The republican party and individual 1 have built their power via the propaganda scheme of the Nazi’s of the Third Reich!

On Wednesday January 6th, 2021 as we saw at the nation’s capital individual 1 stoking his “uneducated voters” to storm the Capitol Building we were witnessing what Hillary Clinton referred to as “The basket of deplorables.” She was widely criticized at the time, and I know people who were like, “who me?” People who want the proverbial “cake and eat it to.” They want to support individual 1 and, at the same time say, “What, me a racist?” And, then with an incredulous look on their face have the gall to say, “I’m no racist.” That’s coming across to me similar to individual 1 claiming, “I’m the least racist person you know.” Bull Pucky to all of it!

It’s hard for me to stop thinking about what happened in our nation’s capital on the 6th of January, 2021. This morning I woke up at 4:30 AM and couldn’t go back to sleep. I couldn’t stop thinking of what it would be like to be a person of color in this nation, KNOWING this RACIST mob is still on the loose with plans to “take back their country” continuing – despite the blowback from their attempt to overthrow our government this past week. Reports on the “internet” are that these thugs will be back in D.C. on January 17th with their “muskets,” as one of them was quoted, as he fled the Capitol Building on the sixth.

And, make no mistake what they mean when they say “we’re going to take back our country.” This has been apparent to me since the days following the election of Barack Obama when people like Chuck Norris were talking about all the “cells” of – essentially, White Supremacists – located all across the country who were prepared to “take our country back.” Since that day I’ve seen Mr. Norris connected to right wing political campaigns with candidates who were pushing the same disgusting agenda coming from individual 1 – they just weren’t as obscene as our now IMPEACHED (soon to be for the second time) so-called two time popular vote LOSING president – so the White Supremacists like the “Proud Boys,” the “3%ers,” and all the others latched on to the leader of the Birther movement and, well, here we are.

Here’s what might be the most egregious part in all this. There are a BUNCH of cops who are part of the so-called MAGA movement. There were AT LEAST two cops, for example, from Seattle, Washington who FLEW to Washington DC on their days off to participate in the ransacking of our Nation’s Capitol Building. Hopefully, they’re NOT cops anymore – hopefully, they were FIRED immediately when their superiors discovered they are insurrectionists. Let’s face it, those who chose to join this crowd KNEW ahead of time what was planned. As individual 1 said several times prior to the INSURRECTION was “It’s going to be wild.” I don’t do “Social Media,” but, reports from people who do, have stated the “messages” claiming the INSURRECTION was the goal for WEEKS before January 6th.

I’ve now heard a report there was a secret service agent who was removed from the service in order to accept a position in individual 1’s administration. Now, they’re talking about putting him back in the Secret Service. I would say, NO WAY! Again, it’s time “we the people” say, NO to “having your cake and eating it to.” If this person chose to be part of individual 1’s administration I would NOT trust him to protect Joe Biden. If you didn’t notice, there were several members of the Capitol Police who were, essentially, acting as if they were “buddy buddy” with the INSURRECTIONISTS. Taking “selfies” with them as they were TRESPASSING in the Capitol Building. Possibly, giving them a “map” of the place.

There are a lot of cops who “need to go” in order for people like me to think “we the people” are making the “change we can believe in.” There are TRAITORS now, spread all around the country, because they were allowed to simply walk away from what they did on the 6th of January, 2021 and, sadly, it appears many of them are cops or, worse yet, members of the military. Of course, there are TRAITORS right inside our Congress and those of us out where I live can only speculate on who they are and who the worst of them are.

I’ve found it interesting the editorial boards of the newspapers of the states of both Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are calling on them to resign or be “expelled.” And, I’ve already suggested people like Matt Gaetz – who stood in the House and attempted to blame the uprising on “Antifa” – along with both Jim Jordan and Devin Nunez – who just received individual 1’s “presidential medal of freedom” (Yikes! Kind of like all the pardons) are partially responsible for what happened on the 6th of January, 2021! I’d say, bye bye to the bunch of them.

Honestly, there ultimately becomes a point when these people have to decide whose side they’re on – and, Gaetz already has made it clear where he’s coming from. Some more names off the top of my head, Mo Brooks, bye bye, Louie Gohmert, bye bye, and, of course, there were 138 republicans in all who voted against the ELECTED electors from Pennsylvania. And, this was AFTER the Capitol Building had been breeched and every last one of them had to hunker down to avoid the wrath of the invaders. (Although, I have to wonder if people like Gaetz didn’t want to go out and join in “the fun.”)

I’m so fired up about all this I can’t stop writing, despite the carpal tunnel syndrome in BOTH OF my wrists – soon to be surgically repaired. Likely, I’m making that worse. But, when I listen to some of the republicans rationalizing why they don’t think individual 1 should be IMPEACHED (again!) I just want to gag. What they’re really saying is they’re STILL afraid to stand up for our constitution even in the face of a TRAITOROUS president. There appears to be nothing, for some of them, which can cause them to find their own moral compass – even as they’re accusing individual 1 of not having one.

And, some of them are getting the “treatment” from this VILE group of “deplorables” as they try to have it both ways. Take Senator Lindsey Graham, for example – in my mind one of the MOST deplorable members of the Senate (after Cruz and Hawley). He decided to stand up in the Senate chamber and say, “enough is enough” and claim, essentially, he’s through supporting individual 1. He’s been one of the chief “lap dogs” for the past four years – even though he clearly knew better – so, as he’s leaving town at the airport he got a good dose of “MAGA” harassement Individual 1’s supporters were NOT at all nice to Mr. Graham. (The TV coverage I saw had several “bleeps” in it – if you know what I mean.

Also, I don’t believe individual 1’s “orchestrated” video, designed to save his own ass – which, by the way, won’t in the least bit work – he instigated an INSURRECTION of the nation’s government – ie a coup d’etat. You can’t just say “oops” and then start BLAMING – which is the MO of maybe “the most narcissistic person you’ve ever known.” So, individual 1 BLAMES his followers for their VIOLENCE and says they’re going to have to face accountability. OK, on that, I can agree with him. But, just stop and think for a minute how they will respond to that video. They’re scattered all around the country and the man who urged them to overthrow our government (which would have included, had they succeeded, with LYNCHING Mike Pense) is now saying “naughty, naughty.” This is typical individual 1 and maybe even his cult will be able to understand what a USER he is.

Here’s another “jewel” I heard about today. There’s a photo of what looks like someone in military “garb” walking across the chairs in the House chamber with a bunch of “twist ties” in his left hand. These are the “ties” cops use when they make multiple arrests – securing the VICTIM’S hands behind their backs. Well, what do you think he intended? I’ve heard this guy is an active member of our Military. That needs to end ASAP. I also have to add, I’m “up to here” (hand next to my neck) with all these people who are suggesting democrats shouldn’t IMPEACH individual 1 for a second time because “There’s only 11 days left until he’s gone” and it will just make matters worse. To that, I say “hogwash!”

I’ve been saying this for OVER ten years – this is a WAR for the heart and soul of America. These insurrectionists were allowed to simply walk out of town, there were thousands of them. Just as Kyle Rittenhouse was allowed to walk out of Kenosha, Wisconsin after MURDERING two people and wounding a third – with his long gun wrapped in his arms – and directly past observing police officers. Some people just seem hard headed and don’t “get” what is happening.

As I’ve said, I don’t do “social media” but even I know the right wing militia groups all across this country are planning the “second civil war.” If you don’t understand their motivation you’ve got or had your “head in the sand.” This is ALL about race. These are all white nationalist/supremacist groups – period, full stop. They range from “neo-Nazi” to FULL blown “Nazi” groups. I’ve been saying for years the right wing in America long ago adopted the “Big Lie Theory” of the Third Reich and Joseph Goebbels and they use “social media” to “radicalize” unsuspecting dupes (individual 1’s “uneducated voters”) into joining their carnage. It’s really pretty sad, but it’s also really serious.

Democrats now have control of the government, be it by a “razor” thin margin and it’s imperative this ASSAULT on our nation does NOT go unpunished. Individual 1 should face charges of Sedition, Insurrection, or Treason – me, not being a lawyer, I’m not certain the exact statute. He ALSO should face FELONY charges for his attempts to BULLY election officials in Georgia (and, likely, elsewhere) to change the result of their election results – making online and public comments putting the safety of election officials in jeopardy. That’s for starters.

We also KNOW there were a “plethora” of members of the Proud Boys, the “Oathkeepers,” The so-called “Boogaloo Bois” ransacking the Capitol Building – they SHOULD be held legally accountable to the fullest extent of the law. The head of the Proud Boys didn’t make it to the rally because he was arrested on his arrival to D.C. and charged with crimes from his previous “visit.” He also was carrying two high powered ammo magazines – ILLEGALLY into the nation’s capital – which, by the way, was a violation of his parole from the LAST time he was incarcerated. He should get NO mercy in the prosecution of the FELONY charges he now faces.

Backing off from IMPEACHMENT by the democrats would solve nothing other than to further the impression by so many they are impotent and gutless. It will be the republicans on the “spot” after the IMPEACHMENT because, of course, they’ll let the “clock” run out so that individual 1 will think he’s going to, once again. avoid accountability. I’m saying it again, that would be an EGREGIOUS mistake. And, backing off because “we the people” are afraid of these right wing mobs is the OPPOSITE of how they should be treated. They’re a bunch of BULLIES who’ve had enough money to buy the military style automatic weapons which SHOULD have been BANNED years ago. The FEAR of America’s right wing has led to this precarious point in time and it’s time to draw clear lines.

And, yes, it is becoming more apparent our police departments are going to need a good “refresher” (for lack of a better word – I’m an old man). These members who support individual 1’s fascism should NOT be part of our police forces. It really is time for people to decide who’s side they’re on. Personally, I’m perfectly fine with “conservatives.” I believe it’s important for the republican part to be a viable representation of “conservative” values. But, it’s my belief the present makeup of that party knows NOTHING more about “conservatism” than maybe how to spell it. I think back to my days in college studying Edmund Burke, by many recognized as “The Father of Conservatism” and these people ransacking the Capitol Building or the 138 members of the republican House of Representatives plus the Eight members of the Senate who voted to overturn the “will of the people” after the INSURRECTION, to me, are NOT “conservatives.”

They are radical extremists. Some of the words coming from their mouths are simply “poppycock” – utter nonsense. I’ll harken back to Florida’s Mr. Gaetz having the nerve to stand in the House chamber after this invasion of the Capitol Building and place the blame on, yep, you guessed it, “Antifa.” These people are NUTS and apparently their supporters are as well, because it appears a bunch of them believe this nonsense. Of course, if you tune into Fox “news” you’re likely to see the same nonsense – STILL! I can’t stomach Fox so I’ll admit I’m speculating, but I cant imagine, for example, Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson admitting they were wrong or admitting their “base” just attempted a coup d’etat! NUTS I’m telling you!

And, of course, there was well OVER 100 of them in Congress spewing similar Bull S@#t! Late in the evening, during the ASSAULT on the votes of Pennsylvania, Connor Lamb, a representative of a district close to Pittsburgh called them out as LIARS – and, of course, they are LIARS – but, apparently, several of them took offense at someone using such a direct (and TRUE) TERM in describing them. From the accounts I read, some moved as if they were going to physically confront Mr. Lamb – until of course, they recognized there are former football players and members of the military who served in Iraq on the democratic “side of the isle.” Speaker Pelosi had to expel at least one of the republicans from the chamber. “We the people” should expel these people from Congress, but they’ve managed to create “gerrymandered” districts which makes it much more difficult. (And, of course, that says little for their voters, unfortunately)

To me, ALL Americans should take note, should take OFFENSE at what happened on January 6th, 2021 at our nation’s Capitol Building. It really says it all about individual 1. The great “success” of his term in office – is that he’s galvanized the wide ranging groups of white nationalist/supremacist groups which have infected our country. As I’ve said, these people are fascists and the despise “democracy.” Of course, America is a “democratic republic” which was built on the idea of the principle of “checks and balances.” Those of us who believe in our constitution will ultimately prevail in this INSURRECTION, but, trust me, it’s far from over. That’s exactly why those who are saying “don’t IMPEACH” individual 1 because it will just further inflame his “base.” From what I’ve read, it’s already “inflamed” into a burning fire and it needs to be “put out.” I’ll end this rant by reiterating – The republican party and individual 1 have built their power via the propaganda scheme of the Nazi’s of the Third Reich! Our main stream media should educate the American public on the “Big Lie Theory!”

Final Thought: Individual 1, undoubtedly, will be attempting to pardon his children and himself as he leaves town with his “tail between his legs.” (Apparently, this is the way republicans leave the “White House” – if you remember Bush/Cheney, well, they left a “mess” it just pales compared to this one) Individual 1 Junior has been busy attempting to instigate the “uneducated voters” of his father’s base as well. As I’m writing this Junior is sitting on the legal edge as well as his father. If you’ve noticed, we haven’t seen much of Jared Kushner or Ivanka of late – well, if you saw the mass of anti Semite apparel – much of it beyond disgusting – you might have a hint of why they’ve been (I don’t know for sure, but maybe “out of the country) because Kushner is practicing Jew – who, by the way, because of his association with individual 1 is, well, not that popular with many Jewish groups around the country – but, I digress.

I have no idea why, for example, Kushner and his wife would need pardons, but individual 1 junior, in my view, is really going to need one. From what I’ve seen he, along with, of course, Rudy Giuliani was working to inflame the INSURRECTIONISTS and, just as his father, he (and Giuliani) egged them on to attack our Capitol Building and then retreated to a room in the “White House” to watch the events unfold on TV. I did see video which seemed to suggest both father and son, among others in the “White House” were enjoying what they were seeing. I really did find it interesting it took over an hour to get authorization for he National Guard to be called in – on orders of Mike Pense. That’s another part of this which should be interesting once the “smoke clears” in a few days. Stay tuned…………………

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