Individual 1 LIES, he CHEATS, and disparages our fallen heroes. Why is his “base” made up largely of “Christians?”

Apparently, individual 1 has adopted the theme, “desperate times calls for desperate measures.” I long ago pointed out he was going to “throw the kitchen sink” at Joe Biden during the ensuing campaign – and, that’s exactly what is happening. But his reckless lawlessness is heating up, if that’s possible, as he’s ordering various agencies to manipulate government data in a “desperate” attempt to make himself look better by November 3rd. (Hopefully, MOST progressives will have already VOTED by then) For example, just a few weeks ago I read where he had ordered several Covid-19 testing programs (?) to be shut down. Sure enough, shortly after, I read that the number of new cases of the disease “dropped” to “only” 40,000+ cases per day from 60 – 70,000 cases per day.

However, the number of deaths continues to surpass an average of 1,000 American lives lost to this pandemic EVERY day – and, that’s with some of the right wing governors, as I’ve pointed out prior, to be “cheating” on the cause of death. A few weeks ago I heard Anthony Fauci estimate the total number of deaths caused by Covid-19 to be approximately 50,000 higher than the CDC statistics. And, to me, that made perfect sense because not only are some of the governors CHEATING but, at that time just as in New York back in March and April, people in Texas were DYING in their homes from Covid during July and August because the hospitals were beyond capacity and they couldn’t get treated. In the early part of this pandemic, in New York, paramedics were finding approximately 200 people PER WEEK who had died in their homes – presumably from Covid-19. In Texas, Florida, Arizona and other states where hospitals were beyond capacity (and, may still be) who knows how many are dying in their homes?

So, we have an IMPEACHED so-called president who’s willing to CHEAT on the testing (which, of course, simply leads to the disease spreading more rapidly) and, now, it’s been reported the Labor department has changed the way they report the unemployment “numbers” in a futile attempt to keep the numbers “lower.” To no one’s surprise, sooner or later “we the people” are going to have to deal with the reality of this situation. There are tens of MILLIONS Americans who are out of work and there’s no practical place for them to find work. We are in a serious economic downturn no matter how Jerome Powell is able to keep “pumping” up Wall Street. Sooner or later “the bill becomes due” and individual 1 is hoping he can keep the “bill collector” at bay until after November’s election. When Wall Street finally “crashes” it could be a “sound” heard around the world. (That means, it could be really bad! And, by the way, people who CHEAT at golf………..)

You see, it matters not to him what LONG TERM damage he’s doing to this nation, this nation’s economy, and this nation’s reputation around the world – he’s able to see only a few inches in front of his face – every decision he makes is for that moment with NO concern about the future. I still remember, gagging as I do so, Alan Dershowitz, during the IMPEACHMENT trial, suggesting individual 1’s ILLEGAL extortion attempt to the president of Ukraine was not a “high crime or misdemeanor” because if “the president feels his actions are in the best interest of the country he can do just about anything” – well, I paraphrased his words a bit because I’m too lazy to look them up. But, the “gist” of what he was saying was that if the president feels his re-election is “in the interest of the country” then just about anything he does is “legal.” Yikes!!!

How could you watch that and not think back to Dershowitz, in the OJ Simpson trial, arguing about whether or not the “glove fits” and suggesting that was enough to exonerate Simpson from the “alleged” double murder. Criminals always believe the laws are meant for someone else and, usually, even after being “caught” they claim innocence. Individual 1 has a history of criminal behavior and associations with mobsters – whether organized crime “families” in New York to the Russian Mafiya – and who knows what in between. Both the Russians and the Saudi’s have bailed individual 1 out of financial ruin over the years and it’s now a family affair. (Individual 1 has relied on the lowest of the low attorneys over the years going from Roy Cohn to William Barr with Dershowitz in between.)

Yes, in regard to the family, I’m referring to Jared Kushner. His dilemma with his property at “666” fifth avenue (do you think he purchased the property based on the address? – if you’re not a Christian you likely don’t know the significance of that number) was resolved after a couple of years (while “working” in the “White House”) of “hitting up” Chinese investors, Qatari investors, and likely Saudi investors. Kushner proves the old adage, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” I’m guessing Kushner’s activities may be part of the investigations which ensue should individual 1 no longer be protected by the OLC memo come January 20, 2021. Do you think, for example, the leaders of these other countries expect something in return for the MILLIONS they’ve “invested” in our IMPEACHED so-called president (and his offspring and their spouses).

I keep talking about the DAMAGE individual 1 is doing to this nation (he’s now encouraging people to vote twice – which, aside from being ILLEGAL, is mind boggling to me – he’s incapable of stopping) and there seems to be a never ending stream of one CORRUPT action after another – it’s almost impossible to keep up. Of course, with William Barr as the Attorney General individual 1 is free to do whatever he pleases. However, “we the people,” I believe, understand his FAILURE to address the Coronavirus pandemic, right from the start, is causing DAMAGE which will be lasting and virtually IMPOSSIBLE to quantify. There are tens of thousands of Americans who SHOULD be alive as I’m writing this and that number is going to increase to levels we can only speculate. And people dying is terrible but, on top of that, just think what is happening to our children.

MOST school children are now being forced to go to school digitally. I’m a former sixth grade teacher and I can tell you with confidence, this is REALLY bad! With the students I worked with, and I was in a high poverty school with over 90% of our students on the “free and reduced” lunch program designed for students in poverty, I learned early in my career the importance of “relationship” in getting students who saw no value in school to learn to apply themselves to the importance of learning. I loved teaching and loved my students and I am struggling to think what it would have been like to start a school year using “zoom” or some other digital program.

And, I had MANY students who had no access to the internet and/or situations in their homes which was not conducive to online learning. For example, I had many students who had a single parent and were living in apartments where there were as many as 7 or 8 people sharing a two bedroom home. And, of those numbers many were students who would ALL need to be learning digitally right now. I believe dangerously high numbers of students will NOT be doing “digital learning” and this could lead to the WORST DAMAGE we’ll be associating with the individual 1 administration. (Now, our IMPEACHED so-called president is using the term “herd immunity” – which would make this all EXPONENTIALLY worse)

Individual 1 has somewhat succeeded in taking the Covid-19 DISASTER off the front pages with his continuation of one scandalous action after another. Of course, he’s been doing this since the day he took the oath of office but, no matter what happens on November 3rd, our IMPEACHED so-called president’s FAILURES in fighting this virus is going to leave DAMAGE which will be lasting well beyond his time in office, no matter when that ends, which makes me think of the scar on my knee from the surgery when it was replaced. (It’s a very large scar) Should “we the people” come to our senses and vote individual 1 and enough of his republican sycophants in the Senate into the history books there’s a chance this virus could be under control by the middle of 2021. The reality is “we the people” are “behind the eight ball” in dealing with this virus and it won’t be easy to get it under control. Joe Biden will need a Congress which is agreeable in order to fight this virus.

What that means is that many of America’s school age children could LOSE a full year of their education which is DAMAGE which is just staggering to me. I think of high school age kids who are part of the “at risk” students I used to work with and I don’t believe MANY of them will be sitting in front of a computer screen for 5 – 6 hours per day. The end result will be an incredible number of high school students “dropping out.” Honestly, it grieves me to be writing this and it’s a big part of the reason I am so focused on doing whatever I can to make sure individual 1 LOSES the election in November. It actually grieves my heart that so many Americans have chosen to continue supporting him.

America is at a tipping point and November 3rd – and the days and weeks which follow – will determine whether we continue into the “abyss” or if we attempt to pull ourselves out of the mire individual 1 has dragged us into. He’s nothing more than a wannabee mob boss and he’s inflicted his anger and rage on “we the people” as he tries to put himself onto the world stage next to his idol Vladimir Putin. I started this post a few days ago and, I guess, I’m just getting tired of watching this thug as our IMPEACHED so-called president and, then, listening to American citizens who support him come across as blind loyalists which you’d see in a cult.

Final Thought: After I had actually written this piece before the article in “The Atlantic” which quotes individual 1 as calling American troops who died during WW I as “suckers” and those who are captured as “losers” while he suggested Americans who served in Viet Nam, which he avoided with his FIVE deferments, as “stupid.” In fact, he’s referred to his own voters as “uneducated” and “stupid” and reports suggest he derides “Christians” in private as also being, well, stupid. Obviously, he attacks virtually everything which moves eventually calling everyone who gets near him names because, with the exception of republicans in Congress and William Barr, others are beginning to tell the truth.

Even individual 1’s response to the article in “The Atlantic” has been disgusting as he attacked our military leadership while “denying” these reports. No one, other than the cult members, believe a word he says – for heavens sake, he’s LIED over 20,000 times since the day he took office. LYING which seems to go unnoticed by the so-called “Christians” who make up his base. I’ve written I’m reading a book about the history of White Nationalism in the Christian church which leads me to better understand why these “Christians” are supporting him. A sad reminder of Germany in the 1930’s!

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