Dear Corporate CEO’s: If you really want to block all the LYING and misinformation pull your $$’s from Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart, etc.

Corporate America appears to have found “religion” and the reports are MANY of the large donors of the republican party have decided to pull their funding from the 150, or so, members of the republican party who stood in the Chambers of Congress and objected to the “free and fair elections” in Arizona and Pennsylvania, in essence, attempting to “overthrow” our election. Yikes! These people – meaning the republicans – are likely heading into panic mode. “How will they be able to run for re-election?” This is really a sad day in America – all these people who I’ve suggested have volunteered to spend their days in the history books next to both individual 1 and Benedict Arnold. OK, I know you’ve figure this out – when I called it a “sad day” it was, well, a joke. I always have to explain to people when I’m joking.

So, when I read about this stampede of Corporate funding exiting the republican thugs they’ve (the corporate world) been funding since, well, before Ronald Reagan (Read “Evil Geniuses” by Kurt Andersen – a book every adult American SHOULD read, in my view, but it’s a very “college level” of reading – probably a book for University Political Science and/or history classes) I couldn’t help but think – when are they going to take the next step and STOP funding outlets like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” Breitbart and OAN if they’re providing funding for them. In fact, they should pull funding from any outlet which is spewing right wing hate MISINFORMATION. It doesn’t take long, once you log into Fox or Newsmax to realize the LIES are coming “hot and heavy.”

So, here’s where we are. Individual 1’s supporters have assaulted our nation’s Capitol Building in a manner not seen for over 200 years. Individual 1 has made it clear he feels not a bit of remorse for this INSURRECTION where, so far, six people are DEAD and 14 members of the CAPITOL police are hospitalized. After watching the thugs (including members of “The Oathkeepers”) pull a police officer down the Capitol steps BEATING his apparent “lifeless” body with the flag POLES they were holding – that officer possibly being Brian Sicknick the first officer to lose his life in the assault. Honestly, it didn’t surprise me our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president felt no remorse and continues to claim there was nothing wrong with his inflammatory remarks ginning up the crowd to attack the Capitol Building. He MUST be IMPEACHED once again and let these republicans in Washington DC decide who’s side they’re actually on.

And, I’m not suggesting everyone should be a “democrat.” For heaven’s sake, despite the fact I have been voting for democrats (mostly) for the past few years and that democrats THINK I’m a democrat, I’ll be an independent as long as I’m able to vote. Would I consider voting for a socially LIBERAL and fiscally CONSERVATIVE republican – if somehow we could purge the republican party of these right wing white nationalists – the answer would be absolutely. It just doesn’t appear it will happen anytime soon. Most republicans (and, by the way, I checked) who are “on the record” either are suggesting “impeachment would be divisive” or they haven’t said anything. That actually makes me MORE angry. Divisive? PPPPlease!

Here’s what’s been divisive. Just think back to the previous couple of months and consider what, even people like me have been saying, has been public knowledge. This ASSAULT was no surprise – what WAS a surprise was the EGREGIOUS lack of security to protect that Iconic building and I have to wonder what roll individual 1 and the “boot lickers” he’s put in place in the various agencies since he LOST the election (by OVER 7 MILLION votes) in preventing the security warranted as Mike Pense was certifying Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States. Individual 1 called him “sleepy Joe,” but, since the election we’ve ALL seen the competence which has been missing for the past FOUR years. There is a DEADLY virus spreading RAPIDLY in America, by the way, and our Justice Department really does need to be “cleansed” of the remnants of the MAGA crowd. There really is a WAR going on in this country and it’s not overseas – it’s right here at home.

The plan of the INSURRECTIONISTS is to return to D.C. (and the Capitals of all 50 states) to disrupt the inauguration of Biden/Harris – apparently, they really do want a “civil war” – and, there’s going to be something like 15,000 National Guard troops in DC this week as the thugs start arriving. They continue to “conspire” online – only, I believe the FBI is a bit more “on their toes” after what happened on the 6th of January, 2021 (Remember that date) but the insurrectionists have vowed to come with their weapons. (Of course, many were armed with automatic weapons on the 6th as well as with bombs/bomb materials) I believe MANY of these THUGS are former members of our military – which would make them more dangerous than the old codgers who simply got sucked in because they watch Fox “news.”

I thought to myself, where are the images of all the people who the FBI is attempting to identify posted on the internet, so I decided to take a look. I clicked on one site after another and there were not images, until I got to one – which, of course, I didn’t read the IP address as I was clicking on the article’s heading, and there were a bunch of pictures of some of the most egregious offenders in the INSURRECTION. So, I started reading the article and I soon realized I was on a site, the “” which was viewing the INSURRECTIONISTS as “patriots” who had been, essentially, thrown “under the bus” (my characterization) by individual 1. I won’t go into all the detail of what was written, but there was a world map showing the countries which don’t have an extradition treaty with the United States presumably suggesting to those who might be attempting to elude authorities where they might go.

The article, which I came to understand was pro INSURRECTIONISTS, was pointing out to all the people in the photos the FBI has published in an attempt to identify these people (and, it pointed out most will be easily identified by technology related to their driver’s license photos) that individual 1, himself, made an executive order during the Black Lives Matter protests following the LYNCHING (again, my characterization) of George Floyd that anyone defacing federal property is subject to imprisonment for 10 years. There was nothing on this site in relation to the impending “INSURRECTION” planned for this next week (rumors are the insurrectionists will start arriving in Washington on January 16th) and the site was careful to eschew any suggestion of violence. It appeared to me the site was another right wing site where the INSURRECTIONISTS were referred to as “patriots,” but it was the first article I could find where the photos of those being sought out by the FBI were visible.

Today, January 12, 2021 was the day individual 1 came out of his hiding place (the “White House”) in order to head to Texas in order to convince someone, obviously not me, his “wall” is an “accomplishment” – apparently, he actually got 47 miles more than existed when he took office constructed. Did Mexico pay for those 47 miles? Likely not! In fact, I believe those miles of his “fence” were paid for by funds which were originally intended for our military. Regardless, as he was leaving D.C. he suggested “All the commentators are saying what I said was totally appropriate.” Well, obviously, our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (by January 13, 2021 he’ll be the ONLY president IMPEACHED twice – in American history) president is watching Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” QAnon???? Who knows, but the information he’s getting is, well, absurd.

I’ve been writing for four years now about how PATHALOGICAL Liars actually begin to believe their LIES as the words trickle off their tongues and, clearly, that’s where our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president finds himself. Here’s the issue with me, how can so many Americans be STUPID enough to actually fall for his LIES. And, of course, reports are his narcissistic self needs the adulation so much he actually was enjoying the INSURRECTION because his twisted mind was saying to himself “These people love me.” Of course, that was a couple hours before he “threw them under the bus” when he (correctly) pointed out a bunch of them are looking at significant JAIL time! In fact, it was his own executive order making that so, for many of them – those who may end up the lucky ones! (Sedition is a much more serious CRIME! That would mean you’re a TRAITOR!)

Reports are that many of those in the so-called “MAGA” crowd are either current or former members of the U.S. military – which, I suppose, is the ultimate “consequence” for the ILLEGAL invasion of Iraq back in 2003 triggering military confrontation which continues to this day and brings home soldiers who, at a high percentage, are suffering from PTSD and, in many cases are unable to find any kind of good paying job. I mean, our streets are still full of homeless Viet Nam Vets and, to me, Iraq was simply “Deja Vu all over again.” However, turning on our government in a violent manner is unquestionably NOT OK and, sadly, it appears this is not going to end well for any of us. (It turns out one of the INSURRECTIONISTS was a two time gold medal winning Olympic Champion. Yikes!)

The underground internet “chat rooms” – again, for me this is all “second hand,” are full of disenchanted MAGA supporters who still haven’t got the message our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president has already thrown them under the bus and republican members of Congress will be doing the same as the days go by – all these people will be desperately attempting to save their own ……………….. (fill in the blank). We’ll see if their right wing “echo chamber” follows suit – which will depend on the corporate money drying up there as well. I can guarantee you, as soon as Sean Hannity is as toxic as individual 1 he’ll be looking for a new job – and, he’ll be somewhat in the same place in our society. Most Americans don’t want their government overrun by INSURGENTS. Despite our invasion of Iraq, they don’t like it when we look like Iraq.

To me, just as the right wing media needs to be purged of the INSURRECTIONISTS (like I’ve witnessed on Fox and “Newsmax”) so does our military and police forces. We can’t possibly have “equal justice under the law” with a bunch of white nationalists encamped in our military or our police. All these people take an OATH to defend the constitution and if that OATH means no more to them than it does to individual 1 they need to be exposed and removed from their jobs – whether it be in the military or the police. Clearly, there were MANY “off duty” members of various Police departments around the country involved in the INSURRECTION with investigations ongoing. For example, did they enter the Capitol Building? If not, what else did they do while this was going on? Did they try to stop anything or anyone? People DIED, bombs were placed outside both the RNC and DNC headquarters – which SHOULD tell republicans something, right?

I’ll end this rant by saying to those who have been supporting er ENABLING individual 1 for the past four years – “You don’t get to have it both ways.” Don’t tell me you’re a “patriot” as you’re trying to overthrow our legitimate government. Those of us who stomached our IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING president for the past four years are NOT the British. The Revolutionary War happened OVER 240 years ago. You DO’N’T get to call yourself a “revolutionary” because more people voted for the person you wanted to LOSE. I have to say, that’s been pretty much normal for me over the past 52 years of my voting life (The voting age was 21 when I voted for the first time). Not once did I feel the need to revolt. Yes, I was “revolted” when someone as ill-suited to be president as individual 1 was “elected” – and even more so when I realized it was the Russians who “took him over the edge” in the election – but, all I did was pay attention, read as many books as I could, and relay the information here – never did I consider an armed attack on our nation’s Capitol.

I’ve listened, today, to one republican member of Congress after another who participated in causing these INSURRECTIONISTS to believe the election was stolen – when they KNEW otherwise, but didn’t have the GUTS to say so – because they’ve lived in FEAR of a mean “tweet” coming from individual 1 – saying, we SHOULDN’T impeach individual 1 because it will create more “division.” Honestly, I think some of them are as STUPID as the people who stormed the Capitol Building. That line of thinking, of course, makes no sense whatsoever. That “division” they’re talking about is the result of the previous four years of their complicity in individual 1’s incompetent administration.

For heaven’s sake, another 4200 Americans DIED today from Covid-19 and the issue of masks continues in the chambers of our nation’s Capitol. The division in this country will subside once many of those who voted to contest the voters of Pennsylvania and Arizona are GONE. The division will subside when ENOUGH of the INSURRECTIONISTS are locked up behind bars with sentences which will prevent them from further attacks on our government for MANY years to come. The division in this country will subside when the outlets like Fox and Newsmax, etc. have been stripped of the corporate funding which has allowed seditious commentary on a regular basis for as long as I can remember. It will end when people like Rush Limbaugh have lost their platform to constantly LIE to their audiences. That’s when it will subside.

The democrats in Congress (and any republicans who wish to join them) have been tasked with following their oath of office, to “Defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.” Individual 1’s SECOND IMPEACHMENT is a first step, we’ll see if democrats have the guts to sanction some of their own Congressional members (Yes Senators Hawley and Cruz and all the others who challenged our “free and fair” elections that means you) after the “smoke” clears from the IMPEACHMENT and we find out if INSURRECTION is a high enough CRIME or MISDEMEANOR for the Senate to CONVICT individual 1 and remove him from office. Seriously, if this is not enough, then, as we said after the first time, when? Stay tuned……………..

Final Thought: If individual 1 is actually CONVICTED by the Senate and they vote to prevent him from ever again holding any public office he will leave office in a way that will almost make him a sad pathetic figure. His “empire” appears to be crumbling as he’s about to “go out the door.” His business is facing a mountain of debt and he’s likely, along with his family, to be considered toxic pretty much outside of Mar a Lago and the right wing chat rooms which somehow manage to survive all of what is coming “down the pike” in the next few months. Whether or not individual 1 faces CRIMINAL charges once he’s out of office – which, I believe will be LESS likely if he’s CONVICTED by the Senate – I believe he’ll be struggling to maintain his business “empire.” There appear, now, to be NO banks which will “touch him” and he’s got approximately, according to reports, $400 MILLION coming due in the next couple of years.

I believe MANY more than myself, now, view him as a “crime boss” and there’s going to be many investigations – involving him and his children – regardless of pardons. I can’t help thinking back to his first year in office when I suggested there would come a day when he would “rue the day he chose to run for president.” I thought that day had arrived long ago – and, I might be right – but, certainly it’s here now. Every thing he has is the result of his ability to CON people or INTIMIDATE people or CHEAT people or ?????? The republicans who “hitched their wagon” to this DEPLORABLE man, essentially, made a “deal with the devil.” The “deal” is coming due!

Once again, I’m publishing without re-reading and editing. I apologize for my laziness. However, I’m already well into the next rant!

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