIRATORS!

Individual 1 spent four years abusing our system of laws with impunity – doing it right out in the open – as if ALL of us are STUPID enough to go along with his antics. Obviously, 81 MILLION Americans said “NO” and, true to form, right out in the open – more or less – he attempted to say “NO” back to those of us who voted AGAINST him. For heaven’s sake, he spent an HOUR on the phone with the Secretary of State in Georgia where he said, “Just find me 11,780 votes which is one more than we have” – a clear violation of Georgia and U.S. law – a true example of VOTER FRAUD right out in the open. Just like “Russia, if you’re listening………….” I guess it’s only STUPID if he’s finally held accountable – which, it appears, may finally happen: “the walls are closing in.”

In summary, here’s an “off the top of my head” accounting of the ILLEGAL conspiracy of the “former guy” – not knowing who all is involved. Prior to the November election individual 1 began “grooming” his followers the “election will be rigged if I lose.” (That seems to be the new republican M.O.) On election night, in a pre-planned move, he declared “victory” when the total number of votes wouldn’t be counted for days. He encouraged his supporters to “vote in person” to set up this very scenario. And, he tried to get them to pressure various states to STOP counting the “mail in” ballots.

After Joe Biden was declared the victor individual 1 started spreading the so-called “Big Lie” with the help of his surrogates on right wing media outlets. Despite the fact he was told by several sources (in his own administration) there was no FRAUD (Again, the ONLY people committing FRAUD were him and some of his supporters) he continued repeating the “Big Lie” over and over. (He likely makes Joseph Goebbels proud) This led to individual 1 LOSING over 60 Court challenges to the election (with several of his “lawyers” subsequently being sanctioned by various state bars for LYING in court) There are credible reports he rejected those lawyers who didn’t fall for his LIE and brought in Giuliani, Powell, and Ellis as his “replacement lawyers” helping come up with the ultimate SCAM he planned to inflict on “we the people.”

I believe members of Congress such as Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks, and ???? were encouraging the plan which culminated in the attempted INSURRECTION on January 6th, 2021. This had to be brewing well before that date. For example, the FRAUDULENT slates of “electors” were submitted on December 14th – the date when the actual ones were certified. It’s now being reported Rudy Giuliani was the “point person” getting these right wing wingnuts to agree to do this – apparently them not KNOWING the serious charges they were eventually likely to be facing. This scheme came right out of the “White House” and was devised in early December.

That would go along with individual 1 attempting to get the interim Attorney General to agree to say there was widespread voter FRAUD in the election and “leave the rest to me and the ‘R’s.'” This plan was schemed for a couple of months before January 6th, 2021 – there was Jeffrey Clark attempting to send letters to several swing states which would coincide with the scheme to get Pense to choose the FRAUDULENT electors. And, when others in the Justice Department refused to go along, individual 1 threatened to fire them. (The only thing stopping that was the threat of mass resignations at Justice) Then, along comes attorney John Eastman who created an absurd legal argument supporting individual 1’s scheme and, thankfully, Mike Pense refused to go along.

Who were all of these people talking to as they planned the January 6th, 2021 rally? Remember, there was a “trial balloon” right before the Electoral College voted to certify Joe Biden’s “landslide” victory (using individual 1’s own characterization based on 2016) in a December 12, 2020 so-called “Stop the Steal” rally with many of the CONSPIRATORS who stormed the Capitol a few weeks later. This CONSPIRACY of SEDITION was widespread and included a plethora of people who were willing to overturn the “will” of the American people. When you listen to the podcasts of Steve Bannon on January 5th – him part of the so-called “War Room” at the Willard Hotel – you can see the attack was pre-meditated. Was this Bannon’s way to get a pardon for his previous sins? And, individual 1’s tweets: Come to the Capital on January sixth, it’s going to be “wild.” The storming of the Capitol Building appears to have been planned all along!

I look forward to the day I see individual 1 and his closest supporters INDICTED for this TREASONOUS behavior. (TREASON is another word for SEDITION) However, as anyone paying attention can see, the republicans are in the process of implementing a more sophisticated “coup d’etat” as they’re passing some egregious voter suppression laws in a number of states controlled by republican legislatures. To me, this is the ultimate part of this CONSPIRACY – made possible by our Supreme Court and their attack on the Voting Rights Act of 1965. John Roberts has long been an opponent of “voting rights” and he wrote the majority opinion which, in effect, has allowed all the voter suppression bills we’re seeing as I’m writing this.

So, to me, that gets us back to the word “stupid.” (I really don’t like that word, but……..) Most pundits are proclaiming Control of the Congress will return to republicans in the midterm election. I say, not so fast. Not only will all this “stuff” coming out about the INSURRECTION be boiling over likely around next summer – that is right in the middle of the run-up to the election but that’s also the time many Supreme Court decisions become published. Do you think overturning Roe v Wade, for example, will be met with approval by a majority of Americans – I’m especially thinking about women?

I shared my thoughts on abortion a while back, but here’s the deal: overturning Roe will not prevent abortions – with the exception of low income women who live in “red states.” However, I believe it will be offensive enough to MILLIONS of other women – women who will NEVER choose to have an abortion – to motivate them to vote in November. Do you really believe MOST of them will vote for the republicans who got Roe overturned? If so, I’ve got a bridge……….. You know the rest! My point: republicans have no agenda, except POWER and as 2022 rolls on their ability to be STUPID will, in my view, become clearer and clearer. Will Americans show up to vote many of them out of office? We’ll see! Stay tuned……….

Final Thought: Of course, republicans don’t have a monopoly on STUPID! I’ve pointed out for years democrats are afraid to campaign on their own successes and beliefs. We’re seeing polls now where democrats are BLAMING Joe Biden for the reality his 50/50 Senate “majority” includes Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. They’ve successfully, along with ALL 50 republicans blocked Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda – sorely needed legislation and both Manchin and Sinema will go down in history as torpedoing the voting rights legislation – no matter what happens in the future. Here’s the deal, I believe it’s possible enough “progressives” are STUPID enough to believe all the media accounts of how joe Biden is failing.

Just a reminder: The Covid Relief Bill was, in my view, the best legislation aimed DIRECTLY at the middle class in my lifetime. On top of that there’s the so-called “bi-partisan infrastructure bill” (which was passed, by the way, based on Manchin’s promise to agree to the “Build Back Better” legislation) so a total of $3+ TRILLION in spending over the next several years aimed directly at the MIDDLE CLASS. In addition, President Biden EXTRACTED America from a futile 20 year “war” which ended how it was going to end, no matter when that occurred. He was blasted by the so-called “liberal media” because it didn’t happen “smoothly.” (Talk about STUPID – does anyone in the media remember Viet Nam? You simply can’t EXIT a “war” you’ve LOST “smoothly”)

Are democrats STUPID enough to fail to vote in November when they have the opportunity to “fix” the problem in the Senate? Yes, neither Manchin nor Sinema are up for re-election until 2024, but there are SEVERAL opportunities for democrats to flock to the polls and elect enough more democratic Senators to make Manchin and Sinema’s votes irrelevant. I seriously won’t be surprised if one of them decides to change their allegiance totally to the republicans by switching parties – I hope that doesn’t happen because I still have hope for the “Build Back Better” legislation somehow passing – but, to me it would be STUPID for democrats to be discouraged and fail to vote. In my view, they SHOULD be “fired up” and doing everything they can to make sure they’re properly registered and help to vote out as many republicans as possible. Stay tuned………………

One final thing: It’s in the interest of democrats to continue attempting to persuade both Manchin and Sinema to support Joe Biden’s and the VAST majority of democrats’ agenda items. The last thing they need to do is cause one or both of them to defect to the republicans. (Trust me, the republicans are “courting” Sinema and her campaign “coffers” are filling up with donations from republican “donors”) That would be an even larger disaster – especially with a Supreme Court Seat opening up. Maybe there’s still a chance to get the so-called “Build Back Better” legislation passed. I got the feeling what really set Manchin off was when the House stuck provisions in the bill he felt had been negotiated our of it. Democrats have passed a massive amount of legislation to this point in Biden’s first year (OK, now it’s the second year), but “Build Back Better” would spur on the economy for several years going forward.

The way democrats should “solve” their issues with Manchin and Sinema is to VOTE in MORE democrats come November, clear and simple! In the words of individual 1 himself, “It’s time to fight like Hell or we’re not going to have a country anymore!”

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