Picture individual 1’s incompetent response to Covid-19 and then imagine his response to the GREATER Crisis – Climate Change! Then, please VOTE!

I live in the state of Washington and we aren’t supposed to go outside because the air is so bad from ALL the fires which are burning out of control along the West Coast of the United States. If this doesn’t get the attention of people who are part of the “climate deniers” I don’t know what will. We MUST vote individual 1 out of office and, then, we MUST demand ACTION from the Biden/Harris administration to drastically address the reality those who are still clinging to the fossil fuel industry as our bedrock of the economy need to be put in the history books with those who’ve been enabling individual 1. Tonight, I was watching a program on MSNBC where video of William Barr and a group of individual 1 sycophants were marching shoulder to shoulder along the front of the “White House” and all I could think was we have to SHAME these people who are willing to do “whatever” in return for MONEY and POWER. This is NOT patriotic, what they’re willing to do.

In my mind, William Barr may be every bit as BAD as individual 1, himself, as he seems like the epitome of a “hanger on” who’s willing to TOTALLY trash any reputation he had before kissing butt into the administration of our IMPEACHED so-called president. Chuck Rosenberg, who I respect and who was a longtime member of the Justice Department and the FBI, originally spoke of Barr as if he was an “institutionalist” and, now, is explaining his DISGUST toward Barr and I’ve heard Rosenberg admit several times, “I was totally wrong.” Barr undermined the Mueller report, he has worked to overturn the convictions of Roger Stone and Michael Flynn, he was allegedly involved in individual 1’s EXTORTION of Ukraine, and he’s been traveling the world with John Durham, the US Attorney for Connecticut who may be willing to shame himself into the same place in the history books as Barr, in an attempt to create some kind of “October Surprise” designed to swing the election in the direction of our IMPEACHED so-called president.

In my mind, there is virtually NOTHING they can do to change the minds of those who are planning to vote – in MASSIVE numbers AGAINST individual 1, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be trying. These right wing thugs won’t stop until “we the people” force them into the shadows where they will be ashamed to show their faces in public due to the young people of America who KNOW the Climate issue is MORE significant than even Covid-19 and who KNOW it’s the republicans who’ve been BLOCKING any progress against Climate Change for years now. Along with individual 1 republicans are still backing the COAL industry and attempting to BLOCK gains in industries like those focused on renewable resources – ie EV vehicles, solar power, wind power, geothermal power, etc. – in an attempt to keep the fossil fuel industries strong.

Washington state, historically, is not a place where you’d expect to find tinder dry places where uncontrollable wild fires would be something other than a rare occurrence – well, apparently, no more. There have been a couple small towns completely destroyed during the fires of this year. The air where I live – right across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon (the city which is NOT being torn apart by protests) – is an orange – ish color due to the HUGE amount of smoke in the air. There are fires raging out of control up and down the West Coast with about one TENTH of ALL the people in the state of Oregon being evacuated from their homes – hoping to have a home when they return. I have a friend from High School who now lives just North of Eugene, Oregon along the McKenzie River, who I talked to and he said “I’m fairly confident I’ll have a home to return to once this all is over.”

The place where my wife and I got married, near Silver Falls State Park a few miles East of Oregon’s capital of Salem has been evacuated and there are fires raging on three sides of their property – it’s a retreat center and they have over 40 acres and numerous buildings which are, presently, at the mercy of the wind. They would say it’s at the mercy of God – it’s a Christian retreat center – and, I have to say, I’ve been praying for them for several days now. Last night the wind changed and just maybe saved their property. Stay tuned…. If there’s a place in America where the focus is TOTALLY Jesus it would be there – and, it appears God heard their prayers!

If you check out “Airnow.gov” you can see an interactive map which clearly shows the gravity of what is happening on the West Coast of this great nation. As I mentioned above, you wouldn’t expect this type of catastrophe in Oregon and Washington, two places known for “never ending” rain. Well, BOTH states are dry as a “bone” and we’re seeing the results of a terrible electric storm, a high wind storm, and, sadly, from what I’ve read, a few people who are willing to set fires on purpose for, as yet, unknown reasons. My sisters live in California and I was talking to one of them the other day and she said there have been a couple fires in California which are considered “man made” as well, which is really disgusting if that’s true. Massive amounts of property is being destroyed and numerous people, so far, have perished. This is REALLY bad!

And, think about this for a second or two. These fires along with the incredible temperatures, the hurricanes, the melting of the polar ice caps, and on and on – if this doesn’t get your attention I’m guessing you’re either brain dead or you watch Fox “news” – which would be two things that go hand in hand. Just picture the HORRIBLE, deplorable, pathetic, disastrous, incompetent or however you wish to characterize individual 1’s FAILED response to Covid-19 and picture that incompetence as we go forward in dealing with the Climate Crisis. And, it should be obvious, the Climate Crisis is here and it’s very REAL! I’ve been saying for months I believe young Americans are going to VOTE this year with the realism their futures depend on removing individual 1 from the “White House” so they have the opportunity to LOBBY democrats in Washington to embrace the “Green New Deal.”

Democrats, including Joe Biden – remember he’s really too old, we’re voting for him because we want to get individual 1 gone – must embrace a progressive agenda in dealing with the Climate Issue, the issue of Health Care, the issue of the national debt, and on and on. It’s time for America to find her “footing” in the values which made her Middle Class the envy of the world following WW II. The disasters which are happening “across the board” are ALL happening on individual 1’s “watch” as he fear mongers what it “would be like under a Biden administration.” I say, “How could things be any worse than they are right now?” I guess the ONLY way for individual 1 to campaign is to focus on fear mongering! Below I’ve given a “snapshot” of some of the vitriol he’s spewing in his campaign rallies. I hope Americans are not stupid enough to fall for his shtick! It’s time to create a “balance” in America between those at the “top” and those at the “bottom.”

As the campaign unfolds it will be interesting if our so-called “liberal media” spends much time covering Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. I still remember in 2016 every place I tried to “watch” had their focus on individual 1. He got MILLIONS of free advertising – even from places like MSNBC. I felt at the time they were trying to make sure the election was competitive so they could make MORE money! Could that happen again? I can almost guarantee it! This is America and, “It’s all about the money.” This should be obvious to anyone paying attention. Already, virtually EVERY bit of “news” coverage in aimed at individual 1 – just the way he likes it. Today, I logged on to watch “Deadline Whitehouse” on MSNBC and, sure enough, in the hour I watched there was about 30 seconds listening to a Biden speech and the REST of the hour was focused on individual 1. Even though “Deadline Whitehouse” isn’t complimentary of our IMPEACHED so-called president, Nicole Wallace, the moderator, doesn’t seem to understand individual 1 wants to be the center of attention – no matter what! It makes it appear Biden is in the periphery, and we NEVER hear extended speeches showing what he’s FOR.

Final Thought: OK, I forced myself to listen to part of one of individual 1’s “stump speeches” so that, hopefully, you don’t have to. So, here’s some of what he’s saying, “Biden wants to surrender our country to the violent left wing mob,” “rioters, arsonists, anarchists, and flag burners,” “he wants to flood your state with refugees from terrorist hotspots around the world,” “the ‘left’ wants to get rid of me (individual 1) so they can come after you,” “they want to confiscate your guns,” “shut down auto production,” (he was in Ohio) “they want to delay the vaccine,” (which he wants out before the election, safe or not) “they want to destroy your suburbs and indoctrinate your children,” “you will have crime like you’ve never seen before,” (he didn’t say “even worse than it is right now under MY watch” – just sayin…) “no city, town, or suburb will be safe,” this all coming from the IMPEACHED so-called president who’s been LYING to the American people since February about Covid-19 because he wanted to keep “we the people” “calm.”

And, oh by the way, the unrest in America’s “streets” is happening under HIS WATCH. All I could think of when I was listening to this GARBAGE was “George Wallace, apparently, was a moderate.” The epitome of irony, to me, was demonstrated by the head of the republican party was claiming, in defense of individual 1’s remarks to Bob Woodward where he admitted LYING to the American people about the Coronavirus to keep “we the people” “calm,” in her words. She pointed out the importance of the “Commander in Chief” keeping the American people calm and not creating circumstances where there’s “fear.” Of course, I thought to myself, did she listen to his stump speech I referenced above? Neither he nor the republican party can run away from the FACT his message is one of fear. The two messages don’t comport.

When you’re trying to understand why people like me call individual 1 a RACIST I would suggest you revisit your own beliefs. This is DOG WHISTLE racism at it’s absolute maximum. Of course, this is nothing NEW in the republican party, it’s just getting more intense and, hopefully, just as it’s time to reject the republican assault on America’s taxpayers with their “trickle down” (trickle up, from my view) economic “plan” where they’ve been stealing TRILLIONS from America’s taxpayers for over 40 years, it’s time for this covert dog whistle RACISM to be rejected by “we the people.” If you’ve studied Richard Nixon at all you know about the so-called “Southern Strategy” where republicans have taken advantage of the racial animus of White Southerners which proceeded Ronald Reagan starting his campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi, the place where three WHITE Civil Rights activists were MURDERED back in the 1960’s. Reagan’s “dog whistle” was a bit more subtle than individual 1’s these days, but, the bottom line is republicans have been soliciting their support from White Supremacists since the days of LBJ and the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.

I was encouraged to see ALL the White men and women marching with the protesters to the LYNCHING of George Floyd. Of course, individual 1 is doubling down on his approach where he seems to believe there are enough White Americans who are either racist themselves or insensitive to his racist memes to produce another “win” in 2020 with what appears will be an even GREATER deficit in the “popular vote.” Clearly individual 1 is working hard to create another Electoral College disaster for the bulk of the American people. I would expect Joe Biden to be able to turn our IMPEACHED so-called president’s own words back in his face during the debates. Individual 1 supposedly wanted a fourth debate – where I believe, after the first one, he’ll wish there were no debates. His “base” hasn’t heard many of the vile comments our IMPEACHED so-called president has made and, hopefully, Biden will make sure that issue is “resolved” in the debates.

One more thing: I’m sure I’ll elaborate later, but I’ve been saying for almost a year now “we the people” can expect the “kitchen sink” coming from individual 1 the closer we get to November 3rd, especially if he’s TRAILING Biden, which he is. He KNOWS his base is full of “uneducated voters” and he’s priming them for what he says will be a “rigged election” if he loses. If you remember, he did this back in 2016 when he refused to say whether he would accept the results of the election. He’s doing the same thing now, only worse – telling his rallies, “The ONLY way I can lose in November is if the election is rigged.” Of course, he’s teetering between 7 and 10 points behind Biden nationally and he’s behind in virtually ALL of the swing states and maybe a couple which will be surprises. Some of his supporters are encouraging the “base” to buy ammunition in preparation for all the “liberals who are going to be in the streets with their weapons if individual 1 is re-elected.” Yikes!!! Stay tuned!!!

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