Individual 1 might be seeking a “herd immunity,” but his base truly has a “herd mentality!”

It finally dawned on me, “herd mentality” is what is necessary for someone to be a supporter of individual 1. When I first heard those words coming from the mouth of our IMPEACHED so-called president I thought; “He means ‘herd immunity’.” And, I wrote a bit about “gaffes” and how individual 1 commits “gaffes” ALL the time and nobody seems to notice – then, if Joe Biden commits ONE “gaffe” our “liberal media” falls all over itself perpetuating the garbage individual 1’s campaign wants us to believe about Biden. Well, after giving it more thought, I came to the conclusion maybe this was a CULT “dog whistle” to his “base” about the mentality necessary to be part of that base. That must be why I’m so OPPOSED to that “base.”

And, the amount of “stuff” I could write about as I’m trying to do my small part to make sure America is liberated from this IMPEACHED so-called president seems never-ending. However, today my thoughts seem to be “tilting” toward the reality we’ve been enduring; an ATTACK on our nation coming from Vladimir Putin for several years now and individual 1’s seeming admiration of Putin as opposed to doing something about it. In fact, and keep in mind I’ve read everything I can get my hands on which would inform me in this regard – including Mueller’s report TWICE, I believe individual 1 and his closest supporters ABSOLUTELY have been “colluding” with the Russians. I read a book by a young man who was a key part of Cambridge Analytica (I loaned the book out and can’t remember the name), with Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner, right in the middle of their “work,” and he exposed the “connection” between individual 1’s campaign and Russia.

Cambridge Analytica “siphoned” data from tens of MILLIONS of Americans and then grouped it into “neighborhoods” so they could target their MISINFORMATION to unsuspecting Facebook users who would believe what they were spewing was true. In addition, I believe they “coached” the Russians – I’m not sure if that’s the correct term – they shared the information with the Russians so the Russian MISINFORMATION could be “professionally” targeted. The purpose of the Russians was to create chaos among America’s voting public, cause as many Americans as possible to be turned off to politics trying to encourage democrats NOT to vote, and to contribute to what I’m now referring to as the “herd mentality” which seems to be a requirement to be part of individual 1’s CULT!

Cambridge Analytica is gone because, apparently, their misdeeds were discovered by authorities in London, but the data which was collected from Facebook went with those involved in individual 1’s campaign AND the Russians. While I don’t know for sure, but I’m speculating the Russian interference this time, 2020, is much more sophisticated than it was in 2016 and their objective is the same – and that is to spew chaos in America (Ideally, of course, by keeping individual 1 as their “useful idiot”). Look at what they’ve gained in the previous four years. Putin has been “laughing all the way to the bank.” And, I mean that literally. While Putin doesn’t appear on Forbes list of the wealthiest people in the world I believe most people in the know consider him #1. In Michael Cohen’s book Mr. Cohen speculated Putin is worth over a TRILLION dollars. He’s the “don” of the largest organized crime network in the world and all the Russian Oligarchs who are spending their ill gotten gains (which they’re acquiring by ripping off the Russian people and THEIR natural resources) in America are paying a percentage of EVERYTHING to Putin.

And, much of what these Oligarchs have spent has been spent purchasing real estate from individual 1’s organization. The Russians have bailed individual 1 out of economic disasters in the past and it’s strange to me it’s not more of a topic with out “liberal media.” In fact, simply the FACT individual 1 has gone BANKRUPT six times and stiffed so many banks and contractors he can’t get financing for projects from American banks should, in my view, by a key part of the dialogue as we approach the November election. He was forced to go to Deutsche Bank to get money and depended on a person inside Deutsche Bank to push through loans despite the bank KNOWING the possibility they were going to get stiffed – which could still happen because by the time individual 1 is out of office his name is going to be “bad news” pretty much everywhere he’s got his name on properties – was extremely high.

And, his legal issues, in my view, very well could be driving the intensity of his campaign. The CHEATING will be beyond the ability of MOST Americans to understand because it’s NEVER been an issue like this in the past. Yes, republicans have a history of CHEATING and they’ve lived by “the end justifies the means” philosophy for as long as I can remember. But, individual 1 is simply “over the top,” which is why you’re now seeing so many “republicans against individual 1” Super PACS putting out damning ads as November draws nearer. I was listening to Michael Steele, an African American republican who was the head of the republican party during the first years of President Obama’s administration and, I might add, a republican who comes across to me as “sensible.” (although, I struggle to understand how any person of color could consider themselves a republican in today’s environment – a story for another day) Something I noticed while Steele was speaking was, on the wall of his office was hanging a framed caption from one of Ronald Reagan’s speeches. My point is, many of the disenchanted republicans have ties that go directly back to Reagan.

Now, don’t get me wrong. To me, Reagan is where ALL this republican disaster began with the so-called “conservative” movement – which, to me, was anything but conservative. I studied political science in college and always considered myself a “conservative socialist” – meaning I have very strong conservative fiscal tendencies along with very liberal social tendencies. I always think back to Edmond Burke who is considered by MOST educators as the “father of conservatism.” (No, it’s NOT William F Buckley!) I, personally, don’t see the connection between Burke’s view of conservatism (and, I have to admit to being very old and having a foggy, at best, memory) and today’s republican party. I was struggling to see the connection prior to individual 1 and since 2016, well, there is no connection. Based on my memory (foggy as it is) demagoguery is antithetical to Burke’s beliefs. He believed in tradition and a gradual change in society – as I remember it. I’m not sure if my belief that controlling the national debt is important comes from him – but, I’ve always considered that “conservative.”

Of course, I’m also a “student” of Paul Krugman regarding economics (literally), and it’s times like we’re going through right now when it’s appropriate for the government to spend beyond its means to fight off a depression – which is exactly what the Fed has been doing in reference to Wall Street and Congress WAS doing with the “CARES Act” in the first couple months of the Covid-19 crisis. Failing to follow through with another stimulus package – the so-called “HEROES Act” or some scaled down version of it – could be a major blunder of the republican led Senate. Should Biden WIN in November and Mitch McConnell remain focused on judges and NOT the American people, individual 1 could be handing off an economy in 2021 which will make what Obama/Biden inherited from Bush/Cheney seem like wonderful times. This is why it is so IMPERATIVE the American people vote out enough republicans from the Senate to give the democrats control. The situation could be exponentially more drastic than it is right now!

As I was reading Cohen’s book (I’ve finally finished it) I couldn’t help but to continue wondering why individual 1’s “base” continues to stick with him while he’s leading the country down such a dark path. That’s when the thought came to mind his base has a “herd mentality.” Just like Rush Limbaugh calls his audience “ditto heads” I couldn’t help but think individual 1’s “base” is made up of “uneducated voters” to a large extent. Yes, I know some “educated voters” who support him, but with the rare one you can actually have a civil conversation with the response, when I ask, “why do you support this guy,” is almost always a one word answer, “judges.”

For example, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died yesterday and, by last night, I was receiving texts from people I know who support individual 1 coming across as if celebrating. And, of course, the expectation is that McConnell’s “rule” which was in place when Antonin Scalia died back in 2016 will be, to McConnell and individual 1’s base, a “forgotten memory.” I’m not sure if McConnell fully understands what it will do to the division in our country if he CRAMS through another Supreme Court Justice while violating his OWN “rule” or whether he gives a damn. Kentuckians will likely vote him back in this year (sadly – I put him at #3 in Keith Olberman’s “The Worst Person in the World” category – right behind individual 1 and, of course, William Barr) but, hopefully, he’ll be the MINORITY leader of the Senate going forward (It would be awesome if Kentuckians would vote him out of office, but that looks remote at this point in time). To me, Biden “knocking off individual 1” is “priority #1,” but democrats taking back control of the Senate is a close second.

I know Biden thinks he can work with republicans to get things done, but I consider that thinking on the same naivete level which always frustrated me with President Obama. It’s true the president is the president of ALL Americans and SHOULD seek bipartisanship, but we’re watching in “real time” how republicans consider “POWER” in these United States and bipartisanship is a foreign word to them. They want ALL the POWER and they have been using their grip on power, since the days of Reagan – when they have it, to funnel America’s wealth UPWARD (“trickle up”) to the point where the income disparity in America has become enormous. When you compare the DATA regarding the Middle Class portion of America’s wealth prior to Reagan with what it is today you can see what republicans have been doing to this country. We’re teetering on a “third world” reality and, sadly, I believe that is the intent of the republican party. When they’re the “haves” screw the “have nots.”

And, how do you get 35% to 40% of the population to be “locked in” supporters of policies which actually go against the self interests of the people supporting the policy? It’s been a very sophisticated BRAINWASHING scheme which began during the Reagan years and has been based on the Nazi propaganda chief’s “Big Lie Theory.” (Joseph Goebbels – look it up – and, technically the scheme started with Hitler himself, ” a big lie (German: Große Lüge) is a propaganda technique. The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” ) If you repeat the LIE often enough people will believe it’s true.

To me, this all started with Limbaugh in the mid to late 80’s. I actually listened at times back then and once I started “fact checking” stuff Limbaugh was spewing I realized what was actually happening. And, I started noticing ALL the republican pundits were repeating the same LIES and using the SAME key “talking points” – meaning using the same key terms. I also realized, it was working! And, then along came Fox “news” and I actually watched that a bit in the early days when they had “Hannity and Combs” – the so-called “Fair and Balanced” BS! Of course, it was NEVER fair and it was NEVER “balanced.” Fox’s propaganda has been extremely sophisticated and when they are finally FULLY “outed” I believe they’ll find themselves right next to individual 1, William Barr, and Mitch McConnell in the history books’ section previously dominated by Benedict Arnold.

So, we’re about to see a prime example of what I believe I will now refer to as “herd mentality.” That is, the “base” of the republican party are unable to think critically for themselves. In direct opposition to Mitch McConnell BLOCKING even a vote on Merrick Garland (a very moderate judge, by the way) back in 2016 for NINE months he’s going to CRAM through a right wing replacement (likely a female) for RBG in less than 40 days – if he possibly can. And, MOST of the “base” will just go along with it DESPITE the incredible hypocrisy – even by D.C. standards – AND, the likelihood it will increase the DIVIDE in America almost beyond my imagination. I’m actually fearing for this nation over the next few years – because, win or lose in November, the republican base is full of former George Wallace supporters who now feel empowered by individual 1 who they view as their “fuhrer.” (and, I’m NOT being hyperbolic – check back in a year or two and, I believe you’ll understand what I’m saying)

Final Thought: I’ll give an example of the supporters of our IMPEACHED so-called president’s followers and their “herd mentality. I live on a couple acres and recently (in the last week) had to purchase a new garden tractor. It’s too large for my small pickup truck so I asked a friend of mine from church – a person I truly love along with his family – I taught a couple of his kids in Sunday School many years ago – if he could use his trailer to haul it home from Portland, Oregon for me. (And, by the way, the air was good and there were NO protests where we were) He supports individual 1 (calls him by his surname, of course) and we did hardly any “politics” on the trip. We know where each other’s beliefs are and we’re OK with that.

However, I can’t help but ask a question or two every time we’re together and, today, he said he’s not interested in personal characteristics, only policies when he decides who he supports. Of course, the reality is he supports republicans with little to no thought because, well, that’s just where his family is – conservative Christians and, I’m sure, it’s been that way for generations. Of course, he watches Fox “news” – I made him admit to that sin – which just helps him rationalize supporting stuff he KNOWS is wrong. I could list ALL the DAMAGE individual 1 is doing to the nation, but RBG’s passing puts it all in a nutshell. As I said earlier, the idea of having a 6 – 3 majority on the court causes him to believe Roe is now doomed – and, for people like him there’s nothing more important to them than overturning Roe v Wade.

At some point, as I’ve said before, I will write an entire piece on my views of abortion and why I’ve evolved to understanding the importance of supporting a “woman’s right to choose” – even though I would never be able to support an abortion if it was an issue for my family – except in the event of the health of the mother (in this instance my wife, daughter, etc.). When I think about this subject I’m always reminded of someone who once said in my presence if you’re opposed to abortion, don’t get one. Of course, the issue is way more COMPLICATED than that, but to my friend and many other Christians it’s absolutely NOT complicated. Again, I’ll write more on another day, but this “herd mentality” – and if you read “Crazy for God” by Frank Shaeffer, who with his Dad Francis, started the “pro life” movement – you get a better understanding of how republicans hijacked the abortion issue as a way to gain this “base” who are like, well, Limbaugh’s “ditto heads.” ie “herd mentality.”

As I’ve said, I love my friend and his entire family, but I told him today there will become a time where he will be like Peter in the Bible who “denied Christ three times” in regard to individual 1. He doesn’t understand what he’s supporting – ie what the ultimate outcome will be should individual 1 gain a second term via his and millions of other Americans with this “herd mentality.” It grieves my heart that America could have devolved to this place and my prayer is “we the people” rise up and VOTE in 2020 like our lives depend on it – because I believe they do – at least in any form which would be recognizable to those of us “conservatives” who believe in the tradition of America’s institutions. Stay tuned……………

As I often do, my apologies for any foopahs because it’s late and I’m too lazy to re-read this and edit it. Sad :o)

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